. - TA* KBKL TOPICS llMldWi Throughout North Caro Uu ToU la Brief. Wilmington fir—wi had the novel duty ef turning the bOM on Cape Fear river via that well-known (trees waa abiaae Saturday. Aa eil tank* tteaser had spilled a generous epleah I af lr—sins on the water aad this had, drifted Into a dip. When a negro started a Are oa shore and threw the blaring welch overboard the effect eraa a startling sheet of flame on the wat er, endangering much valuable prop arty. The blear, however, eras extin guished before it had more than searched a scow and the wharf. The North Carolina National Guard at present has a personnel af VU of ficers and 8,026 enlisted men, fully equipped and can he mustered in 12 hours, according to Adjutant General Laurence Young. General Young said he could recruit each company to the full war strength of 160 mao in tan days. Because the convicted man was paralysed, Judge W. M. Bond in On slow county Superior court at Jack sonville Saturday changed the sen tence of Claud Suggs, second degree murderer, from 20 year* to 10 yaara shortly before adjourning the court for the term. Solicitor H. E. Shaw said Suggs submitted to a eecond de gree verdict. About the 25th of De cember last Suggs killed bis father - in-law, J. J. James. The slayer bad been in an altercation with a brother of hie wife, and the elder James tried to intervene. In the heat of passion Suggs shot the old Bum. Claud Suggs lived in Kinston several yaara ago. He waa a laborer. Rather re markable in the fact that within the past few mouths Suggs, hie father and his mother all have been stricken with paralysis, each being afflicted in the left aide of the body. Contractors are now busy equip ping Raaford with a water and sew erage system that will give a much needed Die protection and put the town in the ranks with those at much larger population. The water will be secured from artesian wells and la so »ure end so thoroughly Altered by the sand that no artificial filtration plant will be needed. Holts county will probably have a congressional aspirant in Stats Sena tor J. W. Johnson, who is regarded aa ona of the ablest men in the district says a Hanford dispatch. For state senator hs had no opposition In the Democratic primary, and Uw ReptibH eans evidently fait that they would bo so badly beaten that they did not nom inate a candidate to oppose him. A thief-proof chickrd house has bean’invented by Mr. G. T. William son, city electrician, of Wilmington. A Mr. Sharpe, who lives a few miles north ef Statesville, had a narrow n cape from a horrible death Saturday. He was assisting in the operation of a traction engine which was passing through Statesville, when his cloth ing waa caught by the machinery and be was drawn into the Mg cog wheels of the tractor. His senates caught tAe ear of the engineer immediately and the engine waa stopped just as his head was being drawn between the eogs Had the engine moved six inch es further hie heed would have been crushed to jelly. As it waa he raft farad acre tehee and bruises on hun shoulder and hand, ona ear being lsc avated. Ha waa taken immediately to a nearby drag store where Ha Wounds wet* dressed by a physician. Playmate* at Waahloyton diara*. ^H»7| McUhraay, 11, mm of W. by a awiny rap* which had b#eo«n* entangled about Ua seek, eay ■ a Kin ■tan dlapateh. Hi* feat wan touch iny the yreond, the body ewaytay at an aayla. They eat him down and rtutad apeaking him with paddUa, Bdnhbiy ha waa trying ta foal then. A man paaetny by aaw that th* bay lot duBnioi. Ht' HUawmd u doctor. Th* rietiai waa uaconedoo* aavan hoar*. H* will raeorer. A aoHd eariaad af honey beae [—t ad thraayb Maw Bern Saturday an f*t* tram Nalma, Pamlico county, t* Bandy Oraas Th* ban wow being ■hlppad by W. P. Babinaan and ray newted only a email portion of tha adilhma of thaao laaaeta which he ha* cn hie plan*. Just how many million bora thorn were in th* ear can only h* ynrarad at and the yu*a*#* ranged from *,000,000 an 'ay. Stafford DaaMa, aged 11, aon of an employe of th* Beat hern railway AeQiavlUa, waa ran over and fatally hart Saturday amcniny by an auto araWIa owned and drirrn by V. B. Hradaiara. Th# bay wae Ukeo t* th* heayltal wham ha dtad ana hear after tha aaaidant. It i* etetad bj wttneaa « Out tha hay waa attempt!ay ta aatah a at rant ear or tha blind aid* tijra^haran directly In front of tha *••** tabMghAprfrtT, tharawrty aanmmdan t* b* b*M April ta, and tha prMtnaO aiaatiayi April M. Vernon W. Payh, aha* Saott, tha grant aaOttar of Ora Dopant Pawder Omap iay, a* Hapawall, who waa ir. Htodrt* kustiag.laig* to Eastern of Mbtfet extradition Mud (mtrfl w recently convicted and sentenced to Prince Georg* circuit court hi Virginia. Th* Virginia Jury gave th* young man a sentence of See year* in th* penitentiary. Becnnee of unlm to the State in the attempt to aireat David Brans, the Pttt county ocnvirt, who alow Jo* McOlawhem, on* of th* guard*, and shot down R. A. Smith, Governor Locke Craig hue granted a pardon to William Langley, now serving a tom in Pitt county. Wilmington is slated for a place o« one of th* 4> routes which are being eon side red by Postmaster General Burleson ns aeroplane mall routes to bo tried at an experiment to determ ine the availability of aerial trans portation for carrying mails in vari ous climates and under varying coos dltlons of weather. Seven routes, six In Alaska and one in Maaaachueetta, have been determined upon for im mediate experimentation. Th* coo tract* for the carrying of th* mails on these routes will be let May 1*. If these experiments prove sueceeaful, the aerie] trnnaportatidh of mails will be extended to the other 41 route*. Wilmington is named as on* of th* five cities on th* aeeosMl lap ef two routes that will give through service between Key West and Washington, D. C. The tout section starting at Key West, includes a stop at Jack sonviUe, another at Savannah and th* lest at Charleston. There the second route begins taking hi Wilmington, then Norfolk, then Richmond and end ing at Washington. Claud* Sons, who killedhU father in-law, J. J. James, in Onalow county, daring the Christmas holiday*, Thurs day submitted to a verdict of second degree murder, in Superior coart at Jacksonville, and was saateneed to the State's prison for 20 years. The Raleigh police captured an au tomobile Thursday night laden with four hundred pints of whiskey that had been brought from a Virginia' city not yot specified for a Raleigh blind tiger. The machine was driven by Frank King, wbo assumed all re sponsibility, although there were two other young mm in the machine with him. News has been received at Fuquay Springs telling of tbs burning of the homo of a colored aaan by the name of William Jones, a few days ago, in an Isolated comer of Holly Springs Township. It is reported that the. man’s wife bad gone to a neighbor’s to do some washing, locking her two small children in the bouse for safe keepiag while uway. When she re turned she found the house in flames, and was unable to rescue the babies, who perished in th? flames. Swell Parkers. Truly, in view ef the hog and hom iny propaganda, importance being attached to pig raising, the^ porker la getting swell, aa par this turn in the esteemed Laorinburg Exchange: "Dr. W. C. Caldwell, veterinarian, received a call from the country one day this week. Upon reaching his destination, be found that his patient waa a sick hog. A diagnosis of the ease reveal »d the fact that the porker haa a wen developed ease of the mumps.” A hog having mumps—that is tha animal species—is a new one on on, but we do not pose as an authority. However, wa ■nppoas the hog does net know that man has angina pee toria.—Wilmington Dispatch LA UR INBUBO'S RRPLT. Laariahurg Accepts the Evidence and Many Laorinburg Readers WIU PiuBthy It WM«h U the mm weighty .proaf— a few words from a lanUng real dant, whom we knew arid reaped, or volume* from strangers hi distant terns? There can be enly one reply. Mra. W. X*. Bogsa,' Laurfnburg. •eye: “A younger mmsbor of our femOy was a great sufferer from In flammation of the ‘•'-fit tt and kid neys- This trouble mammrsd when ehe was two yean old. The first at tack nearly killed her. For tcreipl months she was confined to bed and her body waa terribly bloated. At ttmce the kidney* didn't act at aD ond the kidney secretions rnulal.1 sedi ment and wdre very painful in pass age. Her beck wad so am that aha eeroamod if anyone touched It. It seamed as though her whole, system was as (Iliad with poteoa that arary Ut of her body waa diseased. I tried eeerythlng, area deetmd, bat noth ing had aay effect. Finally 1 gam bar Dean’s Kidney Mis and in a few days. I could see a dungs She im fForwd rapidly aad gfter taking about twehra boxes, waa teetered to good health. She la now rig years eld and eMld?** Mmply at Deea’e ■ Mrs. Bo >d». Our Scrap BasIkeC Out out the hern. You've blawa U ataadtly “What la the weald are yea trying to do, auntie 1" naked Both, oaring haa aunt trying ta stuff a tag Into a aaaan crack where the window was broken “Wall, I'm trying to An this crack, can't you aaeT" answered the woaurn, plainly provoked. “If I were yon," answered Both, T would merely dampen n place of nd hcaive plaster and paste K along the crack. That will keep oat ovary Ut of wind, and will etreogthea the glaes, too." “Floe," exclaimed her aunt "That’s just what I’ll do." And ahe did. Win and Otherwise. Children make sweet music in a heme uetil they get Mg enough to take piano lessons. Perhaps the boy who plays marbles for heaps may be giving away librar ies in after years. It Is said that a cat baa nine liras— bat that la nothing to the number of Urea of a great man—sold by sub scription only. It’s always safe to name n baby boy William. If ho bacomoa a good boy people may call him Willie, and If he doesn't they can call him BUI. A Chicago tan says that if ws would take an hour’s nap each noon wa would add that much to our lire*. What good would that do ua if wc art going to sloop It all away to start with? Hite of Informs ties. Tit* United States nary will estab lish a wireless station on Caps Cod especially equipped to guide vassals along the Atlantic coast In time of fog. The Road la HelL An ol<l document Issued by the school board at Lancaster, Ohio. In 1828, and brought to light by being recently" published In “Railway En gineering." brings a bread smile to our faces as ws read it, but how many of ua will make application to our own time? Hera It is: “Your are welcome to oae the school house to de bate all proper questions in, but such thiaga as railroads and telegraphs am impossibilities and rank fnildaiitsea. There is nothing In the word of God about them. If Cod has designed that hie intelligent creatuise should travel at the frightful speed of 15 miles as hour, by steam, he would have dearly foretold through bis holy prophets. It is a device of Satan to load immoral souls down to heU." Patrata aa Engagement King. Bow to place an engagement ring on the Anger of a woman who had unusually largo knuckles waa tba problem which, until recently, both ered a California ranchman and nrra P>«d ““7 thought-laden days and rmtlew night*. Tha finger* worn of normal aim except Juet at the joints, hen re a ring that would go on waa too largo whan In poeltion. The Mibjoet waa atadied from every conceivable angle, and tha ftngeee meaanrad and remeasured and preen ed for boon, with a view of reducing the obstruction, bat with little effect. At law, juw a. matter* were a*. * desperate Wat*, the Cali fornia man Invented a ring that could be taken apart and adjnsted to the Anger and then fastened togetbw with twe minute pina. A mine fate leek and key eaa be need ‘prtMil of the pine, in ceea there should over be danger-of the ring being ‘-ay aie l with. A patent for tba ileilm hae bten leaned by the United state* pat ent ofBee, and Oapid la new raUtltiJ to be tanked among the lavra tore CALOMEL BAUTATK8 AMD makm toc mac. Acte Llk« Dynamite an a Alaggfai Livar and Too Un a Day's Work. . ✓ - Thom's no reason why a person •kowld take tickanlng, aaUvnttn* cal •mri when M cents hoyn a targe bot tle of Dotem’e Uvar Tona a perfect substitute for calomel. It <a a plaatfbnt vegetable liquid whkh will start yonr liver Jnet aa aarsly aa caloasol, but It doaent make you aiek and nan not salivate. Children and grown folks can taka Dadaonh Uvsr Tone, because it la per feetiy harmlaas "* Calomel la a daagarwaa drag. It ■ ■MTenry aad attaeke yowr bones. Taha a does of naaty calomel today aad yoa win feet weak, elek and naus eated tomorrow. Dent lose . day's WortL Take a spoonful at Dodson's Uvar Tone taetasd aad you will waka ■P feallag graat. No mom bWous aalM, seated tongue or nv —■ |Ymr druggtaC eay* «f you dent And Dotes* Urn Tone ante hotter than hemfUe mime el pour money la endt, tug lor yam—Adv. ^ SECONDHAND AUTOS W# wish to an sou nee to the public that we are in tbe market to buy anythin* you have in the way of eeooud hand Automobile*. 'Phone or call in to ee* ua. THE YELLOW STORE L*arinbar?, N. CL 'Phone No. 148. i FOR SALE Two Story Dwelling on Church street $3,760. One story, 6 Room Dwell ing on Middleton Heights $1,575. One Building Lot 10# by 300 on McRae street $1,860. The shore property must be sold, and is going to be sold cheap. If you are interested see, LAURINBURG AGENCY COMPANY Insurance and Real Estate HINTON JAKES. Pres. W. S. DUNBAR. Sec. A Tress. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE AND bale of real estate. By virtue of the power contained *•*«*«« deod «*ecoted by Mitch ill Allan and Langdon Allen to Atlantic Treat nod Hanting Com P«“y. datod September 1st, 1»18, and taoMded in. tha office of the Register <ft D«P of Scotland Comity in Book *j P«0 «•». and in the often of tha Bogistor of Deads of Richmond Coo*. ®«* «*. nt page 1**, default Having bean nude in the payment of the debt thereby secured, the under signed will on Tuesday, the 4th day or April 1*18. at 12:00 o'clock noon at the Court House door in lands, burg, N. C, expose to male for cash at public auction to the hlgbeot bid der two certain trncta or parcels of land situs tod in tha Coantfeo at Scotland and Richmond, in tha State of North Cere line, In Laurel Hill and Beaverdam Townships, which said tracts of land are described in the mortgage dood aforesaid aa follows: teas % ^MrsaJt £?*LS SB j^npgfcaijaifct 2f P*#■ Richmond Countyin Book 78, page 80S, far a minute do sen prion if rfaiek reference to ber£ doodad to Frederick T. Oman and Bjd*h W- Feire by D. L. Gore and •»* *T *• T. Ontoe and wife to Balpfc W. Page rim tret dead bo ss&ftUfBsrzr&aLS Asa"ss3? figSm’isa JgSmOtsSeF^ We make quality oefr hobby and when yoa get anything from aa that is shy on Quality (bot yoa never do this) we wont you to send 4t hack. We want to know what it is so that it won't ever hap. pen again. Qaality in what you sot is what every careM person wants. If a the things that yoa eat'that makes brain and brawn and if you don't eat the right things (the purest things) yen get Ike oppo site results. Our traceries are bought (tor the Rarest, ckan. eet that Is possible to get, and this is the kind yea get from this shop. We fcandie any and everything that dviUsed people eat, and every artkie Is the pwreet. And too, the cost is no more. OUR MEAT MARKET In our Meat Market, which is always perfectly dean, yoa will find the choicest Steaks, Chapa. Roasts, and anything yon would expect a Meat Market to hare is stock. When yen ’phone your grocery orders, remem ber that we can fll your meat orders as weO. ’PHONE 4S. McLaurin & Shaw ANNOUNCEMENT For the convenience of parties wanting my Cantaloupe Seed and not wanting to came eat ^0BSe^r } !uit* arrangements with D. 0. ft W. D. Wright to haven supply of my need on hand at their store all the time, and they will pleasure in weighing out any amount you may want and making a record of them. Remember that I boy no mad. I grow all that I offer SBS»2?!R»85!S53^a^ j. l. McKinnon . COUPON FOR CHARLOTTE C3RVER BARGAIN SUBSCRIPTION Dan-:-rn_ CHARLOTTE OB8ERVER Cbaslottb, N. C. Find endowd>--- for whieh tend THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, Drily end Sooday. by mil to tbe un dersigned toei.-j.-:--- - ■___-jBoWfca « *SaeT StorR. F. D.___ **—»■ as M ««■*■ a* im TutflA--n- - - -—- - | Yu, ty, 1 Remit by Cbeek or Postal Order. Money gate loaf in the mails. Orders accepted under thia special rata ooly daring Special Du gain Period. THE HAMLET HOSPITAL on «. r f **ttu inwmain Hamlet, N. C. A thoroughly equipped Institution far the adentlfie treatment of X-Ray, Medical and Surgi cal Cases. Trained Naraes famished. Special attention given to the Surgical OoodMoa of tha Ear. Note and .Throat

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