BOSS BUTLER. Dmcu Ousted—Kutier , Dtaiutn Party—Is Deemimeed h* I seders. Marlon Butler dominated the Re* publican Stale convention in Raleigh Wednesday. At hie instance L. Cart Duncan was ousted as Rapublicaa na tional committeeman and John M. Morehead was rlerted hit successor. The vote was, 336 for Duncan to TCl for Morehead. Frank A. Llnncy waa elected Re publican State chairman without op position. The following were elected dole gate* to the national convention at Chicago: J. 8. Lewi* of Randolph, who led with 892 votes, Thomas Settle and J. J. Britt of Buncombe. W. S. O'B. Rob inson of Wayne. Alternate*: Clarence Call, Wilkaa; L. L. Wrenn, Chatham; H. 8. WH 11am*, Caherrus; John E. Cameron, Laooir. It la it*tad that only those delegates spare elected who roosived the endorsement of Marion Butler. Just before the vote was taken But ler made a speech, mentioning with the highest prei** the four meo who won. praising eipectally Lewis. H* mentioned on* other man, C. J. Har ris, sad him ha “damned with faint praiaa." Harris lost. Charles H. Cowls* of Wilkes, floor leader of the Roosevelt Republicans, pleaded in vain for throe Roosevelt delegates to Chicago, calling atten tion to the fact that the Taft wing had the tare big jobs, but Marion Butler waa not with him and the men he pleaded lor, George Pritchard, Cy. Thompson and Gentry Jenninga, got short shrift whaa the Butler machine got te going good. John E. Fowler of Sampson and John A. Hendrix of Madison wore named for olertors-at-large. H. F. Seawall of Moore waa chair man of the convention. The only contest as to delegatee waa from Wayne county, which had taro seta of delegates, and both were ssatad. Whaa Um Bow Started. Th# trouble started when an at tempt'was mad* to sleet eight, dele gates to Chicago. A. L. McCaakill of Fayetteville, who favored this, was ruled out of order. MeCeaklU mad* a flare* attack on Duncan. Marion Butler, who had been out ertfh th* platform oommittec, showed up and th* delegate* shouted themselves hoars*. Butler matte a speech telling how he had come from Washington for harmony and to save the party. He placed John M. Morehood in nom ination far national commlttosmaa Tom Settle plead it; for harmony and said if tbs'oflfffmrtfou fafld not proceed te business without prejudice and factionalism, it did not “deaarva to gain control of thia grand old Com monwealth." The Republican party, ha said, ora* bigger than Butler or Duncan. Thompson Jeered. Butler'i nomination of Morehead for notional committeeman -was about to go through with a rash whan Of. Thompson blocked it with tbe nomi nation of K. C. Duncan. Hiaaaa drown ed his voice and Thompson stymied himeeif and advancad to tha front. He proceeded to tel) the members of that convention Just what ha thought of them in words that were rad hot. He said that that* waa a time whan be was not burned la a Republican convention aad whan tha name of Duaean waa not greeted with boots and Wnf "If you want the Republican party to be ran from Washington,” said be with great beat, "go right on as yon bare started. Lot your slogan be 'Butler and Banda.' It’s line weak you are doing for the Demomtie party. You are bowling down a men who baa gtveo time and money to the Republican party, whose service has been unsold ah aad an tiring, aad yea era following a leader—■" Hare bis words wars drowned in a chorus of bowls from all parts of tbs house, but ha managed to hand out a patting shot as ha left tha stags, mad clear thrsagh: If you san ita the Republican party without ma like me and Carl Duncan, taka it aad rua it," aaid he. Diana at Bay. In the midat of the (MtHioo, Den tan wu Men making Ma way ta the -platform aad a whisper ran through tha crowd' that ha waa going to with draw. They eheered tastily, bat they did not knew their man. Be moved •lewty aad deliberately, stopping to take a ewatlow of water and looking tha aggregation of fronted delegates over leisarely. He wee at calm and wnee ea a May morning, judging from outward appearance*, but that dropped off when he started talking and he talked with aa earneatne** that indicated strongest feeling. Be ealdi “I am placed teday In tho moat wn bamesteg sitnatioo at my Ufa Noth ing ooald have forced me here except that my honor and Integrity are at •take. | mb aware that Urn State has bam toed id with printed matter, all • mauHIxg ma vteiooely. AX of this waa teaued (ram Marhm Butter. I hmw N days ago that Butter wm nmtag hath to North Carolina to at tack ma with the pur pom of winalng i over the Republican part/ and taking charge of the State I paid no atten tion to bia aaaaalte, becaos* 1 thought that aural/ Marion Butler was so wall keowa la North Carolina that hla at tache could not hart me. Could Have No Dealings With Bat ter. “Not long ago I received from John M. More head a letter asking ms to meet Butler with the view of settling onr difference*. I answered that ( could not have dealings with a man of Hutlor's character and standing and wanted no coaferenc* with him. 1 did not recognise him a* a factor in the Republican pan/. 1 gut another letter from Morekead, stating that the conference, was for the purpose of getting rid of Butler, and In that lat ter he agreed to stand or fall with me. Now I call oa Mr. Morchead to make good hi* promise to me. I de mand that he refute to uocept the nomination and take hla stand by an/ aido. “Then, fellow-Republicans, I de mand that Marion Better come into the open end that there be a roll-call between me and him. It li unfair to Moiphaad to place him in this ember raising situation and there i» no Qght on him. 1 am willing to fight it oet with Butler himself and if he wins on a roll-call rote, I will more to 4aake It unanimous and torn the party over to his*" The challenge eras a stunner but soon the jeering and hissing started and Duncan could not make himself heard. Ha answered taunt with UunL strove to answer the questions that wars hurled at him concerning the Chicago convention but was Anally forced to giVe way under the increas ing volume of sound, the delegatee were chanting “Morebead,” “More head," waving their hate, ■ tamping and cheering, and he left the plat form defeated and humiliated, bat defiant. Merehead Accepts. John If. (forehead took the pisi form and in • voice quivering with emotion declared that hi* embarrass ment was many times that of Mr. Duncan/. That he had indeed prem ised to go to the ditch with Duncan and that he did not want the place that was being thrust upon him; bat that he felt that he had dene all that be eetrid do to keep faith with Duncan and that he could not see hie party wrecked to farther the ambitions of any man or any set of men. If the party demanded it he would accept. And the party nominated him. • A proposition to name a State tick et to be voted for in the primaries cot no show. The platform demands fair alee “on*, equitable taxation, SdditUk'Of all financial affairs, improved achenl system and agricultural education, etc. In national affairs a return to the protective system, preparedness for peace, honest civil service, rural credits system, restriction of immi gration. upholding the right* of American dtiaens, etc. A resolution condemning W. C. Hammer and protesting against Ran dolph election frauds was adopted. Another favoring the Tillman bill for pen*Ion* for Confederate veteran* was tabled—Statesville Landmark. United States Marshal Charles J. O'Neill and Secret service men are in the White mountains ef New Hampshire investigating the actions of a colony of Germans, who were under government eurvcUancc lest falL It is alleged they have moved to Mount Washington, on the Maine border, where they are engaged in wireless operations. When the mem bers of the German party were at Glen last fall. K is reported, they occupied tents until It became too eald for comfort. Thau they rented a bungalow. They received many express and parrel peat packages, but no nitroglycerin was ever found en the premises and so wireirae ap paratus I* known to have been re ceived. DRINK SIX GLASSES OF WATER DAILY Alt latam*J«« ttitoMM by Oft* at tf» Bit Mm. I« Ha Dnia Amlnaa* A. E. KIESLINO •r Houston. Texas, aayt: “If you have a muddy tompIcxHn and doll ayse. yon ore tensUpetod. Me imm of water dully and one or two ■wall Oadertio. at ul«kt wUl corren Uila t on')it Urn arni mak« you fit as a Addin’ Retail Orderlies, In my ofSaios. are Ilia bam laxative tabs had, and mu ba taken by amn. woman ar ebildrsa “ J.T. FIELDS MUSTANG Stops Pda At Ones For Man and Beast aSbSObtr. AtAIDnlaa LINIMENT ATTRACTIVE WINTER VA-I CATION TOUR8 TO Florida. Cuba. Tho West Indies, Panama Canal, Marti Gras. Operated during the Chriet maa holidays, January, February aad March. Taun at Tea, Fifteen. Twenty and Thirty Days Duration, Cov ering Many Paints at Grast At tractiveness aad Historical In terest. We have a tear at extremely low coot ladndlag aH expraoee to Florida and Cohn, December 27, January 7th, cap i daily attract ive and at anlmlled educational vales to Teacheru aad Stadente during their vacation their on ly opportunity. A TOUR OF Florida, the oat winter i height of t tho heaotiful tropical country In nearby foreign lands; steamship voyages In Southern sens; sad the Isthmus at Panama, during the whiter months at heme, af fording an opportunity for groat comfort aad pleasure. Write for Booklet aad Litera ture. v We ere sure one at eur many attractive All-Expense Included, Personally Conducted aad Chan eroded Tours at ja Reasonable Coat will taterastyou. GATTL8 TOURS, Tourists Agents, Seaboard Air Line Railway Raleigh, N. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified u adminiatrater ef the estate of A. MeL. McRae, late ef Scotland County, notice It hereby given to all creditor* of the estate te present their daises duly verified for payment on at before February 10th, 1»1T, or this notice will bo pleaded la bar of recovery. All Beni as indebt ed to the estate vrlll please make im mediate payment. -- ... J M . i-lor. " Maxton, N. C. Feb. 10th, ISIS. ' <■11 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICB. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Elsie Fairley (colored) notice is given to an creditors at es tate to present their claims to me duly verified for payment an or before February l<th, 1117, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. AU persons'indebted to the es tate will please nuke hqmediate pay ment to mo. _ • J. O. PURCELL, Administrator. Feb. 10. lSlfi. FORD TRUCK FOR PUBLIC HAULING 1 am now prepared to do all kinda of public hauling including freight and baggage, mad In fact, any and fill kinda of haul ing. I am prepared to do it quieklv, having a Ford Automo bile Truck. When voo have hauling to he don* call ‘Phone No. 69. 1 am "tfi ly and anxioua to serve you. COBLE MclNTRYR SON’S LIFE SAVED Cn*M Moth* hUtm Aafcfic Statmmmnt *21 zsLr*."*™? ■oaay pad Tar Compound. 'Of thta I am hip Of an onik rasMdlaa y,"W ua*4. Valor* Happy pad far Ombpound la ter aMad af than pa U haa hoop oar teHhtel Mood far P**r* pad wa raty a poo M %n»*k rrtlaf of an aor ooutta pap oat da, It aovor fan, p*< *« ip nafaH iadod It to aB oar frlopfa. W* SSS^’RfcflSU'S,*® ag«.HnS.rrarai •rao* H to aayaaa tatoraatodL* MxrFwZaaa& SSSTi' rrory°*o*a. **It ^terrpte vy..*’** •*> «■»*» fig C2rST* •**" •** •**— l BLUmt MUO btool - > s> ,. y?m hw fls good* all stacked up hi flat, dry, wed eorad eoodttkn with a •"*£“»*toSii^toSa toStSgfcS . advise every dealer and every fanner to rlunr hie ovdars for the eariiest possible shipsnont bo can take soas to be sure to got bis fertiliser reauirements. Buy Swift's and take no chance and get in your shipping orders now. « % Wm Arm Ready With Am Bmmi FmrtiBxmrin Am SoaA. SWIFT & COMPANY, Fertilizer Works, CHARLOTTE, N. C M HUSBAND RESCUED DESPAIRINS WIFE 1 w. c CALDWELL VITIBIX A.B 1AM | laotri la Uuriahui for tha pncttea of »■( hto Prof—in■. FIRE INSURANCE MflNAO, UmtT T B. HUNTER, Mm,,. CM Wat rrmpanlet Year M «tt W appreciated and n** a. A Bank With The Strength Of Tempered Steel The soondnesa of thk baa k it enhanoed by the eoe * •ervadve policy pursued by its officers in the making of loans. It therefore becomes the safest of aB fci.tVurereof roar sartaam.^ ypm .which H pays interest as tha cats of 4 par cent par saeam. Tbk bank invites you to become one of its rapidly arowimg family of patrona. and offers yon every facility consistent with safe, sound and oooacrratiTs . banking. s SCOTLAND COUNTY SAVINGS BANK Laurinburg, North Carolina DO YOU PAY YOUR BILLS BY CHECK? And that have a raeord of each and every aaMoat expanded together with a receipt fir tha amount paid T If not, you aaad a chucking amount with thia bask. It ia tha aafaat way. tha moat eoavaaiaot and aatfaCaetory matbod of tiaae acting ail buahtaaa payments. Wa will be plaaaad to have you make Ola bank your place of dappait ' First National Bank Lanrinfauff, N. C. Money Loaned On Farms . * i0"* k,wli «* Iwpnmrf Pam lands in Hoke and Scotland Counties to respon sible parties. Write and get lay rates and terms Man placing your lean. No application ronajdwad ter 1ms than 14000.0#. A* T. McLEAN, Manager lumbsbton, w. c.

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