PORDTRUCK FOR PUBLIC HAULING X in now prepared to do ill Irsfabt bwiJ ud to fnet, any and ill kinds of hnl fair. I «n prepared to do It ui»w£ ( rwd AUtOBBO* bOo Truck. to bo No. 68k I on i to asm job. MdNTRYR FOR SALE Two Story Dwelling on Church street 13,750. ^BK^^ory, 6 Room Dwell ing on MHdWtoB Heights 31,575. One Building Lot 100 by Mt ob MeBne street fMBR behold, and is going to be If yea are interested see, LAURINBCBG AGENCY COMPANY Insurance and Real Estate HINTON JAMBS. Prss. W.& DUNBAR See. ATreu. THE HAMLET HOSPITAL Hawk*. N. C. A thoroughly aquipped inatitution for the scientific treatment of X-Ray, Medical and Surgi cal Cases. Trained Nurses fnmuhed. Special atfatioa given to the Surgical Condition of the Ear, Noee and Throat. WHOLESOME MILK • We are juat aa careful to give our euatom «n Good Whoimomi Clean Mil k as oar good dniggiale are in ooeopounding your prmeriptionc. This moana that we fur amalieat baby to tfco waakmt oootaka eant, and yon have a right to demand it for all parpoaaa. THE OAKLAND DAIRY ‘THE HOME OP GOOD MILK.” FRESH MEATS -pas=g== a==y== At Prices To Sait The Tones. Toa will find at McLean & Smith’s (Wilkinson’s old stand) Nice Fresh Meats at all. times. We have Mountain Cattle that have been Stall Fattened there fore feel rare that we ean please yon. Suppose you try us today and see what we have for you. Yoors for Meats, ==^s====aaBSsaB>aBaassss3ass8Bsassss5s=ssss===s Just Wait .*. • '• •l, •'; *'’ . ,4 ' .j ’• ,. • J i u t . We didn’t time to get the mat ter nil for this brae, bat ■■d with something Watch thb apace. ' Pharmacy Bargains we will eelfc * Coffee 10e We and 12 l*2c 85c and 90e ad Heavy Un at year own «ad see the aunty wa kata to offer. Gillis Co. r. N. c. rTINS .1. ,J A.Shelton^ ^ Grade F F E E ?,.*• Value 75c Day Only 0 E ’ S •• , Products. * ' 'i . .**■ “ • v. ’ r ‘ v ' Shoes and Canned Goods On Special Bargain Day, which Is Saturday, March 4th, we win offer the most attractive bar ffnlns la our Hne • of SHOES AND CANNED GOODS. When we say Bargains we mean Real Bargains, and we urge you to visit our store and GET TOUR SHARE. Planters Trading Co. Bargains! Bargains! Will be offered at Mrs. W. D. James’ On Bargain Day, March 4th. 1 Lot 25c Silk Poplins now 12 l-2c 1 Lot of Fancy Lawns now 5c 1 Lot of Calico now 5C 1 ^ 10c Apron Ginghams now 12 yards for $1.00 O. N. T. and Red Star Brand Crochet and Tatting Thread in White and Colors, now 9c ^_ • « < taunriburg Exchange 15 Months $1.50 THE LAURINBURG EXCHANG * < ' i " The County Paper m 9M*ffl;gattbi MMaMiiiaftfyiiiipelM