BOCWA1.LOW raws. Dmk Batts, Car respondeat. Uoiwtllse, Jsb. 20.—Friiby Han cock, who eenrad ai an innocent by stander during an argument Friday morning at Rye Straw, ia reported to ba getting along nicely. Sidney Hocks says the people ot these times are getting so cultured he can hardly got to church without his hair roach sd. The Depity Constable will attend the .play at the TickviUe opera house ore night neat week, as several Im portant arrests are to ba mads in tha third act. The molasses mill on Musket Ridge had a pleasant visitor Wednesday in the person of Mias Rosy Monely. She went away looking samovar than ever. The Mail Carrier got In ye*tarday morning accompanied by a nice rain. Washington Hicks took a good look at tbs train at TickvilW Tuesday morning. Ha believes after all that there ia a great difference between a train and a wheat thresher. Ra* Barlow bad hi* picture made the Am at thl* w*ek. The photog rapher ha* promised It to him Sun day, a* ha wants to show it at church. The Wild Onion School Teacher think* everybody should be well pleased with the location of the Unit ed Stats*, as all the maps shew K to b* In a cbeice spot on tha top aid* ^ tlM flobi. The Tlekrille Tiding* this week re prints the editorial ft published last weak, as ana of ita subscribers missed Us paper. The Parmer*' Home Restaurant at Tickvill* is now putting on mates politan airs, by Installing napkin* at seek plata Beefsteak will beraaftar he served on Saturday and tha guests on that day will be allowed on* hoar at the table*. Thl*, w#*k Shn Flinders took his •on. Pidity to Tickvilla and carried him dear through tha office where the Tickvill* Tidings 1* published. «■ also got a good look at the edi tor while be waa net looking, hav ing nsver seen a great man of letters. Pletchkr Hanstep will begin speak 1 ytk *• *h* fallows be doesn’t tike vary waS next weak, aa k* will than open his candidacy for tha office of coro ner. Poke Baxley believe* the mud tur tle* In this pond haven’t got any aa* far him as they all dW* out of sight •very time be goes about the pend. - In the waning of the grasshopper , MM Ml. Mas Platte Belcher donned A1 tffie Sal r*rvi»r .started to Tick '.ViUt this morning on his usual im, whan.he gnu te a wide place in , the road £* will turn around and com* 'back, having forgotten the null hag. PBo* are about gone from this sec tion, but traces of them are .still to he found on Tam Sima’ white Sunday shirt front. Lake Ifnthewsla says there is mote dines for the young men In business these days than there waa whmi be wga growing up. Cricket Hicks ngrms with him. but says tbs young “*■ ar* watched closer these days. V Poke Easley (pant Friday night out . j®^th|M*ihn'am trying out his new KOick HeUwanger baa not decided whether he will got himself an over cast ar a barrel of Ueksr for the cold wither. He is ao tall it takes a mighty long drink of. ticker to warm his feet. The Editor a paal thfeg. Oaaaa, tbaaph. that b * *>a Araaaa that will OM tag Retwieted. *y Uw OIm Boy. Max Walton's girl is boay, When aarly falls the dow, But after eight her shape Is great, Bhe's iA a stage review. Break, break, break. On the cold, grey pave, ah me! 11 u» trying to break in a pair of shoes. That are rather too small for me. Should old acquaints nos be forgot, And never brought to mind ? i *t should, if old acquaintance be The money touching Und. If a body hit a body When out in his car. Why should such a little thing, The rider's pleasure mar? And Old I'sc ms Re-writ by the Sam* Audio*. Build a ship, O worthy Master, One that scarcely can be scan, That can laugh at all disaster And out-aail a submarine. . When the frost it on the pumpkin, And lias glittering on the lawn. It is hard to face the wiater. If your over-coat's fat pawn. Oh why should the spirit of mortal he . proud, And why should It boastfulness bor row ? The chicken we feed ee so proudly to day, Will coma back la bash on the mor row. 71m Mia lake at Small T«*n Mer Tha following article wma taken frcen an exchange coming to our desk. We hope that every merchant In this ooonty will read thii article. It ie in ho way a personal affair. It ie simply written by a merchant and almply gives facta, and boom advice in It may be helpful to you: The greatest trouble in moot smell cocam uni ties is that the merchants as a general rule, thinks that aa an insertion of a email ad doesn't hasp them and their Merit Jumping to fill ordan, it doesn't pay to advertise. And also they do not pay enough at tention to this most important part at their business. As a general rule, in hie ad writ ing, whan ha finally dees decide to inveet a few ftnsys with the heal paper, he waits entil the last poasi ble moment before getting the printer the copy and then scribbles only a few general remark* that the public already know*, each at, be it a gro cery store: “We have eager, lots of It,” end signs kit nanm. and the same way with the dry gbods stare: "We handle shirts, socks," and so an through the different Unet af busl nem. Bet some pep into you and give the people the Inducements that oth ers are doing and it wOl pay to ad vertise. • '71m sooner merchantt of any town where such conditions exist get to ua darstand that getting up good, read able ads, in an iatelllgenhmsaaer, af what they have to sell and what priem they want, it as important no. opening up their store In the morn ing, the sooner they will learn that St is advertising that brings in the coin. Bo many surchant* and others who have goods to advertise say: “Oh, I haven't time to writ* aa ad;“ hut still yen am no mm in the store. Get busy or you will bs sorry soma day to sse your trad* gradually slip Pi»» away from you, and no one eisee fault bat your own. What would you say ta a cleric who would tall you ho hadn't time to do a certain import ant duty ha had u perform? Un doubtedly H would be, “Take time or get out." “Other* oay:' "I don't have to ad vertise; everybody far milee around Idiarw* me." Bure they do. but if you drat pt up ind hoetl*, or shake a la«," aa is ■raMtima* said. theyH pat yra down aa a baa bran, and In tkaae day* of hustle yra bare to bo up and KOtef after what you want or some one will beat yoa to it. What does it coot tba large nail oidew houtea to advertise aad aand tbair catalogue* into thia county to rat their goods before the people? Thera are, at a- nail aetitnata, about WOO large' aateloguee aaht into thia eonaty each year, not to aay anything of the numerous smaller one* which w^ will not speak af. The MOO largo araa ooat oa sa avatap to placa in tka band* af the raeafrer, printing, portage, packing, ate, about aaa dol lar each TMs Means *6.000 spent far pain ten* ink by k boose hundred* of atliaa away. Da yra tkiak tbay would cootinua te business long if ft did aat pur 7 No; they grt this SMount hook aad nraek Mora, aad hwro a goad profit on tbair books "nltii li KEEP YOUR SHOES NEAT* n»«« > ca.tte.j »rp»co, w y NEW QUARTERS We take tale method in notlf inf the public that we have moved our MEAT MARKET I > the store room (gpodto Everington's Dru^r Store, ^ which wi ■ formerly occupied by 0. J. Jacobs as a grocery store. Our reason for moving was tS^t we might be able to give our patrons.a bettor service. J.n our new place every* thing is thoroughly Clean and 8anitary, perfectly 8croened and Cod. With our large refrigeration poaribiUties and the new and clean itora room, era are enabled to bid the public to buy from the cleanest, most modern and beet equipped Meat Market in this section. Our stock of Meats is always full and complete. Here you can find at all times the choicest Steaks Roasts, Chops. Perk. Lamb. VaaL Mutton, Sausages. Sauce Meats. Pud dings, Chickens Eggs, Mountain Butter, and every little delicacy^you would expect to find in a well equipped Meat Market Prompt deliveries. 'Phooe be your orders. # » The Sanitaryf Market Laurinbnrg, N. C. 'Phone 156 WHEN YOU ONCE BUY OUK SHOES YOULL BUY TICM AGAIN • BECAUSE YOU WILL LIKE THEM WHEN YOU SEE HOW STYLISH THEY ARE. YOU'LL LIKE THEM BETTER WHEN YoU .SLIP THEM ON--THEY WILL TEEL SO EASY. YoU WILL LIKE THEM .STILL BETTER WHEN YOU WEAR THEM BECAUSE THEY WHfL dIVE YOU A LoNd, HARD WEAR. THEN YOU WILL ALWAYS COME BACK To US roR YOUR JHoE£. WE HAVE ONLY HIdK QUALITY .SHOE* AT toW PRICE PLANTERS TRADING GO. A Bank With Hie Strength Of Tempered Steel Tba aoondoeaa of thia bank la ankaneed by the eon eervative pofiey punoad by tta eOoera in tbe making of kana. It therefore baoooma tbe aafett of all piaeea for the eafb of yoor earing*. upon vrUefa H payo in tenet at the rate of 4 par eeat per eoaom. r 9 * Thia bank invitat you to Tmmiae one of its rapjjfr icnmtac family of patrons, and off an you ovary facility omaiste^t with ante. sound and eoaaacvatlro banking. Laurinburg, North Carding - _ • DO YOU PAY YOUR BILLS BY CHECK? And thus have a record of each and every eaioont expended to—ther with a receipt for the amoeat paid ? If w*. you need a dteekioc account with thh bank. It la the mfeet way, the moat * eon'dnieot and satisfactory method of tiaaa aetiny ail baaiaeee pay manta. We will be pleased to have you make thie beak yoor place of deposit. Respectfully. First National Bank Laarinbvrff* N. C. DO YOU BUY HERE ? / f . ■ • * .’*• *vV'1 Lot of Uuittbdif and Scotland Comity pap pie do, and those that dp ere mighty weO pleased. In tUa day of High Coat of Lhing many enstoaera bars found that by haying Groceries from ns they men enabled |» reduce Bring expen ses tea fine margin. TUa la not because we ran tbs largest store, neither is It because wa sell .a cheap character of goods, bat simply bacanas ire sell the beat sad parent goads obtainable, dad then too. we sett them at THE LOWEST POSSt* BLE PRICE. The beat way to dsterarfne the truth of this statcaaaat la to ’pheae na year next order, If yoa aro aot la that habit. D. m; GILLIS CO. * ’Phone 89.