“AUNT BBOLY’8" MESSAGE. OM Tim** Draught Beck to MW Death of i. W. Me Laurie. The lata eold snap came herd on os after ee much balmy spring time weather, and drove -us back to our cosy corner by th* fire-side. The bit ter cold of Monday and Tuesday se verely Injured several of our choke bos plants and 1 fear that some of the fruit also received e shock, as some of the trees were almost in full bloom. Farm work is rapidly pro gressing in tbs Fork, and moat of the fields have been broken up, prepara tory for another crop. Cotton and fertilisers are a chief subject of dis cussion these days. It seams to be a difficult problem, sod is being solved on various lines. In ante-bellum day*, there wee but^ vary little commercial fertiliser used, and that of only one grade, the old Peruvian, which wai extremely cost ly hi those times, tha price imaging around 100.00 per ton: but cotton had mot then .been crowned King, and great quantities of home-made fertil iser* wore used. I bear of but little new* la the Pork, the health of tha community is y generally good, no cases of grippe or g—lWjnrls reported; la fact, up to data, wo have fortunately so raped those dread lie eases. Tha war tub het has beast threshed out until it has tsoams almost thread bare, though the horrors of it still ooutiawa, and hue is ha sensation «f grief and Urate serosa the seas. I fear there aqa plots on foot to draw us Into the maelstrom of strife, and I would to, — to know that It eras ell ended, ■it thit dmm via ntiortd all the warring nations. I regretted to mote the resignation of Secretory Garrison whose ability sad wisdom worn so much aoedad at ‘thin critical pesiod of our nation's affairs, and whoso place will bo diAeult to fill Tomorrow will bo a national holi day, which moans no mall la tha rural districts. This is s grant deprivation to aa now-a-days, though time has been, whan daring tha busy crop sea son, very often eve received our mails but once a week, before the rural routes worn established. I also recall the days wheat there wore no R. R. fa cilities to this section of the State; Lambetton was the distributing office, what* Um mails ware brought In by stage from Fayetteville, and sent out by carriers to thinly scattered poet iSw throughout the county, bat —0 - —fc aid nervtov id old day*, often traveled ao bona 'back, carrying a large leather pood, with pocket and a lock at each.end, whll* the eeotre waa flat, and made, to At Into the toddle beneath the rider, and waa known as “saddle bags." Mg father wae postmaster at old Qneensrtale in thorn days, and often need me aa a kind of assistant tat as sorting and distributing the mail, to the eager, waiting, assembly always on hand. Newspaper* were very few in number, and limited in variety. The Fayetteville Observer, Philadelphia Presbyterian, and a little S- 8. paper, called the "Childrens Visitor," end a few letters comprised the talk of the nsadL Letters were almost a cnrioei ty, and prised beyond measure. Bn ▼•topes were very scarce, mod "the foots cap" paper which was than in ] use, was mads to do the double dety of both letter sad en velope. One aide of a sheet was left unwritten, skilfully and neatly fold ed, sad sealed with s little red wafer, made for that express purpose. Well I find that as usual I have wandered bask to “Aald Lang Syne” aad resur rected thtmberisg memoriae, which upon being awakened stand hafora mj mental vision In vivid familiarity aad 1 am lath to bid than depart. Mr. i. Weetoy JfcLauris, a promi nent and highly esteemed dtloe* of Wesley, 8. C, died on the ltth last., and the interment end funeral serv ices were conducted yesterday (the 28th) at Carolina Presbyterian church of which ho was a Ufa-long and de voted member. He was the only sur viving brother of Mrs. Mary Ann Bim af Sootlsod county, and leaves Item daughters, two mos, several grandchildren, and a heat ef friends and relativea to awn bis departure. A pod aad useful man baa fallen. Bar. Mr. Long ot Laurinbarg pres rind • Ana sartnoa at Hebron Baptist church on Sunday p. m, tbs IStb but. A thunder item which occurred shoot tbs boar foe lorries. prevented many from beta* present, whs otherwise weald have sttsadil. Canon anion service* wars hold at Oak Onrre M. E. church yesterday (Sun day) p. m. conducted by the paster. Bar. Mr. Thsngaoa. I kart bean quite lit Before rloelay I wiali U apaak a coaapllaaaatery word, on tlaa ateawiUy incraaiin* axoallaaca «f yaw floe county paper, vboaa pralaaa I often hear. “Aunt Becky. Old Fork, Febraary 2lat Hagwallew Nawa. 1 Uuak Hat la, Correapnad—t. Sim Flinders has swapped hit cook stove for three nice rabbit dog*. Sidney Hock* say* he will bet a lot of money ratted during the recent damp epelt. Atlas Feck hat traded for a dog to be used for a companion until be can get a wife. Mite Hostetler Hocks hae had soma gold put in one of her front tooth and is now prepared to ting toloa on short notice. Sidney Hocks has contracted the uaoit at wfaistluing In bis sleep. He is * ftne whistler, and regrets that ha Is never awake to hear him—If. Washington Hocks' house caught on Are Tuesday night, and he iscspsd in hla night clothes, hut fortunately no one sow hfan. An owl’s nest has been found la the postodBos. As thoeo birds do not build their Mate in public places, it is believed this It eoaaa other kind of a bird's nest. km Bartow haa received his new t*lf-wiadiii| watch ha roosntly order ed. It Is net much dMTerdat from any ether, only the instruction* any bo must wind it himself. The Blind man of the Calf Bib neighborhood has boon swindled again. Lobe Msthevnls sold him a sack of wormy hickory nut* ysator day. A aials eras loft hitched at ths poet oOo* ths other mornlsg and rsrsains UDCsllsd for. The Postmaster says if It is not called for im ton days ha will forward same to Washington. Poke Easley says ths more eiviU sation wa hare the mors complaints wo hoar about Sena. Ha oaya whan be was a bey nobody paid any atten tion to a Asa. The Doplty Constable is having Bat Smith to malts him a barrel of hta celebrated Moonlight Baal whiskey, which la to he used subject to ths ac tion of ths Democratic primary this summer. Yam Sims waa arrested Tuesday morning for A ring four shots at ran dom. He waa acquitted of ths charge .whan ho prorod that ho only teed three times at random and the other time at a crow. , Fit Smith waa badly (hot while en gaged to a game of marblaa a* Rye Straw aarty thia weak. The bullet went through his necktie and ha coughed It ay without mach injury. Ill feeling between. him and the de fendant is given as the direct cease of the unfortunate affair. To be Moseley waa held ay and robbed by foer lone highwayman on Gimlet creek Tuesday night while he yu so hie way heme from prayer meeting. Re waa robbed of 40 cents ia eaah. The, money belonged to the church, and to keep things straight, Tobe demanded a receipt from the highwaymen. The Deg Hill preacher request* ua to announce la Ua behalf that all who Intend to hear Ua preach next Sun day mqrning most walk acrota the field to keep oat of the mud. Toba Moseley's attention is especially di rected to this, as be has been la the habit of breaking np the sermon every Sunday by waiting anti) he gets ki side tbe church before be begins to stamp the mad off hie feet. The steps leading into the Wild On ioh school bouse were stolen a few nights age. The Depity Constable was pet an the easa aad has several of ov giod eitlstm urff? loiptfion, aa he passed a hones where a mass meeting on the road question was be ing held oa the night of the crime aad overheard omm «f tbs apaahma say that steps weeM be takes at oaee to repair the bridge. Tha Maw Yori^ <Hjr marring* ehap *1, which hai baaa h axixteonc* for about aarae Minthe, haa ban doing a lively baateasa. Tba chapol amhaa a charga of only tan aaata, which oor an tba chart* far tha raranna stamp, and aine* It haa haan in sporatiaa ai moat 5,000 marriage* hara baaa par formed. Many out of town paapla vialt tba Wwprinad wadding Hint A atriot rooord in leapt of all sedtnet ing partiao aad no girls tntdar 1* an ma rriad nakaa tha parantn ara pm •at to giro tbair tenant. Charil* Bayooa, o li-fivaM boy of Athavillo, wrayyod u otootrk light to tho bod etothoo to warm hk foot. Hk foot got to* warm and bo omofc* to Rad tho boddlng on ' Rra Ho thought bo put tho In out and thiVw tho yarttaBy bora id gottto on * tin roof. Lacor t btaoo to tho dotbto raooitod to * Rto alarm, bat tho Rotooo won iwllafpolihiil without ftuthm •arhcorattag to to* MO *ad B tokty j. ror Sprains, Lameness, I! U Sorci, C :'j, Rheumatism j || Pmnatrat*M and Haalm. Stop* Pain At One* [I For Man and Beaut 2ic.50c.il. At AS Dccjitk l| LINIMENT ATTRACTIVE WINTER VA CATION TOURS TO Florida, Cabo,-The W«t Indian I*aoams Canal, Mardi Gras. Operated daring the Christ mas holidays, January, February and March. Tours of Tan, Fifteen. Twenty and Thirty Days Duration, Cov ering Many Paints of Grant At tmetiveaaan and Historical In terest. W# have a tear at extremely lew cost Including aH expenses te Florida and Cuba, December 27, January 7th, especially attract ive sad of unlimited edarallsaal vales to Tosckai and Students daring their vacation iheir on ly eppsrtonHy. A TOUR OF Florida, the world’s groats*, oat winter resort*, daring the height of their ooaoon; through the beaatiful tropical country in nearby foreign loads; doaarih royagoo ia Southern aoao» and the latlunno of Penan*, during the winter maathn at hana, af fording am opportunity for groat comfort and plenauru. Write for Booklet and Litera Wo are aaro one of oar many attractive AB-Expoase Included, Porooaaily Conducted and Chaa wronad Tours at a Bmmmm* Coat will interoat you. GATTO TOURS, Touriata Agon to, Soahoard Air • Uao Raflway Rataigh, N. & • THE IDEAL PEEKING CLUB. # • • Cleaning, Prw^ag, Dymta*, Al • - *— ' Wa mka a apadahy aC Dry • i . • a i > Oaanlny. * » • Clotbaa call ad (or aad ratarnad • * • i promptly. • a AD work grarantaad to ba aai- * a {•factory. • a • J. B. WOODT, PraprMar; • . . .... i * Insurance Life, Fire, Health, Acci dent, and in tact any thing that inrarance fo aarea. See ue Lanrinbnrg Agency Co.• W. S. DUNBAB.8cc.-8nu. W. C CALDWELL VITIK1NARI AN Located in Laoxfaburg for the practice of nit rroieawon. • ^ FIRE INSURANCE JA8- L. McNAIR, A«aat. T. H. HUNTER. Maaacw. nu Ua*M iBtiitw Y mr bw«> mm wfll to tppwthtto and oawfttUj ; • ##!•!«• • ANNOUNCEMENT. * TM* U to aoy to my M1M1 and * patron* that I am now loeatod * at tfca bo«M at Mr*. C. A. • Chubb, and oordtaUy Inotta » Umi to bm mo for tkdr apria* * OWt. * LIZZIE DOWDY. * • • + + #*• + • * * I..V I Fertilizers tAmmon la ted With Bloody Bona and Tankage • Ou?" Packing ta. eat by Test—Tested by Made Famous by Their Famous Results. Fertilixer Investment—Not a Fertilizer Whoever fertilisers are used Swiffe Fertiliser and feliw lbtwfab me known ae the is of perfection in plant food aprlcn, assaring an satisfaction without wrty expari* itlng which ao often results In afenohsts failure. , Swift’s name on r *et 19 to SO pounds more'Hot e cotton per acre equals 99.00 per ton mote profit from the ™ tea sat: - - Hy ' IS pounds more cotton pier acre at 12e equals $1 AO, the extra profit per tent Ons tons# flixer covers live acres which equals «0.00 more profit per fan. la other words. Swift’s FWtfiieo rarth 90.00 more par ton than the sent best brand. Figure ft out yourself. Insist en getth« gift’s Bed Steer Animal Ammon tatad Fertilisers from poar dealer and same the most net preAL SWIFT & COMPANY Sales Department for North and Sooth Carolina pBonn 206-7 Latte Arcade Charlotte, North SSI .TIBFUn BLACK BBAUCHT Mr. Cbm. A. MjMmi. o Maflma Height* Va., my* "I hem been ntto* Tkd Mt BMek-UfmgW foi it roach troubles. tadlgss boa aad eo40» sad fled it to ba tbo Urr beat medtela* J aver mad. It makao aa oM mi leal like a nuaf oaa.M ' lawet oa ThedfaftT*. the odgiaalaad goautae. E-« A Bank With The Strength Of Tempered Steel Tha accndMaa of thla bank k anhanpad by tha ooo *!*• *uh**v* at loaao. It thorofora baoomaa tha aafaat of aH place* for tha eara of yoor aavioga, apoo which H pays totaraat at tha rata of 4 par eaat par aama. Thia bank invito* you to baanma ooa of Ha rapidly growing family of patiaoa. aad offer* you ovary facility eoaaiatawt with aafa, aoosd aad aoaaarvativa SCOTLAND COUNTY SAVINGS' BANK * * L&urinburg, North Carolina DO YOU PAY YOUR RITAS BY CHECK? And thus have a record of each and every amount expended together with a receipt for the aaeotmt paid T If not, yon need a cheeking aeeoant with tide bank. It la the aafeet way. the am* eonrealent and oatlefhctery method of traaa> We will be pleased to have yoe make this bank year piece of deposit. Respectfully, First National Bank Lgarinlaf, N. C. Money Loaned On Farms I make long time loans on Improved Farm lands in Hoke and Scotland Counties to t’Wpaa ■ibte parties. Write and get my rates and terns Mere placing your loan. No appUeatiou raarilired for lam than $4000.00. A. T. McLEAN, Manager LUMBBBTON. M. C.

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