TAB HEEL TOPICS. liWhM Throughout North Caro lina Ml la Brief. Bony Hensley, Asheville, who waa converted at the Ch s pasan-Alexander meetings and afterward* became a prominent figure, in religious circles, wai arrested last week at Indlaaepo lls on the charge of white slavery, fol lowing hie elopement from Asheville with Pauline Flynn, an 18-year-old school girt. Haneley, who had keen convicted of sailing liquor, was in structed to attend the Tabernacle by tbs police judge, lie professed relig ion, and for a time after the revival closed, led an exemplary life, secur ing a position and working regularly. A few weeks ago, he commenced to falter in his work, and shortly after wards dopod with Pealine Flynn, a school girl, leaving a wife nod two children behind him. His arrest at Indianapolis followed advices sent out by the Asheville police officials. A liquor fight In Baltimore paved the way for an interview which has caused special meetings of Wilming ton commercial organisations. J. B. Hill, a former Wilmingtonian. gave oat an Interview to a Baltimboro af ternoon paper in which It was stated that Wllralagtoo had bean ruined by prohibition, that 1,600 residences are vacant and that 600 offices are not oc cupied. The Chamber of Commerce, the Rotary Chib, Mayor P. Q. Moon and others at once fired back tele grams refuting the statements. The rivalry la Wilkes between the friends of ss-Congressman Hackstt and Mr. T. B. Finley, promisee to be come acute before the June primary. At a meeting of Democrats of Wilkes, held about two week* ago, Mr. Hack ed waa endorsed for the Democratic congressional nomination in the sev enth district. Mr. Finley’s candidacy had been announced about the same time, and last week a meeting of Dem ocrats endorsed Mr. Finlay. The widow of Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue K. A. Mofflt, who was killed in a raid in Daceaabcr, 1896, is to receive one year's salary <61,400) from the government, saya the Asheboro Courier. The bill has not yet passed Congress but is ox peeted to paaa. Mr. Mofflt was a Randolph county nun. The capital stock of tho National Festival Chorea of America, which la to build the big auditorium at Black Mountain, is increased from $260,0*0 to $600,000 and tho name changed to. the National Music Fes tival of America- The EUiott eom vaajr at Hickory has the eoatreeU to build the auditorium, which it ia ex pected to finish by August. Aa unusual sentence was imposed by Judge Frank Garter in Superior Court at Gastonia last week, on Georgs Patteraoo, the young white man convicted of killing hi* friend and companion, Russell Harwell, in January. Patterson was taxed with the costa, required to pay all Bar well's hospital and funeral expenses and was placed under a $800 bend as a guarantee that he would pay one half of his weekly wages to Harwell's mother for a period of seven years. Hie bond also requires him to appear in court periodically and show that he haa conducted himself in a proper manner and haa been steadily employ ed. Patteraoo is only about 20 years old. Tbs killing of Harwell occurred while he, Putts non and several others were on a spree. He Is a mill operat ivs and is a native of Cleveland coun ty late Thursday Frank Gillespie, a white man residiag in Statesville, be same violently insane and attacked his mother, Mrs. Beard. He seised the aged lady’s wrists ia Me *-~u began a torturous frictieu, rub bing the wrists together. His mother oould net persuade the Insane area to desist and aa she waa alone with him. ■o« KNuieo aloud Tor help sometime tafoso two neighbors isa to tag aid. Tta neighbors tawovor eeuM not fres Mn. Board from tar era's toitmuoa taU, and ft was aecesoery to socoro • poUeeoma wta ftood tta suffering womb. Mr*. Board was not eeri o«ly hoH, tat tar aoa’s caaoclms tar tars tad almost prostrated tar. Mr. Gtftaapta tad winced algae of Insanity tafort, tat tad acver before threat amod' violence. Ho >• now lodged ,1a jail, and will protabiy la Ur ta re hospital for tta iaaaan Lioat. Jaoksoa Christian, grandson of Oon. Stonowall Jackson, is with tta Americas expedition (a M.xieo as * Uwlmst in e cavalry company, M years ago Llont. Christian's flhis trioos graadfsthor entered Mexico aa s liaoUaaat la tta Aawrieea army. As a result of a raw- about the lo cation of a school house, in Haywood rauaty, the building was burned} ami aa a farther result two citterns are in JoH A Meek company is being formed at Hickory to taka ever and hverpor ato tta Blowiag Bock Hotel at Blew iag Beck, tta company to hare a capi tal steak of fttJMO. ^MBpcMTilUoklngtamram^, • hdldlag OMd oaasad a total tora id •boat *20.MO, partially oo toted by ia I »ur*oce. | Gao. W. Watts, tha Durham mil I Uoaolre. pay* yaarly kt actaal texts ! to Stated county, and city tha sum of >27,71*0.96. A Jury in Guilford Superior court last wash gave a verdict against tko Norfolk A Weal* id Railway for *1,000 in favor, of E. W. McNairy, pruminont T. F. A. officer and travel lag salesman, because ho was put oil scar Wslant Cove last September when bo offered hie mileage on the train. Firs at Rockingham ilaetroyod the McDonald hotel and did other dam age Wednesday. Stanly county men are father-in law and aon*in*law to oach other. Each married a daughter of the other without violating the law. i*et V. Moody, oeputy clerk of the Superior court for Mecklenburg coun ty for the past 16 years, committed suicide Friday evening at 7 o'clock by ehootteg himself through the head. Ill health Is given as the causa for the rath act. Ha leaves a widow, who was Mlaa Mary Torrence, of Greene* boro; and an agod father. Mr. Moody was a capable and pop alar man, a na tive of Raleigh and 42 years old. . ■ Sheriff Lewis, of Robeson county, telegraphed the State Department of Insurance Saturday that ha had ar rested and Mod at Lumbertoa one Edgar B. Smith, who has been for a long while much wanted by the de partment on the charge of arson. A true bill for burning hia store at Dub* lla, Bladen county, was procured against Smith tn 1911 and he fed the county while the investigation was pending. The Norwegian steamer Otteretad has arrived at Wilmington to taka on a cargo of cotton at the Champion Compress. This to the frit steamer to come to Wilmington for e cotton cargo sines Christmas. Tha tmusual war conditions make steamers unus ually hard to chatter. Much interest attaches to the coming of the Otter stad. Sheriff R. E. Lewie and Deputy A. H. Prevatt ai Roheaon county ware called to the Omits section Friday beesase of an epidemic of burglaries that have been oaaunitted theca te conUy. They carried tbsir blood huuad along and ha trailed a tramp to bis bivouac in the woods The of Beers wart satisfied, however, that the hobo had nothing to do with the rob beries. Governor Craig Saturday commis sioned the Scotland Nock chief of po Ueo to arrest a Gypsy Und In Peters burg. Va.. bellevsd to bs the persons who loft Scotland Nock a few days ago with a child so much resembling Jimmy Glass, of Greeley, Penn., kid napped last year. Petersburg officers telephoned Governor Craig that the Gypsies, camped in that city, had no child, but the Scotland Nsck officer dedaaae that a flaxen-haired boy of Bva was With this band of wanderers whan they left North Carolina live days ago. . Several North Carolina towns report the presence of this child. Chief of Police' H. H. Kedfearn of Lusibarton was found guilty of curs ing cm the public highway and lined less costa, by Recorder Britt Sat urday. Hf, trial, eae of the hardest fought since the Dumbarton record «r'» court was established, ended Sat urday night, after two days sad one night aeaaiona. Chief Kedfenm waa alleged to have cuzuad Prof. J. P. Lov*. Hia counsel has filed notice of appaaL A raft with lfiOOJOOO fast of tab or, the biggest aver oa WilgUngtoo waters, arrived there Sunday, bG«g towed down the Northeast river, from Bnnoerosan'a Bridge, by three tug beats. Hoauot u to hove a now national bank. Tho boot Institution will bo known no tho Pint Nations] bank of BamM. Tho officers will bo E. N. Hhoadaa, president; E. P. Powell, rico prsaidont, and Noak H. Jonette, cask tor. A. 0. Bieaad, a prominent attorney oad former mayor of Wilmington, has »»*°w«ood his candidacy for Superior eoort jadgo, opposing Judge W. P. Btoey, who wot appointed to nil a va eaney until tho Juno primary. Poor man and a woman wort car ried from Plymouth to Torhoro Setur doy aad lodged In jail for safe keep In* M a aspects of tho horrlblt and brutal crime committed la Washing ton county whore George Bowse aad bia daughter wore attacked by mid night prowlers and fearfully batten. Fred Folia, negro, woo arretted at tho homo of a kiaaaum In Carr towa* •hip, five miles oast of Durham, Sat ordoy oa a charge of criminally as malting J*-yoar-c4d l>ai»| Wsbtter, a white girl. Tho attack on tho girl wan made two weeks ago and niaso that time the other* have been memUug tot Miss Webster', aasail ant. Falla la said to have confessed to tho sheriff oad his moo Immedlato ty after ho woo token aad added that ho know H meant tho oloetric chair.. Bo declared that ho meant no ham and chokod tho girt whoa aha aosmod ditHMiaod to aouad aa alarm. i MUSTANG For Sprains, Laaeoees, [I Sorca, Cuts, Rheumatism I Stop* Pain At One* For Maui and Beast 2Jc.50o.t1. AiAADookn. g LINIMENT ATTRACTIVE WINTER VA CATION TOURS TO Florida, Cuba, Tbs West Indies, Panama Canal, Marti Gras. Operated during the Christ auu holidays, January, February and March. Tours of Tea, Fifteen, Twenty and Thirty Days Duration, Cov ering Many Points of Gnat At tractiveness and Historical In terest. . W* have a tour at exlrunely low coat in rinding aB evpraam to Florida and Cuba, December 27, Janaaiw 7th, especially attract ive and of ■hJi J J—«i-.i vabm to Teachers and Stadents daring their verst!on their on ly opportunity. A TOUR OF Florid*, the world's greatost est winter reports, daring the height of their season; through the beautiful tropical country la nearby foreign lands; steamship voyages la Southern soaa; and the Isthmus of Panama, during the winter months at heme, af fording as opportunity for grant comfort sad pleasure. Write for Booklet and Litera ture. We an sure one of oar aiaay attractive All-Expense Included, Personally Coad acted sad Chan erased Tours at a Rmssnable Cost will interest yon. • UATI1S TOURS, Tourists Agents, Seaboard Air Line Railway Raleigh, N. C. | FOR SALE Two Story Dwelling on Church street $3,750. One story, 6 Room Dwell* inf on Middleton Heights $1,675. .; •“ -T One Building Lot 100 by 300 on Covington street $1,100. The above property must be sold, and is going to be sold cheap. If you are interested see, L AURINBURG AGENCY COMPANY Insurance and Beal Estate HINTON JAMES. Pies. W. S. DUNBAR, Bsc. A Trass, CoaiaaUaionor’e Sab at I iwHti land Superior Court, ia the eaao if Ga. Car 4 Locomotive Co. vm. A. H. ■ _I_ P*MC<u«ll«6toHD^t JWSsfcasw&sjpfiSa® J. H. WADE has bought the Woody pressing dab and baa a good man In charge. The work is all done at Wade*» old stand. Use only one ’phone for the business, 118*1. WADS IS ON THE JOB Guarantee Satisfaction k Bargain Period To April _——————— THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER extension of its Special “Bargain Period” 10th. Until that date New Subscrip accepted at the rate of $6.00 per Daily and Sunday. $1.50 for 3 months scription. The Observer’s Special L News Service from Washington is || subscription price. |r “The Foremost Newspaper I Carolinas.” Grids *mM to “tipped M (to toT*. tor D cilowed la raa ■ackacked, wdaa nadk aqr follow. Nwneroaa caiaa of ooafampttoa, paea •oa*. aad other fatal dta aaaea. caa be traced back to acaM. At the Kiel «ga af a coM, protect yoareeM by tyMtai wkh a^ew^toaeiMDl THEDFOHTS BLACK DRAUGHT W. C -CALDWELL VETERINARIAN Located in Lauriobarg for the practice of hie Profeeeion. FIRE INSURANCE ' JAR. U MCNAIR. A|»L T. H. HUNTER, Manager, me In# beat aan»nanl«« T«r «-—■ Mae will be appreciated and carefully baadled. 21 Insurance Life, Fire, Health, Acci dent. and in fact any thing that inettranee in •urea. 8ee u*. Laurinburf Agency Co. W. 8. DUNBAR, See.-Srcta. .. . .• t. I ‘ I OB I A Bank Wit § I Temi | The soundness of this H eervative policy pursued by its of loans. It therefore places for the eare of your savings, pays interest at the rate pf 4 per cent This benk invites yon to beeome one of mowing family of patrons and often facility consistent with safe, sound nod banking. SCOTLAND COUNTY Laurinburg, North H? r. J Ft *V. I 92 BE m I I $ r*:3 *£ an m ■ I I I r < kV

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