Intire Family MADE FOR YOU \ The Procmsciv* Faroes is made tt> mver con- • ' dittoes sc they sre in the Booth. Yes. .sir- , j ■•de for yoo-snd if yoo read sad heed its ':0 tsarhlwf yoo wfll arise mere eottoa psr sere, mors eon per errs, more and batter Uveetoek, . aad malm a money-producing factory oat of MADE FOR YOUR WIFE z The Progressive Qpmer baa the strongest, most prsetioal hoasshold department of any agricultural paper In the 8outh. Its many ... fractures make a special appeal to oor women raadare and help them ss it does the mao. ftfADE FOR TOUR CHILDREN Tha ProffreMivfl Farmer ha* a regular department for fang boy* and giria, and a aabhfa to bath yoongind *M. In Ibet It la a papar for war mambarof tha family. The|Begt Two for AH the Family—Both Leaden in Their Line THE HOUSEWIFE Wear*happy indeed to introduce and to be able to make a etabfaioglarrangement that will enable ear readers to have The Hooeewife tfte coining year. The atoriee are high elaae in every way— atnriaa that will appeal to and plaaae you, many with gripping excitement and interest-bolding H tie lit lee Particular attention fa given by T>e Hooeewife to nenaeanble. eeneible cooking, hnamhplil Unto, mi mattan of particular internet to mother and child. TUa great combination of farm aenae, farm kelp, fiction, fc-kuu fancy work and good cheer for the entire faaiily at BARGAIN Prices la eon- ' nectioo with your nuheerfption to THE LAURINBURG EXCHANGE. 71^ --JBMaMggMSHMSJEKJBAHflBMrgJbflirjmd «p-«Valuh cmuh^V wwHy yow county paper, it ghee yen all the local aewa and the import* ■ ant newa of the world and of the great war. Y Yon cannot afford to adaa this great bargain. ) THE LAUKINBURG EXCHANGE 1 year $1.50 1.00 .50 . mme, - • Regular Price $3.60 OUR SPECIAL BARGAIN OFFER All three one year each for only 93-10 (only 4c a week for afi three.) An Extraordinary Club Combination Offer! i The Laurinburg Exchange Twelve months The Atlanta Semi-Weekly Journal —The beet news and farm paper hi the ' . sooth—12 months. Every-Day Life -A. bright, clean story paper for the whole family-12 months. Farm Life —One of the best farm papers published— 12 months. Home Life —A well edited and up-to-date paper for the homo-12 months. Gentlewoman --A woman's magazine of high class-12 months. Household Journal and 4 Floral Mogkztne ——~ -A great magazine-12 months. 1 Seven Big Papers for About Half Price » 0 Thia Club Combination is without a doubt one of the biggest reading matter bargains ever offered. Look over the list carefully. Every publica tion offered is well worth the regular subscription price-but in this offer yon can buy it for about half price. Order It today. -ft . —— We hare made arrangements by which we an anaMed to make these na» uraled offer* for a United time for the benefit of the readen of THE EXCHANGE. This ate vfll ha continued ontil March 1th, and yen are at liberty to take < ither of the offer* here made until that time at the remarkably low price of | Tbk k yoor ay»ectanlty to aqaan op with na and get advantage of the a ** mnutional Newepaper and Magadne bargain erer offend our renders. LAUR1NBIIRG EXCHANG THE COUNfry PAPER. ---■ .- r of Amerksatan k many awn on tkia sida af t* , water ara aaatng rad tea* yap ate i ta tea la thafar teoagfcta tea raflaaHo ( af tea Mood that ta bata« apaart I > eaptowriy on tea oMM* aMa ad tt i If It ha aw odaoaa agaiaat tea pate i of nation, to cat kmr tete i , Atosrtte tea matt offender astt^'l , If a maa wtth rad Wood to Maa ha i Ma cbofca, knowing tete ha tea* « , ha wawld rathar «Ha to riadkato ate » rtght. saasHte to Uamrit, *ai «* ante bad. Let ao maa trigs wfth tea righto a haaptag. aari kt aT A^atemTkte bpah from auktng this Marian toady, ■pan tea ) attest, to thiflgia toast ad to aar sw» baaptog. tete tea right af towlsaai tent tteaan to attfay tea rightp af lartaat riaaml law. AaMriaa Is nat gateg to a tods tea haMteal ar psteteas4 pm Iasi af thin righto. . /? It la paap to riteahi ton warn taal atto, tort K la atl aa* k fte** *7to •Sir'to^toiftei sap Ui • TlMI •Unltf.U doai whca you don’t hm todait Aaurtaa bm that tha oatr thing that aaatatea tha Moatoa Daatrtaa and ad tha ladnaneaa that flow frou It la bar ova aural and physical form i wa ahail ruspset any blockade, but tha world ooada tha product* of tha Onttad State* aad wo will tnatat that tkaoaUioatho. ha* uan of foreign birth turn Mad to attr up troobU tn Amorim, bat 00M atari-of America btrth hav Mad to dtir op ItooMi too. ^bU^auaao piyg it what wnu» wysjl '• f'- .' . • f«ir inches. The tail ia bushy, bo* *■•11; the ears and toga abort; tha hady thick and beery; weighs alas er tan pounds. Tha nsual color of tha bask ia gitaaly brown, wttk tha head and tall, aad fast darker; tha ander rarfaea roddisb. Tha woodehaok is fnnrfller to ill tha fanners of tha mid dle its tea. It ia abundant on tha Missouri rim, and exists westward to the Rooky mountains. Northward it Is found as far aa Hod sow's Bay. It is an inhabitant of tho wood4; digs Ha burrow under a lag, brush-heap w fence, or among rocks, and par ticularly delights in reeky Muffs. It is fend of pans, Arm, ate.; ia strictly katbiruseaa. It hibernates Ilka tha ogaiml. to which family it belongs, nd Its sleep U eery profound. Tha fur ia of na rains, but tha dressed hide la rury tough, and highly ee taasaedby the huh urn damn 1 for mah tog whip-toshes, money panehii, and uwtoua ether artlffm of use." Lang Yura. i *f f d ' ' Jr'—/, ! a ' •< y < / ' . ‘ 1 -> if . ' . •bto by ■ Aim, for on unattached man to refuse to boeome too Ufa partner ' of a wnaaan who had tho courage to "sgaak ya mao aha Uked." Tha raatom in a midrr form la re ferred to in a work poMUhed hi 1MM, ••Utiad “Courtahip, Lore and Matri mony." "Albeit it baa now b tec mo a part of too eommon laws in 7regard to so eial relations of life that aa often aa eeery MawatOr year doth return, the iodye have tha ioU prteUaga daring tha time it eoatimaeth of —eto^g lore onto the men, which they do either bp mnrfc er by lookaa, as to tom It aoaaaath proper; and, amosvar, ao man toaU ba entitled to too henedt of dargy who doth is any wtoe treat* her proposal with slight #r It "—The People's Hearn Journal. - Her grief arm a dead horse which aha mw hi Maw Toth dtp east Miss Mecy Xhat a trip to the paKee station. ■ great ei fw£w af 9wm

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