Local Notes. roll Mooa Sunday. Friday in St Patrick's Day. Coburn's Minstrels Monday. v Today Is the 78th day of ths year. County Coauaooceaient will be.bald in Laurinbarg April 7th. Hon. Henry A. Page, of Abordoon, spent Monday in ths city. Mr. Milton Watters, of Msxton, was a Laurinbarg visitor Saturday. The weather man hat promised ns ranch colder weather for today. Mr. A. 3. Butler, of Hoffman, was a court attendant here Tuesday. Miss Betty Clark, of Sponsor, is the (Met of her aunt. Mrs. T. C. Everett. Mr. Walter Quick, of lied Springs, was s Laurinbnrg visitor Saturday. Mr. John W. Butler, of Hoffman, spent Monday and Tuesday iu the olty. Meters. Frank and Wilma Boetiok spent Sunday afternoon in Hocking ham. Mias Luna Smith, of Marion, 8. C-, is the attractive guest of Miss State Maul Covington. Attorney R. C. Lawrence, of Lam barton, attended Scotland Superior Court beta Tuesday. Mr. O. B. Patterson, of Maxton,. was among the out of town attorneys attending court bare this weak. Mr. J. U Harrell, proprietor of the Sanitary Market, spent the week-end with relethree at Merehvllle. Mr. J. P. Dellinger, of Cherryvllle, was among tho out of town people here attending court this weak. Mr. 8. B. Watkins, of Charlotte Court House, Va., la the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Peter John. Mr. Joseph Epstein and family mo tored to Hamlet, and Buckingham Sunday afternoon. Mr. H. B. Weill spent Sunday in Charlotte the guest of his brother, Mr. Will Weill. Bee. Sam 8maU will lecture on “Unde 8am'e Water Wagon" at the Presbyterian church Sunday night. Mr. Leake 8. Covington, a promi nent banker of Rockingham, was a business visitor to the city Tuesday. We are glad to note that Mrs. Sid ney J. Smith, who has been quite ill far the past ten days, la imerket Improved at this time. Mr. W.LL Soper, who has a posi tion with the Ford Motor Co., at its Charlotte branch, spent the week-end^ with Lawinburg relatives. Almost every day during last weak Charlotte entertained Laurinburg par ties who journeyed to that city to see, the Birth of a Nation. Attorney John P. Cameron, of Rockingham, was among the oot of town attorneys attending court here fhia week. Attorney Donald Phillips, of Rock ingham, spent Monday ir the dty with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Phillips. . The meeting of the Scotland County Teachers’ Association, which was scheduled to be bald at BrosrneriUe school bones Saturday, wan called off. Mr. B. F. Sea well, Mrs. H. F. Ben welt, Mia* E. M. Seawall and Mr. M. BrewOr, of Carthage, composed a mo tor party to Laurie burg Monday. Mrs. A. Cameron, who baa bean visiting bar sea, Mr. J. D. Cameron fan Rockingham, far' the part throe months, returned to the city Sunday night. Urn many friends of Mr. T. B. Ros eau wiB be glad to knew that he has rallied from a severe weak spot] that ha anfferad for several days this week odd is mem abto to be up a part of the time. Billy Stogie Clifford end Company, including that premier comedian, Klcodemuo Glynn, will appear hare llmnday night presenting "Walk This Way." This company carries a lady hand and orchestra. On the SI wo will have "Peek’s Bad Boy." Mias EBo McRae, Mr. D. K. McRae; Dr. Pstor John. Mr. R. R. Covington, and daagfcters, Mloose Bessie and Alice Covington, went to Asheville Sunday In naponm to a message an nouncing the critical illness of Mr. J. P. Mcffso. whom death ia noted elsewhere la this Issue. Ofllcar Frank Stnltb has cons to WMtovflU sftsr Will Bfeipman, eol ocod, «b, last Aayost was a yaar M«. streak WilUaat Harry Fairly, also eotorod, In Iks bsad with a baas ball bat, and thasshy csuaa osar (Sta ke WOUasa Hsary to yaas out Ikiy asa bra basn on tits roods of Colam Vas soaxty far tka past yaar ar mors far soom dorflasaat, and a warrant far kka was aaat to tka Colaasbas otoasrs a yaar a«o by CfcUf Hokhoad. Ho add ha bnaykf bask to dieHraf aad (tore a total re too share* of aa> aaaHto( Fairly. ENTERTAINMENTS FOB BRIDE Serin ef Elaborate Kotcrtalnmeata (or Mr*. Lamar Pegram. Complimentary to Mr*. Lamar Craig Pegram, • recent bride, quite a number at elaborate aerial evrnti bar* been given tbte week. One at the most elaborate of these waa a reception last sight given by Cel. and lire, Thomas Las Craig. | The guests were greeted at the front door by Dr. sad Mrs. E A. Wilkins nod were shown to the oiualr room by Mr. and Mr*. J. Lao Robinson. Rent they war* preeantad to the re ceiving line composed or the Pegram McKinnon bridal party, relatives and friends se follows: Cel. sad Mrs. Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Lamar C- Tag nun, Miss Jennie Pegram, Mr. K. N. Pegram, Mia* Reaaie Pegram, Mr. Henry Duff, Mr. Faster Clinton, Mise Bertie Duff, Mrs. Jennie Craig Duff, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Wilson. Mr. J. Robert Craig, Mies Sophia Henegar, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Craig, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Jones and Mr. and Mr*. B. H. Parker Mrs. H. H. Cony showed the g risen to the punch bowl which woo presided over by Mr. mod Mrs. O. T. Msson sod Mr. aad Mrs. & J. Durham. After all the rusets had arrived they found their way to the table* and spent the remainder of the even ing In playing rook, there baing 11 tables. The lady's prise for highest score, a cut glass boll, was won by Mrs. H. B. Moor* while the gentle man's prise, an ebony cloth** brash, was won by Mr. Henry Duff. The bride, as the guest of honor, we* pre sented with a handsets* sterling sil ver bud vai*. At the conclusion of tho gam* a salad coarse with accessories was served During the evening Miss Lucy Boyce delighted tho guests with a, number of musical selections while other enjoyable music was dlspenead by tha rietrola. Mrs. T. W. Wilson. Mrs. S. A. Wil kins and Mieses Lucy Boyos and Lil lian Watson assisted Mrs. Craig In entertaining. Spring flowers—jonquils, hyacinths, carnations and ferns—were used as decorations throughout the bouse. A happy couple wen tha brids and groom and they mads a strikingly handsome appearance. Th* brids wort a handsome gown of brocaded white taffeta lace. Tuesday evening at their handsome home on Franklin avenue Mr. and Kn. T. W. Wilson gave an elaborate ■oven oouxas dinner to tha Gastonia members ef the bridal party, rela tives of the groom and a few frisnds, covers being laid for thirty. Tha color scheme was pink and white and was carried out both in the decora tions and the refreshments. On the table was a largo basket of pink ear nationa sad orange blossoms. At each plate was a spray of orange blossoms while at tha bride's plate was a bou qost «f KUIerncy roast and orange blossoms. The place cards wars hand painted orange Moasems tied with pink lags knots, tha cards being held In the mouths of small blue birds. The table was lighted with silver can delabra with pink shades. The din ner was an elaborate and a most en joyable affair. Wednesday at t o’clock at her home on Weot Airline avesse Kn. D. X. Jonoo gave an eight-course luncheon, which wm elegant ia all ita appoint menu, rnwpHia salary to tha bride. Covers ware laid for eighteen La dice, the luncheon being served on a polish ed table covered with toes not. The color eehems wy white and groan and waa carried out in each caorta. The eoater-piece waa a white basket at bride’s roses and liliee at the val ley. Each guest urea presented with a corsage bouquet of sweat peso and tom* while the bridd woo the tqoip tmit at a largo bouquet at bride's roses and liliee of the valley. At the bom* of Hit. I. S. Clinton °» Eoet Franklin mm Thursday •furnoon Mia Clinton and Mrs. 3. Um Adams entertained at a maat beautifully appointed party in honor « Mm Lamar C. Peprem, Mrs Nefl Morton, of Charlotte, Mian Carring ton, of Richmond, tba Friendly Ms. troan and other puaeta. Tba hope waa moat attractive with a profusion of lonely flower*. Baaketa of bride ***** and jonquils ware aaed In the reception room, while ptak hyacinths wot* beautiful te Use dicing room, {(specially artistic was a pink basket Mled with growing hyacinth* In foil hlootn. Trail wae played at sleran table* and as aecfc react propmaaad ak* was preaeotad with a jonquil, than* belap used to heap tha mom Tha refreshment*, cosxlsf mg of chick en,* la King, an la*, and aandyriohas with spicof tan, were meat attractiva and d*Hniou><, bate# cerrad by tha two heck*mm, aaaiatad by Mm B. W. OIL Mm snd M1m ' Bend if er—Gastonia Gaaette r Better Tbaa Bear. Coburn1* Minstrels, which realm hare Monday, ii «M of tha biggest theatrical treats that corns to Lau rinburg. In order to earns here this yaar, Mr Coburn, who la a greet be* tiever in Laurinburg, cancelUd other dates, in a telegram to the local man ager* Mr. Coburn aaya: “I’ll guar antee to give you a batter show than you have ever had or forfeit (ha en tire receipt* cheerfully." Mr. A. E. Brown of Catawba coun ty who died recently went through the civil war In company 1, 40th N. C. regiment Ho waa orderly sergeant of hie company. During one battle : a bullet lodged in a Bible he carried in a pocket over hi* heart Thl* sav ed hi* life. At hi* request the Bible wa» buried with him. Mr. Brown wn* a regular attendant at tha rcunieni of his company, which are always held the first day of April. COMiySjUONEptS SALE OF REAL ESTATE, VALUABLE WATER KiWBH ROLLER MOLLS. Tha undersigned Coaraaiaaioear ap. &jg.sgas%gsyjs5a, and Mild rad Lyteh is defendant, by virtu* of said dacres and ander the »ow*m vested la hita tharebv, will *R1 at public auction to the highest btddar, far cash, on Wednesday, tha lttb day of April, 1818. at 12ofdoek, Noon, on tha premlaas. to-wit; at tha Denial C. Lyteh Mills, la rfeotlaad Ctoaaty. North Carolina. all of the following described real property, to Being that tract of land aad Ira provaaaanu tharson daacribad in tho prtibsa filed hy tha plaintiff, in the nbor* stated cause as Seventh Tract, and being mars particularly daftnad, described and bounded as follows: Beginning at a point la tbs canter of the eld run of Gum Swamp 8 chain, and M links below the canter of tha Public Road where tha said rued crosses said run at the old saw mill at Lyteh's Mill, and runs thaws North CO 1-2 dagrees East 11 chain* and SO links to a stake; thawca North 40 degree* Wast 8 chains aad SO Hate to tha canter of the public road: these* North 40 degrees West 8i chains to a stake at tb* edge of a cypress swamp af the mill pond; thence North 20 degrees West 8 chain* and 60 links to a stales in the sdge of Mid swamp; thence South 82 degrees West 6 chains and 26 links to a stake; thence South 46 degrees Wast i chains to a stump: taance North 8 degrees West 0 chain* aad 10 links to * stake; Uwnc* North 28 ligrus West 4 chains and 60 links to a stake; tkaoc* North 8 1-2 degress Want li chain* to a stake; tbeoca North 88 1-8 digests West to a stake in tha old Bn* of the original tract devised to Daniel C. Lyteh by tha last will aad eabumant of bta father. Jamas A Lyteh, deceased; thanes South t chains aad 60 links to n corner af Mid Una; thanca Waat 2 chains and 60 links with another line to the cor ner, Blue’s Una; thanoa South 88 do gras* East 23 chain* to a corner in *# run af Gum Swamp; thanoa South Wart 1 eha&m aad 60 links te tha high water mask; thanca along tea Una of high water mark af Lyteh? Mill pond in a general aouthaaotara direction to n corner is tea canter af tea public rowd landing from Laurtn burg to Bennetts villa: thanoa South 40 otgraaa East 8 chain* aad 60 link* to a corner 18 chains from tho batte ning corner; thanca dine* to the be turning earner, containing about 80 acres and Including the amis and ate) pond of the 1st* Denial C Lyteh. This sale is mad* by order af court for partition among tea owners, ten ants fa common and la mad* subject to Confirmation by tha Court. • jurats af Salat Cash. Tho* of Sale: 18 o'clock, Nooa, E. H. GIBSON, Commissioner. 11*14 ahead in automobiles. Mr. C. C. Miller, • student at the University from Watauga county, has baen studying'our wealth to automo biles. Hs finds that IT counties hi North Caroline on June M, U1J, had more money invested to seotor cars than to pabMc school property, ac cording to the figures to Bnfisi hit sail out Joyner’s hut report. And the oara are rained at M40, the t e. K prioa of Ford Ore passenger Iheee counties are to two groups: Bkh to Ai chiO« Motor Cm Bortio m Coowoll 66 Catawba 230 ' Chowan ei Guafbortoad 866 Currituck 121 DoviUooo 416 Edt^ookb# 816 Q os too 266 GraavllU 188 Grocoe 86 Guilford 988 Halifax 988 Hartford 86 Iloko 87 Lonotr 216 Martin 178 Morklanburr 888 Kooh 821 Panon , 107 Pitt , 486 Rickmond 246 . 417 Vnw >28 Womo 188 tflMB ' 881 1 , . .4 . It la wid that whan a fallow goto tha booaa hahit good and strong that ha will drink alaaoot anything aa a substitute, just acrtthaa enough kick to it »«> make tha Wood run riot aad product MUM sort of a state of intox ication. tort week a party waa in the re corder's court on a charge of rotail tog not liquor, lemon extract, shoe puHah or bitter*—but bay nan. Tha defendant stated that ha did not know that boy ram cocld be sue ceiafutly uaod aa an Intoxicant, and that a party aakad him to step to a nearby store and parchsM a bottle for hto»., Ha did so, aad than discovered that tha fellow did not vraot to damp en his hair, hot his whistle, and is sued of using It aa aa aftar-sharing lotion, be took a glassful before Hie curiosity was aroused aad as aa experiment be said be took a sip of the stuff. Ho waa aoqoitted. Parrott-Jehuon. Jwt m Ml forma wan being cloe ad, a telephone massage from Wag m amaDMd the marriage at lUae Jeanette Johnson, the attractive daachter of Hr. and Mr*. Chariee Johaeoo, of Wagram, to Dr. W. K. Parrott, ef Kinston. Tha marriage, which waa parfonaad W Hev. W. I Good*, the bride* pan tee. amiatad by Dr. C. W. Howard and her. B. P. Smith, both of Kiaaton. took place at tha home at the bride’s parents. Troepe Moving. Thiage an taking on a war-like as pect theee day, Laarinbnrg had a email glimpse of it Senday afternoon. A • pedal traia of five can tmriag the aoidier boy, wbo wen stationed at Port Caswell passed through here *bo«t t o’clock. They wen being transported to some point on the Mexican border. BUSINESS LOCALS DESIRABLE HOUSE Ud law OrkIi atraat tar »ale cheap. Hia ' tan Jane* at W. 8. Duebar t>-U *0* plant m rood condition. WU1 rail at a bargain far nab or exthaase for laf a nodal Ford artomobUo In no.' coodttiaa _J^P. Wlcytna at Exchange oUlra. I SELL Daybreak Acid Ffcoqahate, gnatantead »% par cant Thoa ’ PbSrta.Aeid. It par cant Phoepbo nnT<% write or *phoca So. jSo«, t ObaaerH. C. W. Tl Wright. Good lot «f aboats weir bln* from 64 to #0 pound* for ul*. See H. W. ^ MeLaunn. CANTALOUPE CRATES—I want thatlan nMnStUotoc'daTbaat centaloep* crate that haa arar bean P»t oa tala naifcat, and too, I wart denjrntU rpo hare aaan H. W. M*. La aria or Kraratt Carlagtoo. 7-tf DR. N. B. CANNADY nmacuM and buboeon Looted In Lniinbn for the Practice td Mb Proleeeion. Office, E too ng toe’s Drug Store Office 'PhooeS-J. Beeideeee 'Phone 198. 11-14 1st, Cumberland. Hake, Scotland and Mrtiemert, eotten growing nooettca in tba south-central part •! the state, and ted, a string of counties reach ing Item Catawba, Gaston, and Meek 1 an burg northeastward through a manufacturing aaetiao lata Caswell, and from (Ida county .eastward and southeastward, through Urn tobuccs, cotton, peanut, and park producing counties to tec tidewater section. Currituck stands aloes in the mtieei Vstor Pub. School Prap. *784** 447,000 *M*0 074*0 101400 00400 . 40,04#'.. 80,700 100400 U0400 «M4» • St 471 1*S>W 108,000 154/440 07,778. 118400 . 108400 , 78J00 I 77400 **400 *7480 40340* 878404 181401 1044*8 414*0 88470 4*400 004M •44*0 7*410 7*4*0 40,750 ***4*0 880,187 1414*0 188400 4(74*8 484*0 1*74** 18*480 10748* 100,100 14* 4** 1*84*8 100.70* 784*8 1004** 780U 0*4** 44478 14*444 184480 —XhkvmuMf Maws Latter. _ •__ OPERA HOUSE Monday Night, March 20th I BIGGER—BETTER THAN EVER. Grand Street Parade and R»nd Concerts. Seats will be sold quickly. They will be placed on sale at Model Pharmacy this morning 9 o’clock. OPERA HOUSE* S Thurs., Man 23fc THE SEASON’S LAUGHING NOVELTY “Walk This Way” A MUSICAL FARCE WITH Nick (Nicodemos) Glynn (Lot* of Cobm’a Mbutrck) m4 Billy Single Clifford 18—Big Musical Numbers—18 Ladies’ Brass Band and Orchestra Musical Maids Parade qt 3:30 Popular prices 50c, 75c and $L00 Seat sale opens Tuesday morning, 9 o’clock at Model Pharmacy. ANNOUNCEMENT I take this means of informing the general public that I hare opened a SEWING ROOM up stairs orer R. G. Stone’s Optical office, for the purpose of doing all kinds ef altering, such as altering Coats, Paata, LedieoT Coat Saits etc. I also do first class Dress Making.. A trial will convince yon as ts the guaKty of my work. MRS. W. C. BARTLEY When you build your new cottage or bungalow or fix op (be old one—even if k** nothing non dan a job in (be nil || wfl pop you to look imo Bearer Beard. If you want better wiEa and riilhqp wnnai ki winter, coolar in from crack*—nothing wifi aacufy jroa *o wel aa (be niiihal run jrnnd £bve Bwcf liotfd. Bo nan k*» Beaver Board. Look lor the Beaver trade-mark M the back of ovary panel. BEAVER BOARD fa mw work. Itmtlwl fa killed direct «s to wadding, Hm Md • la r». woifaMaf k fa aalfad right am t ho old plater.