g..*v| Aad what office do you want! Cheer op! At worst this life la Just ona blissful dream af things wa never «tet A wise man ofttimea changes hi* mind. Tba fool has no mind to change. Speaking of the weather remind! no that K continue> to be Just weath er. Tall every stranger you moot that thio to a good town. Smile, and the world giggloa with you. Scowl, and you are Juat grouch. Just why li a meap raanT But than, only the mean man can toll. Of course your Willie has high ideals, but has hf a single practical Idaat , Evan Um bustard, Um lowliest of birds, to loyal to its bins. Are you T Yep, election time is trotting right along. It will loon be on tU gallop. New Um brainiest boo be are talking again about “corsets for men." Kenn ing, no doubt, ths manias* man. Perseverance is an ndsUrabU trait, but without ths safety valve of com mon sense it becomes n msnsns Even if you can't keep your money in your own possession, at least keep it in this town. “Push end Go" is bully in a kid, provided it doesn't require a push to maka him go. Thare’s a time for work and a time for play, but some people in this town forget to wind the dock. There are two things n wise man never does but once—twist the cat’s tail and tread an his wife’s come. No, sister, not all men are beasts. There are timee when the bee at would object to the comparison. If ths revolution la feminine attire con tin nee Its present speed even the fig leaf ertll soon be n back number. High society finds s deni of com fort in Use divorce courts. Ths press Is lavish in Its publicity. Tbs editorial countenance is no ia dication of the spirit within. Even the wisest of man have resembled the fool. A funny man seldom aeea any ha mor in bit own product. Hang onto your pennies, boys. The growing scarcity of copper may acme day pot a premium on the little davits. It is all right to accuse cengreee of hunUag far pork, but we don’t know of a political district in this neck o’ —ft grab off all of Um bsMoa it oan get. A sum will tighten his belt and chase a rabbit all day without a thought of hunger or fatigue. But when his wife wants an armful of wood he promptly tends the kid. Shoe pinch? Charlie Chapla. The following news Item appeared in the papers last week. “Charlie ChapUn has heea signed bp the Mutual Film company. The! contract haa bean executed. The Agues are staggering. It is said be will reeetv* over $€70,000 a year. In detail, he win receive $10,000 a wash for €8 week*, and la addition a bonus of $160,000. On* two-part comedy will be produced each omoth." Under the caption "The Preai Agents* Bait," the Charlotte Obeerv w editorially lays: “There haa been a subsidence of the Charlie Chaplin etna* the peat few week* and word had bane sent ent that Chaplia was laid up at a sanatorium by rear on of an injury received to his head In one ef Ms re markable stag* tumbling acta. It so tt la said, that hie ah the screens was doe to Be haa bean driving a bargain with rival Aim show* and If a0 aeeomrtg are i a bargain to aoma __. eloosd a cea tract with tbs_ bidder at a salary of $10/>00 a week, or over half a milUea dollar* a year. At learnt so. go#* the story. But sep poe* It should he tree? The Charts* ten News and Courier make* the point that “rf any lawyer or doctor or butcher or preacher or grocer afaould devlia a achamo far 'elauning up* each a *plla* In « year's thus ha > would at oaca be deneuncad aa a dangerous dtlien; but with Chaplbi it la different, Tkon. who believe the story ef Chortle's new contract will maintain at all haearda that he la worth whatever ha gats. Doeant ha maka the people Ipugfa? The rust wffl at least get a laugh out of the mory. They think they know ‘proas agentar atfcff when they see It." And *0 the papers, including The Obser ver, that at* pasting this ■! n I \ Wlhlly every town has tare —n id iAImh Ihs beeetera sad Mm MB Ltata. All Mw world lorea the former, bat oven the devil eh ana the Utter. Be a booster! The town booster it known by everybody, for ho U always doing and laying swathing to push hta town and its people along. He io the —" who makes the town. The killer Is the one who destroys it Bo a booster! The booster never lose* anything by his boosting. Bo booate other peo ple and othsr people boot Urn, and throogh this combination of ■ret things are accomplished. H ta only tM killer who falli of his own weight, of hie own words, of hie own deeds. Be a booster! The boaster is like a my of sun ihfne on a cloudy day. He brightens •verything and everybody around him. HU geniality, bin chssrfulaase, his energy end hie good deeds breed hope in the bosom of demeir. His words and his acts aid others sad rnnthls himself. But the killer only kill*— Just kills, kills, kills! Be e booster! This tewn has many boosters, aryl you all knew them, you admire them, you respect them. And your respect is more precious to the genuine hott er than Is your gold. It is only the killer who stands alone, without friends, without hope for the future. Be a booster! There may he a killer or two in this town, but we hope not. But if there are any we hope they will rest kill ing and go to boosting. There is na honor or, profit in killing, but there is much to be gained through boost tag. Be a booster! Wo used the booster—we need mors boosters. But ws can exist handsome ly without the killer, for the killer’s principal diversion in Ilfs is to taka a knock at the tows, at its people, at their ways, and at everything and everybody connected therewith—ex cept the kfller. Be a booster! If there ore any killers in this tewn let’s convert them, so ws can all be boosters. The booster is of value to every ligitlmate thing with which he comes in contact, while the Idller ta not eves of valno to himself. Heaven lovea a booster. Everybody boost!—Selected. Half of Ua era Gao*. I* the year 1878, th* last daas to graduate in the administration of Dr. W. M. Wingate, mooted tWr deplomaa from hia lowing hand. Th* nenbcn of thia class war* W. E. Da nisi, Kofua Ford, W. T. Jordan, J. C. Caddsll, J. O. Bunch, A. K. Walters, F. B. Cooper and N. D. Johnson. TVs last named four mem bers are dead, th* other* remain. And I haw* no hesitancy in assuring the relative* and near friends of Bro. John sea, that each of the sar viving members of the class hare teamed with sincere sorrow of the death of their friend and It brings to ns, N. D. Johnson with Ms newer-failing characteristic of honesty, politeness, and dan eea MdemUoo for Use rights at ethers. Hs was not a brilliant student, he did not in tMs pmtlsalsc i at the bead l of Me 'daas—he was a faithful plodder, aa earnest worker, end hi* record sms such as to gals for bias th* profound respect of sB his teachers. If called on to name a man in Ms class who would henries a martyr to honest principle* and right liwing, I would without hesita tion. nans* N. D. Jofasaon aa tbs maa. Th* rivalry between the Lit emry societies was amah sharper la those days than now. Th* truth Is, the students Jewed their society mere hi those days than they seam to now. Bet as parti sen rivalry could sepa rate Bro. Johnson fttom Me chosen companions. He and to* writer be longed to different societies, and yet oar walks aad talks aad social reis tioae were as cordial as if wo had worked under the seam society ban mt. K Florida*** Cuba Panama Mardi Gras Personally Conducted Tours DURING JANUARY FEBRUARY AND MARCH Attractive Winter Tripe Tours of 12,15. 80,80 end 88 days Ait Expense* Included 1130.00 and up Write for Booklet GATTIS TOURS Tourlat Agents Seaboard Air Lin* Raleigh, N. C. SECOND HAND AUTOS We with to announce to tb* public that we are In the market to buy anything you have in the way of secood hand Automobile*. ’Phone or call h> to see u». THE YELLOW STORE Laurinburcr. N. C. 'Phone Na 148. PUBLICATION OP SUMMONS. NORTH CAROLINA. SCOTLAND COUNT*, la the Superior Court, Before the Ctortte Will KaaeeU, Fannie Htcka aad her huahand, T. J. Hicks, Mar Gaddy end her husband. Bod Cuddy, John Rresell end Janes Burnell. NOTICE OP SUMMONS. The defendants above Mated will take notice that an action entitled ae •bovi haa nden eommenoed before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Book land County, for the purpose of hav ing sold for division a certain tat of land in Washington Park, which wm conveyed by the Interstate Load Com pany to X. R. Roeeell. deceased, by dead deled Nov ether 88, 1811, end which lot is new owned by the plalat lfa aad defendants aa tonaanta in cot moo and heirs at law af E. R. Russell; and the said defendant! will further take notice that they are re quired to appear before the dark of the Superior Court of Scotland Coun ty, at his office in tha court-house in Lnurinhurg, N. C- am the 28th day of March, 1816. at 2 o'clock P. M., and answer or demur to Ike petition or complaint of the plaintiffs, or the pUiatir.^win ap^y to tbo eaart for C. D. McOOKMIOL dork Superior Coot af Scotland Chanty. This 12th day of February, 1818. 1-10 _.I FOR SALE Two Story Dwelling on Chnreh street $S, 756. One story, t Room DweO b>» «i MbUlatmi Halvhta ■ * Every woman in this coir be IntfwiM - in this -- Spring — OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT 9 — The undersigned begs to announce the Opening of her Spring Millinery season, which will occur on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15th. t Every lady in this community is most cordially invited to call and inspect the new spring creations for the coming season. We feel that they will ap peal as strongly and as irresistibly to yon as they did to us when we purchased our stock. In all modesty, we desire to say that never in our business experience have we seen anything so ^striking and pleasing as the styles that will be on display at this opening, and we trust it may be our very great pleasure to welcome you on that date. Mrs. Sue Brinson Laurinburg, N. C. nafcraiaurs salb op land. CAROLINA. I ND COUNTY. and by virtu* of tha power of s« la contained la a certain sort Kao deed executed on (he 26th day at pan 406. default W s.‘taki»ay,A jUBulTIuB^ob' Suauriffill1 liuTSy of March, 1916. at the eowrt honee MU, to Um U(M Udfer that cartels tract or paroei of In Spring HO Town Canto, North Corolla 1 __ at a ataka near n Meek r.Tia^^ryrss 41 1«* east 91-76 chains to a. Made Jack in Walter Levi Bar’s Baa: thaaaa with Ids Ifes south tt eaat 7J& ehaiaa to kia eornar; theuoe with his aaxt line north g waat 7A0 ehaiaa to Ms next Warner; wad also an original eor '3a Hat «-w u mm _ »aM ui I* Tow*. —- , T-# Mi *M Barit by Cheek a Foetal Order. Money seta lo*t tn the Order* accepted under this epedal rate only daritur Special Bargain Period. « THE HAMLET HOSPITAL ML W. ft JAlOia, ta|M la flhfcr** Hamlet, N. C. A thoroughly egatpped institatkm for the •dentiic treatment of X-Ray, Medical mad Surgi cal Came. Trained Norma fumiahed. Special attention ghraa to the Sorgkal CeaiWto ef the Ear, Km aM Throat