I BETTER AND SAFER I SCHOOL BUILDINGS I ta Tbla additional | j ij i. Th* goaatlan of totter arirnsl baUdlaga la, of eoaraa, dependent open Um yi«w* of ttoaa who hare charge at ihair araettoa aa to ttolr toalrmbttltr aa wen aa ayaa tha amoves at (aata at ttolr command tar aa* ta ttolr totldtaga- Tto atewawaU ta tha panphlat referred to ahow caaelnaivaty that u Win to cheaper la tto end to oreof aetoof tolMInga of a batter daaa, to any nothing of (hair aatetjr. The dMteaaea In the coat will to overcome ta a raw yaara by tbo aamltar depreciation and leaa call lar.iamln oa tto baltdlag. aa wall me the earing la teaaraaea pramtama. S. Tb* aaaaUon of enter aetoal building* la at vary grant Importance aad ■at to overlooked, tf aar acbool author! ties are to com* up to ' 1*1 ttolr daty in safagaardtag tb* children caauatttad to them. . 'itt tto work: U) *ao tto araettoa of aate balldlaga, (*1 tto making of rook change* in tto Maiding* atraady arootad &L_a vB reader team aate Bor oeeapancy. Tto araettoa *f aafar balldlags wDL of coarse, only com* wp aa aww building* era premad. bat tb* 'maht't ot tto pcaaaat building* aate tacaa oa each day aad call* Bar prompt nation ta ovary city, town aad atonal diatrut of tto Mate. 3- Tto aaa af Tower Stairway la practicable not oady la lb* graeftaa at bat la median oar artetet building* aata. la mr opinion it la A It la wtetby of cgnridwattan. aad I daafra in bring K te tto atteatloa at tha school aatbartttaa that tea Tower Stairway* ena to attached not only te brick bnttaag* a»d make team tote tor th* children aa tha upper ftoorn bat aka* te trama baUdlaga aad amto team absolutely aate far tea children oa tha aecoad doer. Tto reason Bar thte to they do nwny wkb tb* "Smokr Panic.a* wad aa tea "Bapddly tpraadlag Ftro," by catting eat all Inside A That the bm of Tower Stairway* does not add te bat loaaaaa Um eoat te aa adfllHoaal raaaoa ter ttolr aaa. Wo will taka te far* lab lug any forttor infonanUoa or datnlla or asaaining any plana aa M eatacy tram tea and ateo go over any baUdlaga with a I “ -•••■ ■ & E5 a^-ttjTr-1_:• ——.:s':Sv i.V* L JAMES R. TOUNO. BT; Ratelab. K. c. ACCUMULATION Of RUB BIBB. V trash wu Ml allowed to mmm km the 8 re loaa «oaM be (natty 1m eased. Moat of tktac Area would not ■tart for lack of wet aria I to kwa. i PMotda wko are ao ratal—0 — to allow trash to arfa»li art in a eery law WHEN CHEAP INSURANCE 18 NOT CHEAP. Hm muni that cheap Insurance na> be merely "cheep" teserence la point. •4 la the area of a coal owners mu tael employers' UabUiiy conaysay la nUnoia. which has boo# Utq the heads of a receiver. Thin mutual avoided serious coUlary disasters, merely be coming fssgsaslhls Cor lneeea Incurr ed In the news of normal operation. However, fie members are now trying to get out or paying thslr obligations. The officers did their host to enforce collections, but fl sally decided to liquidate before additional losses wore incurred Prolonged litigation Is as sured. end If the creditors got any of Umlr money they will probably hers to ana the Individual members, with all tha handicaps end esyassss of Uti gallon and legal delays.—The Chron icle. MORI TO FOLLOW (iflmrts tram depart of fire Mar shal of District of Columbia (or Jana, I4D Sensual Ooodmsn. white, aged M yearn, eras badly barged about hands aad toon while cleaning sloth as with gaenlfee in a two-story brisk tailor shop end dwelling hi Weeklegtou. D. C. on Jag 11. 1M Mrs. oatfaestae C. WsHsal. white, gga U yuan, was fatally burned all erar body mi Juno to, 1KB in Wssh togtou. D. C„ nsnse it by clothing Ignit ing whits filling a lighted lamp, died tha following mondag ta Washington Asylum Hospital. ihttcoi Ad gmollaaaeag tor iwUnteaM to kept to ■ eeU-doetag eU «, ea* to ao ram ttoaM Ok am to m m matt capacity. < An Kami am ot Orta Mto y tor lam torn to clam m eatomobOe, m tto gm» dmjtotpaAtrttk ttomtor mm rape PULL OUT HAILS la Maarackmetto laaa mar MH puma warn lajarai ky eefte. Ootfl I***# nelle eapma* la boarte, tome, barrel*, tit. rmtaoaOy Mote pat me tom ato lockjaw am nail by naC PULSOHAL WWPOlfBIBILI TT FOE nUta. 'A marl tan Htlar at* betag bmt tot* to* paaaam ot hwv to protect 'be eemfnl rtttorn. ky awMag tto earn lam HU ton per for Ike lam to comm yew toaaa ym meat aattafy tto. aar aaer ttol tto teeth tree tee to netar el rabene. The tey la aet tor *ton. If mar mfghbarh tom* le »t mye>) ky tm aiarttag to ; m w® I > IjOur Greatest Offer! I A YEAR’S READING FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY g HADE Wtm YOU MADE FOC YOUR WIFE t«« rmft«i rtmn ku «a* Q Mt MM innh«l daoaabal* <*lil»*I R| at Mjr mmuni M« la lb* bald Urn Ml . buy faadara* man* a w—i*i asaiai a* III aa n |H HADE FOR YOUR CHILD REM Th« rmw baa a mint I Atptrtaiftt fnr (ara boy* and stria aaa a || ■rbl Mary far b*«h yoaas aa« old. ta || fart H la a ytyw tar a*try DtaMr at lb* || badf. I The Best Two for All the Family—Both Leaders in Their Line I THE HOUSEWIFE ■ ul akiU. Tka iHMMfa la to larca. rn« aatawa E»ac» ■laa; —anniMia mw M mm m yaar. It la Mr Vi'ran i- raW1“i rlwi Him n *aa«laa th«tr wtiirtimt 1M la tt> aral ttoat wa tan kaaa atoto ta aaoara to rala aa tbaaa MMrtlttMi tint anapta aa taJaahata It la tkka yaafa alaktta* atm atll Tka Pratraaataa lflarwar. Wa kam raa win ka hrlaklr Mull U raa daaida la taka tka cJoa, ktotolw Tka Maaaawlfa. I™* «•*•* tmrm ^ Mm, tulln, twMjr work u4 com tka#r for tko —tiro, kofj it > BARGAIN PRICES LAURINBURG EXCHANGE tllTtk " sf As sail aari As gnrt war. •fad ts arias Ola «rsa« Waste. I Trahassa ...$tM n» Pvs«rasates Fsnsar waaMy B M* laaaaa. UN Tfca H.sa.a’tfa aaalMy.. m *«—hr »Haa.i...... OM | OUR SPECIAL BARGAIN OFFER (aa^Vt«r> W!w!lZrM.)J Wat# HaB a* Mi| ysar iQurlplIiai at aass ts LAURINBURG EXCHANGE LAURINBURG, N. C. | SEVEN PAPERS We are also in position to offer yon following Big Combination: The Laurinburg Exchange 1 year The Atlanta Seari-Weekly Journal 1 year •TV Every-Day Life ..1 year Knlift 1 year Boaa Life.1 year Gentlewoman.1 year Household Journal and Floral Magazine 1 year All For $2.10. Tea get Seven Paper* for one whole year far lew than hhlf their fohaerlgtina value. Subscribe now. The Laurinburg Exchange _The County Paper._ viat THINGS i_ ,:U*G VF WE HAVE qov A STOCK we can be proud or: OUR PRICES ARE LOW. THEY ARE HONEST-VC WANT TOUR CUSTOM And that is Now we expect to keep TOU |FOR A ERJEND-USETOu I RIGHT every woman wants to know that the QUALITY or WHAT SHE BUYS IS HIGH. OUR DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT NOW ^GLEAMS WITH BRIGHT, BEAUTirUL, NEW SPRING THINGS. THE QUALITY or OUR GOODS IS STRICTLY TIRST CLASS. WE DO NOT SELL SHODDY GOODS AT ANY PRICE, AND Wt ASK ONLY A TAIR PRICE TOR OUR BETTER MERCHANDISE.' THIS WHOLE PAGE COULD NOT BEGIN TO DESCRIBE OUR NEW THINGS TOR SPRING. COME IN AND SEE THEM. THEY WILL DELIGHT YOU, AND YoU WILL riND EVERYTHING YoU NEED TOR EVERY MEMBER or YOUR HOUSEHOLD. PLANTERS TRADING CO. |SE ABOARD ' AIR LINE RAILWAY j THE PROGRESSIVE RAILWAY OP THE SOUTH Trains Leaving Laurinborg * No. 19-8:25 A. M. Lnes! for Hamlet, Chattorte end all in i renwrtiete poin is-Through Sleeper Wilmioirton to \ Charlotte, Open for passengers at Wilmington at 1U P. M. { No. 18-7:37 P. M Local for Hamlet, Charlotte, and all in .emwdiaie points.—Connecting at Hamlet for all points North. Sooth and South West. Pullman Parlor Car Wil ; mington to Charlotte. , No. 20—8:47 P. M. Local for Wilmington and all intermediate * points.—Through Sleeper Charlotte to Wilmington. Passengers may remain in Sleeper until 7 AM. ') No. 14—9:07 A. U. Local for Wilmington and all intermediate point*, —Pullman Parlor Car Charlotte to Wilmington. 3 For additional information, aa to rates, schedules, or re servations. cation local agent or write the undersigned. J. Watson, Agent H. E. Pleasants, T. P. A. Laurinborg, N.tC. Wilmington, N. C. John T. West, D. P. A. Raleigh, N. C. I_ __ Paint is Going UP! UP! UP! Paint costa more this year than It did last year. It will cost more next year V than it does now. If yon are going to paint a building of any kind this year or next, bay the material now. You will soye much by doing so. BLUE’S DRUG STORE ■ *

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