13 EXCHANGE -fcH i—r*- III t— rn - IWL *«•» PW Y*w. I • - 1(X. A. O. Cum* •*)» that with a Baknr in the cabinet, Villa vriU look Vto beaidin* to«M hath within 30 A***. Wah*Jto*c*fciiM». . In. Willard la to ^iw»We^l.50O wortciit for • »aca 'fwA* iURa^tot tol The no* town tor ta'tte Serenth la not near foil *f tots *«t. OM W« wooM rather print a good ni< mat story, If tamo, than a whole page abort the Csloml'i Lady or Julia O'Grady. W« have aa idea we do not pay enough attention to oar dumb fnendn; that wo fall to understand theta; that they are wiser than wo Ijhiak. So It 1s that when we see a good story abort a faithfal animal we always read th aad if wo earn, wo print it ao that others may enjoy it. Tha fcUonring about a llano that know his business; that nadrrstoad system, eamao from Omaha aad la wall worth wide: . • - — “Old Jim, one of the Union Pa ct he's mast faithfal employee*, kaa been slated for ritlramant, on pen sion. Jim la SI yean old aad kaa bean continuously la the employ mint of tho Union Pncldc daring tha Inst ten yean. Urn tutto—suf of Jtsa Is matnly due to tha fact that tha work that ha has been doing daring tha last ten years la tha fUtrtu la going to bo dona by an aaSaanbOs, “In tbs past Jim's work has boon to haul tha Union PucMk mail wag on between tha hssdgrtrtara build lag aad the depots. Jtaa knows the detail, of his duties as well aa his driver, Ed. Howk, as SvtdrtClJ by Ms performance tha other afternoon. Jim's last mail dehvoxy from tha headquarters building So tbs Union State weak days la nmde at 6rtt o'clock in tbs afternoon. At lonot that la the time when ho and his drtv sr absold leave tha budding. Friday afternoon be waa at hie peat of duty at tho appointed hour to keep bis date with bis driver. The driver waa in the bailding and ha was net in a baity, but Jim waa. “Ha remained at tho curb until 6:66 o'clock whan ho seam ad to realise Ifartow urf • of I to hM t«c 4 tog Ida egg trick, 1M. ! Tktssdcy. March 21—Hair dye to vented by tha maa too made tha phrase, "Never my die!" 1010. Wednesday, March 22.—Jobs D. Bockefeller diecovera the dollar mark, 1M. Thursday, March 23—Paper pat* tains Ami need by Kve ia designing fig leaf oee tome, B. C., 1000. Friday, March 84. Basks consum ers, for os* aa pipes, invented by Sir Walter Raleigh. 1600. Saturday. March U.—Grand opera first gives by Orphean 4 Co, ia the BBynia* Welds, 1000. Sanday. March 26—Nathan Hals arritm a Scenario about hiamlf fee Moving Pictures, 1780. Orisatal Cream. Orate a fresh cocoaaut, adding tha ailk after grating. Knead tato H aa ranch confectioner’s XXXX sugar as it wfil taka up. Roll oa sugared board, 1-2 Inch thick. Cut to two pieces, cover one-half with Andy stewed dates, lay tha other pordaa aw top* Pram firmly together sad with a ■harp knife eat to blacks Hks sum* atoto^ Bat sway to dry tor a few rUl stoned dates with -11 por tions at the Orisatal cream briers ruiliag R. Then retl dates to grano lated sugar. OU Jakes aa They Didst Originate. Shakespeare: ‘There are a let ad pretty chickens on the street today." Bacon: "Yea, oee of them is'com ing serosa." Shakespeare: "By the way. what arakee a chicken cron tha read 7" Baeoa: This one heppsaa to ha aty wife and she's coming across to taka lunch with mu.” Kafciac Candy App tea «n the Stick. Sateet atea apples that er* net too Mount them on thin (ticks; meat skaweis will da Have them ready ao that by tba time tbs sirup te reedy for dipping ao Uae may bt teat Sirup. One pound of sugar, earn half cupful of molasses, oneself eup ? *** <TU*rt*r $—»— fM of better. Cook until dropped in eotd water the sirup la bard, or te 900 degress Fahrenheit on the candy ther mometer. Keep hot while dipping the apples. Coat ymrengMy. • •E*4444* dish and thou they will harden Immediately. A reliable oaady thermomater can ho bought for one dollar. As an in. vestment K wfll pay for itself time and time agate. Learn to make f»nT by Using the thermometer. Why Water Gargles from a Battle. Water or any other liquid cannot Sow from a bottle ho a steady stream baoaaao until the bottle te empty thmu te a continuous struggle between the tmdeuqr of the liquid to fell from the bottle and tba rushing of tha afr te get in. Whan a full battle without a cork 14 turuad,npafcte down there wfll he an alternate realisation of two opera tfoa*-the Squid te fellow the attrme tfcu of gravitation and the air to obey Ito natural imputes te 111 a void. tear* u Little Bvery Hay. • Ode has 9190*00*00 invested in school proportion. OsBfmia's 1919 rieo crop is vuhMd at $1*09*00. Webraakah 1919 dairy products are to laid at 949*09*00. ColMbnteh 1919 dtmu crop wilt amed 990*90*09 in mine. OUu. in 1919, produced 4*tt*Sl bamte of farm out ed Hquosn. utemibtte output of the Dart ad Status ter 1914 was 709*90 oars. CMksNi . Mteu Willie Oh^T aad Mrs. T. Q. Gtbeen^ars visiting in Chapel Hill and Dr. K. A. IJrtepaton epent a port at *• put week to Itrtllw. Mtoo JoMo Cftooei to rtoittoc frtoodt et Cuteuir tM. week. Mr. Lute, of ftptouflto, woo % >li»w rtotter to OAm tfce put , Mr. Puatot (Mo» Mtowl m to M. My htoty. Mn. 2. L. CUmow urf teuton. Mitt MOM, vtottod to Haslet Mu. Mr. iWHn. Cltf Hmawktr. of ■^fcto. tator htooT’ " Mr. a Wott Wrtffct wo«t to Dor kut fctontoy «rf«k< U ko wttb kto ‘ ^ CMptu WifgM. wko t ‘ j.. ‘ t• <* 5* # '* *V> /* + * • , t> > ~ * ■ ■ ~ A mWbi Mary ad alavwy, devo tion aad lava eras told by Ida PtWknw, •* Detroit, arbaa aha Wanted that bar teotiMV, Peter RWkaw, a Detroit High •ekoel graduate, bad bean arraatad in New York city attar haring annfaaaoii to tko robbery of 10 or mow houeaa. Tha girl dadarod that tha boy's crimes had not beea committed for a sweetheart hot for her, aad she in tend* going to New York in an effort to win laadcncy from (ha judgo who will proneunce saatones on tha youth. “I worked hard and saved every cent to bring my brother aad sister to America from Russia five yaaw ago, nearly starving at times," she said. “My health failed me, and I waa finally compelled to go to a ta barculoaW sanitarium and waa there alne —As If they will wait until 1 can get to New York and tell them what he baa done, they won’t send him to prison. He was desperate for me, and they couldn’t send him to prison foe that. Ha didn’t want me to go to the poorbouasL*—Ex. town ordinances. Tha Board ef Ceasmiaalonew of tha Town of Laurinburg do ordain: That it shall ha unlawful for say matala ad any kind, without flwf ap plying to tha mayor for lleoaaa to do MhhmbMs is the town of Lanrin bur*. and Paying tha turn stf twenty - firs doUan for said license, which li cense rimUba^maasd and run aa other «^£is.g)S£5i ziTZS; T&rSursg jStss wsassuwytdsS Mall be daHeusad, or when tha first ahaUba delrsured and the hour whan tha delivery shall be completed, which meord shall ha kept is a book per mansatiy bound and preserved care Mly and kept open to Inspection of tha mayor and police of the town at fit bivinm hoars. Any ponon vio UtiafthU otrdin&nco ihollho gnilty ft a mlodmoom>r and fined fifty do£ Un. No Junk bought by any dealer In Junk Mall be commingled with the general stock ef aald dealer to aa to bae ite ldnntity entirely, within 1ms than tan days after tha tame shall hart been purchased and no junl pwetamd by any dealer la junk who maintains n place of baainaaa in said town shall ship or remove from the Wltto Iwftfen'tMTOdro gg&?V~SS,SS.23i eialia ead identify any such Junk aa hit own, and state that same was stalan ftroea him it shell be lawful for same to be delivered to the true own ■?> PWJWM <* any member of Sagtt&wwst® ” which the purchases are kept. „,*}• HP°a shall purehaae Junk, wfchou* Hconee to carry on such heal ffi-yeiB first x g^tartar ire km to the purrhaecr thereof until the mi* lma hew inspected by the Chief Sf *•*•*•»**• person acting far “sjsrasarjgtrtaa: tog the taaaoenl ef same. rgffsfrsaa.sms Sffsctssrsagrtfist demise nr and flnad fifty dollar*. - •tbN or^ltoaJit shall be unlawful to &^Kno'»«’S£S’ srsiss of tha hdl capJTof th* scrri£?ta3 tetany automobile or automobile duvpenojljrMuting tMe ordinance *all be fined live dollar* for each day tha an am ahaH bo vloUted. ^ .*•«- In eu* at on alarm ef fire to which the fire fighting truck ef the town la bring buZrted. It shall be ■? lewfal for any vehicle at aay kind to to driven to front of the said truck tr to bom around enid track while Tf^Ss&e^s^ veyaace to ftont uf tto said track SSSwr ts&rw-pjSitt'yrsL: rided iUfttoSLSlEft ST. Peering ahall to no Vey^hlndac the eperatien of the fire How To Choose Your Drug Store Select your drug store «ith the care (lint you n Vet jour o*ici«<y. Uh'Hiae that drug store that puts ev*rv *rar faction be tween 1 tacit and ii* customer* on a SERVICE basis. rn.uu^-Vttarr thMt *mv* m,Hr# •“•"Hw >0 making a CUSTOMER than to making a Mate Trade at the drug store where you can h** SURE that you are getting the moat and the BEST for y,.ur uiuuey. Trade at the drug store where you can ‘feel at home.’’ ft here you can feel at liberty to make us" of all the r»* •oureea a REAL drug store PECULIARLY baa for your help, convenience and accommodations. It it this kind of a drug store that we taka prida in running. You know a drug atore ia different from a grocery atore, a hardware store or any other kind of a uASSSgS XXtfS2r&%£!i.b* c"*'u“,• eo"~u' . . to the people of this community that ?*T?1.at,*d “? two eiegaat comfortable rest rooms in our building, and we cordially invite you to bring your i^d'*berewhen you are ahooplng. leave them vrfthui. ,Yw? w«e your own and feel Juat you^comfort ** ^°m*' *r* P^^eulwly for you and Everington’s Drug Store THE SAN-TOX STORE “The Quality Hardware Shop.” Highest Quality Best Service Entire Satisfaction Right Price a If it’s Hardware, see us. Any thing in the Hardware line. If we haven’t got it, we can get it for you. J. D.Sanford&Son “The Quality Hardware Shop.” THE UN (VERSA! CAM , + The largest oboe factory in Hie country makes lets than one-fortieth of the entire shoe output, bat the Ford Motor Company builds half of all the automobiles made la America. This volume |e nscsaaary to supply tbs demands of people who are looking for economy at a low cost Oct yours today 1 Runabouts *380; Tourinr Car 1440; Coupe let |W0; Town Car $640; Sedan $740. All prices f. o. b. Detroit On sale at Mercantile ft Machine Company Laurel Hill, N. C.

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