qskbbal Bros mu The oympothy of Mr*. Abu By* bocky, of Chicago, nosed bar to re frain from asking for alimony whan Judge McDonald granted her si di vorce from John By bee Icy. Sho didn't know be wa* th* father of ten chil dren when (be married him on Oct. 23,1»10, but ebe testified ebe left him after be bad "pulled her around by the hair.” Bfeo declared be would n*fd all bis email earnings to support bis chtdrsn. Th* sft of 113,000 worth of Jew slry fro-u tbs apartment of Mr. and Mr*. Georg* Bird, ia a New Yock dtp hotel, baa at last ihaken thotr faith in tbs honesty of mankind. They bad persisted tat leaving their doer* un locked, believing everybody about the place wee boneet, They declared it wap their coatom when at boas*, in Aiken, a. C., (and Dark Harbor, Me, to leave their door* nnbarred. Army Quartermaster General Ale shir* has notified the Heewo Military oocnmltt** that equipment far an army of 800,000 eras either In the Government store he usee or could be bought ia the open market in lane than three swathe Equipment for 600, 000 is la army or military d spots, and manufacturing concerns, the general ■aid, eonld easily torn out equipment for >00,000 ia 80 days. The country never wa* la better petition in that regard, be added. With the temperature hoVeriog near the eero mark, 12 prisoner*— three whites and nine negroea wire publicly flogged at Wilmington, Del., the guard who wteUed the “cat o’ nine tails’* having received instructions to be gentle with the prisoner*. Wrapp ed la heavy blanket*, the prisoner* were taken from their cell* through an imdriginunii passageway to the stockade, manacled to the whipping pest, flogged and then rushed back. The Brydan Horseshoe work* at Cataaangue, Pa., is advertising for one-legged men. Labor is scarce end the plant baa a machine where crip ple# can earn just aa much stamplug out th* ahem aa men who are entirely able bodied. The arfvartieament con tains a rlaaaa that applicants, who can earn from 85 a day upwards, must present ceftifiestas that they ere non-drinkers. At th* present time they are taming out vast quantities of hotaaahaee for th* Russian cavalry. i^hat^ wyr hee^ increased Juvenile meqt distinguished criminologists end penfeeeers of Jaw In thgt country. Ha recommend* as a remedy a decree for bidding boys to visit saloons or mov ing picture shows, or to loaf about th* streets during the evening, smoking aad drinking alcoholic beverages. On* vrriter point* out that the war has an indirect influence on boys left without control through the absence of their father* in the Add and their mothers in the workshops. In the United States in the year 181A eely 888 miles of new railroad war* constructed, ss against L&32 ia 1914 aad 8/TT1 in 1918. The total was w*a the smallest since 1884.- The 1 cages* now construction for any an* state was Pennsylvania, where 96 mOea wep laid. There are now in the whole country 24LOOO mil** of tujlmad, of which 88,881 were ia the hands of reoeivers at the else* of the year. Umttiag of Income by Govem regulations la given as th* rea 9oaMr*r^h#a^i*aH expenditures for year. It h claimed, however, that th* •itoatkm ia improving, owing to n <**nge in public and oAdel senti ment toward the reads. -CyeUne" Davis, representative from Tana, has succumbed la IW whim* of chrtlltation and la naailag a perfectly rood ttnan ooQar with a eallao «hht decorated with plak How to*. Whaa “Cydene" drat appeared la Waahingtoa his only node adorn, tamt was a gray voolaa muffler. He •apiatoed hto appearance by the fact that ha had vowed to hie farmer eon ititueat* Hat be woald never wear a collar. The dtaae reform of “Cy etoeei’ evidently pleased hint sad oaaaad maeh comment among hie friend*. To them he confided that his wife wept many bitter tears became tow hoeband was rafarrad to a# the “nollerises eeagxaasman" end'that ha Wml to hasp panes in the family even If he did have to .break his elee tton proaeisa. .-Cyclone- docs not wear a necktie, hot that to expected to Tha TranMe With Same' Prayers. The troabto with mock of oar pray. tog to that wa daeida what wa want to db, aad aak God to help os de it. Wa riwaU pot oaraeivae wholly to Bto cere to da what Ha wants, and* by ■Mthode fflad wtD please Him. Wa Hww da as* asad to weary aboet tw •alts. Wa aaly hava to attoad Mth Mly to torn teak commktod (p _ band* sad Oad w« de ffle rseU-n* ' \ State at Health. That heart dlaaaeae kU mare pea pie la tha United States than tuber culosis, pa *n went* w any ether dis ease is the statement lire) out today by Director Sam L. Kagan of the Bu reau of the Census, Washington, D. C. The death rate for this die teas has increased troaa 129.1 par 190,000 population la 1990 to 15C.8 in 1914. This increase raises this dieses* tram Its rank aa third or fourth in the list at diseases with high death ratea to tint pleea. ' The above figures an baaed on tha vital ata tie ties reports of the regis tration ana of the United States for the year 1914 which reports embrace about two-third* of this oouatryb population. But tha gnetaot significance attach ed to the fact that heart dieeeeee are now causing non deaths than any other disease is, according to tha State Board of Health, the ncceasity for regulating daily living habits. Overeating, overdrinking, overplaying and overworking are pointed out a* the chief causae at this disease, la other weeds, heart disease Is the n eult ef improper living and i* after nil vary largely a matter of personal hygiene. Health experts declare heart disease to bo manly tha effect* of feat and improper firing and tha inconsiderate treetmcut given the hu man body. 8mm Spicy Sparks By 8Mn» A married man whaa* pocket la picked by a woman seldom has key ar rested. There arc always a lot of fallows who weald like to sac tha man at tha top fall off. , It Is batter to die unknown In this world than to be known because of your mistakes. There can ha no such word as fail for the man who refuses to sell hi* honor far-mi There ia one time in a woman's Ufa when she likes to hear the right -«■ talk business. Sometimes a man will behave bet ter if a wife keeps a nice haacbaU bat around the bouae. They call it fiction because, accord ing to it, all married couples lire hap pily aver afterward. Yaa dear, that bib around the base ball catcher's nock is to kaep tha fowls from scratching him, Greatness is tha simplest n,t«« w the world temple and natural or also The man who die* on tbs (told at ac tion escapes a lingering death from Idlanasa and hot biscuit. No dear, a taxidermist is not a man who collects tha taxas. H* ia the man who taxas tha collector*. Some people arc never so happy aa whan they ar* advising their friends to taka some kind of medicine. The Heating scant of perfume is sweeter and more pleasing than tha aromatic continuance of it. It is better to have loved and lost than (6 have loved and wsm Just enough to break into tha divorce court. Happy la tha man who has s deosnt Ausinaea, who pumuaa it decently and who lives hosMstly off tha profits K brings. , . Whan a man has reached the ago of eixty-Ave and can eat seine* pi* with inanity from pain hla Ufa has been a An that s lover needs to make Haav. cm complete after tha wadding oere aaony ia over to dioecVer that Ua wife ka« warm fact. Whan u man has so Hvad that tha residents of Us town are suspicious of hiss every tha* on* poisons u dog. It }s safe to slum i that ha has Hvad In vain. A* tcr ■*. * hit care whether a nmn’e grand father Was on tha bench aa a Jndga ar a eohbler, so long aa the nan himself la right Yaw young men who aak'for ldaae* ever g«t them. The bM doe* not ask the flower for its honey. He simply sips from the petals before the fiowar can dodge. At twanty-oao a sum starts in to reform th* world. At thirty he has Us doubt* shout It At forty he da aid** tha world can’t ha refill mail At fifty be is busy hanging on by Ms eyebrows and lethagth* world reform him. Tha Ana Hit Him. A colored preacher wee rehemeaUy denouncing, the eiaa of hie oengrega Uon. “Bredcrn awf aUtarn, Ah warns pa, ’gainst da heinous tin obthaatm’ entps Aa chargee pc’ da black raa eaUtp ob liftin' pullets. But abore alas, bredsra and statera, Ah daaaol iefaea yo’ gainat crime ob mslon steal ta." A brother in a back mat mad* an odd amend with his tips. K*e and ■napped hlV Angara. Than ha aat down again with an ihediil lank. “Why**, mah fieo,“ eeid the per am Merely, “dam pa* tnr ap an map •ngaha whan Ah apaske *b malm atmMa’r “Yo Jest reminds me, peheea.” tha Ah laT S . • > 'a* miir cQtxn iaok. ■ i *r. au..: "Hoard a foiler sayTn a free lek ahure down at tk* tbureh one time' that a goeelp area the lowest down] thing oo airth, an’ blamed if I aint a, little bit In-clined to agree with him.” TV lege “borrowed” a chow and • “Trouble with 'em to that whea a ' hunch ef 'am gits to talkin' an’ tollin' each other whet's happened in their neighborhood, they run out of focko an’ git to guaaain' at what happened. They ruin people* rep-o-tation that they don't know enay thing about a talL ra in favor uv aakin’ goaolpin, a poaai tenaary offence." “Soema to Jne Uncle", remarked a younger man, "that l*v« heard eome of you old timer• over at the grocery dare, get mighty pereonel in aome ef your conversations.” "Yea", replied the Sage, “1 reckon we do, but we don't aim to tel) noth in’ on nobody that wo ain't heard on re eponaibul authority er that we don't bev ground* far blevin.’ Y' tee tbet'i different.” _-- I Han rest the bones orf lllsi Hny, Ths darn fool got too smart; ,j Ha looked into a gun asm day To eaa the bulla; start. Cincinnati Enquirer. < Here rest the bones of Kara Tank, His folly none could throttle; He got up In the dark and drank I Out of tbe add bottle. —Detroit Free Press. Hers lie the bones ef Hiram Blaine, Who Mated to Ida fast. And wouldn’t takg^ea aeroplane To cross a jitney street. —San Francisco Chronicle. Here float the bones of Tbomaa Groat, Who on a foolish lark. Though warned by all, rocked the beat Which pitched him to a shark. —Washington Poet. Here lie tbe bones of Bouton Wright, His Are was eKbked with cinders; He poked it with some dynamite, ' And he was blown to flinders. —The Pathfinder. Here rest, remote from strife end fray, i ' Tbe bones of Jasper Blue, x Who asked us on a torrid day: “1st hot enough for youT" —Cberleon, N. D., Journal. Hare rest the boose of Jasper Tntt, Who really was no fool. But onoe forgot himself and triad Te argue with a male. After Bffacto ef Grippe. ^_ 8tale Beard of HeuJthj On account of tbe serious after ef fects ef grip or Infloauaa dose the 8tpte Board of Health fed called upon to Issue another warning regarding the treatment and prevention of thin diacaaoL “Grip does not earns tuber culoala, aaya tbe Board, “but it lowers tbe resistance and weakena the bodily functions to such a degree that latent tuberculosis readily becomes active, laymen used to attribute tuberculo sis of the lungs to an attack of grip from which the patient never fully recovered." It la quite Important, the Board ad rime, that a parson with the eymp tome of grip, for grip is no alight ail ment, go to bed and have a physi cian's care, tt is tbe person who hasps up, ounce a cold and sough, and who never gets cured ef grip that la likely to come dawn with paws media, tuberculosis or moat any other dlMMi “But what is really bettor vthan curing grip,” aaya the Beard, "la to keep tt off. By getting plenty of **•**> »ir day end eight, by avoiding overeating, overworking and excesses df every kind, by keeping regular habits and taking exsrrtae daily, and by getting regular sleep and avoM ing people with colds or grip, yea eaa redue# yotrr liability to contract this dangerous disease almost to a mini mum. Keeping up a strong bodily resistance b by far the beat aafe ffnaxd against this enterprising, bold germ" Aaother Fall at Mir. "Col." Billy Sender hae gsao wild •• » k»k on mlUtaHam. Re weota to fight somebody, end ehakee his gory lock* at tho elaocro in his eon grOgataon aa thoagb they were toi Ubm. But hi never forget* the col lection—Charity and Children. SHae Manefnaker died of eld age at Me home hi Seaton, Pa., and the shock of Mo death proved fatal to Ids wife, had been waived that a^SaoefcUr Mrs. Carrie Bradley, had pwk away in e hospital at Btaddack. Pa., follow ing an operation. .a I "Bobby, do yea kaew yea Vs diUh erataly broken the eighth cnmmand "Well. Ttkwht^'wkS^ea well break the eighth oocnmendmeat and haea tha oaady aa to brook the tenth aad tody VoveC k."—Ufa. % . ‘ ’ * . ■ . ■i • k ' • • ✓ * 4 | Prsnce Aftert I '• , TvXSf tz £z\ |L MwtJ rtrr fc*x*j«: -rt:*s cf r.r trt» L31 •» K«c«. •, it hr— u^i Aii&r terror II .|^»»PBtt«tJcootac^ r^tsJoSuSIE Nn W tob“c^' cv .r si- : —i ■ ..■c{ao c: iv-.i into ncjft * nd ftVco ;v;w » r.rvtrcsagct v.-.liugh. Tkcpafr. entod ariNWM that—and cuto omf bitw and perch 1 When yea fir* np your Bat t;r-cke you’D doddc that yen t^rver did testa tobacco that 1 -is ycur fancy iiLa PRINCE Albert Far it exceed* la gooontm mod «w» word we ever printed about it! Men, we tefl yoa this tobacco wffl be a revelation to vwl So, take thin information at 100%, nt cot the cld ftnw pipe from its Hiinj place or inr»^f the mdU n«m« n —Mnd ftll-tol ' ” M.C I KOTlfcB. IMS, ISCHOLTZ, The Florist, Inc. I Ptxm«li4S. ff naSn'mfL ■ ChoritfW, N. C. I BLUE 8 DRUG STORE. Afnti BOOTH LOWERY OiMof the leading lecturer* of the ape, will vhe' the HMed attraction ia the WAGRAM LYCEUM COUB8B. • He will appear at the flprfap HU 1 School ifvtt. mDAYf FEBRUARY 11th. -r- WHO KEZPS — , BRICK AND. LATHES ''FOR 8ALE? W. P. EVANS The Coal and Wood Dealer. Phone 54 or 125 * DON’T CRIPPLE ^JSnfal* Cap*dtlr by uaiac y*m ayaa when they Mad attention. LISTEN, when your eyaa aehe and burn, when Nad* togathar, you taw Sanaa in the head, than pains in yoar nwk and ahoaldera and you tfatnkjwaafeBalek. Bet if yon will call In and hava a pair of '*T to ftt y<rar maar tivm ^ tbia trouble ttMaarfSiatTif -^r* **"** ^ lt'* ehmvm thva to k« R. <». STONE __ Hacfcdaaad Optouatriat

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