Amur CAKVBD N nows. mortal to Confederacy. Tho moot ooloooal work of art in tho world is soon to bo undertaken mot Atlanta, Go.. it Is nothin* loos than taming n whole mountain larger thou Gibraltar Into a carvail monument to tho “loot ooooo“ of tho South. Tho America eeulptor. Gut ion Borglura, with a cell army of nailstnnta, wffll onrr* hi tha granite surface of Stone moon tola mm than kjOO0 titanic fi soma of m«n who served in tha Con federate army Those figure will bo about 45 foot tall, aad tho procession will extend for almost two mile. It is aotimated that tho work will re gain sight years to perform sad will eost mors than a million doilara. This eighth wood or of the world will bo ooooptotod through tho efforts of the Stone Mountain Confederate Me morial association, ana of tha princi pal movers of which ia Mrs. Helen C. Plane, honorary president of tho Unit ad Daughters of tho Confederacy. Funds for Urn monument are being collected net only in the Seuth but throughout tho North. Several resi dent* of New York hove offered ee high u 110,000. Stone mountain looms up, aa un broken pillar of solid rock, from com paratively level ground. When Mr. Borgiura'e work is completed n whole army of gigantic stone men will much off towards the oottiag sun. The center of the army will coaoprise the great leader* of the Confederacy mounted aad ready for battle. Behind them will bo a larger group made up of generals of teas renown. There will be troops of cavalry, companies of infantry and contingents of artil lery. As a part of the memorial, a atone chamber to accommodate Um record* of the Daughter* of the Confederacy wiQ bo carved 60 feet into the side of the mountain, and will constitute a permanent museum for archives and mam an toe of the great struggle. Be fore this chamber will be an imposing row at oolumna carved oat at the solid rock. Tha hall will be about >00 fart long and will have two umrnive bnram door*. Within will be a key oo a bronae tablet giving tha asms aad location of each Confederate war rior carved in the marching line. The park surrounding the memor ial will have paths and reads so ar tenged that visitors may havs an op portunity to eee the sculptured Agorae from various positions. Sama of McLendon's Sayings. The following to quoted, from Um ronaoaa of Rev. a T. McLendon bj the Lake City Newt: Bro. Hodges, if big can are a aigr of gsasnoadty you ought to get semi ear fertiliser and fertilise eomp ol tbaae little ‘possum eared efaureh : m bam aad probably they would wt Up. Meat of yon are wind-jam md hrt air merchants whan H ta SMng. Ood pity may man that haa to hvs with you old adim> nnssd. ~ fai 5SS£rt^“' £ tie. JsalieS deviL It ta snoegh to giv* took at jZT"* ■ *"* * fllMA-1 ~ Aklnk *hei be. he _As _ There art two day* of tha weak °P*n which and abos$ which I never worry, two cuofn* days kept aa eradlp fraa from fear and appeuben doa> On# of thaoa la Yaatarday. Yaa tarday with all Ita carts and frets, with all Its pains and achci, all its faults, tta mistakes and blunders, has pasted beyond tho roach of my re call. 1 cannot undo an act that I wrought. I cannot nnaay a word that I said on Yaatarday. AH that It holds of life, of regret and sorrow, is in tha hand of tha Mighty Love that can bring awoat waters out of the bit terest desert—the lore that can make tha wrong thing* right, that can turn weeping into laoghter. that caa give bcaaty for aakeo, tho garment of P*wl»« for tha spirit of heaviness, Joy of tha morning for tho woo of night. Save for tha beautiful memories that llngor, svsst and tender Uko tha perfume of rosea, la tha haart of tha day that la gone. I have nothing to do with yesterday. And tha other day I do not worry about is Tomorrow. Tomorrow, with •II Its possible adversities, its bur dens, its perils, Its largo promises and poor performance, its failures and mistakes, is aa far beyond tha roach of my mastery aa its dead alitor— yaatarday. Its son will rise In ros eate splendor, or beyond a mask of weeping clouds. But It will rise. Uiv til then tho aaaao love and patleaec that held yaatarday. and holds tomor row, shines with Under promise into tha haart of today. I have no rnsm sioa In that unborn day of grace. AH also la In tha in finite keeping of that Infinite Love that hatda for me the treasure of yaatarday, the love that la higher than tha stars, wider than thl aky. deeper than tha eaaa. There is Wt for myself, than, but one day of the weak—today. Any man can fight tha battles of today. Any woman can carry tha burdens of I Just one day_Robert J. Runbu, • Ns Buck Law. I Milwaukee. WU„ Jen. 18.—Is there i n lswta thle land of the free that will permit a worn-out father to feme hie J miner aon into the United State* Me-1 rino Corps against that eon’* will? I Otli Tinedale. of Paekwaukec, My* end Sergeant Aaaeil M. Stowe, in charge of the local United States Marine Corps recruiting eta* tioa is equally positive that them if nothing oa the statute books covering a- tlMt |0ft, ~ yMMUMMWtBBMNBl ' **"“ y**T too to the Milwaukee **ouitiag station and demanded that the boy be enlisted. But the roue Tinsdsla tearfully protested at what he seemed to think was s "highhanded »«"«•” to 8««sant Stowe he found s sympathetic friend. "1 cant enlist the boy unless he is wining to join," 8towe told the father. “What’e the boy got to do with K anyway? I’m hia father and if I say he's got to enlist you’ve got'to Uko him and that’s all them is to it. Hot a worthless hound on tho farm •nd I want yon to taka him and « men of him.” tho elder Tlaadale hotly replied. But Sasasaat Stows mfueed to ea lto» the hoy. and Otla Tinedale left ttw»s»altiy ottos. vowtag to return U ^ Wtasahad hie attorney. (XaaAac to am too«or u teteOao y ||IL**w *■»*-«<• mg r?! fc» htorvtfpphtoa throna, fotka road far Mitel ngr^( for Cultai*—aad than mm Tote? hteTtsrlta*“** ■ *•» **» toad all tha tafa; aa rpilatoU^tadby ™n<* white are thnb, rtintaal *» ■ *WlU Wha« UUao ware ao rateable they *•* *♦ ■hahi te teaa, u| partlaa who eaald road arooU Mt aa if (her ?"“*? **■ » »**« r>mt amaa wm* looita opon |j|r^ ItnnSon m4to« Hha . late tfaat*a aril today to “wh lhae cam be fomd Uto Pttoa to mmJL «< a reumidpaJ -_ - hjr a city te Ohio wte a teteoa tewhtoh tha haato odao '• f A 0 ■■■■■■ ■ ■ ' ■ ' — I Oat lata the Do yoo know theta's lata af poopia flitting round moot tvary town. Growling Ilka a broody chick**, Knocking ovory good thing down. Don't bo that kind of oattU, ’Cano tbay aim no naa on onrth, Bot Jmt bo a Booatar rooster. Crow and booet for all yoo‘to worth. If your town Mods boostin' boost bar Don't bold bock and wait to too If soaao other fallow's willin' doll right la, this country's frao. No one's got a mortgage on It, It's Just yours as much as kia; If your town la shy of boosters, Yoo ret in the boostin’ bis. If things doot seem to suit yoo An* the world si sms kinder wrong, What's the matter with a boostin' Just to help the thing along T ■Cans# if things should stop again, Ws’d be in a sorry plight. You just keep the horn a-btowiog! Boost hex up with all your might. If you too some follow try in’ For to make iome project go, An' you can boost it sp a trifle, That** your cue to 1st him know That you’r* not going to knock It, Just because It ain’t your shout Hut that you’ro going to boost a little ’Cause ha’s got the best thing out.— World Outlook. * r~ , ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as Administrator td the estate of D. C. Lytch, deceased, late of Scotland County K. C., this to to notify all persons having claims agaiast the estate of said deceased to eshibtt them to the undersigned sn or before the 0th day of December, 101*, <* this notioe wifi bo plead in bar J thc*r recovery. All 1 to said estate will 'EDWIN LYTCH, _ _ _ Admlnlstrstor. a P- D> No. L, Leurinborg, N. C. -5C-— , - W. C CALDWELL VETERINARIAN Located in Lanrinbarg for the practice of hia Profeatioii. . \ MUSTANG I TjSJXf1 AiAIOmIm. LINIMENT attractive winter VA VATION TOURS TO Cake. The West Indies. PaaaAu Canal, Mardi Gras. OiRratsd daring the Christ ie iKSf-,wu,ary’ Febraary Ts#rasf Ten, Fifteen. Twenty “f TSrtjr ®SM» Vmtbm, Cov eringHMaiiy Peiats of Great At treclj*-1- and Historical la* Sfe^Assss; J»h»|7e Teachers aad Stadcate ^mepfcrt«5lyB<atk*—*hdr °“' A TOUR OF tfc* world's greatest a mort*, doriag iki W thsir mm; throMli c—tayli « ta K^it tha fetar"* °f to MSFPartuaUy for gnat tor Booklet sad Liters* * sort saa of oar auy st In AU-Bxpaaao lododad Pstjtoasfcr Coadaeted sad Chip, eromod TVnbs st a Reaoooabla CeaJ will Istonat yoa. _ I . . . GATT1S tours, Insurance Itia it *0W. Drat nit Tb* mom* yw start tba brttar tm JT1 "*!!*. “** CkriatMM rdlt ftraudL Asi H will rail aavui ia w I*"9** a *• Mkn wfll ha haa« mia. u SI ™ tVht “* *T>it- *> fitoiiwu tidt n* **• lw*y Tm an bay ymaata witbaal TIODBU ami VQB1T. The State Bank ——>—■p———m • REMOVAL SALE , { “V*°*,pc*®arfa,*r to lnOT* toto ay new Store frriWng. aod in order tUt I nay here seffliienl room to » lew Spring Mtock, I will doee out every artide in ay stores! GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. roe data of Dry Goode, Notions, fihnes end IBM. Tmf- Q«ode end Prices will apeak for tbemseivos, end rou are urged to eome end see to yoersdf. Sub will begin FRIDAY, JANUARY 28tb and can tfame until further notice. MRS. D. A. WATKINS LAUREL HHJ^ N. C. I^LOlAmRS ” — I I ■ . — i |, I Beasoesble cot flowers. Patna* Pens. T'tsI rmnrtirnnr freest irrselun Prompt attention to ont-cf>towa orders. . . > ..1 ■ 1 -————a— SCHOLTZ, The Florist, Inc. Phone 140. XKN.TryoaSt Charlotta, N. C. BLUE’S DRUG STORE Acapta BOOTH LOWERY 0»<l tfc» ImiWm lnlnw &t dw wfi bo the wcood attraction in the WAGRAM LYCEUM COURSE. He will appear at the Spring HOI School Hoaae, FRIDAY, PBBKUARY lit*. Yon are nrged to bear thie entertaining epeakar. _ • _ _ _ ___ _.__ ~ WHO K1_J*8 — BRICK AND LATHES FOR 8ALE? W. P. EVANS Hm Coal and Wood Dealer. Phone 54 or 125

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