aar prater J£ <mTh: ■atenTlhat ha gfO^tea at tha and a* Ma peasant tax*. 04 Varner fa. faaa ram* Car fanafa yaara to tha fight far tha hat and laity tear*JteuT totoatoaba fara caDad hi* aad ha haa gona mv Jtffahty ta addtotfatr fighta far fag. far* batmaa. Far tha Oawaaantia •arty ta DkaMaan aoooty ha haa haan fiaoni fighUng with aoaw*atag da. ‘anfan hr many yaara, and fa haa ,v hi?pteahfrJT *aa tote* dto towtTlfaa to profaHy 1 WI9 <tfUf ovi MMSM' * fa fa tttovjpfafldiDg <d tha Plad-j falnifa ad'aaaty togiteato a**^ farfariag terryrlai and has at aM ttenargad far toaaa jaoyto tt hg { fa fate aha waatd add to tha yran NJr Ifid BMtiQD, i : * '£-&* ** r ’ - * • • ■ ' • '. peed Of foe whale comrty and Ma «C fort bu bean devoted to the end that Mtotipel tewna of the cmaaty abewld with each other for the cartel* he «D 4a Not aince 1*71 hee DaWleon bed a man to grace foil Boaae of RepreeenUttvee, and turaly •ration. ThU U one of tb o' b^tet Md weoHWaat eoeatine fo the die •Mat aa>d wee ta whkh Pi unite et ■age ftad themeetvaa foaad with the aeooaaity of flghtiat head for victory. The party cannot aet down in David Mr. Vetaer formally waoumd We dMety today. He aaya that ha will Moke the raw an a platform proarie Nt unceeeing, tmeMtaf labor for federal old for garni rondo hi hie dU trtet, mad that ha wffl paoanlai Me aowadtaanta to eteed by Piweideat, mr. Varner earn don to making the nee against Mr. Pag* fax 1114 bat haafctd dawn. Ha baa a Am record baMnd him aa a worker fax the Damo Ptrty, a geod-reada advocate and a loader far the uplift erf hie peo ple. He vu chairman of the demo Ratie committee of Davidson county f«r flight years, takiag the place whan the repnhHmaa held hi. eoooty by 1AA0 majority. Ho wiped that nmjor Ity oih the Ant campaign and for eight yean not a rcpalilliaii yqaehed the pie counter in Da video*. Ha •emd acceptably aa Coeamiseionec of Labor and Prtatlng two tame. Aa a goaA-roade educate ha ia known throughout the Sooth. Ho ia editor of fleet there Good Monde, a journal of NetlooeJ^rtreqlaUio, which hoe done As adttar of The Dispatch,' hThU dano Ane doth far bettering farming eendMena, achoeio and Hondo. Hal oigh remap endmeo to Qxarlotta Ofa •preor, March 9th. Oao thing ia earn, none of the men ia the district who may aapbw to suc ceed Mr. ftf« have done more H. B. Varner far peace and plenty and pragma. Ha baa worked night and day for the helisnaant at Mr county, hit etnta and hie paopla. The want thing about Vamar wfll •* *hn» ha ewea a newspaper. Onra an announced candidate the folks fat his Atetrfet who want to defeat him win NMk tkroogfc an Tha Dispatch es that ee* flod and locate things Vantr hat said, ar sotaa mm aba ta kb paper, aad by tnbttag aad misto twprtotng they will be able te appeal te warn* rots* that Varner to an aaaNhbt, a acouadrat aad a feel. Bat he haa woritsd white othari haaehail Aad when ha to daad aad gone tha talks who an tedt behind will rfae op'aad call bin Maned fed the good he started aad the gee* he feaghl through. If he wants to go to Congress hta district ought to oaad bin. Bat ha will hare to earzy to the ceamatioa a lot of mantis an aatioe who hare ctuag to Ms aaak and eoaght to sink him aad who would fight bin te the fiahh. If hb friends in tha district want to aaad a pis is rapraaantaHia id tha people to Congress, am who does things aad will matinee to sarea the Mate hooaetiy and to hb ewa hart, if they am loekiag far each a eao, Van* nor la that one.—Salisbury Post. . A Staunch "-uni . Thu French Broad HBettor of last weak has tha following to lay to re gard te Mr. H. B. Varner's candidacy fear Congress: Editor H. B. Varnor of tho South ern Good Baada Mifiiht and of tho hia candidacy for congrase fra* tha arrenth district to snecaad Mr. Pago. Of caw* Mr. Varner Is a staunch da*ocrat. and a goad fellow. Ia view of Ms pronounced races— in conduct ing hia awn large tnulii* hit—eats and hia general ability, the Rustier believes Mr. Varner wilt giro any and all eoBora a good race.** “Hat late the Pi— " CoL R. B. Varnor, thread mods apostls. the vigorous newspaper nsaa and the pragraaahw citiaoa; has Brag his hat toto the ring aa the aaaeaasor of Hoe. Bobt. N. Pago—Charity and Children. CoL Varner, editor of Tha Lexing ton Dispatch, Is reperted aa a proba ble candidate for Onagr—a to pac oaad Mr. Phgdj who aukos Kjppwn that bo wIB not stood for •" ifr-f.'rrn; Tha ocloasl srfl] make a strong oon tondar, and ha will hero the Coed wiahee of hia fellow editors through out the State.—Kinston Free Press. Tho papers say Henry Branson Vor nor of Lexington has a will tag wind who hoe announced that he sriU^iot stood for ro-eloeticn. If Mr. Varnor ia willing, wo boHovo tha people of tho seventh district an wining for Mb to have tha ptmaa^-Ckeelaad 8tar.—Adv, '_ 1 ASpriaf Hat? APtfrilOxfordi? ii '■ APtoT ^ 1 ■ • Hosiery ? OalanT CrfBittou? Handkerchief*? 8 $if2I*i^F ;: * Do You Need l W* can supply your every spring and summer want at this store. We can assure you of the highest quality and desirability of everything we sell. These goods are guaranteed both by the main With flm advent of spring yon will naturally want a number of articles In the wearing qr furnishing Hnes. If 7<m will take the trouble to call at oar store «re«nn demonstrate the eeenonqr of buying V/ NOTICE OF F01BCL08UE* AND SALS OF UAL ESTATE. By vtrtne of U nr nilihif ft MSB- £&»£ to Atlantic Treat and Bantttf Com pany, dated September let. 1911, nod recorded In tha office of the Kawiatar •r Oeeda ef Scotland County la Book *• »4SS. and in the office of the Badffim of Deede ef Rick non* Come Seek R. at pare 1M, default ga.tg^gaf srstrfSwss at the Ccmit Houee door la Laaiin bms, N. C. erpoee to aala ter cmah at pnbHc auction to Um higfceat bid der two certain tract* or parcel* df s&ggjsSi stcxz tsafiTSSt&irisurra tracta of land are deacifbad in the ■Wtaaga daad aforaaald aa follow*: . 1m tract* of land asaetly See JaaaajT «4th, 1013. and recorded in &l£sj T^*&£!SllftSrZ Book TS, pace 60S, for a mbrat* de eaipUre ef which reference la here Uph W. Face by D. L. Ooee and mi/j and by F. T. Gataa and wife toKalphW. Pare, Um flret dead be s^BSJrS'bS&’Lrc Stlantic*TlRjirr and bank g?G COMPANY. MORTGAGEE. By BOBER BuARK, Attorney. Dated this March lit, 1010. 10-18 COMMI8MONEWS SALE Of REAL ROTATE VALUABLE WATER POWER ROLLER MILLS. la tha mm therein pending wherein Edwin Latch and othersin plaintiffs aod Mildred Lvteh is defendant,' hf virtue of said decree and under the ftra» vested lnhtm thereto, wttl MO at public auction to tha highest Noon, oat tho pram leas. to-wit: at tha DaaM C. Ljrtch Mills, in AwitUnd County, North Carolina, all of tho following described real property, to 'Witt. . • Beks that tract of lend and im provement* thereon fiaatrlhad in the petition filed by the plaintiff* la the above stated cans* aa Seventh Tract, Md being sum particularly defined, described and bounded aa follows: , Beginning at a point la tha center of the old tub of Gum Swamp S chain* and go link* below tha center of tho Public Read where the said mod cmmas mid ran at Urn old saw mffl at Lytehh MID. and runs theses North M 1-2 degrees East 11 chains and 60 Hnka to a stake; thence North 40 degrees Wait S chains and 50 links te tha osatar of the public mad: thence North 40 degree* West 2i chain* to a staha at the edge cf.a 'SKg&c&if mid swamp; thence South 82 dwiaa wait • chajn* aod 25 link* to aatake: thence Booth 4ft degrees West 6 ehamc to a stamp; thence North ft dogma* West ft chants aad 1ft links to thanes North 28 degrees West . and 50 lbtks tea stake: North ft 1-2 degrees Wart 1i • •■take; thence North8ft 1-2 - Want to a stalk k the old meat ef hk fathw. Jams. A. ■MB | Do You Ever Get Real “HAURGRY” • * • / for something good to eat ? We have the remedy. And that next meat or der! Remember that we 4 have the cleanest and most » » sanitary market in Laurin ; burg. ’Phone all your eatin’ wants to 43. McLaurin & Shaw —.-.. — ■ ■ • •• _ % ANNOUNCEMENT ■ For the convenience of parties wanting my Cantaloupe Seed and not wanting to . come oat home for them, I have made arrangements with D. O. & W. D. Wright to have a supply of my seed on hand at their store all the time, *nd they wiH take pleasure in weighing out any amount you may want and making a record of them. Remember that I bey do mad. I grow aU that I offer for uk, ami when you taiy —ed from me, yoo set quality aeed oo which do middleman has —cured a profit. ' j. l. McKinnon - _• COUPON FOR CHARLOTTE OBSERVER BARGAIN SUBSCRIPTION d*t*___m_^ CHARLOTTE OB8ERVER Charlottr, N. C. find endowd I--:-, for which Mod THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, Daily and Sunday, by nmO to tho na denignod; for- -_month* Bdrcmin Rate Nam*- aar mat mb mu aw 8*. or R. 7. D.__ Town-;_ __ __ _ Remit by Cheek or Foot*! Order. Honey geta loot in tbemaU* Ordara aeeapted under tWa apodal rate only daring ftpedaf Bargain Period. y _ ' * «. •

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