Local Notes. In. L. A. Monroe spent Tuesday in Charlotte. The County Commencement will be MU here April 7 th. The next term of Federal Court will convene here March 27th. Miss Maggie'Graham has entered the Hamlet Hospital for an operation and treatment. Mr. J. W. Gibson, of Currie, Pender county, spent the week-end la Scot land county with relatives. Mr. 8. J. Smith left Friday morn ing for a two weeks visit to relative* at Darlington and Congaree, 8. C. Mr. and Mi*. K. H. Gibaon had at "their Sunday afternoon gaesla, Mr. and Mi*. F. D. Gibaon, or Gibaon. Bar. K. A Oabornt, of Charlotte, conducted services at the St. David's Iplaoopal church Sunday morning. The Scotland County Taacb'ara' As sociation will hold their next meet ing at 8prtug Hill school house next -Saturday. Mtaa Minnie McKinnon, of Bock dale school, Gibson, spent the week end here with her sister, Mlm Lily McKinnon. somewhat batter at this writing. Mrs. Theresa McIntyre and sea, Mr. Coble McIntyre, speat Tuesday la Charlotte. Next weak the opera boom will of fer the “Show GM“. a musical com edy. This will appear Monday night, night. Miss Lily MeKhmaa left Tuesday night for Orlando, Ffcu, where the will apaud two months the guest of her untie. Rev. J. T. McKinnon. Mr. Martin McPherson, of Maxtou, was a Laorinborg visitor Saturday, and while here joined the growing family of The Kxchauge readers. Ths friends si Mr. sad Mrs. 3. P. Wiggins will be glad to know that their eon, James MeQuesn, who haa been quite in with pneumonia, is Mr. Lacy McLauchlin, who was so seriously stabbed some weeks ago by a negro man at Florals, All., wo are glad to note oonttnocs to improve. Miss Lacy McCormick, of Morvssi, arrived in the city Monday night sad will spend two or three weeks boro with hsr parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. L. McCormick. Miss Meade Stewart, of John, un derwent u serious operation at tha Hamlet Hospital Monday of the past we*fc. We are glad to note that her condition is very favorable. The many friends of Mr. R. R Lee ■will be pleased to know that be con tinues to improve, to says tha reports frees him at Hot Springs, Ark., where ha Is undergoing treatment. Prof. P. P. Wyeha, former princi pal of the laarinburg schools, now principal of ths Wofford fitting School, Spartanburg, S. C., la a Lau rinburg visitor, Ws are glad to note that Mr. Dock Heater, of MeCofl, 8. C, Who was so painfully hurt some days ago white feUtng a ties, la improving rapidly from the injuries received. Mr. And Mra. C. M. Pender and two children, of BteekvflU. S. C„ are in the city and am tha guests sf Mr. Pender's brother and sister, Mr. L. A. Pender and Mra. R. N. Grubb. Last night tha Greater Mew York Minstrels held tha hoards at the local opera bouse. The show came ham highly recommended and did not dis appoint its Laurinborg patrons. The next tent at Scotland Superior Court will eotrreue here Monday. Mewh 10th. The tone will be for «hrfl action* end will be prnaldad over by Judge W. J. Adorn*, of Carthage. Tuesday, both afternoon end avan iag, the Gem Theatre aohibtted e See real feature picture “Fighting For France." The picture waa made on the bottled aids and waa highly intar . For uulawfally taking a *4 pound cuek at Sour tram tha atore of Mr. I. F. McNair, Job a* Wright on Tueeday wee given by Judge Gibeon tbe option ed paying $1* and the coats or going to tbe rouda fee four month*. The readers at this paper will he delighted to know that Mm. W. H. Cooper, who uadwwint a serious op eration at the St. Luke’s Hospital, Richmond, V», tea day* ago, is rap idly recovering from the operatise. Ihrnhe ilmlti giaaoas were here la uboadeuee Thursday sad all srere turned auawutd la get a view ed tit* eeHpae Gmt had base widely edver tieed to take plane, Nobody eras die ippointsd* M(m 8*AS« Kite, who ku bom with Laurittbxry * Morthm lUOmi Oo., for i jnoo* or won m otonogio Mtgaod har poatttoa to o* om with Mr. L. O. Dfam, • wahor of Chorfotto. Mm «■ hr Miw Lmt two*. «f We an glad to nets that Uttla Mieses Frances aad Virginia McCer mtek, ehlldrsn at Mr. sod Mrs F. C. McCormick, who have been quits ill with scarlet fever, have completely recovered from their illness. Work la being rapidly pushed on the Barrett stores on East Mala street. Ilka three corner buildings are being remodeled, prneesd brick and plat* glass fronts are displacing the old one*. Messrs. J. D. Sanford A Son are having a cement Boor pat in at their' hardware (tare on Main street. While the work is In progress, a portion at the large stock is being stored in the building recently vacated by the Sani tary Market. Dr. W. G. Shaw, at Wagram, who waa ealled to Lumbartoa on sccoent of the Ulneee of hie coualn Hon. A. W. McLean, returned to Laurlnburg Tuesday morning and brought the good tiding! that Mr. McLean’s condi tion waa vary much improved. The Secretary ef State has char Ured the Cherokee Supply Company, of Patee, Robeson county, capital WMOO authorised and subeeribed by J. L. McNair. L. E. Hall and t. G. McCormick. The company will do a general .mercantile business. Col. J. P. Qlbeon, at Bonnettrrille, *• C, spent several day* here during the past week with hit relatives and friend*. Col. Gibson, who is a moot versatile and Interesting writer, tails | of Me visit In another column in this issue., . A wreck cm the Seaboard near Southern Pinna Monday night caused quite a ratx-up of the trains an this line Tuesday. All! of the B So board’s sbathboond trains ware detoured via Setae, Pembroke and this point. In the wreck, which was quite a serious one, Engineer Dave Wright eras kill ed end two ether trainmen were In jured. Mr. Lm Corr.ll, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. L. Corr.ll, mi this city, has baaa aisctad coach for tha A. and M. Col lege baseball team for tha season 1*18. Mr. Corrsil la quite proficient at ths national game, haring played sorer. 1 season* ta tha South Atlantic Uagaa. Ha will doubtless put out a teem that will bo to hooping with the high standard usually put out by this college. Mr. Walter Quick, of Rad Springs, was a visitor to this office Saturday. Mr. Quick has long bean a render of tha Exchange, but this was his first visit to our office. He was kind enough to tell us that he llhed the paper, and was most profuse in kis praise of our feature article "Things Pertaining to L3eT 'Rf."Onm> that a few flakea of now fell here Saturday morning. Tha final debate for the aaleetion a team to represent the Leurinburg school is the tri-eagular debate will be held Tuesday night in ths gTadad school auditorium. The school as a whole is very desirous that the peo ple of Leurinburg and vicinity come out and hear these debates. The school la taking great interest in theae matters, sad deserves ths sup pert and aneouragsmsat of tha friends of the school, which x should include •very person in the community. Gan Us men of tbs Jary. The county eommlasiaaers in tee •ton Monday, besides the naval ron Uae of parting ah various claims, etc., drew a jury which will serve at the as*t term of Scotland Superior Court. This tsrm will convene Monday, Marsh Utk. aad will be presided over by Judge W. J. Adams, of Carthage. The Jury as drawn is aa fellows: J*e*ie M. Gibson, J. W. Mason, C. C. Webb, Postal Ballard, Kmanuel Gib eon. J. B. Calhoun. V. C. Mason. Prank Carsslehael, JT. EL Stewart, C. B. San ford, W. P. Rachels, M. P. Gibson, W. M. Ballard, John P. Livingston, W.’ft Jones. J. L. McKinnon, K. p. lout, D. C. Odom, O. K. McRae, W. O. Pariah, 8. T. Smith, P. A. Norton, J. T. Bostick, C. W. Wright. Hr* Wsatharepsea SmwUIm. Mr*. W. H. Wee then poon enter tefaed.-at bar ham* oa dearth (treat Friday afternoon in honor of bar Mend Mi** Dlaabath Whitfield, of Luin barton. The twenty-foor meat* were on* twtalaed with Prerreaaira Booh. Miaa Anna McKinnon proved to be (ha nort wea the prise. •enriac by Miaa Iva* and Mrs. L. B. Baatoa. The refreshment* eonsUtlay of a sweat aowraa fallowed by eeCee aad wafers. •. ■ announckmxnt. . • • ThU to to any to my trimdo and • • patrons that I an noW tsoatsd • • at thahoMs of Mrs. C. A. • • Chat*, and naadtotoy tastoa • • thoai to aoo oao Car thstr spring • • aak. • • LIZXa DOWDT. « r. *■ * ft*• * • out SCRAP BOOK. ' • Hu Week tar RtaUry. Monday, Feb. 7.—Mary AntxadnetW buy* a piano player, 1(19. Tuesday, Feb. 4.—Julius Cassay congratulate Bddis 7ay upon Ida Largs family, A. D. 7. Wednesday, Fsb. 9.—Helen of Troy dons the first corut, B. C, 400. Thursday, Fab. 10.—Char Isa I ex periment* with the aeroplane, 1010. Friday, Feb. 11.—Anne of Ceres motors from Bdlnboro to Loudon, 1429. Saturday, Fab. 1*.—Orville Wright declare* "H# would rather be Wright than President." 1016. Sunday, Feh. 13.—Bismarck smoke* the first cigarette, 1460. And Aloof Cum R«Ul "Whoa 1 upon the windows to swoop the rooms,” complained Ruth’s sunt Caroline, "tha curtains brush buck and forth and rub ap ifsinst tha seraona sod outer sash, sad bscoms so soiled thst they nr* a constant nuis ance." “Just Wt me UU you an easy way to ovoid that." sold Ruth. "Sow anap fasteners on tha iusida of each lower corner of your curtains, and tha other half of the snap about thras quarters ®* the way op, on tha tnsida also, on* on sach sida of tha curtain, la this way they can be quickly eaapfct up and bald la place, yet the hatwm will not ha eewt by the casual shssrvar." "Ruth, that bead of youra,"—hopan har aunt, "but words fall mcl" Old Narsesy Khymaa ftavamped. Thar* was a man In our town. Who was not vary wise. Ha want to buy his wife a bait. But did not know tha else. And whan ha took it house to har, You should har* hoard tha Uchr. Har waist was eiphteaa Inches 'round, The bait was thlrty-uisl Leant a little Every Day. Tha United Btataa produces SO per eant of the ofl of tha world. Tha "trench knife" ie e now wea pon ef warfare, with a blade Id laches ieng. Il ie need fer fighting in the trenches when there is no rosea to awing e sword or bayonet. In this country electricity ie a Mr 000.000 AW industry. The street lighting bills fer'the dty of Now York will be *400,000 Ism this year than for 1*14. This saving waa •made by aalng nttro-fiUad nxptf lampa in place of are laaipa, Upward of 400 children are ba(i« Wiled each year in tha strode of New York, and about 7,600 are iajered. London has 1600 churches. Whu^^h"crooked pa tha. Whan yon think • girth a peadh yon don't Mad sugar »»H craass to Winch poor Up# over har. ^Whnt would bo tha haunt rrlws in •anttaa dT^rtriotiaa In than ad w Yon, young nun, Jaat fraah front coUagn. don't naka fan ad yonr oU dnd'a Inch od lanrnlng. Think ad (ha •nod Jadgwwit ha uaad In r4**4-# ant n tnothar for yon.'; Hints Worth Trying. To press a plaited skirt—Fasten tka plaits la place bp planing to tka iron ing board, than bald tka waist hand firmly to ana bawl and stretch slightly toward tka top. Hints tor cold wash daps—To ksep tka ctotkas from freesiag in cold wea ther throw a handful of salt into tha btaaing water. Warm the clothes pins' is tha oven before hanging oat the clothes and the hands will not chiU so quickly. It la a goad plan to wsar white woolen gloves if one dees not find them awkward in t—J1wr the clothes. ’ To aura car ctcknec*—A ’ Pulbaan c*» poster told me to oat several shoes of new potato sprinkled with salt, aha' ■coming when I despaired of ever be* tag able to oat again. In aha half hear I was anting a hearty hesaifato Bite a# Information. Experiments indicates that ftre-SSe* mnit a specie* of Xray. tnbtiahod ia London, whara that* m exhibited gnaolin* ears made aa aariyj aa IMS, a atasm tricycle, made in al, and one ef tho aarlioet ateem >. made in 1M0. French i hospital attendants hav* •ooeeedod in tanpragnnting rwhbM glovas with the ulta of cortaia mat als and making them impervious to X-ray* for the protection of persons ndag the my*. . P*t—“I hear yon and the boy* ■traak far shorter boor*. Did yen gft Mr Mike—"Bur*. W*'r* net Tilting nt nil now."—Columbia Jester. NojriCB or SUMMONS. swtlaPd^untV. IN HB SUPER I OB COURT. ! Ida Uah r. PUiattff, ra. • • Marrhi Zahar, Dafandant. Tha ( tedul above wQ] tata aal eai that aa action entitled aa above a a bean namaaaimail la tha 8b Kkr ( idhef Scotland County, for I*! NM m ohUhrtBf an tbtohiu dlrorca tj tha plaintiff from tha da *Bf^a^defandant win hho notlao that he la raqulrad |SSmKiS SJP&SSS3 BUSINESS LOCALS Mapa to oaa It an tha Germaaa thay aoafil nn lota ad ammunition, tha {*■*•• N« will aava money by or repaired. Next door to Ex t pd**** ****■ *• *• OT**» DESIRABLE HOUSE and let on Chaieh street for mle cheap. Hin ^ ton fames or W. 8. Dunbar. a y rOE EJCWT—A Writ loeatad oAca t ftw*y RSirw*'d!ti«Bi■tola**'’ *M» *L<«N ahaata) Toflat Pm • P«& JP»* W»°M* E*P«. » oadte. Bilal fii| Mom. «-7 - ——- 1 1 I “The Show Girl” * * . t ' »v A High Class Musical Comedy Com * pany that which comes the Highest Praise fromnearby towns, will appear in the : Laurinburg Opera House Monday Night, Feb. 14th. This show has the highest commends tion from the manager of the LaFayette Theatre Fayetteville and is sure to please and amuse its Laurinburg patrons. Seats on sale at Model Pharmacy. This is a show that’s worth your money. _ . . . ... *, • ' • ' • * T< Ji y> .' >T “* ; • « , ' • '4. * Valenti— Day is dedicated to goad Too cannot be cheetfol withoat good Ight. FOSTORIA NATIONAL MAZDA LAMPS fires three those the light of cavboa lamps withoat in creasing your light bill*. ‘ • • js ! 10 Watt 25 Witt \ |f 40 Watt 60 Watt 36e m WE &ELL THEM. J.D. Sanford & Son •The Quality Hardware Shop ” STATE TAX Of $40.00 is imposed on Coal Dealers-which will of course advance the cost .of coal to consumers. But if my customers will place their orders now with me I will protect them against the rise. W. P. EVANS * *