Whetb• r-- t BkiM ■am. Now weal tot m kJi'to'uri when pnHs— ware sett Wall. thb la aat the Ant ttma Mr. Bryan missed gettiag when be start ad. Both ba aad tha pallia an get Bag used to It — ■■ ' ■ ■ It Is said that ow* of the sty k* for the ladles this year will be loathes ■hots. Tha style for men Joubtlsas will be robber neckwear. According to Mr. Maxwell, Butler . Is better at boosting bam bonds Mum ho b at school Aguras as they apply u> North RaroWaa. •band ia Um former who raieaa his own eats any year, hot thrice Mooted wUI ho bo If ha does it Mua year. _ Mdas being windy, March has tha same ebjectioeaMe fasten tha other eleven have—tha MR collector. Just as well aak Mw fallow on top of tha maaamaat what time it is as to ask I iiiblwg Wall, it’s worth a good deal to know that the other follow coaldat Mck you area Mho did gat mad. Wa would rather help enrich the monition makers than to ho shot for hefag stingy. rsagji. j__ Senator Ooco is Wind. but bo boars woB—It saaasa that ho has bran hear ing things what mint Nb, Joseph lea. the oAtoa of town deck winder has as* bean created. Wa must gat the Mack Ant —w——_ Mr. Ford’s peace project east fdOWBA, add wo have bean nearer troabVc since than before. Dr. Cjr Thompson MT> the Rcpob IfaM tlogan this gear in North Cm iino will bo “Bailor and Banda.” lm tbo excitement the whole notion man to bar* forgotten the bride. WaO. Hatalot got the advertising if It did arias the gate receipt*. . B. B. & Boat Batter and hi* Baa*. Watch Damocrmt* do H. • _______ UaAi^'r“ *haU imi thra> *° CALOMEL DYNAMITES a SLtlG UrnMb. Making Tea I An (bony Lm. l|«d Tt, at Toledo, O, o wood flyers In tho drew world (or DW.’ • whito bonds* oorrttood hio Wo to no off art to renew Adeline burned to death la thrfr bowo tothf tuth, Kino. The day's body woo found near Umw at tho children | Two noon, who wood oo (Hondo, wet Osasr Hal ro non, of Harriot Nlnt, flea minutes after bo bad entVad In , MbanHb and traded him a ynsbit booWM at otayo money (Or bis waJfct coataininy «1SC in real MUs. Koto than ton roods of wood haw boon eat from an sin toys foUad at PHcoh Church Of the Brsttosu. ndor Waynesboro, Ps. The Hays on the trw Indiwtod that itwnM wars old. It was T9 foot Uyh and tt inch •wags of »A ~rniui ammlT~i ‘jul It la wltaiial that It ~i flm M Howe of Us ttaes to do this work and that sack jraar he writes two end e third miles of "Woodrow WIiosetji" Wtt eo-eda la the milage at Alma. Hick, wore heavy coats dnriag dess es recently to hide thsir ehopso. Tka thaU corsets. ThT^d^J^tthl^ la town had a war order boataeae during that day. Him Helen B. Hltcb fractured bar log in a tall at Aurora, ifci, when she attempted to kick aside e baneaa peeling that ike bad dropped ea the sidewalk. 8k« was afraid iiarlkst person aught stop oa the poeUng and ba injured, and was berself tka de lta. While the Rev. E. A. Yehl, of Ban gor. Pa, was Ullisg his mpi^ailiiii koW anyone who takas anythin act beloagfiig to hint eoald not ba a Ckrte tiaa, a thief entered the ehoir roam, stole the collection end rifted the over, coats and Knife of the n-iimrii. stabl ing everything of value la sight. Iks latest venture la tka dab Of ___ elation’* was organised for the par poo* of promoting the happiness ct benedicts whom wives Us la tka reentry t at g tfcrdllgTLMI t ok* - maasl »-- Kg-l tker" to the mercy of the meld anO cook. On* of th* cavalry mount* at Trooi i, 0 at th* National Guard rooted tb i at tha troop wtaa tbay a* *' f*r dinnar in FhOaMpUa *. was t* hav* month *d oat i at tb* b**d ot tb* tabi* during tbJ > dinar* hot wbaa the oithwtri ii—* te play “Dima- and tha trodpan b*> gaa to whiatl*, tha hen* started til roar and phmg*. lb* tabi* waa apaoT: and th* dfauwrt Matters*. Two atlMtea after th* <te*th at’. Mia. Mary Doc lay, inmate of • ho**> pttal at Jmay <^ty, N. J, a baby glHI wa* broogkt Into th* world by W Irwin Markawita, a young Intern*, bn SW,** wpMyii taw and tb* baby wn* pro? ■wad sound and Meaty t* How. 1 nw*n Spllta, atargad wtth tetelj tag SSS from a buraao in th*hMW«f Mn. OUr* B*par, at VkteJand, N. S3 CMJIC1 WORKERS HOPES TAHLAC HEPS OTHERS ■mMi RmUn< to highly' Esteemed Warns* After Lang Fight—She Ontos SI round*. "After Isng and unrelieved suffer teg from Indigestion and stomach tennhli, I Ml off In weight and eoaul ads nysstf going down to a shadow." sate Mrs. L. P. Combs, highly «* tsosted Sunday School taachar of Wisstan-Seism, in bar endorsement at T^ntec. "Most svaryons told as 1 had tnhsaenlnais, which edvfce I nat tesBy ftaxed. Tho'many medicines paaaertesd for am failed to Mag an ■mas is rosteitloa. "1 felt rsry reetlesa sad would have to alt fee hoars at a Urns because of a big temp on mp left aide which eaaaed a ■uttering of the heart. The <rnkr wap I could get relief from those patee would ha bp belching. I could uet sleep. Mp appetite was poor. "I had to got a girl to do my hones, work he cease mp condition was so “!**» no I «u about to gW« up hapa of raeavacy, people told tea of My Prat bottle tamed My •*■***•■ jut Ana. 1 alaap good, tay appetite la goad and I can new roliah *7 Coed. I bare galaad twenty-one pannda abwa etartin* a* Tanlae. And, I dent faal, with tfaia weight, that tw bMculaala la knoeklnc at my door, do aty owa haaoawork now and faal Uka a new paraaa. *Wlth Many thank* to Tanlae and «nj beat wiahta that it aaay ttieh oth who cofferMr*. Comba con clodaa. Only raaognltioa of benefit* aha paraanally paloed front Tanlae and the opportunity pieaented to help othera by girinp prmiaa due could bare in •naneed Mia. Onaiba to tender a pub lic tootimnerial tar Tanlae. la Lanrinhtug, Tanlae la aoU only at Bloat Drag Store—A#r. *«■» htnwUK Mim. TPytorrilW Courier: TWn an far toa^maay P-pU in this land of ours *hiny nnlaas it is put to them in tfcc fens ef dollora and oantsl Dr', lrY,*» ruw <* Tala quiatly am io work and flyund «■*•$■« yaramasant statistics, that "nsarflni sickness, daath tfki fa anaually coat this eouatry— Bill, tha eoormous sum of ILiOO. MMMt On# bllliou and a half. -it Fifteen hundrad mil ’ vaensRiBFv? the moat of ui want taka a four -day U 111 up our lunym *Hh Crush air. to exercise, to head tha aaod of modoratloa in satiny and to thtok shout tha oonditian of health. It will eiak In deeper if we Take tabereu d»* tost the arer aya coat of aaeh death arerayae *8. 000. Well, la 1014 there wars 76,000 dahthe from tuberculosis in the tecta trntien arse of this eouatry, which la ahrdaa only 00 per cask of the popu the money lose thus repru Bserhad the astonishtay sms of to po poo nnn i Frank Thornton’s Two big stores brim full of New Spring (>oods. Hundreds of Beau tiful Dresses, Fine Coat Suits, Coats, Shirt Waists, Skirts and everything Woman wears now being shown in our Ready-to Wear Department, Urgent stock of Ladies* ready-to-wear garments to be found between Richmond and Atlanta. Everything new. Everything np to date. Direct from the atyle center of the world come these flne new Spring Suita for Mimes and Women. After years of striving, our own Coun try has assumed style leadership with the great eat city in the world. New York as tha undisput ed center. From the moat talented groups of famous designer*, we have selected the cream of values and beat of styles. We ask you to be the £5!* Co-candaee us. Five Hundred new SpringCoet Suite now ready for your inspection. The style*—abort and medium length jackets. silk Used, beautifully tailored. Fit and workmanship guaranteed. The Skirts are full, flaring and piaited effects. The materials, Whipcords, Pop White Cheeks, etc. The colors include Black, Nary. Tan, Reaida, Wyateria and all the newest All alaea for Women and Bfiasea, 14 to 46. New Spring Coat Suite moderately *,4M- 414T5> ,l7M-»,9M Two Hundred Lovely Dresses Have Just Arrived A wonderful and most beautiful display of Spring's catchy styles. Never before has this ■ection had an opportunity of viewing such a grand collection of nil that's new in dresses Handsome Taffeta Silk Dromes in all tka new ^Lcriaf'tbmfortttion n>reai*s-or Pon-de-Chine and Georgette Crepe. Beautiful styles In Taffeta and Wool combined, and dainty dyke la Silk Crepe-de-Chine and Georgette Crepe Dresses. A dress for every occasion and every pnrpooe, including all the delicate shades in Evening Dresses. New Spring Dresses range in price from 910.00, 912.50 to 955.00. _ 4 _ I . Seventy-Five New Spring Coats The popular styles in Whits Chinchillas and Bonds Cloths. Plaids, Cheeks and Stripes in the papular designs. New Coats for Spring at 98.98 to 917.50. New Silk Waists at $1.98 to $6. t New Skirts, Silk Hose, Under wear, Corsets, Gloves and all Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear Gar ments now being shown , for Spring. Our Millinery Department Not Surpassed In This Section Wo are today showing the newest sad ant popular styles fn Gsge Hate for wearing now. Hundreds to sslsct from. No two alike. Wo have with no this oeooon, an Expert Milliner sad Trimmer. A indy right direct from the style eentor of New York City. She k an artist of ability* Let her ask# and trim your Hats for Spring. Take a day eg. Spend tkat day In' oar ■tore* it will pay you. Ton are welcome, bay tag or looking. Come and eee ear grand style •hew of all that's now for Woman. __ » Frank Thornton Fayetteville, North Carolina

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