young xxxrv -number s. laurinburq, n, c., B^SHHHPr: FORMER SCOTLAND CITIZEN DIES IN HARNETT Mr. Jafca A. Cameron, BroUtar at Mr*. It art Margaa DM at th* A*« at M,—DM la Oftnb Saw MUM la TkM County mat BuiK Flrat Cat* taa MAI ia MarMara. Mr. John A_ Cameron, one of the •id set aad beat known citizens of Her nott county, died at hl» horns, at Cam* •ron HU1, Wednesday night, January Slat. Mr. Oameroa lived In this county for many years, associated with Dun can B. and Daniel O. Camsron la the aawmlU boainaea. They operated mills at La oral Hill. Ohio and at sev eral points in Marlboro county, 3. C. Ha built the first cotton mill that Marlboro county had. This mill was located at Medlin Springs and was built of wood. After the machinery had been placed in the building and cm tha ova of hagilining operations It •* caught on Art, and Mr. Cameron stood by sad saw his savings of a lifetime go up la smoke without s dollar of In surance. He was not discouraged by this misfortune. He tunyd bis eyes I to the sunrise and it was not long bo* fort hs was on his fast again sad < making money. After this backset ha invested his accumulations in, real so* [ tots in his nativa county of Harnett . and leavae o good estate there. Notwithstanding Mr. Cameron's ad vanced age ho was wrong and active la both body and mind up to hie death. A few months ago be built, with his 1 . own bands, a water wheel at the mill of Mr. Jobs Wilkah, near Hoffman. V This wheal. It is said, cannot be n V celled for power and speed £v • 'Mr. Camsron was M years old and was never married. Mrs. Mark Mor J j gun, of Laurel Hill, is hit sister, and FJt" John P. Cameron, of Bochisgfc.n. is K a cousin of the deceased. JF* ._ Itm to Marie Ouh. Clab tree by Mrs. A. H. Jamas. aaasiaa Mtaa OHvia ected secretary and musical procram foi boaioeaa, session: Chorus, Smile, Slumber-,” instrumental Taro Imrko,” Miu Carothera; practice, “In Our Boat," Miss accompanying; vocal solo, Ntedlinger, Mist Boyce, eouroe, staffed dates and con served. HOW’S YOUB FAITHT We are vary glad indeed to itaU there is no law requiring the hey see fat the we would coo even be e lawbreak befdre our faith weald the following, which appeared CberryvfHe, Kan., BepabUcan: “Ne Bomb la the Ian.” From the Sunday Magaxine Section Washington <D. C.) Star. Did you ever stop to think"* of the tragedy of the little hotel at Nasa rcth, In Faustina—the “lnn’T The par sole at Jeans at Nazareth knocked at its deors, and could not come in. It might hare sheltered the greatest event In the history of the world—the birth at Jesus: and It lost thi ehtnct. Why? Why was Jeans of Name rsth bom In a stable? Because the people at the inn were vicious or hos tile? Not at all Bat the inn was full—every roam was occupied by peo ple who had money to pay and who must be served—it was full of Bual Tbere was "no room in tbs ian." Ws know men whose Uvea are Ilka that km. I "Arnold's heart U broken," said oaa to another Recently; "his son is a failure and u fool." "What can you expectT" the other answered. “Arnold has not given his boy s minute’s time for ten years." Amok] thinks he is a good father: ha has often told bis friends that hd‘ U working night and day in Business for his wife and boy. ai a matter or raet, Business la working him. Thera is no room in his life for anything else. And his eon is a fool. “You had quits a lasts for litera ture when you left collage, dlint yout" we asked another man. “Oh, yea,” he answered sadly; ‘‘but I had to glee all that up. A man can't be in Business and find room for 'anything ties.” ’ “i hear Simp ah’s wife has Mr higt,” ws beard a third man say; aad bis companion replied: “She got tired spending her even ings alone, probably. You know, Simpson always says Business comes first.” In a little village church-yard in England there it this inscription: “Hers Use Peter Bacon, born a mm and died a grocer.” Take care that it be not urritten over you, “Born a man and died a Bust mm man.” Make good; but do not ■aerifies, la making good, tbs gifts of life that an best. Take' care tbis year to bare time for eoaistblag besides Basinets—for your family, for good books, for an occasional boor when you merely walk under the store and think. Far la Nasareth, two thousand yean ago, there stood a little Ian. Aad, behold; it was ea fall of Business that tbs greatest event in the #oifd knocked at its doers and could not Gum la Adieu. At tbs Gem Theatre Tuseday night you can aaa real fighting aa ft teak Pkce on the European battlefields TMe tea rare picture and la now ha teg shewn for the first tlnvs in the South. Atlanta, Birmingham, g*_ mnaah aad Richmond are the only places It has been shown. Fhra than, aaad feat of the fin set films. Oat your seats bow at the Model Phar macy. I te Several yearn age neat Cleveland County drove up to the Home where ha waa eeeuetoneyd to go mni a month, tho d«* belag arooeod by the approach rf tho buggy, looked up and teeing the proaober and hie tea, aroee i*. aaadlataly, daahad around the houee and caught a chicken without ln ,trnrti<* from anybody.—Biblical Be •order. Sum Paper tor Wadcebore. Jdr. B. P. Pen ton it the editor of a new paper which probably wil make ita bow to the peepto of Wadmhoro to WOTMJ- P**r will bo knows aa *The Booeter,” end will be devoted to bumttag toe town aad Ola whole aeo Utot It k endanteod that Ool. J. T. Pstrito win ha iianultd with the aew «rttrprke fat as advkery' eepaeky. 1W price of toT*k*ertrfB ktol ** f topy, rod the paper w« ha EA1 '*T THINGS PERTAINING TO LIFE By Harry M. forth HOW TOUR MONEY GOER We were talking sows time tinea •boat hew your money waa made: Will U not alto bo of interest to know bow you got rid of JtT Money rep resents in essence the toil of body and brain, and that in tarn la practically a representation of your life So when It le spent It is like one should be spending a past of himself. This is especially true when the spender b»« earned the money. But what use do you make of this important, this •acred thing you have in your band T I am sure that you spend e part of it in the payment of haaeat debts. The money ia not really your* until these have all been paid. Before that yos are living od borrowed or retained “P*tal and spending what someone else should have. If every one whs reads then linn would go immediate ly end aa far as ha is able pay his honest debts there would be more' rejoicing In this city then there bee been for twelve months, end those \ who thus paid wohld share in tbs Joy. Do yea any of you mooey T , While I should not counsel you to be I at all a miser, still you will do veil to aare at least a ltttlo out of each ' month’s wages. Soma moaths when things do not ge so well this asay msaa a sacrifice, yet it will pay you to make (t and to lay up a little in store anyway. This will keep you constantly on rising ground instead of on s decline. How much of the money goes just I for yourself T It Is so easy to pity sslf and to indulge it People lavish so much upok self, as they would upon a spoiled child that could not be denied anything. You have a bill changed and how quickly it goes. Many foolish and needless things sack taka a little toll of this m<mey. Five easts for this and Sea cants for that aad soon a dollar la goes. Had you realised Upt ten coats a day would 4«fea „ (.* dht rh-ld—s o.c that in the course of n year H wouk* buy you a suit of clothes aad an overt, coat ? But whan it goat for these i other needless objects there to nothing to show for it ia the «nd i How much do you spead on the body, and then how much on the soul ? But how car I spend K on the soul? Yet why should It not require money ns well as the body? You spend it *or and shoes and gmsoUna and shows, but have you bought a good book for yourself and family in thg last several months? 1 wonder if the •oul may not get hungry aad cold aad lonely sometimes as much as the body. Do you not also spend a gnat deal upo® others which does not minister to their highest good? Poeefbiy you hsvs been doing this to return what they bar. been lariahing upou Mow ]TOO On Ipttdillf yflUfi |q |^nm as a sort of equality with them. For do not want them to u»w<v tv., yos are closo.flsUd, or a "Cheap John." Ton will due than tbatyon ton are a "Good Fallow" sad anas h*od*<L Bat suppose yon saeooed In convincing each friends at aU these thlnga, what has bans ret’—« by it? b It not true that wife SnL*— tt at home are vary much in need of would da mnek towards —n-g them comfortable during the torn days. Have you habitually contributed y>T °t till* .money to Ged and Hie cooaa? You might oceasianaHy have dm a thing of this sort, but do yon lifu it regularly ? I wonder —hat proportion goo* to Him and to the «Wt of Hi. Chum*; for the pm •nd "beation and'the orptmns. Do M® contribute mb bvcH u • t#ntb or • ftlth T Or la it only m twvtletk or a hondreth part of your income? Bnroly I did not understand you to soy that you are giving nothing to God. Say It over sg*»— so that thorn will bo so mistake In esse I should tan some one of ft "I do not gtvs anything to the cause at the Lord." you say. We»l, I am deeply ashamed «f you, and toll you that you hava misappropriated His mosey. Cor Ho s steward, and you have ■••d this trust money fern yourself Will you not think on tbooo things? J miens oa H. JL Van Dsn Mahout, «f Import*, lad., was IfMgi a_fow days age, * is In: • i . .; fOR AN KNLAtCRD !fAVT. Ctrl* at ITaphamlaa Roddy Was Over Bay* af Pfcliemathlaa la Debate. Ike semi-Anal dabat* preparatory ta the triangular dabata was held Id the| Graded School Auditorium Mom day night, and *u attended by a fair *1*4* crowd of interested people. Th* pity la that tha auditorium waa not filled to evarflowiag, and surely If th* paotpla ef Lauriaburg knew what they war* mlaalng by passing up those evafau, they would attnd In larger nu^bezm. A great many people foal than to spend aa evening listening to a trunch of youngotrr* talk an a sub ject that great mon are disagreeing upon, would be an eveoiag thrown *why, but you cun take It frun ua that there in something decidedly worth while and an evening filled with genuine surprises to thoao who at tend thcae debates. live one Monday night wu engaged in Vr Sevan (Ms representing the Eupbemlan society sad six. boys rap rsepntiag tbs Philomathian society. The (Ms who took the affirmative side of the question were. Misses Bai lie M. McLasnn. Annie B. Jones, Elisabeth Elliott, Tom Stewart, Caro, •yn rattarson, Gladys Covington and Cussie Jones The boys, who repre sented the negative, wars Messrs. Haleeai Calhoun, William Cooper, D C. McNeill, Jr., Thomas New), Hervcy Evans am] Edwin Gill. Tbs subject was that which will ho the question in the triangular de bate “Should the United States Greet ly Enlarge be Navy?" The' debate had a double purpose. Eiiut the Judges wars to decide which society pm forth the beet arguments aad thsn to pick four of the best de i -mob aide, who wU) jabate to determine the tri snsihi dap ,f ^'<>1 a, . -mad’ a^T3> -MOL* (Ms,’Sr'the affirmative side, I to the question of societies, tosses Tam Stssrart aad Carejyc fatt traon wars selected as the best *iwl 'ped, while Messrs. Thomas Neal Edwin Cill were the selections for the next Anal from th.^T^ ciatj j. W . haven't the time or the space te uu you About the individual merits of s aeh one of these thirteen yotmg boyi and girls, hot to hear »»—i war • J treat, and to thoee who remain 1 w# cmn only txUiid mi ■ym »thy, for they surely mlseed a Mad Dog. * dog bit Edwin Pa to aad Mm ini Huntley, both colored, owe day . P** Tho dog*, hood du “«t *• Kslrifh and upon ermainaticm *f "M drionataad that it was s and dog. * ** Pat* and Haatiay won or rf*1 *• »*»*i*h Monday night to bo * in tho hospital is taka tho Poa ia as a matter of habit, dstrtaental ia Its lnfltwnc. t* aad larynx. Mats Sanatorium for ths •f TaboroalosU. ths pa ars taught that tho dry cough - . *“ «®d injurious. It is a par) "jWk iaotrwelion ta ehako back tbs mcHj nation to cough by main force for * or am aatil tha dry cough had “tflfoiydiaappeerod. id is aoocnary and helpful as “ “of consumptives, to rid the - tract of aceoaraistsd nox testsrisL But thm is a right ■ Hmr without I ’ -or . I „ -; deeply -_ ths Wl Thie snide iafectiuglbe sir «*wU yoo with the spray, it araflee ns poise, aad relieves ths throat ad tr to %■ > rter—m 1 . "GOD HELPING ME, I WILL KEEP NATION OUT OF WAR’* \ rraaiiaat ^^Dan Bant kjr MM Pea alt at .Mllwaakaa Maatay Haagar at DaatiMc MaWaa la Paaaatf 0a Bara—(a Nat Afratf atllwTM Wkaa It Caaiaa. Milwaakaa, Wia. Jaa. SI.—A throng •f »JD0C poiaeao. tho largest that has gfaotad President WUaee since ha startad aa his praaant turn, rtwarad him lustily hare today when ha aaid ha hoUevad tha daagar of a division of deans»tlc sentiment waa past, and add ed that ha newer doubted that tha danger waa aanggerstad. Referring again to this nation’ll da sirs far paora tha President gave hi* haarara tha pledge, that, “God help ing me, I wMI hasp it out of war if it la possible.” "I want at the outsat to raasew any misapprehension in your minds,” aaid tha PraaMont “Then'is so cri sia; nothing saw has happened. I ram* to confer with you on a matter which wu ahoold confer on fas any event. Wa ahoold see that ear houaa ' ia sat ia order. Whoa all tha world ia on Are tha sparks Ay everywhere.” Tha President said tha pros sties of tha vast crowd attested the interest tho people of Wlaconaia had ia his missive. America he* drawn her blood aad her energy out at almost all of the nations of the world." he add. “We know that our raoto aad our tradi tion* ran bast into other soil*. “At the outset at the war It did look a* if there were a division at do mestic sentiment which might lead me Into mbs errors at judgment. I for one bettors that danger .it past. I never doubted that the danger waa exaggerated. I for my part always feel a eerane confidence in waiting fee a declaration of the principles and •sottaunt* at the men whs are act voetfersna, whoeie their own thu.fci.j_ ittmd to tMr oom HmHmh ondl loooo •vonrttoff olot oiooo. ■eaSaSSErt-^aSr against ns I *ls«e«nl i< even the pen pie they claimed to represent “I know the magic of Antrim. 1 know the impulses which draw men to our shores. I know that they ' to bo free. I “I know that when the tent cotnes 1 every man’s heart will be first for America," be declared amid applause. “The trouble-makers hero shot their bolt. They have talked loud, but in effectual. Talk waa cheap aad they eras all it coat them. There aye dang er*, however, which are past oar con trol, and which have act been over come, dangers wr cannot central. W« can central the irresponsible taken in our midst, AH we have to de to t# •“courage theft to Ure a hall aad they wfll abundantly advertise their own folly. “Thera is df-Uy, hourly danger, that they will feel constrained to do things which are «h*nlalalj inconsistent with the righto of the United States, They •to act thinking at us. Thsy ara thinking fiat of al of their own at tain. “TH* vary onealcaUted co arm of af fain way toadk aa to tha qafck at ny tha Studlof la the tafcUt of thoM ASnltia I want yam to has a 1 am hi dURealty.” Tho preetdsnt mid ha knew tha poo p)a wanted him to kaey the nation oat ofww. There wee prolonged ap "I pledr» yon,” he cosUcaad aot eauily. "that Ood helping I will keep it o^t of war If U to poatfbla." went an to eay the nation want ed him to areaerre the honor of ike United Stataa, hat aaid there dpay ha at any moment, a time ho coaid not preserve tha hoaer and the peace of tho United Staton. "D« not exact of me an liapnaoiMt and contradictory thing, hut stead wady, aad insist that arerybody who r« presents yoa ehoald stead ready to pro vide the aaa for me total nh^ tha honor of tho United Stataa,” ha asked. "I want Ike people U> know Ihia* of military life if the etol I coxml That to tho mason I am. an th. Congress of the C._l Stataa Sint at lento a part ef the poo pla ba trained. Wo bare yet down, ■to* *• ikm mntl.ii ,» of aatienai do fenee, bat to the baatoeoe of rrMtnel -i am ato hem to nearer* yob, rm »•* boro to argao wMh yoa; rm fm tellfcg yoa. It has ban v«ry *ede> foaly spread abroad la fete eoeatry that tba Impale* back of all tbi* U tba daeira ef aw arbe tafka (ha materials of warfare to make aaagr aat ef tba tnasory of tba Ualted Statee. I wish tba people who say that H is coaid aaa aieettegs like this ana. DU yaw yoa M net "If a govemamat daaa aat —— factor* what It wants irrmilirlj will ■Mbs money. I baaa baaa ui|bm that the eovetnamac Kaalf gat ready *• make what It wants; so ttml wo can at leant control film I aaaatw yaa that fee goaanuaaat will at teaat ba able la regulate tea awtttr I and ■y colleagues arc watcbftd fat tbU matter. . “There U'nothiag new la ear need far aatioaal dafoMW. 8o«U paopte say oar coast daf oases as* aat ada qaata. Tea knew coast -*1*1—n are aat advertised. Wbila they are aat aw baaa an baaa made at -_,ey. "AH tba aery alas it la forth. I think if I rive an aeooant of itaalf, however weald he tali "What wa are j have a aptaodid aavy. Wa 1 working on O the aavy in strength that It <

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