ItuN to Fmaee tattled nearly Mr lit Ik* WaaeeCaattttooa-** weak. Atdi WtML hU eAk a* Am ekiktxea vara boned to dcetb to a j&aa^ss&stis*; vtalhtaMiMiHlHitMte TIM ItaBaa mfBMM MM MNW yata ia tto aitti ta Ju. *6. It to da ta* fl,MO sad a aaa af aaa yaar in patoaa will to I_nHHB" r i. rrto>»Tr: . F-4, trhkfc aaak la teat yaar wttfc tha laaaof all an In ardor that bar 14-mootfc-old child aught ton thoagh badly aeamd aad Mta. Xmta Kaya, af 8a £S _ Taa, gare 80 igaw iaatoaa ad ikto a ha r»*** ta tha liat, aaak i aad * ,' Maw tha ahM af iiaway. i .l. uii 1 lmujl - Mr*. Robert Qilfort, of Orange, N. ^ J.. mM u agg of thnfnbiod roe, mt, Arabia*. Nights’ faas*. technically the egg of Mm —p—b. Mm foanU bird of Madagascar, to the aiaseUM Of Oaavgr, Cot. far $1,000. Tho spoei. MM wu one of throe to ho found in this country. Nearly 100,000 bundle* of clothing ware gathered to a single day by Chi* cage charitable worker* to be dis tributed among the poor of the city, in each of 60,000 of these bundles was jimfri t cvrtifidito fn** tkt Comou* ora* Cool company, of the city, good for GO pounds of aoal. Tho French minister of war urill auhanit to Mm chamber of dapwiaa 4 bin providing far a large addition la the number of ihsiidi Mipioyad with Mm milltuiT forces. Under tho bill, a body of MM dentist*, who will ranh ■Mine out of • high chair. Maria BA an etohfiatb HI child, waa strangled to death at Philadelphia, by tbe towel with which bar mother had tM bar to the mm when An found It oecesaary to go to a asarty atom. Oa tor return the amthar waa bant fiad to had the AW dangling with harjaeak in the aooee formed by the b a soafidsatiai repeat made by the War College bawd to Secretary ef War Carrie ea aa aaaetoaan tantM in tbe United State* artillery strength Is nttoMaM The Wan depart ment in urged to expend tmfiWfiOQ gna drafting the U. S field artillery. The report la eaid to be baaed oa ia roematiuu of army observers ia Ka Tbe Bwaaiaw baying comwlaoion ia ton United Staton ia aaid to bare ap proved contracts for ptJUOflOO worth ef marbba gaaa. The order ia the largest af the Mad plaead by any of tbe bolHgaewate since tbe bgbabe of Ae war. It ia understood Russia ia also trying to place a contract for lfijMOuOOO high exp Ieohs and shrag no! shells b this nitty. The Belgian spy OA who A —need Man Kdhh Oarall. tbe Sag lisb cars* wSs was uarStd'it Ifirus aaie aoaaS thus ago, ia reported to have heea^aasugbatod oa tba atroata of VbwA .eofciisr, whaae isefseeina to rssaRad ia tba arrest of Miea Coroll, coaa by hanging himself la A Bellitary priaoa ia Braaasla Dm following un Item* wen dipped from the WM edition of the ■efce County Journal: Dr. end Mm. A Han McLean of Wa gtaaa. worn in town awhile Tuesday. Mr. Arch McNeill, of Laurinburg, wm in town Wednesday afternoon. (Arch ia the left-handed pitcher that Chrao the Raafood baseball team as ameh to worry aboat daring the sum mer months.) Mr. Macdook McLeod, of Timber had. Roots 1, passed through team Moadoy an WM home from a trip to Laartoburr aad Marfam Mm Epstein left Saturday on the lata train for Mew Tartu Bam says be will buy the beat spring Una rear, sad ho want* tho boys to know that ho will tarry Manhattan shirts. (Bern is a brother of oar townsman Joe Bpstobt. the proprietor of the “Home of Big VahMa", whose name often frSomtri oar' adaoHMng columns.) Mr. J. A. McDfana id killed the lory, eat hag last weak so far ropoctad fat Hoke county. TMa at* weighed MO poanda, and ha wasn’t fat math; some any, ho could hare snaky boon mad* to weighed 800. (Tbit bog waa erf doatty some kia ta th* om that oar Moad Bob Oftoon says ia ripening la tho St John's neighbarfaoed.) Ws node. 660 beloo of oeMon wet* in Durham eoaaty, the Lmm glo farms to Scotland prodaea that f* tho mm la true wet hare. Senator Johnson grow nearly 80# batoa In 1814, (Wo war* sot talking oMM Senators aad Legislator*. Wo wra^apoddag of small farmers.) F- . ""l1 i j •f tk>> > Civ -> by the Uytam'* Mw-to-aiy Morses H Six year* ago 76,000 aim amt in 7$ leading cities of ths t.090 07. Since then, mad a* n> remit,) in past, of them in* pi nag gaihs.-iztgs the even of tha church of Gel have had a more intelligent conceptof Gtv's plan for then and unprecedented iui vnncea have bcea outdo In the muoion ary enterprUo. However, it in el ti tan tod that only about coo-half of the membert of our church** are Vitally interested in the cause of Missions, Home and Foreign. The problem erf arousing the slumbering half concerns these awake. Recently groat change* have taken place fas the world, creat. iag new conditions and imposing upon us additional reeponaiMHlieo. The earnest expectation Ad the creation waitsUt for the revealing ,ef the sons of Cod." . ■■ A needy, hungry, weary world, s calling us. Has not America coma ts the Kingdom for such a thus as this? Praaidoat Wilson asks. “Haro we I *st *he vision of America T Hare srt for gattaa that America waa intended for the service of mankind ?" The bogie asu pregnant with poaaibtMttea. "We enn* not amec these golden hours with leaden foot.” 4MB WV Wf Pten* tookfac toward tha - J of oar whole nds tieaary duty. tk amphuic* the adequacy of tha Ceapal to meat modern aortal tgn> ditien*. Ta incteam too «Utwl power aad rtErtmcy of tha loeal church. Ik aacure tha gaoem! oaa at the boat ^Mtaann Vacation To tolplra layman to taka their part la tha axtenaioa of tha Khwdom ad Otot The North Cerollaa Convention la to he held ta GREENSBORO Watoiaaday..Pah. «. 1»1S nmd*r-Pah. 10, me £****»--pi li, 1116 tapday-PaC i|, m« aad wa want 2^00 ragttered dele fntoa to attend. Wa caU the mm of Old North State to aaeet with os. , ktw tha ocean's shorn to tha aad miser. from too rttiee, town. Art open country. Pastors' aad Idymea Worn ail toa denominations. ToeVth «r let da wait apart tha Lord aartk*. mw our strength. Executive Committee. A. H. Scales, Chairman. . Dr. C. W. Moseley, Vica-Otairwthn. T. P. Moffett, Secretary. . P. B. Nicholson, Treasurer. J. Norman Wills. C. A. Rinas. *. B. Colt J. A. XaOaabcrgar. C. H. Ireland. - A. C, Bridgman, Exacutlve Sacya tety. Frwi Th« Scottish CUM. I ** Mn. Luther MeCdmiek spent Wed “«• FtatenUy with relatives la Laurtnburg. . ' Means. Jacaaa, Plaids sad Bam. ■toads, of Laurinbarg. were to irj* toa this weak. , Miss Lillie McKinnon, of Lata n ™r*‘ ^owa Wednesday to v dt Mrs. E. T. Carrowan. It is understood that Mr. Jan. F. McNair, of Laurinbrtxrf, recently ti ek war tbs'Livermore A Co. property at FntaOb Mr. B. A Covington, of Laurinbu rg, FMsod through Maxtou Wednasx ir •owing on bis way to kit farm • sr St. Paula Mr. Austin McCormick moral da family to Sanford last Tnaaday ni| to, •her* ke ia Coxnsseretel Agent for he Atlantic A W (stern Railroad & +> Mtoa Lfla KcLaaa, of '-Inks * sad Mlaa Mary PattwemTof Las Hill, ware la Msxteu Tuesday or n lug Wtween trains, hurtag bam « sr to PayettevtSa. Mowra. IX A Alderman of 1 a •*“*» *■**»* Caa^hoO. of *c rt polier; A K Campbell, of Parks mi I* A. McOirt and W. G. MeLeaa, of Wakulla, ware Mautou visitors j ». tsrday morning. Hoar Thau. I Up to OUe s man In aa Indmiry thaw tost his ayo right sad the doe Kr.srS’iSTSi'sfE «— Mght as ha hasn't bam Uiad That would he t pretty bomdoy^o. ■ ' 1 MUSTANG Stop* Pain At Ooc« I JWMi AiAniw g LINIMENT HUSBAND • htSiiikll DESPAIRING WIFE AJfar Fnt Tun of ffiiimihi Cn*iu., Hr*. BwHack ta» Dp fa tap*. Hnl ill Cun to Knew. CUron, Ky.—la aa ben 0* place, Ma. Battle wrtHi a tallows. "I aidtared tar \ Toao, wife woeunly troubles, aad i aa, I coadd oaafy alt up tor a BBk Attatt, aqr taataad ■otae■ I located taking It Pfoai *a very find dose, I could tail II waa hatpiag am. I caa now walk two nftw wtthoad tn tkiag ait, aad an doing my work." It you are a> naa dowa (ram * fflualca. doa*t give tap tai r CarduLihe woaain ’a Seta. ■ora mb a miuton yaan el woadarfid at_. unhrhdajrM,too. Your i add Cardtd tar years. Hskaonwbe it wOl do. Aik him. Hr wi* rreoaa maadfe. BoRatakiagCardadtoday. MhNm m yaw hm MTMmwa tm Ona ~IWM« a, Wwi " O' M ‘V»(> ATTRACTIVE WINTER YA CAT10N TOURS TO Florida, Coho, The West Indies, Phhum Canal, Mardi Gras. Operated during the Christ end KST J****rT’ _ Te«rs ef Tee, Point* of Greet At ^ end Historical In We have a tow si extremely low cast Including all asp smw to Fhrida sad Cobs, DscaSnbwV, Jsoout 7th, aspdclslhr attract Iys sad of ualladtododacatloaal valnc to Tas chars aad Stadaato dering their vacation—their on ly ppporl aaity. ' A TOUR OF Florida, ths world’s ,» a h a ths isthmus of Panama, daring the winter months at home, ax fording an opportunity for grant Writs far Booklet and Li tern tore. Wa are ears one of uw many attractive AH-Expense Included, Personally Conducted and Chap waned Tows at a Reasonable Coet will Interest yen. OATHS TOURS, Tourists Agent*. Saeheard Ah Line Railway feaMgh, N. C. the ideal pressing clue. • Ckum* PrMttog, Dyvintt AU • r Wl ■■If. • apNMty af Dry • CUuih)|. * CU<lt«a tor wd w>—i * AO «Mk pmntMd to W a*t- * • J. B WOODY, Pwprtrtw. • *r s Insurance Ufa, rtM.lualth, Aod dMt aad ia fact any. . ■ thfalf that iMtititt fa* Jss&ii&i. . 0, ’ j /'fJ ■- •.•>.' -* .. •» / - ■Of''*}\*Gt\ . • .W. ; Came Here , i i / 1 BECAUSE That is the reason »hj we — ■— ——z.“ sell groceries to people all GOOD EATS ABE CHEAP AT . I '' THIS STORE Toondf Too. over this section of territory. , That is the reason why we hold our old customers year after year. That Is the reason why we are se curing new customers day after day and year after year. That is the reason why one person tells another to trade at this store. e That is the reason why you gain if you are trading with us. sad it hi the reason why you lose if yea are not trading with us. Yon need ns and we need you. Now why can’t we get together and each profit by oar business relations ? ^_ ^ I _ Do yon patronise our Meat Market? It’s the most Sanitary and up-to-date Laurinburg has ever hod. You can always get what you want here, and you know its just right. 'Phone ns your Meat orders when yon 'phone for your Groceries. •* McLaurin & Shaw ' ’Phone 43 Your Plumbing Now is the time to have that Plumbing done, or maybe its a heating plant you want, but that doesn't matter, if it's in the line of a Plumber's work, rest assured you can hare it done right, and economically too, by calling on the undersign ed. Thone 176. M. F. Gilfeather Practical Plumber * SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY THE PCr Z2E8SIVEJRAILWAY OP THE 80UTH Train* Leaving Laurinbnrg ^ ' No. 19-836 A. M. Local for Hamlet, Charlotte and *11 tn tmtwdlal* poinU-Throogb Sleeper Wilmington to Charlotte. Opon for paqloogenat Wilmington at 10 P. M. No. 18—737 P. M. Local for Ha Pilot. Cbarlotta and all In. North? a^indfl^tfa'Went* F^Uro^l^pirk/c^Wil* mington to Cbariott#, No. 20—8:47 P. 14. Local for Wilmington and all iatartnodinta points,—Throogh Sleeper Charlotte to WBmlngton. Pasanigsri may remain In Sleeper until 7 A. ML FJor additional Information, as to rates. ached idea, or re servations, call on tom! agent or write the undersigned. J. Watson, Agost H.B.Plea—nf, T.P.iL LgnHstnrg, N.fC. Wflsrfsgtaa, N. C. Mi T. Waal, D. P. A. • JUMgk, N- C. .

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