ZZ mm (trikiBc, ud which mm to 5Sjtoto.t>ytoUtto*J^S of ttw Umpmm ■. mmimm *■ th« mw 2£vx:&e-’a~m•■*■ j ; \ «f Mb Gtevr. fa tbU» Um piriil In th# world's •' ' mt ALL A 900. - thwsTwv Its >1111 la evidently to amuee, but sppBad to ruai sendttions. it eentalns aa uwk raal truth aa It "Dinah Snow was a colored cook to tka ho(M Of the Barths. One mora ine oo Koine to tha kitchen, Mrs. Smith observed fat Dinah looked aa if aha had bean tangled up with a read roller, "Why, Dinah,” exclaimed she, "what la tha world has happsnsd to yon 7* "Was me boshes’,” eaplaiaed Dinah ‘Ha dons went aa’ beat aw agin, an’ Jsa fa’ nothin’, toe!” “Again!" cried Mrs. Smith, with la creaming wander. "I* bo te the habit of haatiagyowt Why don’t you have him amaladt" "Been thtakto* oh it several times, missy,” was the rejoiader of Dinah, "hat I baint nahah had aa money to pay his Ann" One of tha meet serious difficulties that the officers have to contend with to aerating sr Id sacs to convict crimi nals to this section is the dllpositiea that "Dinah" la shewn to have to the ^ - ar* ro of tool iafriage parties, aad by the dat that thsease como op for trial, Um preeseutlng or nmaplahiiiig witness ssas things to as entirety dUfwuat light from the Ont view of the Matter, aad what aaeMod to then at dnt to bo an cpsa and violent violation of the law tana itself Into a are trifte. Thus they swear aad ae one la found guilty. Mot MOST weeks ego a colored wo lag aad Celling foe the protecting cue of 4m police. Ae declared that her husband had tried, to kU her sad according to bar story, ahe had es caped Us nordoroos wrath only by fining up town to the police. Her cold blooded husband was ar rested aad jailed aad ia a day ar Wee brought to trial. To the ■Msiomnit of the court aad the disgust of the of Jfeexa, aha want to the stand and awoce that her husband did set try to kill her, bat wee only playing. Aad so It (a—the “Dinah" story is act so much a joka ae It ia a Teal hn Mtn interest story. MAKES HIM MAD. 1 The foHowiag editorial attoi — ia ea fall of Bw real, i~ aiaat to wahai tratfc. that wo pan H aloof for eur reader*. It ia takao ft— the column* of Oar Path art— Onaa: “If ia want to make thla editor “t«ed" jua* show kha aomethlag like tha falser ing from a northern paper." "Tha 9oath ia backward. It fbgpm tha United Stataa by Illiteracy aad bt half-educated. Until it ia improved by tha invasion of r battar ideas. It will t and a danger ta tha he." Mmr what fa pad think af that! Why. man. tha Sooth ia tha solid rock open which tha BapahSc mats. Even •hip of State through the"trouble mnm water SMI UCB the reepaaeiMJtfo. af tha no Wllaoa* i two Ninnw AND a cow. Itol of Dm Buckingham DUpatck: Last Tuapday night, about twahra or *m o’clock, mm paupi* either aiming in or gnlng out «( town no ticed an MtemebUa turand' ever k e ditch beyond the Seaboard Air Line railroad etntlon. On stopping and investigating they dteeovered that tare colared kda arcre wedged under the Machine. They extricated tbs boys end reported the incident to Pa UciMnee B. B. Covington. The officer went upea the ecene and arrested the bey* an a charge ad »tea bay an au tomobile and temporarily appropriat ing the earns to their own use. i ' The automobile area owned by Leek A Marshal A Persona and waa naed Car delivery purposes. It wee housed in the livery stable of Mr. L M. Wil liams on Franklin street When arrested the beys stated that they did net steal the car. They said ’that they win passing the stable ! when the car steamed oat and, seeing that it was not occupied by a drives the spcNsTiT^.^fote^TTm^ do damage, they hopped so hoard for the perpsas of stopping it. Thay said that the car got bayaod thatr control. It swat dawn Franklia street, creased the railroad tracks at tha station. Oa it wsat sc rose tha county bridge, start ing ap Watane bill, wbse they suc ceeded in landing it into a ditch with the result as stated above. The boys forthsr stated that they presumed that a cow, which area In the s tables, had started the car in motion by rubbing herself sgainst the crank. They failed to state hew the states door was opened, but it is to be prseamed that the cow opened tee door in the same way that she started tee wschine in motion. After this owners of care sheuld be a little careful not to leave them where cows can get bold of them. The pranks of this cow has cost Leak A Marshal A Parsons tha sang little sum of ntlO repairs on thatr new Feed delivery car. The bays, Sylvester Leak and Will Watkins, are in Jail awaiting a hear ing in the recorder's court. Tha trial will no doubt be interest ing KmKir Yrom War Zone. The Louvern* Ladies’ Brass Band, who aiw traveling this am ion with tho.ain, -aiiwU’’ rtnr ploying “WALK This way,->» mads up of all French woman whoa* headquarters arc at Paris, Prases. The ladiss have Won playing for years la their native (country, hot owing to the dreadful war. they were ■armed by Mr Clifford's foreign •gent, and ciaiyalme theyjmvo bean h*md they hdve been a big feature for the ritow. At 8p0kaaa. Waab iagtoa, they handed one eectian of the great Labor Day parade and received rounds of applause over the whole Has of march. The iadiee parade tW principal streets at IdO p. m* and play a concert following the parade. They also play again is the evening at 7 JO in front of tW theatre. TWAre are fourteen boom French rullim whs complete the make-up, aad they double into the Imperial Orchestra, which is mat only a treat be Itself bob slao assures patrons their full man or* worth. Musically, the CHitad Show this year is the greatest attrac tion of Mb Mad traveling, aad the langhfog principles see more ahaad aat than ever. "WALK THIS WAY" at epees beans on Thursday evening, Marsh *3, for eae night only. Uttto C«erK* had haaid a «M*| deal mM akaot tan comm, bo* a* tab* real aai* ate. Om day the faattly war* at dimer, aad Ceoap* wanted a drink of wafer. Tka ttoad "Drink toil *f your (mb'* glia, Oaorya; to (a through anting - , Tto little fallow iiwwiit to wy, < .’?< r,V' "1 doo’l waat to; Phi afraid f *riU totok tha kaakatdia." Barito Laha Mam. M. L. Ma, dJataa laao, Minna* Mary rwUa. Mary laha aad Maatar Mdpaa Whftritoa. attaadad fha dahate at Pkn MaaluM C*0*pt Hatty night- Mem Mb aad liaa aetad an jadpa* ad tha dekola “Walk This Wily." Stty (Binds) Clifford, ia “Walk This Way," hla asw musical satirs, will baaaaa at tha oprrs house, Leu rlnburg March 28. Thia pises ia tha very latest style, and ia aa mtartahunont of the hlgb eet class. Tha foundatka at It k • faxes, fall of complications and lodi croua prsd icamenta. To thia ia added a doaen songs of the popukr styk ami a company of elegantly gowned young women, who can sing and dance, and who are pretty and sprightly. Billy (Single) Clifford, who la starring in the piece, is too well known to need 1 say introduction. He hai boon on the vaudeville stage for many years aa one of tha brightest and cleverest singers and dancers sod he has a style and manner all his own. In his pees out vehicle he hat a role that (its hla personality to a nicety, sad it k one in which be shines with great bril liancy. The story ct tha piece has to do with a young man who goes hi guest of a young lady whose father la a German who has lately obtained gnat wealth and wants hla daughter to many Into tha aobUity, and at tbs sama time baa advertised for a butler, but ad coons ba gala mixed op in all •orta ad fanny predicaments aad baa all aorta od trouble before the plot is Anally untangled. Mi. Clifford la moo as tha yoeng Bngliehmaa and he la given many brilliant Unee aad ba ia caught in many tight places. There to a lave atery running through tha piece alee, aad it derma one of tha very interesting feature* od the at* traction. Ur. Clifford baa aunoundsd blame If with a good coaspany. Idas Helen Clark to a singer ad real eonga and baa bad macb experience la muai eal comedy. She baa a lino voice and a splendid stage presence. Dainty Uae Co Ulna, the MobntU, is a clever mimic od Scotch eonga, and baa gained macb distinction on the vaudeville Stage. The three Weston Staten, one of the orpbeum's boot musical acta, and Nick Glynn These and others, who charmingly sing and dance, pro vide an craning’* entertainment long to be remembered. A GUI Mg* Offering. Opera bouse Thursday evening, Mb«* 23. BUly (S(ngla) Clifford and bis merry company of clever ar tist* will be the offering at tha opera bouse on March 22. for on* night only in the many musical satire. “Walk This Way." Billy is well known to tha theatre loving public of this city, and is cf teittg this season an attraction even Ugh above the usual high standard maintained by him, and “Walk This Way" hat proven the greatest suc esss of hi* career, having toured tha eeuntry for forty weeks tha past sea son, aad being on* of th* few attrac tion* that gave universal satisfaction. It is a asixtare of light comedy with mnsicsl interruptions, of which thaw are sixteen, and non* of which intend* upon th* ether, and this pleasing eosa btnatkro with all suggest!veneae re moved, form* the naucloua of a vary pleasant two hours of fna and enjoy xsaat BlUy has ia bis support an ex ceptionally clever company; th* scenic aad electrical affects ait m t* tbs regular standing and there is no doubt that his engagmaant here urfl] prove on* of the moot acceptable offerings of tha present theatrical season. Thera are eighteen tuneful, catchy song hits of th* kind that linger in yourmind far atony moons. This show carries with it Nick Glynn, that funniest of all funny man, sera hen for several seasons ss one u* th* bast parts of Coburn's MM Aattm Ante AcdM. "Yaa, Mg wtfa oaod to koap boao, but wo hoist gat wa no mu,” ra Morkad Um amckgr-barral Imrtt •4 tha ooimtry Mora. **Yoa aoa, wfcaa, tlM« bora woold go owirmtag, tha womoo aha oaod to pa out and boat «m dWb paa and tha booo woold foi l«W har tothahivaa. Butthay-a Forfi go by thia ooa took to follow* than* ) Mr. J B. ataitod In Boa nattavilla Oa toot' Tbuiudar morwlog, tha Otoor Mrada a* Mr. John Galloway wora oaddoaod to hoar of hlo doath. MoaSaraftarapwT VWH*d ta IU*ta* k Mia. J. A. Smith, of Ciatuwary, Apmt tha waak-ond with bar panata, Mr. oad Mn. D O. Wright. ThOMaay frtoqdo of Mr. a B. CW load aril) bo gtad to know that ho to nrptor fmpnriag. "Blaa Kgoa." Our Greatest Offer i A YEAR’S READING FOR THE ENTIRE r>Mw y MADE POE YOU Tk* hHNMln Farmer I* aal< u nrw •oadltleaa aa Ua> are In the Meath Tea h»r "all tar roe—and 1/ pea matt eat “* keed ita treehlefe raa malt niae Bare per am, tame cere par rare, aaera •ad hotter iwaatacK. and make a cmq aeedoclna feat err OMt at rear ferae MADE FOR YOUR WIPR Tk« rrnnwhi first/ lui th rtrw|> ••l* moot pro«i)«oi bouooftoid ««>ins«it •f tEjr i«i1fl«rtinl HP*r hi th hoalh. lu ■ IEf fMll/S Mlk* a flrtftl M»Mt U oar vmm w4im es4 kelp tha m U dOOo tha Mad MADE FOR YOUR CHILDREN The ProptsoEfro Fms*/ hu * nfiltf hfwiPMt fir farm hn W4 (He and « •rrial nory for hulk rnnff ami old. In (ECi Uka p*JMr for ev.-rjr mrr*t»r.r of th« •fanny. The Beet Two for All the Family—Both Leaden _ in Their Line THE HOUSEWIFE »• Ml »HW MhI u Introdaeo ul ta to ail* ta maho a tnillii mimiihiw taal win •aaMa aar taadata la kata Tha Haoaawita tha» «a«la« roar. wtta la waaaaakli. aakk aaaMn. kaaatMl kiota. aad niai of aarttealar tataatot ta hakir aM ahlM. Tka ..«t la a lotto, wan prtotad »a|a itaa: tutoarlpooa atlto M oaaia tor raarr II •a aal> knaaaa to* pahltahari ara aailaaa ta daualop tdalr to tot rla tta a UM la tfea aaatd that »• ban toon aau la Httn a rata aa tdaaa auboorlpUaaa that aaabU « ta laolada It ta UUa »aaa*a tlakMaa aim with Tht toaoraaalva ranaar. Wa haaw pa* w«i ka biadip piaa at a U rou Iuldi ta toha tha alab. laaladtas Tha Maaaawlka. TUi great waMmilm of farm iuh, form kelp, Mm, «--S»-g. faacy work aad good ckoor for tko oatlra faaflp at J&ARGAIN PRICES LAURINBURG EXCHANGE Yoa kaow aar papw. It b a obaa-cet, Uro, up-to-dato mmI; ■ ■■Uj )iai caooty paper. It gkw pea all tka local sow* mod tko import oat mm of tko world ood tko groot war. Yao raaaat afford to obt tkm groot kargab. Looriaborg Emckaago.tlM Tka PttfTMtlw fifair miUi B Mg linn. 1 oo Tka Hmtwth mcatkly . jg ^. ~t»M OUR SPECIAL BARGAIN OFFER (•air 4 aaat» »Vok far all IknO* MaO ar Wbf yarnr iibicriptioMB at aac* ta . LAURINBURG EXCHANGE LAURINBURG, N. C. SEVEN PAPERS We are also in position to offer you following Big Combination: The LuHabuf Exchange 1 year The Atlanta Semi-Weekly Journal 1 year Every-Day life 1 year Earn life 1 year Hone life.1 year Gentlewoman.1 year Houeebold Journal and Floral Magaaine 1 year All For $2.10. You get Seven Paper* for one whole year for leea than half their enbeeriptinu value. Subecrfbe now. The Laurinburg Exchange The County Paper. ■lift wcnu an taginnlat to wt* ()•; flah to btta and aap to riao, |M the jt*U| aaaa'a fancy ia ever the It docent Matter if Undt Sain doea toad Um aoldian Into Mac lee. *a have “Aont Becky" in the Fork 1 The new Msthndat church at Johns haa bean (mandated. *TU a beawttfai church and weald be a credit to aay town. Miea Fannie Wilkea aad bar aiater, Miee Ida WUhea. spent Sunday In D* lea, 8. C., with their aiater. The “peep peep” of the aaay tittle chick* hi Mode ie my aoal (vision of I fried ehiekan.) Mr. tad Mrs. B. L NIcMm in rwililhg thatr tail. Tit groat to rUa OCraugb Uwm banotlfal and wall k«pt forma wHh band* b* ktwping wkk Um lurroumKags. Stmt pnfli want noil# whan look la agatnat thaw, tla Uw titoa of yaw thangk far rktabion ta hova -ptptT an thatr tiagoi. Fartthar it Banting by, raid and want an taking da dag. W# ham them facta laat night, aldad hr the far distant, tad snehaatlag Baled? of a errinh owl. •want laada by Robert N. Page, oar Congressman, In laat week's Ex change couldn’t help hut he greed of the fact that he is a d tiara af tha aaae State aa Mr. Page Although we wU atiaa Ms prueenos and power at Washington, North 'Carolina la grand te call Mb one of tar moat Wa are wondering who Sootlaad w® deetde w te represent tar fas tha LngMstaru next year. What do you think etaot Jtt Baaa Ball. Oa Taaaday Um 7 th. Um Syriac HU Rich School haaa ball team play* twa Samoa. One with Um Maaati Cram oehoot team, the remit bates a t lad mow » ft. Thay a loo i|a|if the Ottawa team wfmtiac from than by a aom at 11 to «. “ i-r-'-it ‘fthrau that Otic la tha anly newt af tataraat at Wayraai jut now, ait lapt Um naa> ata at aoaaa wadUaca. ate Ob ha aaya, aaa ate ha pteaa In dattel at thte

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