I p I. . jg They will keep you post ed on ail tke new things in Oxfords. • . We are now showing ” ■ Big line. JUST RECEIVED . Big lot of Ladies’Spring Coat Suits, in Silks and other stylish and season able fabrics—you should iL them. . *• ■ ■ ' i ■ ■ ■■ . .. in’sDeptStore V The Home Of Big Values. ' Laurinburg, North Carolina _ thstfe, and wans hearted. Thaw are person* whom to know 1* te love, honor and admire, aad oth er* wham te know te to alum and dtegpiee. Lie* with petaeaa at elevat ed character and yea win (eel lifted ay te them. “Live with wohra* gad yen mdl.laarn'te bowl," sere the Spanish proverb. Tbe life at every awn 1s a <U»y (acsicatioorof good or bad example te ethers. The life of a goad gwn te at the mam time tbe most steqnsnt lessen at virtae sad the most severe uproot at vice. Theca are awn >■ who#* presence ere tool as if or* breathed spiritual esonc. refreshing sad invigorating, like tehblhg moun tain sir or eajoying a bath of i an thill*. The goldsa words that good aisd hava uttered, the examples they bars set, live thru all time. These being undisputed facts how anally ear yeoag people should select their asssalatm aad bo found only with those whose example they ess taka pride te following. A single bitter word may diagnUt aa satire family for a whale day; one •arty glance east a gloom ever the hsession; wills s mils, Kke a gleam ef saashtas, may Bgbt ap the darkest and weariest (warn fife- unexpected (aware which spring up afca« oar pathway Ml of freshness, fragrance aad bandy, aa kind words sate gratis tha aaarad apat ealfad baota. Na Mil far haw hwabfa tha ahada, If it ba ■wait and with kUm ami natOaa, tha haart will bant laringty toward it fcaaa an tanlb at tha world, aad haaM. If h ha awar aa bnatriy. will ba tha daaiart apat baaaath tha ataaoit of tha aaa. A v»ad wtfa fa ta a na wfadaw aad ■aa*. A bad aaa fa athtfab waah ■to^toyttoa aad^^daato^. ari aenoa^ Am fa ao 'oatward —Parttjr whleh aaa caantaraat loda faaea. fatly, aad atnatn., at jjfaJMW* faas taafat bad ft baa baaa aafcMhat to haU tha *h«d-a la yaw yawar watdd ba to •aatari tha daattay af tha watid, bat ffaa aa tha matkm aad fat thaw raa ■tojjjhtfa pawar, aad wa wiU bar. tha thaaa day* wa fat aa tha awy fad# ^ «ha *f. walk aa tha aaaay (Ida af daw af tha baaaa. UTaaafaa watt m tha aaaar atda afhto aad aaa tha aMMr rida af tha dfafatotod dhtoga at ^db tfa toyttMld m af lb. 2S?23ti’S?Sj5£ mm » a. ww. n. aw: FNIB GOVBHtt NMI NK LATEST TO PIABE ' TANLAC. T. h % $ r..' Ih* Tatars of this Stats *fco know not yf Major A. Gutaris. Tho storting thanator of this ami ■rat CM Wav retina aad hia 'Jong rad rasMsotW taw practice wag for Mm. t fcr roars hack, too ehotoa of of North Csrofima. «go tho hardships hi to during too years North Carolina Osrafay lag!—Aha gra to toB on him. Mm attacked him to too arms, logs and too mail of hie Those by steep n general in health. tone to time ho phil Jam ftsm tho Tartara nTrlnm him. 8ooa tho prBef •raid giro way aad ha weald to aaothor remedy. It too, per wold lend assistants for bat a W» and too Major weald havo to soother treatment tor so A short time ago bo bogae to otady Tsalsc's work on men and women hi thb State, especially hr Durham, hte native dty. And sera ho was con vinced that Taalae really did srtmt as many people dlimed for it Whnt Taalae did for Major Ontario is osptetaod in bio words: *T hare jjMtoad my fifth bottle. ladJgostioa gas formation* after eating. My an petite Is improving. I shop well sad the rheumatism Is south improved. I will continue on Tanlac for 1 fool ae rated tost its constant use w&l effect a permanent cure, "X toll my gains from Tanlac for I want other ■ off erase to enjoy the •ram relief I am deriving.’* * Tonladl delicate adaption to toe needs of the stomach class It, eepec tally at this Spring season. ,too blood purifier, tonic, appetiser and uirig oxaat that most every parson it fat nood of. In Lrarinbarg, Tanlne la sold only at Blue’s Drug Store, and in Gibson, by the W. 2. Gibson Drag Co,—Adv. Oet ct the Ban. , The editor of the Lurinbnrf Ex <b>p nrthleeely biota taMff out o^tfce nfca for Crurwlr "K we were the Co rare or of Jfdrfh Corottna, we would to Kf« imprisonment the sentence of deeth poaood upon Ida Bode Warren end tiut niaerable fellow. Chriaty. but we would fool that we bad {net boon bu na and that we had spared taro f«nty wretches. Wo oould sot say bo to om boning for Ufa, bat we would behove rlfht on ee wo do aoW, tbet they both daoorro tbo fufl meao ■re of punishment, -ft may disquali fy os from aver bain* Governor, which b bad indeed, but the electric »fcai. would hove to ft out of buatneee dur bg our administration if we wore the chief executive.” » u b aB right to bo nppnneil to eapi tal punishment—wo are m •_v- m bw (eye a _ „ •bo electrocuted it b the high* proper Abt to in that tho law b onfarced ■ m tan it should ho The Warran-Chriaty rnnMimlia forfeited bo ooBoettvo life. Both tho murderer 1 I Your Property Advertised and Sold at Auction to Pay Your Taxes? I don’t want to do this, but the law re quires it and this matter has to be set tled by APRIL 1st After that dale the property will be ad vertised and sold, not because I say so, but because the law says I must Take Heed. W. D. McLAURIN SHERIFF ._^ * • I Cfctft \|nrt>i. Goo4 Bf Hli SUhBMiirflWU. That the mouth ie the source of ao much trouble—not that which pro ceeds oat ef the mouth but that which remains inside, is surprising to moat people, oven to thooo who have long been familiar with this oral cavity nod He various functions. Bat mouth hygiene la sow considered a big health question aad a moat important factor in th* eonaervatiou of health. Health workers teD on from their experience that in order te reform n dull, wayward boy at school, by go ing to his mouth and cleaning H op even to hie tonsils, aad adenoids per haps, la nine esses oat ef tea the remedy is found aad Imprnvemeul be gins. We are also told that sup pur only cause a bad breath aad iadigeX too bat that they are frequently the Souruee ef the peisona that saw rtssawaH— sad .neuralgia. U is rsadOy seen hew a Arty mouth may be a hat bad A germs, aad when wa eoasa te tldak ef it, it is all the mere te be wandered at that more people ryhsg areuad with them a mouth fall A poiiiaa. Dr. Harvey W. Wiley soya A mouth hygiene i i Pared Part Hag Thi After a Hotly contested betUe the Hoane at Washington has adopted aa amendment to the pestcdfice appropri ation MU fixing a limit of not to ex ceed 90 pound to the weight at may mum parcel that amp ha chipped by Tbaa do express companies and raOmadi seek to hog-tl* toe parcel poet. It la predicted that, tf tU> am and men t la ratified by the senate, the charm of axpraee companies will adraaea in prim by leaps and bounds. "Therc’i railHoae in It” for the ex preecl The amendmamt was ■ lipped into tbe biU at the last moment. No hear in»T» o« it in committee, nope of tbe hmal consideration, pat tordhgh at a afegta fitting of toe Hom One of the slickest tricks that toe "tatereeto" hare perpetrated of late years. It is w<|L Why T Became the poepte now middlemen will NOT be a deathblow to tB* farmers' aspirations. It WILL ha toe deathblow to the Whale rested system whereby an to ereeabig horde of nriddlsmsa wax fat all along the Has bet situ producer and esneumer to the Imnormiahmewt of both. Pot tide htopritous system mw to thwart the deeireo tor farm iNianc* which » mighty paapla fan* yhftlr wpfiHri hi (ha paadfe* MM, 1* to hnm an tod tort tan that may ■*F*»aa ttaatf to tha athar artrama ad NOTICE or FORECLOSURE AND SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By vfeta* of the power contained u» a certain mortgage deed executed by MitcUU Alien and Laagdon Allan to Atlantic Truat and Waalrtag Cora panr. dated September ut, 191a, and Rtetobr aecared. the under at the Co’Jrt Hone* doer in Lawia •"«*». >• C., expoee to aala far eaeh »t pnbHe aaatian to tha Wgheet bid der -taro certain tracts or mneh w deed aforcaaid aa follow*! 'mol Mitchill and Langdon Allan to Ralph W. Page and wSaT-to dead dated for Scotland CmmtHHtook 1 S^E Boo* W, page SOI. for a iniaate da KriptlM of which referearn ia bar*. .V' V XX ; & r

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