> The Entire Family - An Extraordinary Club Combination Offer! The Laurinburg Exchange Twelve month* The Atlanta Semi-Weekly Journal —The beet news and farm paper in the south—12 months. 0 Every-Day Life -A bright, clean story paper for the whole family-12 months. Farm Life -One of the best farm papers publish ed 12 months. Home Life —A weD edited and up-to-date paper for the homo-12 months. Gentlewoman —A woman's magazine of high claaa-12 / months. ' Household Journal and v* ftarifllvMttgagme * —A great magazine-12 month*. Seven Big Papers for About /. Half Price * ' ' .. V This Club Combination is without a doubt one of the biggest reading • * /. matter bargains ever offered. Look over the list carefully. Every pabHca*. tion offered is well worth the regular subscription price-but in this offer you can buy ijt for about half price. Order it today. We have made arrangements by which we are enabled to make these m tparaOed offers tor a limited Hate for the benefit of the readers of THE EXCHANGE. This altar will be toetiwwl until March lfh, and yen are at tibia tj to tak »either of the offers here made util that time at the remarkably low price of 92.10. This is year opportunity to square up with ns and get advantage of Hu most aanfational Newspaper and Magazine bargain ever offered our readers. t[JRG EXCHANGE THE COUNTY PAPER. I . • of r. •bo leoo, bor tho SUt • of mi Mid poU •W, fa* mr» M • M Am £ »Ur. Ufa * _ . { dent bay mere than you can oomfort ■Uy pay far. Draae wd, bat pay year tailor; lira well, bat pay your grocer; deal “bang-up" eaa to pay the other they need the money aa much aa yea. Earn largely, spend thoughtfully, and save; consistently, aa that yea amy have something ta spend whew your earning power ia las than It is today and your needs, it may be, are greater. Develop Snea ds! strength aa the ouaa acquire phy sical strength— grad sally. Don’t gam ble to get rich, nor mortgage the fd* tore to enjoy the pcsaect. To devalep the ability to draw heavy leads ia a alow, steady proems. It takes pedears sad training. While the Uvea o4 some great amp remind no that era can maka atoaey by taking skesses, yen eaa lone it the aamowai. Taakle big prat Was, mdortaha Mg' things, bat lot there bo tap (ho ohm, in Om barnyard, few sma eaa maka eaa dedar da the wort of taw and you Tlw Spirit of Lea. Attorney General T. W. Bickett to speech at flora Maodcnald OoA ■legc, Bod Springs, Jan. 19th. I has* a son, aa only son. I talk to Mm about Lot, road to kka about Veo, give Mm books about Loo and pic tares of Loo. I wont Mm to got Mo mind saturated with the spirit of Loo, for 1 would rather Oat boy weald take Loo foe Ma model, for Mo hero, the* any beiag that over walked this earth. Taka Mm aa a boy of eleven, honoring the memory of Me father and looking with tender— solicitude after the comfort of hie widowed mother; take Mm as a student, sub mining to the rigid military disci pline at West Ffcnt, going through the cotire coersa without a ilegie de merit ago! not Mm, and graduating —and la a dees of fcrty-clx; lake Mm aa • young edleer, hendaomi aa an Apotto, the arian «d a noble boom, Ma Unehga and Me untferm throwing wide open the doom cd loelety, end tempUtiene te lend a Ufa of ense, of adventure, of kaightiy Bonquooto ao think around Mm ao Sewera in spriag thue, and yet be works hard at Me ritoern peodoorioa, uaea neither Igm wlla u reaatd ef pore real purity"m i i ■UiateM u her own. Look ml him aa a subaltern in Meatao, watehiag with «*fla eye tor every opportunity1' to eerre, aw) perforata* every ter ries with such splendid efficiency aad onaaHlah eourace that General Seott/ came to lore him as Ma own eon, nnW la teWr yoara the oM General, begged tha yonac Colonel with tear* la Ma eyee to be tha CoeaaiaadoHiv-CMef of all tha aimioa of tha North. Fallow his ms)**tie figure through the tangle maaos at the Seven Days Battle around Richmond, la fbo irresiotiblo swoop at Ida ! acton* at Chancellora ▼ffle, upon the trembling Mils of of Gettysburg, in tha mad, wild work of tba Wild ora mw, aa wHh maOhlem akffl ha “rides the whlrlwtad aad