• * ■ .. — VOLUME XXXIV COUNTY COMMENCEMENT TO BE HERE APRIL SEVENTH gDiihlaiiit PmI* Making Strong Efforts to HsM Largost Coo sty Cam maacomaat Eror—Taacfcorm’ Aaamiatiom Will Mast at Spring HU) Sat arday—Ton tall to Program lor CommaacomoaL Hm wltta on arrangements for County Commencement mot in Super intendent PselsH office Saturday, Feb ruary 5, aad outlined a tentative pro gram fur Scotland'a annual school classic. The commencement will be held in Laurioburg again this year and the data will be April the seventh. Various plans aad features wars sub mitted aad disco seed, but with a few minor changes tbs program that was need last yaar will be followed again. In order (o make County meat a success, each teacher mast feel that he or aha bean a part of the ’ responsibility aad should begin at once U prepare for It. The Scotland Coun ty Teachers* Association will meet at Spring HUl school house next Satur day, February 12, as guests of Prof. Caiuthere and hie faculty. At this thus U te thought that Superintend ant Peels will make a strong appeal to each teach#r to get active in preps r tug for commencement. At this meet lag, also, more definite arrangements far commencement will be outlined. This should be the most important meeting of the association this year, aad President O. C. Williamson is vary desirous that each teacher to the county be present. Although some changes may be \ made aa to time of tha erects, a falriy accurate idea of tha program for Commencement may be had from the outline below. 10:00 A. M_Parade. 11:00 A. M.-Recitation Conteet. 11:40. A. M.—Declamation Co* tat t 12:20 —Spelling Contest. H:40—Awarding of medals, diplo . mat, reading cert ill ca tee. 1:00 P. M.—Dinner. »«00 P. M^-Tmek Meat. 4:00 P. M—Baseball game. ^^jnhe^toecLjgtoct will inriiA. the fol yard daah; onc-half mile run; stand ing high jump; running high jump; aland lag broad jump; running broad jamp; aad a four team relay race, covering a diltance Af one mile, for boys under 14 years of age. The com mittee on athletics has arranged far the standing broad jump; 60 yard dash; the running broed jump; and the running high jump. The baseball game will be played between the team rep ream ting the Lnorinburg graded school and that other team which has won the cham pionship of tha county, with such help •a that school desire* from other school*. At next Saturday'a teachers' meet ing announcements will be made re garding two assay contests, reading emtHkatas, aad (wreath grade ' Battens aad diplomas. Tha spelling eootast k opaa to uy ■tadeut la the grammar grade*. On* ***** *iU» study win disqualify for this contest. 81a gold aiadate will be affarad, aad far each ooataat Mftabla grin** wU ha gisua. Aim Lag Bight. A petition eight miles long wee prat mi tad in the Senate lent Ttes ** W** the Coo gross to put aa aabarge on ansa am) aemany ■dWe etoM atop the wax in three months, hat it would also stop tha etroaaa of gold that is pouring into tha pockets of the mamsfsetoiwro of ansa and ammunition. Wo wiah with all our hearts that our law makers wtr* —mtgh to listen to the peo ple and Mop their ears to the steak «ouey. Mary be they wiU be. Let us baps for the bast.—Charity ami Children. Compos! owe. Members of the Aoherlllc (Ire de partment will contribute 40,000 cigar ettee to the wounded soldier* in Bel (Ua Field hospitals. Mow isn’t that a contribution worth talking about T We hare not yet heard of any boner o Ma* body contributing Wad tiger boose—Charity and CUMreo. The Mss of s Fantasy Boy. EIGHTEEN MONTES OP THE EU ROPEAN WAR. No Re repeal Country Hu Beau Ben aStud—Ner Baa Human liberty Been Advanced, But Unspeak able Suffering Hae Been Outag On. The European war will have lasted eighteen months tomorrow. The blaclreat eighteen months known to the modern world! What hae bean aeoompUsbadT No European country hae been ben > eflted. nor has human liberty advane ed at any point, nor has any great mend principle triumphed la nay place or on any battlefield, i The net result has been 2,990,000 man in the very prime of life killed; more than 2,200.000 made prisoners, and more than 9,890,000 wounded and maimed, many crippled for life. This Measureless bloodshed and suffering, making millions of widows, aad many, more millions orphans, has boen the heaviest toll of the war. Next, the money lose—<10X2.000, 000 borrowed for war by Germany, Auetria and Hungary; <1«,199,000,000 borrowed for sear by. France, Eng land, Russia and Italy; a grand total of <27X1,000,000 spaat In making ' war. Waeugc of Monty Stopendoes. The mind cannot grasp such stu pendous figures, or such wastage. It means twenty-seven times the total national debt of the United States in curred In Its yean at history, includ ing five ware. It mesas n sobs total to the entire i savings, or increase in capital, of thp re world far tan years, mesne n debt or about *M0 fpr Mft* cour i tries—more than the total Income of « year of every European peasant family or unskilled laborer in Eu rope. | It means tax burdens for this gen , era lion and for generations yst un born that will asks the burdens at Ilfs greater than ever before tor all. ! In short, as an expert In foreign exchange wrote last week, bankrupt cy is so menacing in ail the warring countries that “if political economy | does not aoen make an end of the war the war will make an end of political economy." What has bean accomplished I The allies have failed atterty to Penetrate or even serioaaly weaken Germany. Germany has failed utterly to strike a decisive blew at any of her four chief rnstales The Pra aeo-Prussian war was ended In 47 days, when the French •nay surrendered at Sedan and the Emperor Napoleon was made prises Nowhere e Decision. I Now. a* the end ad 647 day** there ere two battle lines, LfiM miles long, deadlocked at every point. Nowhere a decision. Ail the nation* (hrf^ ta death, none able to strike a da-1 drive Mow. The Germans have shown a power of organisation at haste and n ■*« tnry power ta the field that rite com Mnad armies ad Britain, Prance, Baa de and Italy caanot break. England has the command af the aaa. And fai an history saa power has never yet been hasten _??** yaeritle hopelia, Intervention at nantral powers to ra ster* peaseT "Bulldog" England has last_r battles In 360 yean, bat baa never acknowledged a defeat. Brave Prana# has shews a gsltaatry, a unity, end above all, a ataadiseaa and endurance in this war worthy of her noblest tra dition. Both nations are unwilling oven to diseam peaea at the yiasmt Moment, bemuse, as long at Germany , bald* in her armed poeaesekn neeriy four-tenth* *d industrial Praam, marly all at Baigism, Barbie and Pa and part ad fee richest iadsa trial laetlms ed ftamis. aha it In hat tar^posttioa to negotiate tmt pmoe KaaamalTpam. * *T"1' A* «T* jmr old ton ai Mr. and to* CM* at todagtoa, «* hrid . at a lead* tot «a oaa dap to pa* «* ad witk to anal naalt, to* aad kfllad Ida etghtew THINGS PEHTA^ JING TO LIFE Br Baiir It Nott. HOW TXU1X CAMS TO TH! ELECTRIC CHAIR. TBa tost warts ot men are always of a pa rial Interest to aa hiraaaa of the importance of tha asaeat la which they art ottered- It seems that one woo Id be entirely (a saraaet at aach a time and that ha woald speak the truth If there ware may loft in him. Now a certain man by tha name of Troll was put to death last Septem ber in tha State prison. Just before his death ha made a statement of what had broegfat him to so track an aad. Ha declared that whtekey and had companions and woman had worked hia rain. "Whiakay." It is the old story once more. What a harden of crime I has been laid open this thine of I strong drink. Had it bead a living being it would lone age have auak to i tha lowest hall on account of tha taw1 ribte weight ef its wtekadnaaa. Lkjeor bums wherever it touches. The | or ot it, end tbs seller, aad tha drlak ar, and those who are akin to tha drinker, and those who have in any Jway to dead with him, all these am .hurt y tha staff. This alone would I have joined tha maa without tha other , two evils, for tt has brought down ■»ers people than have beta alahi dnr hig tha groat war or even in all the . wars ef the times and af the world. And etUI maa wiU break tha law for Jt; they win sail all far it; they win steel end lie aad go iate death itaelf for it But it may be that tha days of strong drink era numbered. -bm companion*. Why, ear-1 tainly. He need not have told that; I could have go—a ad aa much. Ttm taro moat aorelr ace found together. Taka tt either way you will; If you get with bad companion* than the next thing la to find whiakay; or if you gat the whiakay Brat you can not net, until the bad com pan tone coma to ew Joy it with you. Man da aot care to. drink alone aad they an —imtlj badj hi group*. The— bad companies I had atolan from Urn hit childhood'• incited vm .« +;jm thing* he had held aarnd. and gHr* him in exchange thpofor all a—utar of blaaphamy and deftU—ant atuf guilt And you, my friaad who read the— Uoaa, Have yon not ait aaso eiau who do— not can for the white thing* of your aeul; who do— not like the good, but like* the bad instead? I pny you break away from saeh leak yon lo— honor and truth and God and b* poor indead. "woman.- I am sorry that the maa Trull put it this way. Ha should haru •aid "Bad wornae", for they are tha oaty oner that ewer bring a down ta tha pit Poeeibiy though ha did apt know tha other aort; tha kind whoaa aoois are aa fair and ehaete ah aajr Baetm Lily;,who taka asm away from ■in and lead them to God and beam*. Nay bo his mother died when ha waa a child, er may be aha waa aot a good wtmsan.. 1 wonder if ha had a alatar. aad if there were not aaay yephf in hia coasm unity who would out white hand# if Mb Urn. No. I am am that ha departed from the "—ifair^r of hia bams, and that ha luted;** company of Woman wham ha did* not bring to aU. ton. Bad be pef gone ta tha chair. The man of course most blame aalf for It all, far he sought hut tha tuty things which worked hie rot*.' He know well what the reeolte would be and with open ayes ha walked fa* the fire and waa burned, i ham no* Used that tha Are fa aa respecter id porsour, but will burs aO flbiaae whs walk into it Why win maJaat Taatn their lessen before they huts a** , through fas bitter uraarlsaop «f thrir laws ateT Yeur trouble Is that yds think yourself mi mmapUuu to ** rale, wheruae the rule b muds W*t the conduct nf preriaaly each folk* dir you. You a*y -it g* i “xi Bam, but It will hot will newer get tha hold gat ob them; I shall aot bag- Others hare talked that I . It I MOW THEY STAND. aad Britt Alnao Beady to Go am Far aa WUeeo Daaim. Hoed, Godwin, I Md Stodxian wish to boo tho of tho ooMittooo which are our defease. They are Doochtoo, whOo for declared himself be » extremes. j Pecc U nooeoauail * Bepreeentative Eltehin, u atatad in •a Interview of Honda?, it for eon-' *}"**■• tha regular program of mam—, and la oppeeed to th# plan CE tho PraakJonU I : Water Simmont aaid ho btoiend •pe Praeident meant for Cnograae to oat tho proper plan, hut it act to Warn at aU the -inwiltliiun •f the Department. He hm oat com h*e*ed hit study of tho queetioe. Water Overman does not think tha- country to danger, bat if H wart he.wuold be in favor of tvary thtop to become prepared. He fav. •t* what may teem nirreeery when full information it bad on the eondi W at our defeat* arrangement* Poa said be tenors the Prtei ,'t“t Mata. Goad BaggeoOan. flfla suggestion in a Meant tana «. ha Iseordsr that oar Tatiana as *nftati—■ — change ti)« da tea of that* meeting* aa not to conflict with aoch othar as they do now, sometime* qn many as sight or ten meeting tha Mma waak. Wa wish tha brothnm SJtald taka this an ggeetioa to hoarL-X Charity and Children. .. Mtm. Coving tan gntm I - l f Tha Saint Caeilla Manic Chib mat With Him. Roland Covington Wsdnss ■ftemoan af last waafc. Tha ”notaa af tha Uat wasting ware nad, ftar which tha program far tha af naaa wan oa triad oat, da follows: IbachgBi.” akateh, Miu Julia 8Uw Rtetkana.- atory, ltd. Ik Covington; vocal solo, Kiss toa Taaaaa; choral nhiaraal. tha tdh. trfraatiiaiLU wars sarvad hy _ I COL. J. P. GIBSON CROSSES BORDER—HAS BIG TIME • •-_ “ , BmMk Cmlklu YMu UutaWri mmi —- » ~-,r Omat at -CMtaa Maaar-,ta WMak Cmtatf mm* TWa OMak an Oaaala—VWta PrWa la tftimg HIM ~ ill, About aatm a year I visit the pro gressive city at Laarinborg sad ta always delighted to mlnki* with the clever aad heepitabls psopls at tbs good county at gmHsnrl. I havo only time this morning to outline, briefly, my risk this weak, to tell of /cam at the people seen, thiags hamrd aad Ua p reeel one amde, Tkenday mevaiag 1 left my beam hi BowettavWa. S. C, came to Johns where I wne met by my eonsm. Mr. L. P Smith, the lakh fal aad aOetoat deputy sheriff, aad aoea waa enjoying the comforts aad boepitalkies ad his elsgaat beam oa Covington street. Lamar Smith is a “chip off tbs old block' aad to filled with Batumi hos pitably aad genuine generosity, his good wife is my aisse and is sne at the moat artistic hsoaihispsrs I know, aad her big heart overflows with the milk at homaa Itjndam. al at which madam visitors la bar home jeyoas aad happy. boom after I bad arrived Thmedby aMraing, I wee informed by Id—» that haw with ear era] of tha aeuhty oAdals, had bean lari ted la dice *«» day at the bom* ef County Cimir, Mr. Jaa. R. Jordan* we tail** treat of Ltorinbvrc. TIm tmiiVm hiii deaignatad a* a “chitling dinner" and eoan a ‘phone Lari La lion wa* re cat end Cram tba boat “to be aura tad bring PrtM Gibeon with you," aad of eourao 1 want. I have, known friend Jordon line* Ha yoang unmarried manhood, when J» cam* to thie aectien from Montgomery county, aad he ha* at .aye boon a gentlemen above re proach, honorable, npright and pre eminently a good citiaea. I am in formed that be la tha beat coroner hi North Carolina, aad away people are of, the entaioo, that friend Jordan' ■bonio have'aha oat any odfeb in the county. in* following gentlemen repaired to the Jordan home where a genuine foasi awaited them: Depsty Sheriff Lamar P. Smith, Raimi Petieemaa Prank K. Smith. CWd at Police F- M. Hubbard, policeman D. B. Brown and 9. A. ModUn and prosecuting attorney Georg* T. Goodwyn—and the writer. Mr. Editor, don* yoo think that tide was a toagh bunch to Invade ■ gem oreua bom* just at dinner time? The table waa laden with many eobetan tiali and deikmriee. and while ehK lingo, elegantly served, abounded la abundance, yet various other ariklM war* ia evidence in profusion. I re gretted that W. H. Gtfaaon was not present, a* he is a lurfttrinaal chit ling enter, but be had asm* "right mrnnT em the job, end it Is for me to epetiellse, It waa an at and meow enjoyable ocam si os, tha priest uring attocasy "faced ■Mr at^ tee tabic, and if to can dim ly and mmmMy as ha <Sd*tWm chitling*, ua .alary should be Im creased and to elected far life. Friday morning hi company with Oapt. Smith I "Mad away" to Syria* HU township, whet* tha ——ftm le high, dry and pan, the bride sing ■imp meedOy and tb* girts grow pres tie* than anywhere rise—aaeeph down |to Florida Where I found my little Bootah lassie. Up ia Spring Hm everybody I* Beotch. even the old am greee declare that ' spent the day and dined at the < |dad eahnred Mam of my friend of II mak mom an. Fte* Fleer Swa^T to Cemmaadtog toinoaat to a Maa to Affair* * - William Laarto BUI ia Wilmingtea Om Wednesday dfkt, January tha lMh. tha Hen. Hut Morgan passed from hie aarthly hat near Lawto HOI in Scotia ad eonaty, to the imi net made with hand* where all Sa joy *ad pane*. A greet preacher eaid to the wrttar of thto tribute, on bear, tog to the death to WOtam Hako peace Thachary to tendon» "I tool ns if a great tr—oca ship he* am* Abaev in mid a—W. So, when a g*d ama la caMad away (ram hto home, hto community, hto atate, we may. waU aay, that “a great tnaaure •top” to* beau loot to tha world. Mark Morgan was bam to poverty aad ■truggto and waa left at the tender aga to aa— years, to battle with the woridto an effort to help hto widowed Bo entered a cotton mill aa a floor ■weapar and literally toil ad hit way up, until ha became one to the meat •uecaaaful man ia cotton milling to ha fomd in North Curette*. Ha waa a poapto aa to gate a landing place hi their ceonafla, aad baiami not only a togtototor, hot a artoa adviser md «* * v

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