Local Notes. 1. A. Mam and Son bar* pur chased a handsome delivery wagon. Doat forget about Big Bargain Dag la Lauriaburg. K’e March 4th. Mr. and Mra. Alex Gregg speat Friday with relatives at Florence. Mr. E. B. Letter, of DaUae, baa ac cepted a position aa prcscripoonist with Cveriagton’e Drug Store. Mies Mlttie Sanford returned last sight from Fairmont, where the baa been visiting Mra. John Brown. Mr. H. K. Weill left Saturday night for Atlanta to purchase stock for Weill Brothers Stables. Mias Tom Stewart spent the week end In Lumbarton the guest of Mies Aileeo Kameusr. Mrs. Hugh Stewart left Saturday for I < an barton, where she Is visiting her daughter. Mrs. T. A. Rammer. Fire Monday afternoon burned a barn at tha home of Mr. Pickett Jeans on Middleton Haights. Mr. Ban Winston, of Orr, North Dakota, ia in tha city and Is tho roast t* his sister, Mia. Kata Thomas. Washington's birthday was obasrr sdd la Lavrtoborg by the 'employ*** pi Unde Bus. Ur. B. M. Eo ban Ira returned Friday bight from a stay of several days with Union oouaty relative*. Mm. T. J. Dues had ae her goast ■daring tha past weak, Mrs. Allen Mc Lean, at Wagram. . Mr*. D. T. Martin, of Salem, Va., 1* the gmt of her daughter, Mm Cedi Sanford. Miae Mend* Stewart, of Johns, who la a patient ia the Hamlet Hospital, we are glad to note is constantly ia proving. Bias Margaret Meiver, at Carth iu the dty and ia a guest at of Mr. and Mrs. R.V Cov Mr. Cku W. Till*tt. • former Leu rinburg dtiaao. but of 1st* run a ***M*nt ot Charlotte, spent yesterday Jo tbs dtjr on lsgnl busineo*. Mre. 1. B. McCallum and Mrs. J. E. Harbour, of Max too, spent Tuesday in the dty aad were guests at the home of Mr. oad Mr*. T. B. BosaaU. Mr. t. T. Beotick made a trip to tha •teak markets tha poet weak yahoo ing a lot of males for the • tabid of Bostick Brothaas. . Mi** Lao* Allan, who was tha goad Mm. 1. E. Bon ton daring tha past »**k, returned to her borne at Troy ■**-■*-- ____ W A Haaford A Sob kin complst to*1 the Improvement is their store "building. The Improvement wee that of Saying a cement floor. Our good friend, Mr. T. J. Dwm, we regret to note, waa forced to remain abed a couple of day* the past week. A eraere odd and chill .truck him. Tha Exchange welcomes Mr. & L. Peony and family, who moved ban from Wagrmm during the paat week. Mr. Pen ay has opened a stare in the James block an Wert Mate street. ...A ^■•uk above Hamlet paeweatad tha delivery of the Sunday morning mail from that cad of tha »»■ a *»rial train was mage up at Hamlet to aarae this and of tha Han. . Miss Haggle Graham, who recently underwent an operation at tha H— let Hospital, has aafldeaUy racov raed to return home, which aha did Saturday night. Master Arthur James, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. James, underwent aa operation at the Hamlet Hospital during the paat week. He returned home Saturday night Wa. are glad to note that Mr. Dun Shaw, who waa confined to Ida home ■raeral days the paat waak srfwlsg from kidnay trouble, has auHriantly recovered to return to t*l» work. Mr. Charlie Oraady returned to Ua heme hare from the Hamlet Hospital Saturday sight Mr. Oraady waa a yatlant In dm hospital far several day* an account of a dislocated should er. * and Mb. L. A. Pindar, Mb B. M. Grabb, Mn. W. H. Cox, Mb Jana* Urn* and Mia* Lottia Grubb ip^nt yfoday •omin, fa •• 0., ufaf th* trip by A whlrtwtod campaign li daetod for tha pacpoa* of i*i*fa« tha fifada for arartfan tha aaw Mathodfct AbA Mldfap. Tha eonuaktaa km mgtmA upon a fatUdfay to ooat 910,000 and th* fund* an wkhfa fight. Qatto a aaaabar ad Uatfabary pm P>* tha aala of lota at Ran ,l*t lop. So Tar aa w* ham to ton mm od tha La» heaght any of tin I Mr. B. B. Joaaa, at Mutton, K. F. D. No. 1, spent yesterday in the city. Mr. J. P. Ray, the progressive Southern Express sod Western Union •*•"1 nt this pises, has purchased an automobile delivery track to bo used in transporting express. The truck was built by Mr. Douglas Dortch, pro prietor of Lytch's Garage. Mr. W. Roy Satharland entered the Hasalet Hospital Tuesday for an op eration for appendicitis. The opera tion was performed Tuesday morning, and we are glad to nuts that the con dition of the patient la highly utia factory. Wo are glad to announce the con tinued improvement of Mrs. W. U. Cooper, who ie a patient in the 8k Luke's Hospital, Richmond, Va. Un less something unexpected happens, Mrs. Cooper will return borne nest Wednesday. > Whoa ovary conceivable thing that you have to boy ia going op by lea pa and bounds, you will do your pocket book a favor by coming to La arm bug Saturday, March 4th, and ta coring acme of tha bund rod ■ of bar, gains that wUI ba offered you that <My Wa are ptaaaad to note that tha La uric burg Oil Cku, will soon begin tha erection of oos of the moat mod ern and complete ginnariea that thla •octtoa has aver known. Tha old plant ia to ba ton away and one that ■eaana tha teat wood in cotton ginning ia to ba built The plant will ba ready for tha fall 1—‘-tii Tha lira department responded to a eall Friday afternoon and found iU aervices unneceitary. The blase was in a wood pile ia tha back yard at tfca homo of Mr. C. L. McCoy, an Sooth Main street. The lira quite a lot of amoks and this earned everybody living In that neighborhood to hustle home in double quick time. Wmte playing TOnmday afternoon, Mim AUeen McCall, daocbter at Ur. and Kn. K. T. McCall, happenad to tho mlafortaae te break bar left arm cloee up to ber abooldar. Aecotn panied by ber father, the waa carried to the Hamlet Hoepital. where the la jared member wae act and pot is a plaater caaL While attempt!np to apply eome medlciae to the tore foot of their da> Uredry bore# Monday moraine, Mr. Shelton Monroe (offered the mirfor tm«e to bare Me hand painfully cut. Mr. Moaroo waa boldine the boraa* foot by one head and poartaf the medicine from a gtaaa Mh with the tba bona kicked back braakine the ] battle and canainc the cots. But few of oar dtteene that we hare heard at, fait the earthqeake that occurred here and throughout the country early Monday erasing. One oitiaec fait the unnatural movement of things and was thoughtful enough to closely tnvaetlgate. He was lying on his bed and feeling the quake no ***** *** >*etur“ os the wall, aad they ware swinging in an unnatural way. Ha epoke to Us wife and ra asrfced that ha feU suse that It eras as earthquake,' aad siting the time <•*«> said be weald eae what the ■*•*»!«* Bapen had fee aay of rath “ sw«Tesce end was therefore not aurprlaed to eae In them that at that ps*tlc«ler hoar the qaeka was feK throughout nvenJ eta toe. in making a raid oo a bunch of *“Nari Sunday afternoon, Offloor Brown came near haring to ahoot oeo the participants in the fame. Tha party cams toward wbara tha oOear waa hiding and when dJaeorerad by tha Seeing gamester, he reached la his pocket had kept trying to pell something from hia poeket. Despite the fact that the edleer petliroad to demand that he teaser* hia Set from that port!an of hie anatomy that car ried tho pocket knows as tha piatol P«x*»t, bo ooe tinned to fumble in mid Pocket, the oAcer area about ready to ahoot, thinking Oat tho party waa attempting ta get a weapon to'use on Mm. Finally tho demand of tho ed. •esc was heeded, oad whan pieced un der arraot tho party declared that ha wu only trying to threw the wespea •way ao that bo aright escape the Pmdehment usually meted out to “gun toterm." Oflear Frank Smith want oat ta tha ooantejr tba othar night oa tha trail of aararal portion for wham ha ted wmute. Ra ted hate tald tint a Party would bo la pragma at a ear taia plaoa that night aad knowing itet te wonld fad mmm of thoaa far wham ha hold pnparn, te want aa aa "oUritad guaat. Bafara making tha plaaa te apiad two od tha ranch want ad aaao coming out ad tea wood* ear rytug a .uapidoaa looking Jug. Thoy wara atao on tha lookout aad dtaoor arad tha cdtear a Imam aa moo aa ha dlacorayad tkaai, aad aaaaadlag to nx pat tat Iona, «*ada a haa-Bna for tba mmmp. Thoy w*ga too teavlly bord aaad with H<p>id rafraohmanta to maka ^■l to cat awap, aad dwppad tha Jog, white ooatataod B •aar, fad tarn aaa ad team taaaad Ida faB oat §tl Ida pc teat- ymaumahly teat te aright ha if aop hody, but tefaT MfaC^T Caad "par* mamafal- x Spring! Tailoring Opening February 28, 29 and March 1st Here at Our Store In the Date Named Above We Will Show a Grand Display of the Latest Styles and Models in Men’s and Young Men’s Fine Custom-Tailoitng. All the New Fabrics of the Season will be Shown l>y an Expert Designer and Cutter from~ I SCHLOSS BBOS. & ro. V I BaWtao** and Naw York THIS is a semi-annual event with us -the Advance-showing of the styles in Men's and Young Men's Fine Tailoring, demonstrated by an Expert from Schloss Bros. & Co., the famous Baltimore style-makers. It affords you an opportunity to see what is considered most fashion able on Fifth Avenue, New York, and what the best custom-tailors all ova the country will show this spring. Schloss Bros, include the cho worsteds from domestic mills-goods, uiiui—wr from $60 up for a suit of Clothes. They will coal you half that here. SCHLOM ftAl/hxQltB I • 1 v We will have to arrire today, tbL 24th another car of FINE YOUNG [MULES Thmla maethia* la thk kttkat will mH Tom, and too, the Price* Are Rmt We benefct thin lot apedaUjy tor tUa territory. Yon wffl profit by viaitJn* Ur atablea. WEILL BROS. Lrarinbnrg, N. C. ; ’Phone 124 < \ d ia dttn *>» m at t •MO, I Ik* r 4m - . When You Build That Cottage 4 oEAVER Board J. D. Sanford & Son “The Quality Hardi p _ | !

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