TAB HUL T0F1CB. t I 4 Austin Dunataa. M ynara old, > nagra who had bon employed of tho 9teU eapitol for 40 yean aa a porter aad who waa widely known through out North Carolina, died at »»*-*»*■ Friday of pwanmusU. HU wife U ill with the oame dieeoie aad be not ex pert ad to taco ear. Commutation advocakef aad pra taota againet eoemsatatlon for Mra. Ida Ball Warren, who with Samuel Christy, U sentenced to death far the murder in November, 1914, of G. J. Warren, are reaching Governor Craig Arum various parts of tha State. While tha communications thus (nr hare bean few it U 'understood num erous petitions, setting for commute - tlon, will be Alad shortly. Tha Fad oration of Clubs, of Muncie, lad., baa formally Alad a plea far commutation, and the concluding paragraph af tha commnnloatkm calls attention of tha Governor to tha fact that Urn latter waa written on tha birthday aaniver sary of Abraham Lincoln, "the great enaaadpator." The communication plead* for Mrs. Warren in behalf of “wnmadhoed everywhere." Despite Ua oft-ropes ted declara tion U»*t be wa* oat of politics, J. Warood Ops of High Point la reeeiv L Ug mnaaagas orglng him to baooma ■fa candidate for the Republican aomi ™ nation for Gorenor. / The CibeoB drag store at Caaeoed waa found guilty of eelliag grain al aohol mixed with ginger as a berer age and not as a medicine, and inad •800. Notice of appeal was given. James N. Reece, en aged white man of WUmIngtoa, was placed la Jail raeantly charged with heating hi* aged wife almost to death. His ex cuse for him act waa that she threw cold water en him. State Treaaarer Lacy received a check last week for flAUJH inheri tance tax from the Florence P. Tock •*■ »tata. The 8UU sued for the col lection of these taxes and wen tta suit. Hickory la to have a cigar factory ■•on. The Flagler-Genxales Cigar Company will open n factory oa March 1 to manufacture high grade hand-made Havana dgare. Bay Scott, a member of one of the crows working with a night shifting engine in the Pomona yards of tbs Southern Railway company, at Greensboro was Instantly killed Thursday morning at about 8:80 o'clock when he lost his balance and fell from the top ef a freight ear, his hand striking tone hard obstacle, mahahlY * croastis. and ernahine the rakull. No on* witnessed the accident. bat trainmen snppose that ha fait while reaching over for the brake wheel of the ear. The abstract of tb* condition of the national- banka of North Carol me at tha door of business on December 31 a* reported to comptroller of the cur rmicy shows the reserve held at 20.06 per cent, loans and discounts $46,275, 676; gold coin $386,272; lawful money nserva $2,222.081 and deposits $22, 222,186. Thursday morning the boiler of the saw min of Geo. McKee at Dublin blew op, lulUng almost instantly Chartie McCall, a colored fireman and slightly wounding Mr. McKaa. The boiler and angina was a total wreck. In Haywood oounty Superior coart Mr*. Fans McMahan entered a pica guilty of sianslaughter1 for the tilling of her husband last August Judgu Long asatoncsd bar to torse yuan in tha State psat tertiary. She waa triad for first dsgrae murder but to* Jury could not agree and than to* compromise was offered. Mrs. Me Mahnn to 86 yean old and has had ■to hwebomto^ three of than dying un Lealie M. Shaw, af Iowa, Secretary of the Treasury under Roosevelt and known to many North Carolina pao pla, was in North Carolina recently. Ha predicts that within sis months rfftor tha class of tha European war sows eae of tb* European nations will Kara attacked us. Senator Orsrmsn baa introduced »l b4Q for the establishment of aa avia, tion and training school on tha roast of North Carolina. The bill aothor l*a» the Secretary of the Navy to re eaive by donation or porchaac a auit able atta, and appropriates *000.000 tor tha erection of' the neeeeeary buildings. After ferociously attacking and petfcipa fatally, injuring Joseph Mc lawborn, on* of tha two guards, with h pick axe, a negro member of a coo vM road force five nsilaa from Creezj vDto lata Wednesday aataad hla vie tta*a rifle aad fired aavaral ineffect ive shot* at the second guard in shaqya, whoaa gun fatted when ha tried to return the fire, and tha rc aailaat aad ala < report of Aa af Charlotte. Tha papototton of Gher Mto at the aaaaua of 1*1* waa S4^M4, m« H to aettoaatad that It waa M^OO eh My 1,1*14. Florida—Cuba Panama Mardi Gras Personally Conducted Toon DURING JANUARY FEBRUARY AND MARCH Attractive Winter Trips Touts of 18, IB, 20. 80and 8S days All Expense* Included (180.00 sad up Write for Booklet . GATTI8 TOURS Tourist Agents Seaboard Air Line Raleigh, N. C. SECOND HAND AUTOS We wi^b to announce to the public that we are in the market to buy anything you have in the way of second hand Automobiles. ’Phone or call in to see ua. THE YELLOW 8TORE Laurinborg, N. C. . . ’Phone No. 149. NOTICE or SUMMONS. NORTH CAROLINA. SCOTLAND COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. Ida UMmt, Plaintiff, VS. Marvin Uriwr, Defendant. The defendant above named will taka notice that an action entitled aa above baa been commented in the Su perior Court of Scotland C$nnty, for the purpose of obtaining an absolute divorce by the plaintiff from the de fendant; and the said defendant wfli further take notice that ha is required ^-- --. ii ippui mmavwpMMip Court of Mid county te be bold ou tho flnt Monday after the Ant Monday in March. 1916. it being the IStfa dey of Mareh, 1916, at the oourt homo at Mid County in La aria burs, N. C, and answer or demur to the complaint in the eeid action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de manded in the Mid complaint. C. D. MeCORMICK, Clerk of the Superior Court. Thia the 2nd day of February, 1916. II ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Nofcth Carolina, the'undtrrijncd"b«*el br giTM notice to aU neraeaa holding dalrnei against the aaidaatate to pre sent them, duly vsrHtod far peymsut 13 the uad err > in*ed at her home in AU persons indebted to laid estate wiU please make immediate payment. This 10th day of Fstaruarr, folk mr& bessie & wiLEnSfemT <* Rotate of 6. D. Wdlrineon. Deceased. 6*11 NUTKas OF EXECUTRIX ifoTM. tetwd, late 5f Scotland Conrity. North Caroline, tUa Is to notify all persoaa having . ri.1^ Mpalnat the oteato of said Mark Mar. gan to aaMMt than to tha trader EBlS-viS ‘"^iSSSWiS.OEaXN. „ . Executrix of Mark Morgan. • Walter H. Neal, Attorney. S-10/ ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE ££ ^ETEJ tWr cUh»» *> »• «i^^sar5555£s will to Blowfe? hi b« of tMr rooor a ^te"_ax£ASvr. niont U no. Tab. 10.1910. MOmiOm AAUB' OF MNBl •. ■ *.T3 • ’ N of »U««talSd1fT ST? nSlgSti | MidMltmi jM to TO «»-!afiartaiSSKi s«:51tfaStS' door k uarium. N. C., at 13 o’clock, Noon, Offor for solo at public •uetioo, to tha Kigboot bidder for eaah, that certain tract or parcel of ayagy ^ro'z£s'&. aertbod aa follows: •AS KVja 3 JSH.’SSft sSp.'s'sr'.ju aara old Him chum th* Uo* at tha Lanch land and rant with tha line at th* Loarii land reversed north 41 1-2 *aat, V.10 chain* to a atak* near a black «un»P on th* wart aid* of tha road; thane* worth 47 14 wart 14.70 ehalna to a rtak* by a pin* in an old road; tboace aonliv 41 14 waat 4 chains to a reaka; thane* earth 41 14 waat 11 chain* to a ahbrt leaf pin* in a email branch; thane* down th* various fT*”** 2 **• °* »*id branch to tho ran of Long Broach; thaoeo down th* na at Long Branch to tha divid ing comar between tha Laaeh laad and tha Me Baa land*; thane* with a line of the Loach land south 1 14 cart 4.60 chains to a atak* by a black inch, tha Laach earner; thane* with tha next lino of th* Laach lead ra vnrmad north 41 14 east MM chain* to th* beginning, containing 44 scran rs.o’^S'^t£sisfss ™*1W' •‘a&VBa&s.'* HU88ELL A weatherhS5§WT’ Attorneys. 7-lf < MOBTGACER'S SALE OP LAND. NORTH CAROLINA. SCOTLAND COUNTY. -Under and by virtu* of tba power of aal* contained in a certain raoct ■an deed executed ea tha Mth day of September. Ill*, fay Andrew Vam gl« wife, Mary VatepU, to John f. McNair, which mid mortyuau deed ia recorded in the office of thejteylat «■ Pf Deed* of Scotland County to Book No. S at pace 446. default W7 tof bean made in tha paymeat of tha note* recited la and eeeuxud by aaB mertffaff* deed, the aaderuiffned nut ffaffm, will, on Saturday tha 19th day of March, 1919. at tha court-bourn door In Laurintnnw, - N. C.. at IS o'clock Noon, offer Tor aal* at pubUM auction, to the hiffhairt bidder for rath/ that certain tract or pa real of tod safLsstt follows: Baffinnla* at a (take near a black ■tump a comer of tha tract conveyed to Hall A MePhatter and rune north 41 1-* aa«f SI.75 chains to a black jack to Walter Le*taor*a line: tbeoeu ffMUWimmdkJkaaUJLU-u>a PUBLICATION OP SUMMONS. NO*™ CAROLINA, SCOTLAND COUNTY. In Urn Superior Court, Before the Clark. Will Roam!!, Fannie Hides and bar SffEt&L?SS-d?*.0^ n. . John RuaoeTl and James Tin mall _ NOTICE OP SUMMONS. * Tho defendant* above-Tf will take notice that an action an titled an above has been rniaiaaan ail before the oonveyed by the Interstate Land Com pany to 2. R. Roaaell, deceaaed, by £3<UUd November ’tt. mT’aS iddeh lot i» row owned by the plaint iff* and dafa-dasta aa teonanta in eammon and helm at law of K. R. Snm»ll; a«d the aaidI defendanta wffl tetter taka notice that they am m to appear before the Clark of tho Superior Court of Scotland Coua **.*■*“• k* the court-house. It Lidrinburw, N. CL an the 2JRh day of Mara, 1618. at 2 o'clock P. M., and aaswer or demur to the petition or con*plaint of the , plaintiff*, or the s?is£r'aiaa.“u"'^“tor County. Thto 12th day of February, 161S. T-tO ( ■■■■■■■■■■■■hbhhbhbhhbhhmmhi * ' .. / ' v .'. .its pa ^ ^ . Ell We have just received another big shipment of fine young mules. Big lot to select from. . Prices and Terms Reasonable. We sell the kind of Mules the far* * mers of this section need and want* Come now and get your stock farming time will soon be here. It will pay you to look this lot ' over. • ’ •..>-- *r-- '> ■ • • .* ; * <»•' • *t‘ ’■ v1.t« ■*.*, Several of the roost Desirable Building Lots in -nurinburg, located close to the Graded School, will be sold by the undersigned to the Highest «*ifT on MONDAY, MARCH 6th. These lots are worth good money and are rapidly ad vancing in value every day. They are so LiwiM that they are the most desirable building lots in the whole of Laurinburg and will be the best kind of invest ments whether you expect to build right now or later. Th^r will double in value in a short time. They mast be sold and the highest bidder gets them. Also two lots in Washington Park. w At the same time and place I mil offer for sale the follow ing property in the State of Oklahoma, to-wit; Lot 3 in block 54; lots 5 and 8 in block 23; lot 8 in block27;and lot 12in block 52 in 4|ie town of Arapaho; Lots 5 and 6 in block 4; and lot 7 in block 4 in the town of Cordell; and lot 4 in Mock 49 in the town of Keota. i \ This February 2nd, 1916. P. C. McCORMICK, Trustee.

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