Local Notes. Rev. L N. Clegg, of I enrol HiU, vu a LeurioburK visitor MoaJay. Mr. and Mrs. Mae Cameron spent the week-end with Charlotte friends. Isn’t it about time to begin to get thing* in shape for summer baseball T Mr. Hinton James made a business trip to Raleigh Thursday. Mr. R. A. Peels, of Olbeoa, R. X. 0. No. Z, spent Monday afternoon in the city. Mosers. R. J. Jones and A. E. Shaw, of Wagram. ware business visitor* to the city Friday. Messrs. W. G. Bulo and NaUl Mc Kay. of Wagrsm, wars Lsurtnbur* visitor* Monday. Mr. Edwin Morgan made e boaineei trip to La Grange ths past weak, re turning Monday. Mr. Charlie Weill, of Greensboro, was the guest of his brother*. Messrs. H. R. and B. C. Weill, Thursday. The Greater New York Minstrels will appear hare In the opera house next Wednesday night, the fth. Mr. Thad Fields returned to Ral eigh Tuesday to continue hi* stadias at Pace’s School of Pharmacy. Mr. Harry Everett left Monday for Ralaigh where ha entered Page's School of Pharmacy. Mr. W. C Scale*, of Monro*, spent ths weak sad ta the city with Laa rinburg friends. Messrs. W. L. Fields and A. A. Jams* Heft Taaaday oa a bnainasa trip to Alhsmirte. Mr. J. A Stanton, of Red Springs, apgnt Friday In the city ths guest of Us daughter, Mrs. R. G. Stone. Mr. W. V. McCall left Tuesday for Raeford where he goes to assume the management of the Raeford Hotel. Mrs. Kate Gibson, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. H. O. Covington, returned to her home at Faison, Monday. Union prayer meeting will be held at the Baptist church tonight, the services being conducted by Rev. J. M. Rosa, D. D. - E*v. J. M. Row, ». D„ occupied the pulpit gt the Baptist church Sunday night. The service was ths union **r vtco that is held one* each month. ' . Mh D. C. Odom speat Thursday and - Friday gt McFarland. Anton county, ^looking after his farming interests VlB fot wltion.v '• -Zdifm Rath MeKinnaf. a student, at Flora MaadmaM Coilags, Rad Spring, apaht the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. McKinnon. Mr. sad Mrs. Roland Covington ■pent Sunday in Hamlet with Mr*. Covl&gton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. ILOardon. Dr. W. ft. Matthews, of Rocky Mount, baa accepted a pwMw aa preaerlptiauUt with Evertngtoo'* ..«3*ur Storm Mr. Bu*#eU Middleton, of Jpckaen vflle, Ha, arrived is the city Saturday > night sad U the geeet ef Me aunt, Mn. Mate Middleton. . Mine NaneyFairiy, ef Rockingham, la the meat of MU* Lee McNair at her Home on Laurinburg R. F. D. No. f . Mr. and Mra. Dea Shaw and chU dree apaat Thursday in Lumbertm vMthc Mra. Shaw's parents, Mr. aad Mr*. G. M Whit/WM. Mrs. T. J. Breeden, of Bennetta vttte, 8. a, is th* guest ef her aietsr. Mra. D. Z. Hardin, on Laurinburg R. F. Ml Mo. 4. Mr. Ralph E. Gibson baa jnet re tnmeri from New York city where he ■peat a month taking In the wonders of that town. ' h ’ Mr*. John T. McBpekln, of Flor daoe. S O, and little Mia* Mariah . Eerie Welle, ad Wilmington, arrived la th* city Sunday and are the guests «d Mra Alex WaH*. i , - . Mr. H. T. Jack eon, a former Seot laadite who has east hie lot on a farm Bear Bed Springe la Robeson county, peat Saturday with Laurinburg rela tives. Ob January l«k this yaar, Sant land eoonty had gtonad 25.M8 halos of ootton. At tha tame time last yaar tha word* abosr that we had giaoad Sljil btlit. :: Mr. Ita Mgartaa, of Ooldahoro. apaal Saturday and Sunday bora with Ua aaata, Mr. L O. Kdgortoa. lot*, tataad to Ua homa Sunday, making "tha trip by ntemoMU. • Ur. Allan Flalda, Mrs. J. T. HaUa Bad Mr. Dowgla* MaAru laft M re day mriwfrg far a rtatt to reiattra* at ratMaSo*.TWr JMd* ^ * V'- Dr« J. O' libertroo, wha far Mha ;^M>l»S!arBIJlflte imSfSfca Mr. Q- Y. Jonae apart the weak red at Ml Oliva vieitiag setativas. Miaa Lily McKinnon expects to laara aaxt Tuesday tor a auy of two month* In Florida. Mi*. Pater Mcloon waa hostess to the Elisabeth Browning Book Club Tnaaday afternoon. Attorney M. h John returned Sun day from a stay of ton day* In Geor gia and Florida, where he waa called on legal business. Mra. Dan Shaw entertain or! yester day, both morning and afternoon, in honor of her stater. Miss Ellmbeth Whitfield, of L urn barton. Mr. Harry Winston, who has been the guest ef hie staler, Mra. Kate Thouae, for the feast several week*, left for hta home at Orr, North Da kota, Friday. This morning between ten end eleven o’clock there will be a partial oclipee of the mu, which wUl be visi ble her*. If you have net already dona so, gat a smoked glass. Mr. A. F. Schell, of Gnat Falla, A C., an routs to Raleigh where ha will take a special coarse hi pharmacy at Page’s School of Pharmacy, spent yesterday In the city. Mr. C. W. Cherry underwent an op eration for appendicitis in a Charlotte hospital owe day the past wwek, and we am glad to nets is rapidly recov ering. Ha ia axpaetad to return home the latter part ef this week. . Misses Bliss and Dickson Peden, who were called to Laarinharg ten days ago on account of the death ef their mother, Mrs. Howard Peden, hav* returned to their home at Hen dersonville. We are pleased to note that little Mtaacs Frances and Virginia McCor mtek, children ef Mr. and Mrs. F. C. McCormick, wm have bean quite tU with scarlet fever, are rapidly recov ering from thelf Illness. Mrs. J. G Powell, who has been the •west of her stater, Mrs. J. A Mc Neill, returned to her homo at Jack sonville, Fla., Friday sight. She waa accompanied home by Mies Betsy McNriU. The automobiles of Mseers. H. A Quick and H. C. Farmer loekod home at the corner of Main and McKay ■treats Monday morning. Both cars were running at a low rate at speed and fortunately no eerious damage re sulted. We are glad to note tha return of Mrs. E. H, Gibson to bar home here. Mrs. Glbaon hoe bean undergoing treatment at Sawatamam Urn the poet toe months, aad to the delight of her ■any friends, has entirely recovered her health. We regret to note that oar good Mead, Mr. B. & Rudd, has suffered the return of the eye trouble from which he euiTered so much several moaths ago. Ha is taking treatment under a Charlotte specialist aad spent Tuesday In that city Meean. Phillips A James, managers of tha local play house, have booked “The Show Girt", a musical comedy company carrying twanty-toa people, for two nights February 18 and IT. This show comas with a good raoord and is highly pro la ad by tha manager of the Fayetteville opera bouaa. The Sanitary Market, which far tha past several years has been located next door to J. D. Sanford A Son, has boon moved to the store room opposite Kvertngton’s Drag 8ton which was formerly used by G. J. Jacobs as a troeery. Tha reason for this move ia explained in their ad elsewhere in this issue. Weather Prophet J, L. Peel*, of the Sneed's Grove eection, was a Lanrin berg visitor Tuesday. Mr. Peele re perte a smell hog killing in kla neigh borhood at which Will Monroe killed two shoe to that were cine months old and weighed 4M pounds not. He also mid that Bank Thrower kiled sue that pulled the scales for gU pounds. la a general fight at Mason’s Cross Sunday of last weak. Lake Bldges wae shot add painfully wounded by Zan nle Terry. Ridges, H is said was run ning, and was indiscreet enough to leek beck. As he turned the weapon, a shot gun, was fired, aad he received the load in hie face. Fortunately hie wounds were net eerieus. Mr. Den McLauehUn, of Wegrasi, was a Laurinburg visitor Tutaday. Mr. McLauefclbi Mils aa that bis brother, Mr. Lacy KcLaochPn who was so sarlously stabbed seme weeks ugo at Florals, Ala., is rapidly raeov ering from tbs effects of the wound, and hopes to soon be able to make the trip to his home at Wagiaas. The sale of Bed Cross Seals la Lau rinhorg daring tbs Chris tarn* holi days was snore than the number that was sold a'year baTors. The entice ■ale amounted to 6.TST The year be fore eras only 1,700. A prise of one dollar was off seed to the organisation selling the graatoet nsmber, and ffria was aaafiy captured by the Fourth Grade la the city eshaela. Urn sU dsea very rib rnisij gave the prfae hack into the fund for wWeh the mmlm were Bold. The many friend* at Mi* X. E. Lee will regret to knew that aba wn pain, fully but Sunday night by failing. Ska want to tha back yaH at bar Home to ran away a bunch of doge that ware molesting bar poultry yard, ami while in tha yard stumbled over a stick at wood and fail. In falliag aha sustained a braised knee end sprained back. It will be a matter at much gratifi cation to tho people of T-aurinburg to know that Mre. W. H. Cooper,'who underwent a serious operation In a Richmond, Va_, hospital owe day tho past week ia rapidly recovering from the effects of the operation, which was a saccessful one. Mr. Cooper, who accompanied her to Richmond re turned to tho city Monday. Maser*. Gibaon Brothers, who are agents for Dodge automobiles in Scot land, Richmond, Anson. Hoke, Cum berland and Harnett, have moved back Into their old stand Just below The Exchange office. They-will not conduct a repair dapurtmant as be fore, nor conduct a garage, but will urn their place eolely for a salesroom for Dodge care and Dodga parts. Mr. Edwin Morgan, who has been using the building for the display of Hud son automobile* gave it up lb* first at February. ■aul War " “Fighting For France" ia a real war picture made on Urn battled side where the actual engagements are had. ifiOO feat of thrills lowing tha real fighting. Thie picture run for two solid months is a Maw York the*, tr* sad is now being shows for tho first time In tha South. Laurlabarg la one of the fist towns in North Carolina to see It. 8a* it at the Gam Theatre Tuesday night. BUSINESS LOCALS THE GRIP GERM originated in Ro*. sia, and If tha Russians could ar range to use It en the Ormans they oomid save lota of aausanition, tho same aa you will save mousy by bringing auto ton*, buggy tone and cushions and col fare lob* cut down or repaired. Next door to Ex change office. R. 8. Overby, b-pd FOR SALK—Top Buggy. Condition pod aa new, only used a sheet time WflJ sen at attractive bargain. See H. 8. Quick, Laurinburg, RC. 6-pd DESIRABLE HOUSE and lot on srasrirms 6-tf 90 R SALE—Bottling plant ui good condition. WUlaeB at a bargain tot caah or exchange for laU nodal Ford an to mo MJ« in goal condition. J. P. Wigginaat Kacknnge artea. : FARMERS! Own your fame. Reap all It nrodneee tnataad of ball. We knve ttna farm f 10 to MO par acre, large and email, improved and an jrgstifiuafr- *as I SELL Daybreak Add Phcephata, gtmraatond 29* par eaat >boe phoric Add, IS par aent rhdnli raa. Call, writ* or ’pbona No. 22CS, Qibaon, N. C. W. TfWrlght. 1-U CABBAGE PLANTS—Any kind yon went. Low prieoe. Plants detir arad to your doer. ’Pbona or leave ^oar order* Coble McIntyre. FOB RENT—A w*U located ottce room, ground floor. Main streoL ^ Apply Everington’a Drag Store. Florida—Cuba Panama Mardi Gias Pereonally Condaeted Toon DURING JANUARY FEBRUARY AND MARCH Attractive Winter Tripe toore of 12, IB, 20. SOatxl 86days Ail Exponent Included 2180.00 and up Write for Booklet GATTIS TOURS Tboriet Affaate Seaboard Air line Raleigh, N. C. . . m ± :.. *; "M m ■ ■ A NEW LOT OF SPRING COAT SUITS Consisting of Blue, Black and Green Silk Taffea tors, Blue Gabberdines, Serges and Shepherd Plaids in all the late new styles now ready for , your inspection. All Winter Goods going at GREATLY RE DUCED PRICES, consisting of Shoes, Ladies’ Coat Suits and Sldrts, Misses’ Long Coats, Men’s Clothing, Overcoats, Underwear, Union Sntta, Gloves, Men’s Dress Shirts and Fur When you are in need of anything in heavy i weight goods you can save money hy seeing us ! as we will make PRICES TO SUIT YOU. See us for Fay Stockings for children. _ \ ■/ :' ■>//••■.'’■. 'ff* ^^B ^^^^b BB.H H JH AH Kb ^b HI bb b^K B^BB ^l^b ^^B B B B^B B ^^B ^B ^B ^^B | B | jB^^Jp ^^k|^^F ^P Laurinburg, North Carolina. » •• : ANNOUNCEMENT We take this method of announcing to the people of Laurinbunf and Scotland county that we have secured the services of Mr. W. S. Matthews, of Rocky Mount as piescrip tionist. Mr. Matthews is a thoroughly com petent, Registered Pharmacist, and with the addition of his service to our business we •. we prepared to take care of your prescrip tions in a safe and professional manner, and we respectfully urge the people of thissec£:=i to continue to give us a share of their pat ronage in this line. We handle a complete line of Drugs and Drug Sundries, and in fact, everything you would expect to find in a first class Drug Store. Tour needs in our line will be supplied . promptly and correctly. We have a free de livery and your ’phone orders will always liave careful and prompt attention. Everington’s Drug Store ’Phone 9-J. Laurinburg, N. C. : • * ■ I ;

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