A MOTHER’S HEART. Who can MMR tka depth to a 2? awthar* laaat Wka cat mg kaw tar jtoiagtota. ~Tha wrHmeawm^fQtiij dnawtodU aad «nrj kdi to y;:j^^tt^MMMltabhanly contended far aa HMtandJit' ITi^^afaaS ^T* - ■nn atat ta proaa tha taniaaaa to tka defendant aaaj^ Ik ^TatterhehUaaidnbod daeJnd Ida ;■ be we* • hay to pal ikaraatar, Mb -.iSfrafl Uttia aU ■other want to tka •tend aadVfcraaoty kda»t that her I; aaa ett at hoaaa aa tka fatefto ni*ht tad ttatoa»*toaetaa whaditbeBtoto w totoaSHWa attorney* ataygto the procaae to tka aaaa by witbdraw iay tka pie* to ‘tot «uilty“ aad ea Urtng one to “yakty.- It waa by •ay to « na)waba aad chreosk it he •** let tof with a treat to 80 yaan la tka State prieoa. Majrba the mnu 4K» t now dal the toy had stolen away baa her leaf and coanhad thia boatibla dead that Sunday night, hot aha loved him too good Co oven admit that ho aright have dan* ao, aad bravely aware that ha waa at hetaa. Sha wanted a* Mo tmaria Asanas Mtaf that officers to MB* to IIIMt a peculiar acting negro man. (Mean Brown, Modhn aad Ru ral Policeman Frank Bmttb ranpood ed, nnd upon marking tha point of the (•11 feand that tha party had coenc op Fairly •tract toward Mata. The officers parted and look aoparatc route* took up town. At the raar of McNair** ran Bull Potkoman Smith found tha party in question. He woe to all appearances trying to tom la the aide of the building. A* aaaa as tbo officer riathrd fate aad naught hold of him, tha erased negro dipped into his parka* aad healed out e reel raaor with which he aasemsd « fighting attitude. The offieer had fllllhh enough to use the butt end ef hie pistol rather then pulling the the petaemr, at taaet it peeved enough far tha time. Before reaching the Jed with Us prisoner, Mr. Beaith wea join ed by Officer* Mediin and Brown, and a boat the thee they earns up, tha negro derided to ftght c* Stines* to do until ha several blow* by The negro aeu mead bp mMb< ' . > him in to a Hie strength was |l«Mhl and his MapeeMew most Girl. Win Again. la another of the ail flaal debates bald at the graded school .Friday night, the giria at tha Fnphriaias co cicty oat argued the hoys at tha Fhflo walhiaa coctoiy as the naoftion rtiilnt or Mt tha United States gtaetiy enlarge Its Kaey, Savon hoy* tsgiooontsd the nega tive and an equal number at girii represented the atauth*. As tahre ia the debate on this Flow each side tors boy* and two giria were iilcrtsl to dabato with the ones chosen the week previous. Those chosen wets Miaaas Mary John sad Mary Fields, Messrs. Edgar Whitaker and Mm Wailaoa. Th*s# W« Jeto With tha four selected bs> tore, namely: Mleeea Tow Stewart aad Carolyn Pattaroea and Mas* Edwin Gill and Thomas Neat Fran those wiB be selected n ton to rep rcoeot Laurinburg to tha triongldsr TRY It! SUBSTITUTE FOR NA8TY CALOMEL. Marta Tear liver Wttheat Mektaf Tea 8fck aad On Mat BaftraW. Every druggist is town—yow drog gtot aai asarybody’s Jmgglsl has no ticed a great fall teg sdTia the sale ef tale—i. They all gtvw Jim aatae rea eea. Dodson’s Liver Tone is taking fcaptoc*. "Calaaeel ie danger ana aai people baser K, while Dodeaat Liver Teae ie perfectly eafe aai gives better re ealta," aeid a pwieelawit local dreg girt. Dodson’s liver Teae U pita ally gnaw at aad by every drngglet whe sails It, A lugs botUa easts 10 •sate, aaf U It toSe to give easy re Hef In every ease of liver rtagghh aaaa aad constipation, pen have only te srtt tor year as easy hewh. Do dess'! liver Teas la a pleasant pmtljr vifvUblt VHMtfyp harasses to botk children aad adidta. Take a' spoonful at bowels. It doeant gripe or cause ln eeoveatsaee aU the east day tike vio lent naloaiel Take a dsee ef ealoaeel today aad (laeme yss wfB feci weak, alto aad ataaeelid. Dent low a day’s wort! Take Dodson’s liver Teas instead aad feei tote, fall ef vlgrt aad snsbrttoa—Adv. * ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS • * WO*TH SHOES TO 00 AT • COST * At J. T. rjiWi Stank Lanai * * IDS, N. C. • ADMimSTBATOTS NOIKt WINSTON-SALEM HUN Off WITH* THE FACTS. TWwtcfct Ha WoaU N«**r to E*Un f Wal Auk Tw Mn to ta ke MMa • Mato Mu «f Him—Wants Otkar. to “My MftHfa had Wai below stmikl ard far a loaa tia% Mm result of stomach kklncy troobli*** explsit' ed Mm Montgomery, of Winston-Sa lem, who ta a veined employe at ttfe Reynolds Tobacco Co. “My stemarb ema always gaay and bloated after meals, and my bewsh were racy hard and scarce. The -a waa a tour acid condition ta my •cfa. 1 canid scarcely band ore cause of peons in my back. Tka Mae I triad failed ta aid aa Taniar tumid tka tide, Taalac me up the hill mud new I feel that have aa entirely new stomas more Udaey trouble er gas ttona, food aa longer soars la bill a—tom and 1 haven't enjoyed soc£ seond deep k> yaexe. “Life to worth living now - bo eomi Hnnoil. "and I feel p-HVftn* *«> TaaJ too ban added n twm rente te jnbMd of Tan lac did tt and I rundown in V—itb. of Laoriaborg any at Blurt Drag Store. for Taalae to ona dratfU la aacb dty, nd village. Agenda are want* ywhere in Scotland cecity, and appointed at once, Write ft Orcenaboro, N. C, for nee 'ormatlon. I Va. At tbroo table* rook waa played, at the end of which tor. John L.'CaMweD carried off the priae. A •mad coatee, fallowed by cakae and ooffoa, wan aoreed.~ REMEMBER Thai we have woved our - * mprket to new quarters,. * and you «ffl *!■*• nHp aero— the street from** Evering ton's Draff. Store. We cany at all thaw the Choicest Steaks, Chops, Boasts, Tod, I , motion, non# iw..' Sassage, Pish, Oysters, Chickens Bygt. Everythin!; is kept per* feetly dean. Every- " thinff thoroaffhly screened and wnltary. ’Phone 156 your orders. Sanitary Market J. LflamOft Co., Props. . ' • Several of the most Desirable Building Lots in Laurinburg, located close to the Graded School, will be sold by the undersigned to the Highest Bidder on MONDAY, MARCH 6th. -These lots are worth good money and are rapidly ad vancing in value every day. They are so located that they are the most desirable building lots in the whole of Laurinburg and will be the best kind of invest ments whether you expect to build right now or later. They will double in value in a short time. They must be sold and the highest bidder gets them. Also two lots in Washington Park. At the same time and place I will offer for sale the follow ing property in the State of Oklahoma, to-wit; Lot 3 in block 54; Jots 5 and 8 in block 23; lot 8 in block 27; and lot 12 in block 52 in the town of Arapaho; Lots 5 and 6 in block 4; and lot 7 in block 4 in the town of Cordell; and lot 4 in block 49 in the town of Keota. This February 2nd, 1926. F. C. McCORMICK, Trustee. .^AVVXBUBfl cam. k— - . 11.;—y — •>. That Thera's • Way Oat ’Lanrlabarf of a case la typleal east. iXMaay aflatsata nUmd la Leurin taw» with Poaa’s KMaay PUls. 1 l. H. Sanford, broksr, Mala St, XaSrinborg, says: *1 Kara always fonnd Doan's KMaay PUU Ana for ifcfcfoay disirdw aad I always haw a goad ward for thus When my kid ney* easaa Wa any troaMe a faw doa 'sa ad Dean's KMaay PUU leliars ms. TkU medicine cannot he baa tan tar Maine hncfcnehn and 1 can haartOy [paastttawM H." v Man Me, at aO dialers. Don't ttvlf ask tar a kidnay rastady gat Clan's KMaay PHI*—the same that at. Sanford hnd. Foatar Mllbwm .Pa, Fwm Mak, M. Te-d*r. JUNK RANTED We will pay you the market price for all Jopfoch as Scrap Iron, Automobile, Tires, Inner Tubes, Copper, Brass, or any thing in the Juttlto Keep Your Money In This Bank Vaults Are Safer Than Pockets When your money bin this beak it b safe. It b at your disposal any time yon want it, and if in our savings department it b earning yon more money every day in the year. When yow money b In your pocket it b. easy to spend, b soon frittered away, and never earns you a cent. Thb b mighty good advice to the young —«» . or yonng Woman who b just entering upon a career. It.b the advice that breeds SUCCESS in later years. The State Bank Money Loaned On Farms I Mki loaf time Inm on Inprorei Fkra » landa in Hoke and Scotland Cocmtke to rapoi dUmutka. * Write and got my nM and tamo before placing yonrlooa. No opiBrntioa maotitared fat less Uum 94000.10. A. T. MEAN, Manager _ LPMBBBTON, N. C.

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