The toUewiag Interacting ud bean tiful paper an "Ptotercoqoc Spate of Kntk Carol iM" was rand by one of the rasanbsr* ot a local book club, and m ala glad that we an privileged to reproduce It tor eat reader*. She paper follows: “Our owe 'Lambee Itoer* with He many csrver and overhanging boughs ibatoeoed with Qnethsrn trail ex, shall be the very first spot to which 1 shall call your' sltieHsn John Trrim McNeill has made it hmmi la hie deer, sweat songs, with ee much pa thos and real heart music in them. Let us cultivate the appreeUtlen ef I the bsaetifOl that te at ear doer aad H wiU add to the Joys ef Bto.* ■Oar mountains have bean called the Swltanlaad ef Aaeerica aad graadeat view in tha State, 1 guess, la to be had teat Meant Mitchell. Who has ever stood and leaked eat ever the cloudi and aeee the aan-khned peaks cf moaalaia range and net felt that this la a grand end besutiful world we Use iaT” “Hickory Mat Gap with Ha beeuti fri falls and deep peoU claim man 1 S»---s.-It a-- * won noi uiuy ior us dmhIJi out ioc Ha wonderful bsttocalsac pools. The pools are perfectly trend. In solid rook, fillod with dear, limpid water* end flew freer one to the other and on, a batting break. taking aa secrete ef the height from which it eeaMe or tha depth to which H has bean.” “1 speak ef two seems. 1 might apeak of two hundred and have more to any. Cvecy one baa hie or bar awn special favorite spat that to more MppttH&f to Ui own pmli&r iAtft of baaaty.* “We can boast at lovely Ocean views riveting nay in tbs States—I wtH not say in the world. Oar son coast! abounds in lav sly smashes at billowy isa-bliss waves, washing soft, white pebbly beaches with cove* and sooads that are picturesque and in viting. T* those who lows neither the cloud esppod mountains or foam treated waves, what is more inviting than the crystal intend takas that abound la our eastern counties? Labs Wsoeamaw, with He Indian name al most as attractive as its crystal wat ers. Aad White Lake, said to be owe of the prettiest. Its waters Via vary para aad tha bettem covered with white sand, making it possible to see •ah at-a great depth, aad gtviqg it the nadieTt bears basaima of tha Adm an ring whiteness at its waters.” "The plateau* at am State give us pastoral scenes at beauty and at tractiveness. Picture a palatial home, via# covered pergolas, green lawns, sloping pastures dotted with mild ayad Jersey* aad capering bleedsd horses; a stream at the loot at tha Ull where violets grow and water bliss bloouL The boat house nearby with the little boat ruefciag on tha water. This will glv* you an Idas of many pletBWflli koMt in mt fiuti owned by tha wealthy eitiaaw. This picture will mwl to many, but oua quite aa pictures qua, is tho vtao cowered cot tage, with Its rose garden gad bach py^»lMrmanjnmbsg tatba hems wgh wife to great him.” "But I must does this paper that ■tight tire you if I would lot my loro at the dear old State load m* on. 1 will doe* With a toast to North Caro lina. "Bata's to tho load that gars am Tho daaiaat lead than Is aw earth. Her towering plans wavs o'er tha frao, Bsrjaotidag^Mrd* from taw to tiros, of MOW FAB a naUXCIAMT Mol It Far 1M tea luttatot tf Ka ■militia Gassaat ha TarftaC IlMhar aa Interaatlag aaaa hat baaa hwlum to Baakiaghonv Mag aa aaar by. H to wad worth publtohteg beta. Tba rttlitwt to ataaatw-ttoa ^roof eonrtet&qrt' ' T. a Caotogten. Washington St., ■atetegham, N. ft, tnyw "My «* portonaa wMi Doan's KUasy Pllla haa Kmr Met eftttafaftorv. I cm mo»wJ thorn aa a aarttotos of amrlt far toteatet, IngamataUoo «t Urn triad* tor and othar Minay Uaablaa. gar* ml yaars ago, I was aaaoytd can* »aMy by ay hath and kUaaya. tot after taking IWa KMaay Pills, Boon FACTOBIBB CARVUDi Mini la i.iaHii and Captar la* TV* Strife. Ofew D. B. tom of the city po lio* face* and Korol Ptlknun Frank and joined Sheriff Baldwin, and Depo rtee Brows, Flake and McDonald Wodneedey afternoon of last week on a teat for liquor facto rice, and about I •'dock In lha afternoon discovered and captured tom real handsome once. Tb* atUla were located about three mile# frem Cognac, nee* the Scotland line in toe northern pert of the coun ty. On* wee 100 gallon capacity end one M> gallon. Both were modem end practically now copper outfit«, and gar* evidence that they wen dq» in* “tom* business." They were fixed up, according ta surroundings, far coatiauoaa business, end war* pleated with a view of ecoaoaay In ep eratfen. Water is seid ta be a vary great necessity in the manufacture of the fluid, and at eua of the pUata, the water from a cool, dear spring way ep on the hill aide had been piped to the etUL Hm find itW wee located and of aourao very eautioualy appteathed. us It Is daagvooa to toah the usual blockade distiller. Whan the eBfeace were ready ta maha their raid, they dfecorered that the factory grounds nobody at home. Hm two Laaxin burg officers were detailed to iMnbi at the still and watch for the operat or*, while the other* mada further search for the other plant. Smb after this, and white Officer* Brown and Smith war* ere ached be hind a log, a colored man came up to the still Be canted a shot gun, and aa ooon a* the opportunity offered itself, the officer* covered the negro with their, guns and tdared Mm under arrest. He declared that he was set Interested in the still; that ha had been rabbit hunting and just came by. To support, his story, he produced a rabbit which he had in his pocket. The officers naturally did not take his word for the matter and continued to held him. Pretty soon he began to make them propositions, and finally proponed that if they would let him go free that he .would show them where the other one waa located, which he did. It eras about a mite away and proved to be the property of hie brother-in-law. Uke the first one, there was no one at herae, but 4a owner, or the snppoeed owner, wm , faceted la a? hearty cahta. aidgee captured, was making or repairing'd atffl worm r Both partiM together with the stills wars carried to KoeUngham. The officer* found about 1,000 gal lons of beer and only one Milan of liquor at both places. At the negro cabin where one waa captured, they found a barrel of sugdr, seven bags of meal, one bag sf malt and an* bag of rye maul—all of which it la said, la used extensively in the manufacture of 4a "Sandhill Daw.” Belle KOI Proparty. Fayetteville, H. C, Fab. M<—Tha deads hart been signed and raeordad for the formal transfer ad tha cotton mill proparty at Hope MUla, acnran mBoa tooth «d FayottorlWo, to tha newly organ lead “BoeidUh Mill*, In corporated," a Beaky Mount corpora tion, from the Baatam MtBa Com pany. which n few months ago bought the 'preparty from the Hope MfUa Manufacturing Company. Organisa tion of tho Rocky Mount corporation, its incorporation under thk hnrs of the and tha aala ad tha eotten CANTALOUPE SEED EDEN GEM Cantaloupe Seed Personally Select ed front all-over-netted Cantaloupe*. All ntjr need are guaranteed to be a* good as the best offered for aale anywhere. Pries 11.00 per pound. Mall orders solicited, W. P. HENLEY, John* N. C. »• - w MeCOLL mm Pram Pee Baa Advocated Mr. I.mAar McLaarin aad family visited relatives In Lnariaburg Sun day afUraoon. Mrs. Josephine Graham spent last weak at tba home of Mr. J. Bostic, aaar Laurinburg. Last Wednesday a little daughter amda her advent into tha hom of Dr. aad Mrs. i. R. Bivens. Congratula tlana. Rev. J. A. McMlUsa la 01 with an attack of grippe—In fact a relapse from an attack of tone day* ago. Hi* little daughter, Louise la also quite tick. Mr. John Msgphy and/ family, of Laurinhurg, spent Sunday at tha home of Mr. W. R. Flatchor. Mr. Arthur Lewis, the Laorinbnrg pain tar, is deing some good work In that Una for Mr. W. R. Parker. Mr. A. O. Stubbs is anting arrange manta to manufacture sassafras aU. Ha has eecored tha right to gat an a as - ins tost from several farms. Wa Mr. Lerey Bunch and family, ac companied by Idas Pearl Stotts, spent Sunday at Stand's Grove, tha guests of Mr. aad Mrs. P. H. Livingston*. Mean*. Thad and Mareaa Modlia to attend tot funeral of the infant child af Mr. and Mrs. Ed. ModUn. The tittle ana, whom the Master has trans planted into too Garden of Edam, waa only a few months old. May Oppom Fa**. Laxiagton, Fab. M.—Tba Davidson County Republican Convention today iaxtraetad their delegates to tba Con ttudtml convantioo to veto for ex SberUT P. E. Drawn, of Wilkee, for tbs nomination for Ceagreaa to oppose Congressman R. N. Page, and pledged the sapport of the county to R. H. Bieukker, of Laxiagton. and H. K. Seawall, of Oartbsgt, as dalagataa to the aafloaal convection. EYER SALIVATED BY CALOMEL? HORRIBLE 1 Calomel ia QetehnUver end Ada l<tee Dynamite aa Year Liver. Calomel loses you s day! You know whet calomel is. It’s mercury; quick silver. Calomel is dangerous. It crushes into sour bile Uke dynamite, cramping and sickening you. Calomel attacks the bones and should never be pat into your system. Whan you fed • bilious, sluggish, constipated end all knocked oat and bdieve you need a dose of dangerous calomel just remember that your druggist sells for SO cents a large battle of Dodson’s Liver Tone, which is entirely vegetable and pleasant to taka and ia a perfect substitute for eel end. It is guaranteed to start your liver without stirring you up ia aide, and can not salivate. Don’t take calomel! It makes you sick the next day; it loaea yea a day's work. Dodson's Liver Tone straight ens yea tight up and you feel great. Give it to Mm children because It la perfectly harmless sad’doesn’t gripe. —Adv. BUSINESS LOCALS DESIRABLE HOUSE and lot oc Ctouch atraot for Ml* ehaap. Hin ton Janaoo or W. 8. Dunbar. Mf FOR' SALE—Botttto* plant M food condition. Will aell at a kairain for caoh or axduutzw for lata modal Ford nutnm .bite in rooi condition. J. P. Wi«gin. at Erckant* e«>W. I SELL Daybraak Add Pkoapbata, Emrantnaa HR par tad Pba* 1-11 _ Good lot of aboata mi|kbu from 60 to 10 pound* for Bala. 8m H. W. 7-tf CANTALOUPE CRATES—I . waul tbit I am rt*kt' prfco. StaH plae* your or dor* until fou bnya aam H. W. Me la ail* ar Evorott Corlnyton. 7-tf CABBAGE PLANTS-Any kind you want. Low prleaa. Plant* dalhr arod to four door. Tfcoaa or lanra your ordarn. Oobia Mclntjrra. Tb* Sufisms Cant has aflbmed tba W«—t at tba loam court in tba caaa a< Ward, administrator, tu. Momfcead Seafood Company. A ass died after aatiag muliata put up by tba company and It aras allaged that b« arai ppiaoood by tba food. Snit was brought for damages by bis adminia trator and tba Jury gave *0,000 dam ages. This the Supreme Court afllma. TV* PI ad moot DttowteV tap*: Net •Ofl Tyuoo, aa aped and well-known colored man who lived Mar town, died February SO. Ha area rape need to hav* died an the mh, and an pre pared for burial, bat V* revived euf fleieatly to pull a abeet and a quilt off him, and lived asaia until the n*xt dap, *o we aro lnfocmad by a tmat worthy colored man. Advice To Eeaters Eat the Best. '\ The best advice we can give. Pay the Least. The safest advice you can take. Buy it Here. Come to see us Bargain Day. i McLaurin & Shaw ____. * _' _ j ---SEE Everington’s Drug Store Saturday the 4th FOR REAL BARGAINS Two $1.00 Bottles Blood Purifier, One $1.00 Box of Fine Soap. $3.00 worth for only $1.00 | 50c Black Draught Stock Powders 35c 25c Black Draught Stock Powders 20c Big Bargains on all Rub ber Goods and ^gg^Remedte Everington’s Drug Store THE SAN-TOX STORE

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