Local Notes. Court Monday. Freckles tonight. Coburn's Minstrals the 20th. The Gem Theatre ti being beauti fied by the petateo. Mr. J. J. McHugh, of Gibeoa, was a Laurinburg visitor Monday. Mr. G. B. Patteraon, of Max ton, epeat Sunday afternoon to the city. Mra. A. M. Fairley left yesterday for a visit to relatives at Tar boro. Mr. J. C. Graham, of Kaxton, R. F. D. No. X, was a Laurlnburg visitor Saturday. Mra. Thomas J. Dunn entertained the Elisabeth Browning Book Club Tuesday afternoon. If we are the only one that wants a town dock, we ere willing to hush for an Ingersoll Watch. Mr. S. M. Norton and son, of Max ton, B. F. D. No. 1, wars bargain day visitors to Laurinburg. Mias Annie Brewer. cf McCod, 8. C, ie a facet at the bom* of her de ter, Mrs. John T. Bostick. Mias Janet Witherspoon, a tearher In dm school at Josthe, was the Sun day guest of Mies Base McNeill. Mr. W. F. Jackson, of Laura) HOI, B. F. D. No. 1, was among those that Joined the Exchange family Satur day. the next meeting of the Scotland County Teachers' Association will be hold Saturday at Brawasvillo school boast. Quito a a umber of laurinburg peo ple are having the fan there to to ho gotten out of ordinary eases of the Mr*. W. R Teller and children at New York City, are the yueata at Mm. Teller’s atom-, Mrs. W. D. James. Jr. • Mr. Jasper T. Gibson is spendiny ••versU days in Wsdasboro in inter est of the sal* of Dodge automobiles is Ajuoo county. Mr. and Mrs. Ed McColl, and daaghtar, accompanied by Mrs. Mary Whitaker, all at Laurinbury. visited Dr. and Mr*. J. R. Bivens Sunday.— McColl Items Pee Dee Advocate. Mr. C. B. Tyaor and family who have occupied rooms in the Jam** huildiny, have moved to tbs house reoently vacated by Mr. H. T. Horan day ia North Laurlnbury. Mr. J. D. Biacall, at Kinston, ar rived ia the city Tuesday for a visit to his sister, Mrs. John Monroe. Mr. Baaoom Weill spent several d*y* tins peat* weak In Washington, D. C. Mr. WIIH* Watson, at Hasty, N. C., has moved his general merchan dise business into the new store ra Csatly purchased from Mrs. John Mclanxic.—McCall Items Pee Dee Advocate. By aschanye of courts Jody* W. J. Adams, at Csrthsye, wOl ylia at the terra of Superior Court to he M sssslnn here next week, instead at J«d*s M. H. Jus tics, who was sehad ulsd to come. It wOl ha aria* to have that prhst iay done now. Everythiny in paper stocks have advanced from 10 to SO pm cent The price of job printing win necessarily her* to be advanced accordingly. Better yet yours now. Miss Gladys Covinytou has ' base loading In the ChartotU Observer Popularity Contest for almost all bf the time durkiy the paat two week*. She ia not only leading in this dis trict, but throughout the Stats. Weather Prophet Joe Peals, of the Snead’s Grove section was a,bargain day visiter Saturday. Mr. Pari* •ays that his sect! era had a slight fall of hall Friday afternoon. He ala* disclaimed' the states*sat that hs had predicted ths storm. Mra. Sue Briaaoa and Mias Army* Umars have returned tram Us* matfcate shin they went ta pur •haa* stocks for the spring miUi nsry trade. Mrs. Brinson wfli hoM Umm. T. C. KvereU, E. H. Chb mn. A. P. Gibeon, B. 0. Covington, B. B. Covington and B. D. Phillips, ■ *—> in af the gnenoa and MMky «a— ltties for the proponed aaw Methodist ekonb, spent Monday h ®t»». where they went U see Ac chareh hi Mere* of erection in that afty. Bav. heat Swell, tbs noted evan gsllst and prohibition leetarer, who wsa schsdalsd to deliver (u« lector* oa “Uncle Snath Wagon** Monday sight la the Presbyterian church, ariB not he hers at that tfree. Chang es la Ms plans necessitated pestpon Isg Ms Laurioburg ongagenieot nntU Sunday night, tbs llth. •' Charlie Cane. Osborn's Wastrels, which sppasi hssn March tOth, has that premier ■ ■■»*y.|OhaiMs Qaae- lf yea hare 1dMIgbt, get randy fee IBs wZ?'- ■ 1' • PEGRAM-McKINNON. Marriage ef Pepdar Young Couple Here Wcdacaday Events g. A wedding of unaanal interest to many people here and elsewhere was I that of Mr. Lamar Pagram, of I*e | notr, and Mtaa Anna Belle McKin | nun which waa soieroniiad Wedrvee jday evening at 0:30 o'clock io the • First Presbyterian church in the presence of a large concourse of friends of the contracting parties. The ceremony waa performed by the pastor of the church. Rev. Dr. John M. Uoset D. D. The church was beau tifully decorated for the occasion in long leaf pines and baskats of pink carnations. While Mrs. W. DeB. MeEacbln, of Laurinburg, dispensed the' wedding music the wedding party enteral the church in the following order: First <.am« the ushers, Mr. George Aving er. and Dr. W. D. James, of Unin burg, sad Mr. Foster Clinton and Mr. B. H. Parker, of Oaatonia; thou fallowed the groomsmen, Dr. Ro land Clinton, of Wilmington, and Mr. Henry Duff, of Cincinnati, dews op poeita aisles, these beiag followed by the two bridesmaids, Miaa Prancae Louise Neal, of Laurinburg, and Miaa Jennie Pegram, of Oaatonia, lister ef the groom; neat came the bride ac companied by the maid of honor, Miaa Mary McKinnon, her sister, down one aisle as the groom, accom panied by his brother, Mr. E. N. Pe mm, of Oaatonia. beat man, ap proached the altar from the other stale. Before the entrance ef the bridal party |Mlas Patta James sang “At Dawn' and “You." uw afwptUi wore pink silk with Dash-colored over draiKi with direr tiinningi •ilrer dipper* and pink picture kata and carrier! lace* booqpeu of pink KiUaroey roaaa and asparagui fame. Tl»e bride were a three-piece raft •f crape Juice blue silk with trim mings of twee and aiiver and carried a muff of chiffon ralret and silk with s large bouquet at purple or ehkia end IQlica at the rati<7. She wore hat, shore and gloroi to The bride's gifts to the hridse malds were pink ostrich feather fans with white leery sticks. ** of wadding present* consisting Chiefly of silverware. cat glut, chins sad Mnen. nttstUd the «*•«*» in which they are beM by a wide circle of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Pegram left Wednes day night for e bridal trip to Wash ington. The groom ia eonnactad with a string of cotton mills in .and. around Leadr, bolding a responsible posi tion. He to a young business man of exceptional ability and has a hoot of friends throughout the Btste. The l*nd# ia a charming young woman and a member of oae of Lanrinburg's moet prominent families. Pre-Naptfal Kntertain stents. Mrs. Walter H. Neel entertained Monday afternoon in honor of Mias Anne McKinnon. After the game •rrerel ladles cut for the prise, Mrs. 8. A. Gregg received a beautlfal piece of head work. Than the hostess came In with a very Ub-ge box, whieh she Planted to Miss MeKinnon. On opening It ahe found lovely pres auto from the entire family. A thrae coarae laaeheon was aerrad. MUa Rose Doer gave a beautlfal reception Monday evening la honor of Miae McKinnon, who wee mer ried Wednesday evening to Mr. La mer Pegram of Lenoir. Th. geests were presented with acorn earth Cupids foe the lad lee and hearts for the gentlemen. After the game the «» Mr. George T AvTngm the priaa The* Miae McKinnon received ■ handaeme gift, and last Mr*. Re land Covington, after carefully cat ting with Mr. James Maxwell Gregg, bmame the ynmuiei of the booby— a baaatifol Cupid. A aalad eourae with aeoaeaoriee was served. Aa Informal recaption wee held at th* bow* «f Mb Anna MeXbwM Taaaday evening after the rebearaal at the cbareh. A magnificent dis Ptajr ef Hand tone* praam ta waa alow ad by tba gwaeta, among which was a large cheat of elhrarr, tha gift of tha gracWa family. Thl bride'■ wka *** cot by Mia* McKinnon and tha fta# waa captarad by Mia* Fan Uiui»* Meal. Ont-of-town gaaats hare to attend tba marriage ware Mias Jennie Pag. ram of (laanoata, Mha ffaili Pag* «*m ad Yorktown, g. O, Mia. Mattie McNeill of Fayetteville, Mr. Plica Pegnua of Yorktown, g. C, Mr. Fos ter Clinton ad Gaatonia, Mr. H. B. Paebar ad Gastonia, Mr. Ilwry Daff of Ctadnaati, O.. Dr. Boland Clinton ad Wibbngta* and Mr. B. N. Pa gram of Gaatonia. Taddb- and Hryaa. Don’t aria* that mirth' producing playlet in whisk Gam* and Doaaoily rapraaaating Teddy sad Bill era aaar tba loot river la bag* bad. They settle tba l.tmMaaia mattar aad drbk grape bb*. Yea aaa aaa this >» Oobara'a Mbatrela. which appear bar* tha ggtfc. | WACKAM-B1TBBTO.N NOTES. Lyoanm Coon* Ovar—(Mlgbtfal Forty—Talaphan* at Ivimmlag Hat*. B«v. ui Mr*. Good* accompanied by Mia* Martha Wataon, motorod to Lam barton lait Wadnaaday. Miaa Wataon viaited with friend* in that good town until Friday. Mr*. C. E. Duncan viaited bar daughter, Mr*. Wayn* McNeill, of Riverton, for a faw daya laat weak. More naw car* on the a tract* of Wag nun—Mr A. McNeill ha* a new Dodge and Dr. W. C. Shaw haa a Haaaaia*. The laat number of th* Lyceum course booked for Spring HiU, wac given in th* acbool auditorium Wad naaday evening, March 8th. All the entertainments wore elevating, high toned and moat enjoyable; and wa ^••1 grateful to the three gentlemen who mad* th* eouna poaaibl* by be ing raaponaibl*. We bap* they era no* in arrears, and that they will do *o again. L«»t Friday evening;, a delightful party was given in heoor of the marie class at Spring Bill, by Missss Annie McBryde and Cfit Cooley, at the hone of the latter. Besides the sueete of boner, Mine MeBryde'a clow in music, the faealty of tka •ehool and the high echoo) students were preeent. In n aaotset of pros* 'waaiv. rook, Johnaoo Matthews woo the prim. Delirious refreshments were served la the dining room aad «o«»t*ad of a salad coarse followed by cream and ealca. Neat Snoday morning at 11 o’clock L. Gay, tba mti atlooo league lecturer wlU be at Spring HJU church. Mr. Bill Hints, the owner of the Wag ram telephone system, expects to tnatall a telephone at the River ton Swimming Hole daring the sum mer months. ‘Hello—U that you Patterson Park? Nobody over there thie lovely evening? I geese not, your friends are all here.” 'Nough i -aid. | '- I Return u Itolui »r. J. McN Smith and bride re turned to Rowland Friday morning. Dr. Smith wai married in Baltimore ■omo time ego end haa tinea been taking a apeeial coarse ia jMdJdno in that city. He baa bean practicing medicine hi Rowland lor several1 yaars and U one o# the moat promt-! ncnt yoong phyeiciana ia thta pan of the State. • -D* «d »*n. Smith . Waited Or. tethh’a mother, Mm. H. McN. Smith horn thii week. A Pleaaaat Visiter. It waa oar plaaaure to hare aa a Walter Saturday, Mr. W. T. Wright, of Gibson. Mr. Wright is a stauaeh and faithful friend to the Exchange. Ha says a goad word Instead of being a eaastle critic; he hirsts in* ■tcad of knocking, leaves sunshine instead of shadows and wears a smile instead of a grouch. Mo, ha did not pay Ma subscription either, for he is one of that aalaet dam whom subscription la ahraya paid a Tear or more hi advance. May his kind never grow less. ANNOUNCEMENT I take this means of Inform ag the general public that I hare opened a SEwING ROOM np stain om R. G. Stone’s Optical office, for the pnrpose of doing all kinds of altering, sack as altering Coats, Pants, Ladiso* Coat Salts ete. I also do tost daw Drees Making. A trial will convince 70a as to tke quality of my work. * MRS. W. C. BARTLEY CANTALOUPE SEED EDEN GEM Cantaloupe Seed Personally Select ed from all-orer-aetted Cantaloupes. All my seed are gaaranteed to be as rood as the best offered for sale anywhere. Price $1.00 per pound. Mall orders solicited, W. P. HENLEY, Johns, N. C. | BUSINESS LOCALS .DENIABLE KOU8B ud lot os ®W* rtraet for iilo cheap. Hi*. *>e*~SALE—pi*nt us good j (natttlaa. Will Mi at a bargain for *•*< »»33 ?°5? £ »*•' condition. J • Wl*8taa at Exchange otlW. * ££.££3* S? JMSt i Tr Ata’as*cr« McLaarin. 7-tf _ CANTALOUPS CRATES—I want cantaloupe ehJppem to remember that 1 am manitfe r farina tha b«t can talonp« mu that ha % over boon pot on tail market, and too, I want *•« can vm thorn at tha ri«kt_»jW. Don't place poor or der* emtil too hoee aoao H. W. Me Laurie or Everett Corlncton. wANTED—An energetic active man to aoLobllah permanent hnatnaaa Whole or part time. Health aad J. H. WADE has bought the Woody prating cflsb sad has a good man in charge. The work is all done at Wfcde’s old stand. Uee only «ne 'phone for the buiineos, 1184. WADE IS ON THE JOB Guarantee Satisfaction ootyod »t March term. 1*14, Beet-1 Oa. Car A Locomotive Co. va. A, M. > I will expose for sale at peb Hoe,fer taeh, the following ..P'yjy. •* the Court House doer of Scotland county, la 4*. t*wa of Leurinburr, at 11 ?,d«* "U on the SOth day of **•£*• 1*1*, the locomotive operat •* IjMi A. M. Calawa, lettered -A. M. Catem Lumber Co? No. 1, tha rxp&zsuj-sr.jr" «o5“S»lifi jPlaoa Court House Door. Latvia. dim, Cash. ' 'MJ* M. L. JOHN, 18-1^ j ; Coramieiioner. «aat to leogti? Thou by aaa Gano and Donnelly Miaeelceletioua.” •4" “» MUeu minutes of tha PMfenfBhoa that Coburn*. Minstrel* will fit* bora the EOth. **• ______ •«pit*L Mr. *. 2. Bother land, who WMt operation for appoadieHia at tha ^Hamlet Hoipjtal two weak. MO Thpaday, returned to hie home hero Sdterday. , 4 JUST ARRIVED CAR OF FINE YOUNG MULES !■ this lot yoa will fiad Mnethiaff that wiH joat Mil yon. Theee were booffht epedally for this eeetiea end are in the fineet eoadltkwL It win pey yon to look tUe lot over before yew do any buying. PRICES ARE RIGHT. WEILL BROS. ’Phone 124 Lanrinbnrff, N. C. War Has Closed Stop talking War and tail year friend* when they can ear* money. They can etve money by baying their meets from THE SANITARY MARKET. W* are oot going to aaU to tome ooe at one price and to others at another price, bat me ace going to aell to everybody the aama. THE BE8TCUT8 OF BEEF, PORK AND VEAL AT 171-Sc. And remember too, oar MentJ era strictly .atrfT fed. Nothing but Mountain Beef and VeaL We also keep Pith and Oyetare, Chicken* end Zggi and Country Produce, and in fact, anything to ant that ia kept In an up-to-date market. Thaae Prices Start the 8th. We appreciate yoar huaiaem and win give you Good Meats, Prompt Service and QMck DeMmcim. All me aak is for "Our**” when pay day r iasa The Sanitary Market J. L. Harrell & Co. Props. Lanrinbnrg, N. C. ’Phone 156 Spray Your Trees Don’t neglect your fruit trees and then expect toget good fruit. If yon have only a few trees a MYERS SPRAY PUMP will pay for itself in a larger yield and a better fruit. Spray your garden and chicken coops and get better yields from them. Chickens Jay better if they are healthy. Give ’em a chance. We’ve just received a shipment of these Spray Pumps. Prices 50c to $6.00. J.D. Sanford&Son “The Quality Hardware Shop.”

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