CTCLftH^rDJftfa WLUB ?!■!■ Thm Cmwui Mad* the Welkin tk( Wtf'jhHwdi U Aa mriM War Alarms. The following to put of tho speech of Om«w—a Cyclone Davis of Tsui In tho Hone* Saturday, tho 1*. “The country to told In glaring heodtlnet that it to rgak idiocy to ap propriate money to balld • bridge, support a pooMBca, clean oat a stream, or do' any honest, honorable work for the public; they call that ■pork barrel’ legists tier. These po litical pelf dealers, these millionaire, high-toned highwaymen Insist they be allowed to Seattle the whole Treasury and taka a mortgage on the unborn with n big bond Isom, as they clessor for more loot. Go arbors yos will and it la war tax the people, last bonds, got billions, got it quick and giro tt to tho stool trusts, powder trusts, Morgan and the gang, so they can prepare ns to whip tbs world, in cluding tho now country and race that Booaesott discovered in 8outh Ameri ca. “And, lire, if it vm not for tha high-eUss good mao that hare ceagbt this contagion, I would consider tha matter at an immediate invasion as ao rapid and retd at raaeea that it topld net be ooaaidered aa decant aoo aaaaa. I eaa hardly trait myaoif in tha had, lent noma unknown, unman, unthinkable, unavoidable army tarn loose on tie, demolish oar country, ob literate otm race, and sow tar lands down in salt, as the Romani did to Jerusalem, and hare it all down be fore I awake. Aad sine* these blood - curling, soul-rmridbing speeches of Mr. Gardner, Mr. Mann. Mr. Quin and others, I want to thank thee* men for not uncapping the fountains at thnir eloquence all the came day. If they had, the members of the House would have been weeping like widows at n husband's grave; the marble images df the patriots In statuary hall would hare wept Uke a spanked baby evar tha impending obliteration end total extermination at this Republic, which is soon to taka pUeeby a ruthless in vasion from God knew* where. That Speech at Qmln's. "Since the Hun. Percy Quin flopped aad mads that hair-raising, fleah cruwllng, 'agonising speech on last Saturday, la which he raved end rant ed, puffed aad panted, moaned and ffroaaed, had nightmares and jimjema murders, conflagrations and calami tiss that warn to be Immediately in flicted on our country by an Invad ing army from aoma unknown coun try, aad ronfeased with greet gusto and geatirnlshea that since he had read the President's speeches an the horrors that confronted us ha had changed his mind and flopped, ha con vinced me that ha had run his eoul up into aancttflsd corners of his con science, baptised his brain fiber in fountain* at truth aad bathed in co pious reservoirs of righteousness, amt been soul sleeping in sweet common ion with the oMta-morphoadi, trans migrated spirits at Caesar, Haanibpl, Mnpelaen and ^oeaarralt and had changed from a stars opponent of pre paredness to n rich, righteousness and resolute advocate of all sorts at pre paredness. Ia Weefel Metres*. "I, too, aai is woeful distress over the dreed of impending Investoe, knowing that Ragland with the big gest army sad navy on serth has base If months trying to move Germany bask If laches aad that millions of her men aad billions of her money have been blown ia aad she is power less to whip Germany, much lees us, toe, yet she has millions of eats in bar dominion aad aha might do liha Par sis of old, bead# us with an stay of If gsasnftioaa of tomato to sgoaBi aad oatorwaul our people into infen- j ity, aad we weald never he able to pay Morgan aad the hnaob the fnter set on what they have robbed ns of through their invisible government. Aad notwithstanding Germany would have to whip half the world to get out of bar tranches and start toward aa she might pat her army up In Zep pelin alraMpa end stand while the world toned ever under them aad thao drop down an os sosne night, and America would awake the Bart amra tog^a. oealagnttou of blood aad pdas see sat aad amrooroai. wMla the . German army stood triumphantly ever a ruined r^ehlls. “And notwtthotanding Italy, with aO bar might and main, haa baas gtata months trying to invade Austria, bar osarast neighbor, and baa sx bauatad mill Iona at bar assay and thousands ad bar men, she might send • eoanUaas namber ol her boys and CsaidaBa over ban with Italian hasps and 'hand organa’ and sing os, pluck and grind no luto such phantaa wagorlsal oataaiaa over the mask that wo would swoon into a ratalspay and they would captors as and t»t-» m away from Morgan and tba other V *w trsAehsrs- and thotaby win tba . mb #1 1U f** witS fright I AjI fagr, beanya to the terrible frso V of »U oer a la ret, ‘Not knew tog wh*» day may bring faith.’ the War and ton department* have forgotten to pul pa an antra ghift at tabor to >my up the 84 fine ship* era bare under construction to eta navy yard* and tba mfoy era have already appro priated for. “Therefore, tba gentleman from Mi«lerippi. Mr. Quin, Hon. Juki B. Mann and Hon. Auguste* Gardner ■bould be appelated a committee of three, to be known ea tba 'council of national safety,’ to go oo douUo <pnek time and curvy with eertebity, clerlty and eocurity odr message to he navy department and urge with inabatlng importunity that they pot >n an extra form and double the htfU and finish those ships before Mount Vesuvius burns the world up, he areliuays of infinitude fall, the ■omes of eternity topple over and this voild tumbles into ruins. Coulter the Egyptian. “Then, Mr. Speaker, one of the moat dreadful calamities that may evar overtake us w* an wholly un prepared to moot. I spook of the fact that God Almighty once got tired of a lot of rich, haughty, insolent mil lioaairoe ruling and robbing all In nocent people, and bacons* of their infamy he literally filhd their earth with lice, frogs, locust* and fllaa, and killed the cattle with murrain, until all ih* land stank wtth canton. Tha foot-and-mouth dtiaass hat already coma, and wfc* knows but what Ml Uooa of lies, trillions of locates and quadrillions ef frogs and flies may eom# on tha next assignment; for I any to you, sir. that there ere e hun dred Phareehs in this country, eith er ooe of whom could buy tha whole Egyptian Empire as it existed hi that day. and where oppressive, intolerant, arrogant and unaenipalout treatment at labor kaa In n hundred strikes and conflicts between capital and labor shown Itself te be far more aggres sive, murderous and rapacious than tha Pharoshs were over the Children of Israel, and for these Aim we need to be immediately preps red with 100,000,000 swatters. And far Ineertidte. “To exterminate the lice we could have the iteel trust make up 1,000, 000 oil tank can aad fill them with high-life mercurial ointment, creo sote nod carbolk acid. Than have them make up 20.000,000 squirt guns and pot oat 20.000.000 am to squirt tha earth evar with high-life oint ment and add and save oar country from utter ruin. “Then, Mr. Speaker, I know of no other sans and patriotic way to save ounclves from the frog* end locusts than to have the steel trust and the armor treat make os 1,000*00 big boats, regular Noah's arks, and w* could get Into the boat* aad Jamboree on tb* oceans to gat away from the frogs. I had thought that while we' were in tha boats we might go oo over end Job) the alUaa and help whip Oermany, es Mr. Boonevah and a lot of the to rise want; bat Morgan end tha *war trafficker*' would object to that, for thou their war traAc would To them It would bo an unwsr raated Interference with international law end a total disregard for Ameri caf rights to stop war pr stop pro paring for war. "Now, Mr. Speaker, this vision I kava recited is aanealen. void of fact, aad without form or reason. And to It is with all this pips dream and po litical prattle aad piffle about an early or anticipated invasion at oar coun try. It baa bean 100 yean sines any country on earth triad to undertake ink ha sard. Moderate, sane and *** aiMs prep*ration tar National defense is u cardinal principle of the Dvtno erutie party from ha inception. Thau kt as proceed to a normal manner. But now whit* tha world Urn pros trate, bleeding, broken and bankrupt ,n Moody war, how aad M k, hew un ChrlstUka, what a travesty on our glorious history to chaDsnge tha we rid to esnkt and to stupendous armaments." - e * An uncouth lout It Peter Pella; Ha fly- abort Hie “u*>-her-alio.” —Cincinnati Inqrtrer. Another one la Kara Kant; He ehrmys says: "1 ahoold have wont.’' —Detroit Free Preea. And don't forget OU Bonbon Beat, Who always calls A man “a see.” -<3*lwnbla State. Wo mention here Lnolla Spry; She puts h than: “Par he and L“ —Greensboro Notre. And don't overtook One friend, Jonh Ditton Who eeeaaioaaBy anyo: “Too, sir, I certainly written." . I And right on tap of this the Co lombia Btrte oqtdbo tWo: . Whan money talkm, nobody onreo How do you taekl* your work seek dayt Ar* you oca rod of thajok you ftndT Do you grapple tha taak that aomaa your way With » confident, may mladT Do you stead right up to tha work ahaad Or fearfully pause to view It! Do you start to toil with a arum of droad Or fool that you're going to da it! You cun do a* much aa you think you can. But you’ll n*r«r accomplish atom. If you’re afraid of yourself, young man, Thoto'a littl* for you in store. Tor failure cornea from tha Inside first. It's there If we only knew it, And you can win, though you face the worst. If you feel that you're going to do it Swceeos, It’s found in the soul of you. And not in tho realm of luck I Tha world will furnish tha work to do. But you must provide the pluck Tou can do whatever yen think you can. It’s an in the way you view It; IPs all In tha start you make, young Too must feel that you*r» going to doit How do you tack]e your work each day? With eonfldenoe clear ar dread T What to yourself da you stop and say Whau a now task lias ahead T What k tho thooght that la in your mladT b fear over running through UT If eo, tackle the next you find By thinking you're going to do it —Edgar A. Guest, in Ike Detroit Tree Pram. New Fertiliser Female far Sweet Petal* m. Thorn farmer*, lays an agricultural department letter, who wish to ass a complete fertiliser for sweet potatoes and And those mixtures nootainlag potaah toe high in price nay use the following mixtara with satisfactory reaulta, aapadallj on those soils that contain a high percentage of insolu ble potaah: One too of ground ‘Iniatrn or marl should be ueod broadcast to the acre at oaoe and harrowed into tha followed, at planting time, with varyteg a mount*, in tha drill, of the following mixture; 1,000 lba of ground limes ton* or marl, tOO lba 1A par cent acid phos phate. and 60* lba cotton aaad meal. Any other material carrying an equal amount of nitrogen may be sub stituted far tb* cotton seed-\ each as dried Wood, Ash crap and aa on. By uaing the above application tha •on Win receive from SJ00 to 2,700 lba of lime, or calcium oarbonata about M lba of available f * i i|E *it*. and about M lba of available nitro gen to the nere, with a — w amount of available potash If tha cotton seed man! is ueed. For beat rasatta this entire amount should be Bead, aa a rule, oa aa acre, but Urn nere sppll cetloa may be increased or dearuneed according to the varying fertility of the soils under cultivation. In addition to adding an essentia] plant feed hi itself the lima will s*. act with the iaeelahle potaah, phos phate, sod nitrogen of the sail and render a portion of tkue available for the growing crop, la died lime is now looked upon as a real fertiliser for all crops, tad es pecially for these of the Ugumo fami ly. such aa tka vetahas, down, beans, peas, alfalfa and Man. ™ N*w Y«t city oommfssloQ for r*U* Ik Btfem nnnmmr- tb* imet «• beginning of its winter eempeign U has mat KX,000 pair* ef shoes to the destitute In Belgium end Northern Ptmcs. Of this number 100,000 pein *« «or women, 60,000 for children, <8,000 for boys, 46,000 toe gfati and <0,000 fee men. To refteva the »Ka» tlea la eattyfag district., the eoants. skin purchased gSlMWO worth of leath er te be cut up end tacked on woedea ■olea and to repair aid ckoea. Oeevge Burch, of Branham, Tax, haa Just eeaghad hbaaalf out ef an illneae of it yean’ duration. Phyai eiaae caid Us frequent coughing •P*Os were dae te tahcrcaloala, but Burch disproved their theories bp coaching up a collar button he swal lowed when a boy and preeaediag to tat wed. After being held captive In a fox trap In the woods for more than IN hoars, Nellie, a rabbit deg ewaed by Herbert Simons, game protector ef ricesaat Valley, Com., waa recently fdoad end relsnsed by penene attract ed by the animal's hawk. jl 1 j ZSSBCEffmB 1 A BM Snm«*^~ of " Tr —j Svarywfcpre far Baay la^jjan. *«*l dag aauaaga art Mag mano fectared la Barba and ara enjoying1 a rapid aala «$ «4 cant* a poopd, ae-l cording to reports from AmetanUn*. Galvla P. TVen, of Indlanapotii, Ind^ kiaaad kia wife when aka eat on kia lap and thiu received the ftrat intimation that the had taken cnr kolte add. She died an hoar later. Walter Wanner waa ikot in the temple and kitted while participating la a “belling" at Sugar Creek, O. The serenaded ware greeted with a fuel* lade of rimta aa they approached the hoaae of the newlywed*. American condeneed millc U enjoy ing a vogue in Europe that it never knew before. Do ring m» the exporta intonated to TMOO^q* poanda. reload at *6.000,0001 In normal «k— the average baa boon • little over $1,000, 000 a pear. Gaoryt A. Diask. .openntendent of the Mechanics' bank building, in Brooklyn. to th* owner of tka only akyaanp«r stock farm in tka world. On tko rood of the building ha raiasa , docks, pigeons, turkeys, aad Wapa a goat, ply aad moakay. ohpMjraa Umt^a aaptiny and whkk stood for 7*0 yaara ay (ha ■ka of Fart Tieenderoya, naar fara toya Sprtaya, N. Y„ wya fated recent ly by Thomas C Lathor. It to estt aoated tka treo will yield MOO fart of lumbar. Aa official proclamation has base tosaad by Kiny Ceorye of Tayiaad calUay up the remaining ainyto man andar tka Darby plan of aniistaeeat. Tbto call will have tka affect of nirt ertey late aorviea all unman led man <me*ptjhoao exempted by act ad par By a vote of nine to seven, tka Hoaaa Jedtciary ccmmlttaa has poat pocmd aatU after Doc. 14. 1B1«, tka propoaad woman soffraye amend maat. Tkto maaas that tka propoaad constitutional amendment art U not be votad upon by thin Conymoa. Dr. OaeOs U Grail, the only Ameri can-born dtiacn among the ourrivors of the torpedoed Italian liner Ancona, baa filed suit ayainst the Halted States for 02MOO aad ayainst Austria for >100,000. Ska is now in Washington where the will make a direct appeal to PreeMaat Wilson and the State de partment. to reach 600 communicants country, the Rev. Edwin Weery, of Texarkana, Teat., ae euted e of holding >00 persons, h with sa altar, a folding oryan and ether anrsaanstaa. and held services throughout the dis trict. Wkaa several gueete at a Polish wedding la Oiaster. Pa., undertook to claiai the prtvfleye af kiaeiny tka Wide before the brtdeyroom was la tba bams* to grant them the right, a general Aybt took piece, daring which Stanley Hudson aad Mkteal Frits were stabbed in their haAa, beads end heeaate. They -wsm token te a hospital hi a settops condition, Chained to the eoncr.t, “■lii»iii| port” at tha atata prison at MOM|a vflla. Ga., «vcr aiaca ho mad* Ma at tack upon Lao 1L Praak, William Cram will aoea bo released and pot in a solitary confinement call. After Ms attack aa Praak tha prison author! tiaa ware obliged to take «tepa to pro ven* him making attache upon other prieoaera. Ha la believed to bo — Twenty-eix- miacra ware killed M a torrMa explosion which swept tha working ed a aria* at Krneot, Fa. Th* fows of the avplsaioa was aa grpst that Aa men were practically ton to trita aad war* identified only by their number checks. Pear wars Ameri cana. Under th* eet&pensatioa town of th* state, thf widows aad children of tha victims will receive upward* of **>,000. Bvmry ether family la Pawnee ooaa )P. has an j*ut cape bile, eoeerd oh* Marti la* for every etna porsotw. TMa la probably the world'! record for imfl'M**** community. Stafford MltAall, aaa for every IS. aad" Me! Phanoa, aaa far every IS. Kaaaaa kds T7M0 aatoambilaa registered. The British govermnent has ineU totad a campaign looking toward th* recruiting of 400,000 woansa who are wtlNog to week on land. Those whe eallrt will be given armlets and aat fonan which will consist of boots, •kkt. that aad gaiters, it la cotl moted tSOAOO mm hart already ban wttbdnwn treat agriculture and that MW** ■“»» will be called, leaving only Akphnrds, ploughmen and oth er* krtiepeasabl* la the tlUtaft of th* ■00 To Drtv* out Malaria THE SHERIFF v Wants to see you BARGAIN DAY. He wants to give you a receipt for your taxes—and it will be a bar gain too, for now in a short time there will be the cost added to your taxes, and you can save it now. This is a matter that has to be at» tended to and it win save ns both t:uWe and expense if yon wfll pay pow, by all means don’t let it be later than BARGAIN DAY. % W. D. McLaurin Sheriff AT THIS BANK YOU GET ^ Safely, Courtesy, Accom modation, Advice, Inter est on your time de * • * • • -i? posits, and money when you need it State . * ■ :■■■» COUPON FOR CHARLOTTE OBSERVER BARGAIN SUBSCRIPTION Di*»---m_ CHARLOTTE OBSERVER CHABLOTtS. N. C, Ftad aarip—d -for which md THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVES, Dally and Sunday, by mail to the » aerngnea ror—_______AORtho Bargain Rate Naaa- mu mu m 8t or R. F. D_______ iiumm m aa IVnnt- m m Bandt by Clad or Portal Orta. Hooey gate lost in the mails. ^ Ojdmaeeapaadondrr thie apaalal rata only daring Speeia1 Btrfiio Period. THE HAMLET HOSPITAL iaw.ivjamh,nirnwam - Hamlet, N. C. ▲ thoroughly equipped inetitution for the •dcntlie treatment of X-Ray, Medical and Surgi ttiCurn. Trained Nuraea fnrnlahed. * SiMdal attendee given to the Sargical Cooditka of the Ear. Ncoe ead Throat l. . >• V- kf •' - • f:i ***

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