Local Notes. Mr. Harry Ik Everett has accepted a position with the Model Pharmacy. Attorney T. J. Dunn spent Tuesday in Buckingham on legal business. Mr. and Mr*. Carl McLean spent Sunday ia Bebaeou county visiting relatives. Mias Georgia Mason, of McCofl, was a guest at the home ef Dr. W. T. Herndon Tuesday. Mrs. D. B. Brown and children vis it od relatives at Hamlet during the past week. Mr. R. A. Peels, of Gibson, R. T. D. No. 2. eras a Laurinburg visitor Sat urday. Mr. J. F. Jordan, of WhltevlUe. vis ited hi* parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jordan during the past week. Mrs. Kate Glbaon, of Faison, Is the guest of her Mater. Mrs. H. 0. Cov ington. Mr. J. L. Covington, «f Merven, apont a short while in the dty yes terday. Mias Minnie Norton, of I a aril burg, R. F. D. No. 4, is vial ting relatives in Robeson county. Mr*. Tommie Cullen Fletcher and Mrs. J. &. Bivens, of McCoU, 8. C.. wore guest! of Laurinburg relatives Tuesday afternoon. air. a. m. warn mi ruaeoay Dipt ter Atlanta, Ga., whan ha want to parekase stock for Weill Brother's Stables here. We are glad to note that oar friend and titiaen, Mr. ft. C. Lea, who is un dargolag treatment at Hot Spring*. Ark., la still Improving. Mi*. G. H. Ruaaell spent Tuesday In Hamlet, where ska is undergoing treatment by Dr. James at the Ham let Hospital. Mr*. W. D. Jhmaa, Jr., entertainad Friday afternoon In boner of her vis iting guests, Mlease Grace and Made line Burke, of Petersburg, Va. Mr. Gilbert McKacbarn, of McCall, S. C., wont i short while In the city Friday. While here Mr. Heftsrhern paid the Kxehaaga office a visit. Mr. and Mr*. W. H. Cooper loft Bundsy night far .Richmond, Va., where Mi*. Oeopw baa entered a hos pital tor an operation pad treatment. ' The maay friends of Mr. Q. H. ftas aall will be glad to know that he is ro hoene eevarai day. the The Bostick Mule Co., ooadueted a «oc*Mf«l auction sale of a portion of tbair large stock of fane supplies fiataiday. TWy win hold niThn sale next Saturday. Mr*. D. A. Watkins, of Laurel Hill, was a Leufirtobnrg visitor Friday. Mrs. Watkins will soon mavp bar dry goods and mBHnary huetnsee into a naW eOere rooen Just completed. She is eaoduettag a spaaiah sale at tbia time. It will M an ttaaa of gtad aowa to qll Laorinburg and Scotland comity to baow that Mm X. H. Gibaon, who baa boon • paticat at Sanatorium for tha paat dro tasadho wfll iwtaia to Law rlaburg Saturday, aad too, tha* bar haalth baa baaa folly rwatorwd. Wo ara aorry lad aad to nOta that Uttlo Miaaaa Fraaooo aad Virginia McCormick, ehildran of Mr. aad Mm F. C. McCormick, ara eonilnod to tha brnoc of their paranta Buffering from an attack of ooattot fbaac. At this writing both ara aa wall as could bo bapod for. . Mr. Loonia Hammond maria a bwai aaoa trip to Otaoaobciro last wacb. going aad ooaalag In bla Scrippa Booth aatotoobUa, for which bo baa tha aganoy la laotland county. Mr. Haanaomi ratamod Friday aigbt, ooy artag tbo diatonca from Gromoboco 1M atfloa, on tva pjpbd of gatollna. - Mr. Moan* Livingston, of Laurel HAL waa a Lauriabarg visitor Sstar day. Now that we have added the hand some and useful automobile Axe truck to our Are Aghtiag equipment, wouldn't it be well to reorganise our Are department and keep in training for such occasions as wAI require its use? Many Scotland people will regret to learn of. the death of Mr. John F. Campbell, which occurred at his home near Floral College la Kobe son coun ty, Sunday. Mr. Cuaspbelt nod been sick but a short while. His death being caused from a. severe cam of la grippe. He wss about 41 years of age, waa a sun of many fine quali ties. Hs has a wide circle of rela tives and friends in this county, being a cousin of Mr. Jaa. V. McLean of Spring Hill township. We regret to note that Mr. J. C. Currie, who Uvea a short distance above Old Head rod suffered the mis fortune to loee his One country home by Ace last Monday. The blase suit ed la an out house about tha noon hour, and Is siwiiiI to have bean caused by rats. Several outhouses besides the horns and a good portion of the household goods was burned. Only such sf the household goods as were down stain were saved. Mr. Currie la one of our best cittsene and this distressing loss to'him Is to he generally regretted. The will of tho Into Mark Morgan waa filed for probata at tha office of tha Clark of tha Superior Court Monday. In tha win Mr. Morgan gave to aaeh of hie children $5,000 and to each of tho grandchildren »lr 000. To Mra. Morgan bo gave $6J)00 la cash and tho remainder of hie ae tata Mra. Morgan U named aa ex ecutrix. She ha* appointed har grand eon. Mr. Xdwla Morgan to taka action charge and control of the *# tata It was the expressed desire of Mr. Morgan that tha mills and other enterprises la which ha waa largely lataieetad ba operated as heretofore. Tha aoml-ftaa] dabataa at tha city wheel that wars announced in our Last imma to be h*M yesterday morning, war* postponed anti] Monday and Toaaday nights January 81st and February l*t. Tha pupils of tha school deserve year presence and ia tareat, and wa faal that an invitation will ba suflldaat to aacure your praa mca at both of than* interoiting wonts. Wa know that you will ba highly an tarts la art, and no doubt you ■jiUJiritiT ■wartMiiia ini what tha boys and girls ia tha city aabooU am doing along this line. Yoa asm it Co them to encourage them by This U to notify our Maud, Mr. Bob Gtbaoci, of Qibeeu, B. t. D. No. 1, that on Monday, Weather Prophet J. L. Paaie, of the Snead’s Grove section, waa ia Laurie burg. Mr. Paste asked ■* to aay that tha fact that ha had made no report aa to tha alaaghtar of Mg hoga ia his neighborhood eras no indication that there would ha no good reports from that section, for ha bad them coming soon. H* ax plained that aa tha people of that section had only boas killing pigs that ha did net think it worth while to asaka mention of them, hut said ho “You tail Bob I said ba had just aa wall get randy to kill that one that ha says is as big aa a main ur. s. A. gun, • prominent Meth odist minister of Columbia, 8. C, wiD lecture in dm Methodist shursh Tut day night, February let The sub ject of Dr. Steal's lecture wfll be "A Wedding Tear.” Leurlnburg people will ram amber Dr. Steal as the min ister who delivered the first annual sermon of "Hetbodiem" in the Meth odist church last summer. Tide ser mon is delivered sad year and la pro vided for through a gift by Judge W. B. Neal of this city to tha North Carolina Conference. Dr. Steel to as eloquent and forceful speaker, and hit second appearance here will he a mat ter of much delight to au Laurinburg There wilt he no admission charge, hot an offering will he taken at the dees of the lecture. Laurtahnrg Man Mantes. Mr. William I. Elliott, of Laurin burg, was married last Sunday to Mtoe Manuals Sdwards, daughter of Mr. and Mm. 3. M. Edwards, of the Batwirtle village. The ceremony was performed by Justice of the Peace A. P. Barrett. They toft immediately after the oe reason/, far Seottaad •onaty wham they wUI make their hems. The Dispatch extends con gratulations sad good ntohia—Pied nwat Dispatch. Repo Micas Ceaveotiea CuK. a •’ .* ' . # Knight* of Pythlao MmL Th* larg—t and moat enjoyable moating ta many day* of th* Knight* of Pythlao of th* olty wag hold loot Wwin—day evening in tha Maaonic hath Bar. J. B. Thompaoa bad boon in vited to apeak to th* gatharing. Ha cho— for hii ■ object “The Halation of Fraternal Onlera to Xeligien." Hia add— waa foil at intoraot aad de licti tod th* gathering of th* Knight*. After th* principal add— of th* evening, M—or*. B. Oocar Covington and P. L. Crouch dallvorad abort taUte which war* vary mqeh enjoyed by all prevent Mr. R. X. L. Corrvll, Muter of Ex chequer had charge of th* mooting and Introduced tho op—ton of the occaaton. After the delightful hour in the hall, the lodge la a body, went to the Baay B— Cafe, where a bountiful oyotor rapper wai oervvd, and all who wore the devote— of King Nicotine paid him homage, for dgan wore plentiful aad for aU. It waa an oceaolon when men felt the etock of real brotherhood going up. The Laurlnburg Agency Company la a new Laurlnburg corporation. The Secretary of State Issued • charter for this company daring the past week. The company, which is composed of Meaara. A. L. James, Hinton James and W. 8. Dunbar, will do a yea oral insurance, raat estate and loan busi ness. The eathortsad capital of tha oompapy is *26,000 with *6,600 paid in. Tha officers far the year have been elected and era as foil owe: Hinton Jamas, president, A. U Jamas, vteo presidant, W. 8. Danbar, secretary and treemur. TWa company has been doing a general insurance business for some time past, and tha formation of the corporation will giro It wimt its growth demands, a mere extended field for a larger business Tha Exchange bespeak, for.tha company, which la controlled by some of tha beat business man la tha city, the large success it deserves. CALOMEL SALIVATES AND MAKES YOU SICK. Aeta like Dynamite an a Btaggtah Mr* *■* Tan Lass a Day's • There’s ne reason why a person ahonld take sickening, salivating aal °mel when 60 cants bays a large bot tle of Dodson’s Liver Tone- a perfect substitute for ealomoL , It la a pleasant, vegetable Liquid which wOl start your liver fast ns ■muljr as calomel, but it doesn't make yon sick and can not salivate. Children and growp folks can take Dodson’s Liver Tone, because it is per fectly haimltaa. felon.el la a dangerous dm*. U Is mereary and attacks your beam. Take n does of nasty calomel today and yon will foe! weak, sick and naus eated tomorrow. Don't loan a day's work. Taka a spoonful of Dodson’s Dver Tons Is stead and you wQ] wake up feeling great. No amro MKoan nace, constipation, sluggishness, hr—1 echa, coated tongue or soar n—wi, Yonr druggist says if you dent And Dudunnt Liver Tone acta batter than horrible calomel your money Is wait tag fop you.—Adv, , BMUSTOf TlllOMromdll Of TBE STATE IAJU «t uninraiE. hikiltMofllankCuultatuUKcloMei Dm M im MW0UBCB8. £SS®Ssr«jB?*i,M,M* _ tTXjf* yjm oo 1 laiemal Bcthn rtoounnury au«p m oo '**■* issn LIABILITIES, HSSSITJI- «S8 Dd«t14»<I profits tow Mmi »HIM «*aS.*8a^ -«= Er^esT*.“"*| * TMto W\k m •MM M Mnt CitoM. OMHrd TinilifiD 'Ikri&pv+ssti". « «*: “**»• ttHn.TSfMTTif r1*** ** ‘•"k"** 25 fl6CToiLL. VtmyNMi. ommhaum t$£S£. ^ • « ft I udft Do*pita! Notes. Hanoiot, N. C, Jan. *6U. (■ edal to Tba Exchange.) Mr*. Venn McDonald, of Learin ber* an a able to b* up is a rotHna a id aarriod to tha porcini T'Jeeday Mr. C rdine Brown, at Cl I boon, who waa op rated on lent woo* for *p pa^latt i, wtlj bo abis to go home within i few day*. Mr. I orton, at Lanrinborg, who undwrwo it an operation at tha hos pital Ui t weak, was abi« to go homo Wadaasi ay. ^ttle ,Anni* B®U« Job**, of Mo Col!, 8. ■»», who bod to bivo her right l‘‘* "®l ■*■** Bays ago. is math hi Iter this wsak. Tho loss of tba Uml waa caaood by her brother accident illy shoot In* bar, the satire content* of the *hot gun poaabt* throogh bar right)**. BUSINESS LOCALS ~~~frraa7ta *Ti. ““ plaot to ge«d •t a bargain _ _ for lata modal Ova year farms. Keen _ ^eentoatendaf hnK. We wssSutfaws *"£S MgPW BOOM to « 'aaffwag WANTED—Man to iaara barber «** *" *•*• reqatood. t£E rfreo. Weekly demonatmtiea. Di ptaaa when finiabed. Wrtta (or catetena. Richmond Barber Col lage, Kiehmond. Va.1-i-pd rOR RENT—Mel maria Grove aa ^"^riaaat Bto room boaoa ro toodoldi oa toolda. 916 par month. . Apply to Him Ladle Pa/ea. ’ HOURS. atotabU lor far rent. Goad lo » Mated to right ' to Box yy oar door. ’Phooo or loam %Jent , Oobla McIntyre. CABBAf PLANTS far aala at D. 0 Wright's4 OIS^,L Pi May and Saturday, J23 * HR. ^ 1-1 cants par 4 qmtt .1 D. O. and W. D. Wrigbth! rlofrida-Cuba panama Murdi Gias Conducted Tour* DU Ring JANUARY FISBRl^ARY AND MARCH Winter Trfpa Tou» <^U, 16. 20.80 and 35 day* AnJ Expanea* Ineladtd j $130.00 and up To Arrive Saturday We Win have to arrive by Etpt—• Saturday, another car of fine young males. * Ton are urged to call at our stable* 1 and Inspect this lot, which has bee n ■elected specially for this territory. We wQl be glad to show you and **m» PRICES ARE RIGHT. ’Phone 124 L&urinburg, N. C. m * ■ -;.1 » V - . _ '. . 1 «_———— I Heating: Stoves Coal Grates Bicycles Oil Heaters I Shot Guns I Rifles I Low Cash Prices on Other Goods. | ^We1saviTTou Oh ABytuny In HARDWARE. J.D. Sanford & Son "The Qaulity Hardware Slop.” Car Load Ship* roent Coining. Leave your order for yours today. ' . , ; ‘ . • . *"\C 1. ■ :• . . ’ <, . Mercantile & Machine Co. Laurel HO, N. C.

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