- —rMUMt Ho doeloreo ho Mm tow tho Mou thi npuhd to1 Mo, hi ho odviaor young mo to A Mitgio drop «t mot from tho brow of o workman, dropped fads o tank Mhhlu 24 pound* of cotton ■atuiotod with oHrk odd, recently couaad o toad oipktohw In tho AUaa Powder company's plant at Hit Cut**, Po. Workmen nmrby nor- ] rwwiy otoopod injury whoo tho bloat! •cowered, oil liMtawa* rolling rtoad* •f aoMko poaood through tho boOdiog. i A. C KcClary. ef PettavUW, P«l, Jwejad to Man to taftig to at he f»o»d that he hadfattotud*A« UJe wro«j <—wal pn MamUb the fenaeal 5 ktattito! wtwaa bedy he had gone to sea far the hiwMtod i m la mU to 0MOO in | % whiter vacation m an*Tid factory In laceey City, N. J-, found kaye tiled to nthfikk a tee ia a *hae> hen atone by Uuawin* hay an tha red-hot maCol Their plan filled •ad ia a abort time the entire neigh borhood w.» .rotmed by the trumpet i»K aad etrvehm* of the animals. A rraapanj of reman arrived and pet ont thebiaae. "Tram a purely phyaioloficml stand point caaalbaliam would be the best wuy to provide the hainan body with PMfahw,* Mil Dr. II. C. Bradley re cently Mm a dm In health and dbmm at the University at Wiscon sin. “Human flash cheta teeny ie the Weal food,” ha continued, -becauee its contents ere sack that the dicsst *"• W«fani wonld not have to break dawn fbe atsansato la proportion with •** Mh*w before tissue etraeUaa cenM be started." Hiarftng that bar hnahand arms an rafebar Mate* J“ **“ butl*r “ ^ la Ms collar boa. Mm. Harriet HU Ma, ot San fnadwo, were eat a ■ mihtat acainat Alfred NHaaa. bar husband, accwin* hun of feflin* to pievid* far Mb Minor chOdrsn. Ae cordia* to Mm MUnon Mr hasbend •oma a fair salary but prirrMni poor ir tor hi, fanny and for faar that tM food wma partaken of in Us ah aaaes ha was hi tha habit of Udine it in sot of the way placaa. Amj Inoobm aaaldan. doairio* a h—hand. is itnunUd to I* la touch with ths ssrrstsiT of tha R.rtdm1. eiah toss <*» sad wish t* ssttlo itoudmto IU». JaiMfea *• » W»k wars from • railroad a» ths nwirtmla of tha m«9 hem my Bttla tea to hrrada tha oat* worid to March of i who wOl wseth mU to Mn. Mask **«. sf Wilts*. Wis. ' tos tetoto. hmtod dawn to Jadf C. W. last. Tha toida sad arc mb gars toais satt—m tots tha kaaftoc «f a *NW Iwa and tha drirar toft tha* tafa dear Md two wars stofaa, mm of ■aato, haailiatioa and tasaamdaMf was iwdilwaMi and that tha awasr sf ths dray Itoe should pay r>«pvty itukti «Mi a wHt of ta ftjualgi »rwMtail Uw battel * Um htfjfliaaiaa K. Oraana, writ baawa dalaatfta ia Dank, Hub., avat abut* ktejr hto lagai w«4a» and Mr*. Mary Maaaa.'Ma *lara mi*,* *i» ftffcUa«. Mra, Oraaa won la Ota Aral *i«y «f *• martini and ihn *f k«r la a^a la a ra«K ta a aaafcat by Mat. Oman*. Tka aaa ;% ■» MrtiMllMr hlrad by I IC. SPACH IAS JSKEI IN GIVING PIAISE TO TANLAC ana Wtfl “• > «.*■_, •* Bade am Podcicc at Vehicle Muifw Unr Itn Waa Name Par Ba. 3. C. Spach, widely known North Carolina vehicle roenufeetamr whom wagons hare traveled tha highways at nearly avary loath wn State east of the Misstodpet river. to another to add Me nuoa to tha hag Uat of men mad women of >igh standing who have gated from Tanlaa. . At he advanced im years the loag wear at his nyaUa began to toll. Be. Mr. Bpt«k waa attacked with he adopted the team ruling that has baaa hto for decades atop aad study. Instead of hoarding a fast train far ana of tha peyote health renocto. wham ha could imping tha aarviim at high priced ayadaHota, Mr. Spach •ought tha advlaa «f Mi townsmen. Ha hoard what Tanlae had done for aomo of them who too. had bean claimed victims af tha madam mala dy. Mr. Spach foUewed tha advise M hto follow etttoana aad taak Tanlae. "You (tout took it." was the sur prised reply af the Tanlae Man when Mr. Spach said: *1 am sixty*** years old." "Yea w«aU hara thought ao If you saw na Mae I started aa jtete," aaowmad rejuvenated Mr. “I have finished say third bottle of Tam lac," ha -ilteiil. "and again an >7 hearty amok, three time* a days good, sound deep aad feat myself gaining right ahmg. Taalao baa built me up sgaia aad 1 firmly believe to will arork far ethara who safer and who I hop# or* gain relief aa I have.” This highly endorsed aad nationally favored reconstructive tank to sold la Lauriabmg by Steak Drug Stare, aad hi Gibson by tha W. Z. Oibeou Drug Oo.—Adv. .1 IX X. Magog, of Sumter. & C, writimg to tho Colombia State, an nounces himself a candidate for tho oAce of Govoraor of South Carolina. Ho outline* hh platform, which ia aa foQowa: I hereby announce myself aa a can didate for gororaor in tha Democrat ic primary next anmrim. Below am a faw of tho measure* 1 stead for am) ahall advocate: * l*X 1 am a friend of the poor aaaa, dm. la^t aad all tho ttmo. It amlcoo no difference that I hart nev er dona anything for him aad prob ably norer shall, bat I bog of you to lets my word far it. tad. Swat tha alggor. Lynch Um for ovary off ante aad for noao. I shall denounce him from the roe tha State to the other, and shall do all ia my pouur to stir up your ha tred against this race of “baboon* * Sid. I advocate Mixing Ms load aad proparty aad giving it to th# poor white maa aad chasing him <tho Bigger) oat of the country. <HM0a last two planks are so eoad te importance only to Um first.) <th I bsitova te r—tilting tho ndboads te giro tho poor white maa ftroa transportation. Tha rich aad •doested clems*, also those of aria tearutie decent, should ha mods te walk. fith. No taaaa for tha poor maa. Mh. Tha lags) rate of interest should bo I par coot for tho poor white mast. 7 th. I boiler* ia SB abundant* of Hekar for aH .thsaa who want H aad the rich man should ha made to dot (Who tea mw km Mm imp*, dew®* Mari haven't made good Mm aeiettlea rontalnart la plank No. If And I «a aat thnrngh ,*) •th. I advocate aandtag Mm rich ■M to hell. Uhewtae the educated •hawM be reaped for the paor mi nd my fttaade after gtvtag the* *<rmtry bade of ana* oa earth. Aad I Mtalt daa the aatbaejtf of my afoea »a (be attataoMBb of tide aad wkaa I ** Meet ad aa if about ft. With tb* lar* for the pear au that (boa. my aotd. I aaa oat bat ha rewarded. Mb. Yoo arKI aot that ray plot form daoa not taka tafo tttirant flu rleh aaoa at OIL Poor daoO, ha ta tw bo pitted. Bade* la tab good far 10th. If bp chance I hare omitted anything that coo haoelt the poor whit* man and ay friend* or that wil horaaa and hadavtl my anatalat tab* ft fop granted. And now. ban. b* ready with the wind and lath whaap Vta op feat • 9amJ ' I*>• *• Uaflafo aaa .V ,m . _ --a _ . . nvuviim n rtcvVitljr fOffit* aatad OMt* than Ml gallon* of whftfc. ay whtah wm beta* chipped thtaagh OborlaaCan, t. &, fun a patut la Ham «Hhy. The Ugaar ana foowd hidden •nfor dfonni af hop ta a freight nr. Mo atatai if ewraamhip haa baaa Millinery Opening At the Cash Bargain Store We will soon move into »nr new store near the postoffice, and will have oar Spring Millinery Opening on FRIDAY, MARCH 24th. We will have oa display a complete line of the latest In Spring Millinery. Oxford-, Dresses, Dress Goods, Waists and Skirts. To every person purchasing as much as $3.00 ws will give a useful present. Tell year neighbors about this, come yourself and bring the children so we can fit them out with Hats, Dresses, Slippers etc. It will pey you to come. MRS. D. A. WATKINS LAUREL HILL, N. C. BEST DRUGS — at — POPULAR PRICES i Stationery and School Supplies. Robber Goods and Toilet Articles. Best Toilet Soap in this territory. Only th» PUREST and FRESHEST of drags used in our prescriptions. BLUE’S DRUG STORE COMPRESSED WISDOM.—The man who makes. - it his business to keep in touch with a bank in variably accttitfu&tes the money to put < in the bank. Be wise, and make this bank TOUR bank. IS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE USE IT 4 PER CENT ON TIME DEPOSITS. ONE DOLLAR OPENS AN ACCOUNT. We solicit your business. We guarantee you every facility and protection known to sound and censervative hanking principles. Wa will ssrve you promptly and te the best of our ability. Our advice is firee apse request. The State Bank FLOWERS • Seasonable eat flower*. Palm*. Fern*. Floral srrangemens for any occasion. Prompt attention to oot-of-town order*. SCHOLTZ, The Florist, Inc. Pnnne 1443. A06 N. Tryon 8t. Charlotte. N. C. BLUT8 DRUG STORE, Agents BusE’iSisgaigsSgisBl fTWE ARN'r YOU} \ticklcd , - BESOLVEt> „ WHEN ANYTH iNCJ NEW IN OUfc LINE COMES lb TOWN .■— - ■ y* SPRING IT. We get all of the NEW THINGS. YOU ABE INVITED TO A LOOK_ EVERYBODY IJ LOOKING ToR SOMETHING NEW AT THE BEGINNING or EACH JEAJoN, AND IT You are looking tor .something new come To UJ, WE'VE GOT IT. WE TRY TO GET EVERY NEW THING THAT COMEJ OUT AND TRY To GET IT riRJT. WE ARE NOT DOING BUJINEJJ JUC CEJJTULLY BY ACCIDENT, TOR WE KNOW WHAT AND WHEN TO BUY AND HoW TO JELL TOR HoN EJT PRICEJ. PLANTERS TRADING CO. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY THE PROGRESSIVEJIAILWAY OP THE SOUTH Trains I-earing Laurinborg No. 19 8:25 A. M. Local for Ham let, Charlotte and all in termediate points—Through Sleeper Wilmiogton to Charlotte. Open for puseengers at Wilmington at 10 P. M. No. IS—7-37 P. M Local for Hamlet, Charlotte, and ail in termediate Points. —Connecting at Hamlet for all points North. South and South West. Pullman Parlor Car Wil mington to Charlotte. No. 20-;-8:47 P. M. Local for Wilmington end ell intermediate points*.—Thrpugh Sleeper Charlotte to Wilmington. Passengers may remain <n Sleeper until 7 AM. No. 14—91(7 A. M. Loc tlfcr Wilmington and all intermediate point*,—Pullman Parlor Car Chamotte to Wilmington. For additional ir formation, as to rates, schedules, or re servations, call on local agent or write the undersigned. J. Wataqn, Agent H. E. Pleasants, T. P. A. Laurinburg, N. C. Wilmington, N. C. John T. West, D. P. A. k Raleigh, N. C. THE UNIVERSAL CAR • • . % We hare just opened a salesroom in Laurfnbnrf, which fcs located in the bwild( lag formerly occupied by the Laurinburg News. Here we wiD keep a nmuberof curs on display at all times. New shipment just arrived. Visit our salesrooms either at Laarel Hill or Laurin barg. Mercantile & Machine Co. Laurel HUI, N. C.

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