;ht to failorntoothan. Bam 1» flrinc too «rtrid«*. o por tto. of too ballot atrfldag Mm to too >igi* n at too ofcow and bo «m mm binding to dooth Men too ar rival of a phgafciaa. Witting to mw to mi inquiry frim tin Unitod Society of Om.tian Mmtonvor, Governor Craig boa wvttton of too opmtom of poobftttlin to North Carottno: PrabMtiaa in North Carolina baa don* Mfc good, con dMBtfng to too mio imli. monl mod to toOoetnnl dovotagomnt of too otato Than hi m ftopmhlm to r*tmra to too Uoomo npotan. Mn Rachal 8peoa of Forryth coun ty ba« tbo honor of boteg too chomp ton pig minor of North Carolina for too.year 1M4. 8b. Hm m R. t, Wlnotf totom. Mm took too omoop. ■tokao prim at too State fair toot M, bit too hwor Oftm not awarded mrtU too oaat of production could bo ywrtotood and ol potato both af orod, Thohog width took the honor* wtanri^ffe ml tolSTf^ to! Httar. 1W food, $10AS waa opent, la lmr KM, pnotongo tt onto. Th. anonon ham ptoeod on too hoc Mow araloogf PM. At ap rtoo too wianor worth MO. wWA *mn, mm *f Joseph G. Bntm, ef Balaigh, sad s graduate of Trinity, in dam of IS lft. ha* ban ap BniaUd assistant national bank In apaetor, with haadaaaitsre at Atlanta. Mlaa Hein Keller, the world woo der become of her-njiHabiaanfe although deaf, dumb and Mind, will ■peak la aareral places, 1* the State this spring. hn. It.' A. Houghton, who died at Be age ef ftl ia Ffttabono recently was organist ia the Uptempol *i there far ditr-d|tt years. She me a aiatar of Major H. A. London and Capt. W. L. London, ef Pttdahorn. Gnrer Cobb, a Gastonia bey, who joined the British army, less been wounded ia France aad is about toady to leave the hospital. He wants to «■* hack homo, so Congressmen Webb has beea appealed to to seems his release. Hen. W. C. Hamascr, of Aahboro, ftiSXSul ^tite^DeUr^* ^ JPUoM|^7aimsd»«t or failare alaetlen matters in Bewdolph eoaaty. This la thenghl to and tha matter. ! Mrs. Proas McMaboa, only M yaais old, has begun her sentence ef three years la Be State's Prison for kOHac her hmfaaad, Dave McMahon, ;ls Haywood ceuaty last August. She had had rix matrimonial experiences, threa of her husband* dying andar suspicious nirnamatdtma. and three abandoned her. Bn rnaarr»i after opeh Iheailiamiat without the for mality ef dtroree. Gen. Jamas L Matts,-fi | | rf Vat •v THE UNIVERSAL CAB More than half of the ear* you see are “Ford*.” • million Ford earn are in use today, render inir efficient eeonomieal service under an kinds of oondltlnno. 600.000 will be built and sold this W*r lew nrie^ nlaces It within voor re*ch. Tourin* Oar $440: Runabout $890: Touplet $690; Town Oar $*40; Sedan $740. f. o. b Detroit. On display and sals at & Machine Co. Hill, N. C. A • '* V Book 1 It is free—it tell# how you can hav# local and long distance telephone ser vice in your home at very small cost. Send for it today. Write nearest Bell Tele phone Manager, or' FARMERS’ UNE DEPARTMENT • ....... i% SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE /XV AND TELE6RAPH COMPANY SOX III, XALB10H, N. C ^aBssROK