at, that's alL Brothsr off hta “kaslp" to that Brstbar Bob to so at big that then to cwt sow* sAm to tba Seventh District a man top eaoogh to AH his shots aad not asttu to tot How com* that Brother Bab looms ap so Mg that ws do not ton a man wba will not rattle to fate tba BamtonatitotV'aatmdiMmWU ly make sack dates. Has ha Bred tonga* aad had mom of the teaching in the weald's giant school than has aay other mna to the Seventh Die* triet? Hardly think so. Than to Gad’s ***** that man to an thr District? Has God Almighty Mb sa math Wggar iataUactaaDy aad to stbar srsyn that thara to not a man la tba Seventh Cwgisselnnal District ,vwba afl not mttto ta his shorn? Wa hardly think as. Wa toy no claim to aritotay, bat It always did strike os that Gog Almighty is jnst and our God would not be partial enough to maha aaa man at the saiaa race, the samba Wood, ao much bigger than bis ABam that to a great big Congees atonal district there couU not bo fnmd a man large enough to take hla Piaas aad not rattle in his shoos. Mother Bab to a Wg man aad ha to doing a Wg man's work, bat If ha sad •wy ether Pegs to the Seventh Coa , gtoilfii il District warn, to pass to today the hoy aa the be piping eat, tba Hi w*n. m Is not up to hk high standard hi up lag that ha does not >ilhw that than k a gum k ths district who can AH hk brother Bob’* Owe Why. aaa ■a* does not mad far aa much that hU place tm the world’» big work win not ha fined rniflatity. If Sdlae* had died whan he wee tea deya old we would here the electric light just the same as we now hare it, and going dew* street you would hour aoioe pho nograph grinding out -It*. * Long Way to Tipperary.- If BeU had died h» Mi Infancy wo would bare die tek jnt ea frequently hear the guy whe mdk from At other end ad the line bawl out, "Who ia thief If WhJtaay had not been hen wo would not be picking tend from the cotton and gka would buna jnst ths earn#. If Howe hod *er*r drawn breath the Bowing machines would be stttshtag away juet as they are. ff Grant and Lee hed newer aaaa the light of day the results of the aril war would be ae they axe. Owe men la this groat big world coasts far so little and there are ae omay other, who caa Ml hie shoe, that it ia not worth the paper on which It k written for a ■an to say *tt k my Tory profound WM that w* haven't a man te pat k bis pises who will aot rattle in fata Beoeicy 8qn Ne. Monro*, Starch 23.—Is aauouadng Mar. in response to iaquirice, hit ds «taM aa to whether ho will try for tha Democratic nomination to Con Srm for the Seventh District to sue eeed Representative Page, Rowland 9. Beaaley states that he will not be a candidate and at the same time takee a rap at the preparedness pro tmm. In the latter connection he •■ya: “I will net be a candidate for the nomiaation. I am utterly oppose^ jo the whole so-called preparedness pro P*®t about which the country baa gosw wild. I regard tha alleged danger of foreign invasion from any aonroe aa a bugaboo and the increase of ar mament* ss dangerous to-oar domest ic tranauility and a positive menace tedhgJMmment aC3hwee.ieOroie.4e the interest of ■ the masses toward which tho current has beon so strong ly running. "If Mr. Page could not remain* in Congress oo this platform, I certain ly could not get in on it, and I will not conceal my views on a matter which I consider critical U> Ate welfare of the country. "1 shall continue to devote my time to running a local newspaper and in • general way forwarding these fun damental reforms to which X am whoi ■j cqguBitcw. The North Carolina negro BepubH mb fiAtttiTt corantttet b **ti Friday for B MB COBTMtlon to u held in Raleigh April 24. The call la to the eolersi Republicans of tbs State, but the call says "all true Re publicans of Whetuvas rase, ooler or pnsiena nwidiUim* asw invited to par* tfatpoto la He ccaveaUsa. The dee termtion la made that tan te to formulate a causae of action that win secure to aD BafmtiHi sue «d the taste of every Maas and color their riffcte and privilege* in the party or —taattaa. la this smainUtia it la a shmtitoaat fact that tha recent Re publican eusrvaathm ksdssit single Mgre delegate, and there was aa "tames whatever to the negro con tingent of Iho party. Win Jtotfar, • rntgn. •mriag a •» t«oe» for Mmjf from Chatham comn chin* Girl” IMA Thuraday, March 90—Diarmal pea canto The Panama Canal to to* Gait ad States, ih behalf of Bnctand. 1800. * Priday, March >1.—Admiral Dewey daacaa the Spanish Pandanyo, ISM. Saturday, April 1.—Pool KOI or —T~r" his annual winds fwiy yoar Sunday, April S.—Milttoaa of way one go about, Catharine up tb* Pool Killer's victims Sooty yoar. Kuraary Shymoa Saraai, Tam, Tom. too Piper's son. Stole a pic and away h* run; If ha told it for what pork soils today Ha could mast any fins ha had to pay. If SufTAtt^b^r^aMid^Umh into a boat with toe Prsaiijrwt, don't yah think the latter would row Will’s son? If aa American Indian could bo in duced to lector*, would he do H In tb* chaw-tajk-way T Should a maker wf hah tonics nec essarily be named Harry? Is lumbar wall draaasd that put* on a window aaah? To Bomo*« Sktee from Block Sic Lay the garment on a table, and with a flannel, wat to elder vinegar, rob tbe shiny places wail, until they have disappeared. It done not mat ter how wet the garment gets. Hang up. in tbe shade to dry. This will re move tha shine, and make tha doth or ailk look as good aa new. Haw tbs Craps Blags of Satan are Tbe crepe ring of Saturn has base observed and measured at' the Lowell Observatory persistently, wider oa the cast than on tha west aide' of the plant, several months ago, by a dif ference of five bundrsdthe. 'This fact will have important haaflags oa tbe mechanics of the stability of the ring. Any phase effect or defect at Dhtml natioa at tbe constituents at tbs ring are not safident to explain tha phe nomenon on account at tbe diminutive alas of tha meteorites composing it. inevitably attacks tha lips So that suffering results for after the trip is over. menta nor artificial coatings teem to protect tbe lips after tha first .day or two, and act very slowly in effecting a cure. • After much experimenting the staff of ML Rose observatory baa adopt ed tha simple expedient at covering tbe bmd with a flour sack. Tho thinness of the doth makes tbs mask comfortable even on warns days, providing the sack Is cut short enough to hang loosely about the neck and permit tha circulation at air about the face. On tha other hand, if a cold wind springs up, the mask, if tucked Into tbe collar, affords desirable pro tection to ears and seek. I. t Cs«M a laundry man who waa fond at tern pins make his wash bowl? If April should make it ton hot for thsm, would tbe trees leave T * Now that sainlrelans powder ta al together used, what makes my lady's powder puff? If tha states at the Union wore ploying marbles would You Taw? After Anna had beau proven guilty of stealing fruit, was that any rea son ufcy tbe court should bar Anna 7 [ __ l HU* TW» to ■aee and taprcriag Um light, becidea ' tha H/e ef the aa^tto. A. .*. * **»*• *4. A Mail and axpraaa auto, traweraiag lha wild. 0r Colorado, haa a'bandit prod cage to the rear fear ra aaMea. It to toUmatad that iaaoeta «d ro daau doetxey MjmjMtJHO «U of •dHtattuie to Um U. & m*mry hoar. The whiatla at a tnroMntlia can he heard a dittanaa ad h£00 7.,d i whan the air to atm. United fltatae rfaa eg* rtattoo »"*Mad to a year. ■fated eoftee to an eaaalla at die MERE PUNITIVE EXPEDITOR Will HUNT > . i i • • * - i a % I'blhsaaua r»*ion to b* ptorcod by United States troops bsnt on cancartaa aurdsrsrs of Nov Max too dtlasns sad soidiors; srrov Indicates point vbars Mormon eolovlsts aro la portl from VUUstas. BURNING BODIES OF VIUA’S RAIDERS AT COLUMBUS* NEW MEXICO. EMBCaBR.< Wmmn • UK picture uQutoa tua uurnm* ul in» oodiea ot Ti Meatenaa who war* killed to the raid. Is tha fore#round ta the galvanised coping of the Central hotel, all that remained ol (be building after It bad been burned. i i m » ^ ^ — —.— r-ii—ii->i-i o^_i-i_i-i^i-i^i-u-»_ ••COM Llout CtafMCt Bmhi. TWRtnOi United States cavalry, who «•' woundsd ta Villa's raid an Co Imbu, New Max, laid tea foundation at hie military training In MaKJnloi •ahool, Washington. D. a The »i« uu» abowi him In tea ami town of a eadat captain For two yams ha hai haoa on patrol doty on tha Maaloai bardar, stations* at Cotoahos. Arte MAJOR GENERAL FUNSTOH .1--1 tt. «MUMM m ib# Untud MtK OB tkB border of Mratoo.