iTUMDOA | IlM AW Up. U Calnaal Shatfoml SUrtto It pW 10 run for tha tain It la tima ha was iatticj it ha haairn Aad la ordar ta maka Arauelaaa Cangrsasinnal Urn bar in UW ha shaafcl haya some lcgisla Uva axpariaaea. Whan bo raaa far; Congress tha paapta vttl forglva hba' far having ones baas a mamber of tha Abaat Ttat It i» aboat tune for Gilliam Gnaeom ' to detdda on At ragabUma oaadldate for Governor. Than will A May Mat.* If it ie Carl Doaeaa or J«tm U. Morthead Aon will A eoraeth i ng doing. Bat if it ie a lawyer yolltio iaa might aa wall awwawa now whathor or aat Bow ora will A ax pected. Thera U a*lM4>oO«m'AUrtit, (I road Aa hooUat Uxoe*h>— Bat the ■tary'e all on paper Where 1t*a warm enough for yea! TWa Tear. With ao many aaara atataa in Aa Ay territory Aaa formerly* Aa am ■Aatama of water wageaa oaght to pay big dividend* thin year. It ba. now boon revealed Ip Wall Sjtd Mawa that • man’* aan an that th» gat cold aad gin him pain; that with them trimmed Uka a boll dog’a aan an ti taamad ha maid took Hknaw aad naator, aad tha doctor* an ahoat ha adrtaa it. The prtea for Bur Clipping w01 aot be vary amah, hot it la thought that with two hun dred million aan hi tho Uni tod Btataa, if aU of than an dipped. tha sur g*»n aaa stand tha advaao* hi tha pries of gaaoBaa It anna thn thTexpectad fad of eating Hon Moat ia Now York didn’t taka bold. WhOo tho bono is pass ing, bat faw an paaaing tbs hens. The OH Om. Klpitog hM written > new bode. Bat tbe dd staff of Kipling U boat. ***** gmss. Wbsn they won* » ***** tosra *•* ayotsa* hs lost kb too sad ihadsd Us stylo. Aalram. Ms Mottos how orach too deoserats wffl' try to brash H odds th* Om hitr™ l'iLi* ** r°tC* 10 h* * °tmi M toMBOMjSTldtoS^rar’iS W. Wocder. Ws woadsr if Aha wore n».t "***«*». sad If he did, did b* Point Them after he got to be • Grand Old jubT ^Psw. what ia an affinity?" «*• bslengs to the red tight dtoclbt sad dosrat went ta go boras.” Mdst Ms s fees, O, artist raise— OfoMltoeHtoagyssrasge; I sradly wnrdUp*!* at bar ahrtaa Aad tost bar ‘moss 1 had as dosgbl Mol Mow. AJe* Might bora aaaaaaafWQy dstod dhs ligbtatog to tbs bog age* but hs wooM bars bass wo rand had he a*. Dad* Um KU to Iteeth CmBof too. Washington, Jan. 15—North tiaro liaa bns fared wall during the Wilson administration. Tbs sam of men ay pnBod down annually by Tar Haaia front Undo Sam is mnrtiareHU. A Meant census of good Jobs I a Mad front the graap of KepnbHcan So gen raraada Interesting facta. A list just com piled shows that tha adaahiJstmtion baa bean vary Hbsaml fat dispensing paaMsne and yracootfag Tar Haaia already hi ode*. It tin Josephs* Denials, SaaMtary of —HWN —10A00 MB--- —-6000 Howard A. Banka, Private Bw *■*■*7 to l(r. Daniels-ASM Cat Wa Gabon, Timmlaalaii • «r of Internal Baranoo_.-_.A500 Tom M. Robertson, Attorney Federal Trade 'Viin'islni |.»Q| Godwin D. Ella worth, Chief of DWdw P. O. D. i C C. Daniels. for WUU Earth. Indiana, Da- • toutaaant of Jaatfea-AMO John A. Handriaka, Spatial At, , f"r. Department of /» • tie®— ___/mo A. W. Graham, Special Attoe- , .-.4Mi *. J. Jostles, Bpodal Attorney f in Califerala 00 Onaan-_IpM **■ W. Thompson, United \ Btntos Judge, Canal Zone._7*000 AleehStronaih, Isgsl waofcda Osorgn MeCorkle, W. W. Stott fcad tohera, hare matted kind treatment. MUSTANG I For Spraana. Lameama, I Seraa,CuU.^Rhrqmatiam ■ Steps Pain At One* 0 For Main and Bsaakl A. AS o-l— {] LINIMENT TAKE Cardui The Wentan’s Take Mn. Sylvan* Wood*, cfCWMi *n*. Ky„ mjK "Baler* taking Car dal, I wae, at ttipee. eo week 1 cwdd tartly walk, aad kaad aaai?7 UW aa appeared. Now IM ie wed aet trwdid. Every ATTRACTIVE WINTER VA CATION TOURS TO Florida. Ala, The West Indies, Panama Canal, Bfardl Graa. Operated daring the Christ ■a hqgdaym. January, February Tans of Ten, Fifteen, Twenty and Thirty Days Duration, Cov ef Great At Ib dSSgttlS^catton-4helr ab ly oiVortaalty. A TOUR OF the Isthmus ot Psnam the winter month* at_ ffrdlag aa opportunity for great eoaefert and pleasure. Write for Booklet and Litera ture. W* an sore on* of oar away attractive AB-Bapeane Included, Pweiaaijbr Conducted and Chad erouid Tour* at n Beaoaaahl* Cast w(B tataieot yon. GATTI8 TOURS. Tobriata Agents, Sooboori Air Liao Railway Raleigh. N. C. -;—-—;—~ m dual res8soro CLua • Ownwn, Praaaimg, Dyteg, AA- * ' 'I • . I *• * W» nlf ■ (TMUltjr at Dry • T « 7 * J. M. WOOOT. PwpHrtf. . • * ■* •••••• •••• Insurance — life Tto. HaaHfa. Am*. ' feat aad la feet ay. ’ tM^lfel In ail an— la afeaa. Sea aa* What Do You Eat? ✓ ' Did you evpr stop and think on this question, What Do I Eat T* Weil, It*a a mighty important part of your life, and you should be careful wuat you do eat. ' Unde Sun says “look for the pure food dgn,N but this it not nil, for even this sign does not always mean “Parity,” and you should be even mow careful than “Uncle Sgjn” aays—you should buy standard goods, wholesome goods. The stuff you eat either does you good or bad. uood food makes you well sad strong, bad food naturally doea the opposite-rand the question with you is whnt kind of groceries do you eat. We make a specialty of looking after the purity and quality of the groceries we sell, and by giving this matter our personal and careful atten tion, we get only the best, which is the kind you should have and always get when yon purchase here. * Ws sell everything that people are accustom ed to eating, and if the price was not always right there would not be the hundreds and hundred of customers buying their groceries from us daily. OUR MEAT MARKET Ii absolutely denn. It h kept »o all the time. No flka, no germ* to besent to you in your meat You can got any kind erf meat, Native or Western here at all times. 'Phone us your meat orders along with your grocery orders. McLaurin & Shaw ’Phone 43 Your Plumbing Now is the tine to here that Plumbing dene, or maybe its a heating plant yon want, bat that doesn't matter, if ire In the Bne of a Plumber's work, . rest aaenred yon can hare it done right, and economically too, by calling on the undersign* ed. Thone 175. M. F. Gilfeather Practical Plumber SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY THE PROGRE88IVE9IAILWAY OF THE SOUTH Train* Leariifcg Laurinbarg No. 11-818 A. M. Local for Hamlet. Charlotte and all in termediate poiatS-Throogh Sleeper Wilmington to Charlotte. Open for paeaeogmra at Wilmington at 10 P. If. No. 18-TfI P. M. Local for Hamlet, Charlotte, and all la* i»hte,—-Conoeeting at Hamlet for all palate _end Sooth Waat PuRraaa Parlor Car WII* mliigtaatoi No. 20-8*7 P. ML Local for Wilmington end aU intermediate pointa,—Through Shaper Charlotte to Wilmington. n—l— mag remain in Blpapar until 7 A. ML No. Ur-WK ML Legal for Wnariagtoaandall intermediate poktte,-Pullman Parlor Oar Charlotte to Wihatogton. IW additional Information, as to rates, schedules, or re servations, caD oa local agaat or write the oadanlgMd. J. Wataom, Agent H. E. Pleasants, T. P. A. f.itiriahterg, N..C. * WOmington, N. C. John T. West, I>. P. A. RaMcK N.C.

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