Local Notes. Coming tomorrow T Laurinburg will be expecting yen tomorrow. Forget your trouble I and come'to Laurinburg tomorrow. Mrs. Carl McLean spent Saturday with Rockingham relative*. Miu Fas Louie* Neal is spending aomeilmo with relatives at Nowbarne. Attorney M. L. John spent Satur day in Wilmington on legal business. Chief of Police Hubbard is giving his home on Cronly street a now lid. Mr. H. W. McLaurin made a busi ness trip to Miami. Fla., during the past week. Mr. R. S. Jonas, of Maxton, R. F. D. No. 1, was a Laurinburg visitor Monday. Mr. W. T. W right, of Gibson, R. F. D. No. 1, was a business visitor in the city fletnrday. Mla> Annie Roee entertained the Elisabeth Browning Book Club Toea dny ef terooorj. Mr. W. D. Reynolds, a popular young buoineao man of Gib eon, was a Laurinburg visitor Friday. Mr. H. F. Bonwotl, ■ prominent law yer and RopabUean politician, of Car thage, spent Friday base. Rev. £. A. Osborne, of Charlotte, conducted servicee at 8t. David's Episcopal church here Sunday mora le*. Miss Mirnile McKinnon, a member of the Rochdale school faculty, Gib son, spent tbs week-end with Lsurtn bnrg friends. Misses Irens Prince and Bern Bry ant, students st Converse College, 8pertsnbsrg, 8. C., spent the week end here with relatives. An examination for rnrml mail car riers to All vacancies at the Hasty poatoOee, will bo hold hers and at Beimittaville, S. C., Saturday. Miss Margaret Wilkinson, a stud ent st Queens Collage, Charlotte, spent the week-end here with her mother, Mrs. Bessie Wilkinson. Mr. Harry Everett, who is taking a special coarse la pharmacy at Page’s School of Pharmacy, Raleigh, spent Sunday in the city with his mother, Mrs M. W. Everett. Mrs. Mary Whitaker, Mlae Edith Harris sad Dr. W. T. Herndon went —asp to Sanford Friday to be present dtthe debate between, the Lsnrinburg, and Sanford schools Miss Janie McNeill, who has bass teaching at WhftaviDa, baa returned to her home near Laurel Hill. She and her deter, Miss Edith, were Lsa rinb ^Sj shoppers Saturday. Mr. A. P. Leach, a Scotland boy who has mads good with s big G st La Grunge, spent several days hare the pail week. Mr. Leach is a large plantar of tobacco aa wall si eotton. After as absence of more than alx * y-ar», daring which time ha has work, ad at various points in Georgia, Mr. Walter Medlia, arrived in the city Satardsy to opend a few weeks base with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Medlia. Express Agent Mr. 2. F. Say. and Us assistant, Mr. Curtis Falla, have been confined to their homes with serore cases of mumps. During their Illness Mr. Coble McIntyre looked after tbs affaire at the express aad telegraph oOes. ^ Mr. La Orange Sistrunk, of the U. S. Navy with assignment to tbe U. & Battleship Pennsylvania, who has baas sta timed at Norfolk, Va., spent Tuesday in tbs efty with hie sunt, Mia. W. McN. Lytah. Mr. Sistrunk is eff an a furlough and is sn route to Us bctne at Ooala. Fla. - Mrs. W. T. Wright aad daughter, Miaa Leila, of Gibson, R. F. D. No. 1, were pleasant callers at this oOoe Friday. Mis. Wright says the taxm en in her section are preparing to pleat tbe anal acreage In caatd leapes this year. Mrs. Wright it one at Scotland's largest and moat see •eeeful planters. A party at gentlemen representing -the town of Ssethera Pines same to Laariabarg Saturday to see oar now Are truck. They arrived in the city Jest b time to see It set the run ans wering the fhlet alarm spelean at eba whesa. They wire very much plea as il with Laarinburg aad oar Are Aght ing equipment, sad were oatspohea 1a their prsiss of both. CfcoHotte Sociability Tow to LnHa bwt Tuoedojr, it woo oar plooowo to And oar eld tteo friend, Mr, W. A. Aroot,, a former Laarlakwn sea. Mr. Atom It one of Uto toy non of «ho Qwoa CKy, Mi* ostooMroly'oo «*ir*d hr tko wood oad coo) baotaeoi, Mr. cod IfcJ^A^Mon^okrlrtdlo to Morton oad retam woo In Um program of tbo event* for tbo Comity Cvniuacmiwt in our loot Issue it wmi noted that there would ho n small too charged for the bale bell game. It has been decided rince then to have the game aa other fta turee of the program, free. There will be no charge to *oc the game, which will be beiwsea the I<aurinburf school team and a team made up from the aehools of the entire county. Mr. John C. Davie, of Rockingham, ia in lusorioberg for the weelt He la engaged in putting a new roof on thu store belonging to Mr. R. E. Loo and which is occupied by the Planters Trading Co. Mr. Davis formsrly lived in Laurinburg, at one time served aa Chief ef Pulice, and has many friends here who are much ploased to have him hem for the weak. SOCIABILITY TOUR. Char let te People Receive Warm Re. ceptlea ia Laarinbarg. Tuesday afternoon the Charlotte Sociability Tour came to Laurinburg and received aa royal a welcome and generous entertainment aa anywhere along the line. The train arrived here at 4>U, twenty minutes let*. A local committee had made arrange' manta for their entertainment and when they stepped from tbo cars were invited to board waiting automobiles la which they were transported to the court house, which was fillad with a representative gathering of Scotland county people. • muaical (election by the Charlotte band. Attorney W H. Woathermpoon called the meetin* to oeder end delivered a abort addreae of welcome. He then lotrodaced Jud#e W. H. Neal, who told the via. I ten somethin# of Scotland countv and ita achievement*. Followtn* thii. Mr. W. C. Dowd, editor of tho Char lotte News, ■ poke of the purpose ef the tour. He was followed by Mayor Kirkpatrick, who took tha boose by storm when he sold that If Scotland county had not riven anythin* alas to North Carolina except John Charier McNeill, he would thaak God for Scotland. Mr. Edward Cole*, a member of the new company ownin* the Charlotte Observer, delivered a abort addreae. 1* waa then time for the train to con time its way to Max ton, and the tour, so far as Lauriabur* wee' concerned, was over. Tha stay of these fine end clever business men o( Charlotte was neeaa earfly abort, but was exceedin*ly pleasant to Lauriabur*, agd Laariu bur* waa. ml*hty *iad to have op-1 pertuaity of entertaimn* them. Mr. aad Mm. GUI Entertain. Mr. and Mr* T. J. GUI delightfully entertained the Thursday Afternoon Book Club and quite a number of their friends Wednesday evening la it from *■80 to 12:00 e’dock. Tha evening was one at informal pleasure and delight to the eighty odd fortunate persoes attending. The guests wars met at the door by Master Edgar Whitaker, who pre sented them u the receiving line, which was composed of Mr. and Mrs. GiU, Misses Emma Wash Gill, Mary Boyoa, May Hampton, and Mary Gray. Tha guesta were directed to Jb« eh** rooms up stairs, where they hors taken in charge, the gentlemen by Master Harold Covington and the ladles by Miss Nell Withering**. Partners for Progressive Book were ■sleeted and soon eighteen tables wore •orvounded by intereoted guests bid ding high end contesting for the hon or of winning. When tbs final count, eaaso, Mr. R. E. L. Correll eras fonnd to ba the winner of the greatest num ber of games and was presented with a lovely bouquet of sanation* Than came the dollctoas refresh ••nti, co&jiadof of cfotn ud followed by sandwiches, coffee and crystal! led fruits. Mr. aad Mrs. GiU are noted for their hospitable entortaiaataato, and oa this occasion proved themselves en tirely worthy of that reputation. Bad JeMag. Satarda^ Mag th* fim day of A»r«. aad of coarm*, -An Poor* Day," it wmi exported that than would bo tho neual playing of laaooaht aad hannlaaa Mm by tho nathrao, but no on* exported that *n* would go to tho ration* of loading in fata* fire alarm*. About aoon aounau* cuilod tho atom of J. D; Sanford * Sou on tho >bou* and told .Mr. Sanford to toll Mr. D. C. Odour that Ida pretty boa* ou Chart* .traat waa *n fire. Mr. Sanford (u(porting nothing hr th* way of u> April Pool Joka, doHrumd tho diatremina nnaaag* to Mr. Odom. Th* file department waa hastUy eallad and raapondlag found no aigna of th* (aaflagrathai that had barn reported. Mayer Toekar hue inetitatad an In reMgntfen. and if tho extra*** joker b dboorertA, ap that Ute-Wwn wfU DEATH VALLEY DODGE AGA1NWINS FAME Drive, by Teddy T.Ukff, ft Mrtw Alt Bet ImpeselbU Night Trip Over Mountains. “Death Valley Dodge," the famous Dodge Brother* motor car that was the vehicle of a trip last yoar through Death Valley that attracted national attention because of the nature of the Journey, ha* won new fame on the ! coast. Drivon by Taddy Tdlxlaff, the fam ou» racing driver, the car made the night trip over the mountains of Cali fornia from Nnrdhoff, in the OJai valley, to San Liu* Obispo in slightly , more than 12 hours. The ran was started at 10 o'clock at night after all the wiseacres had predicted that It would ha tmpoaalblo to get through owing to the conditions of the roads which are regarded us exceedingly dangerous even in the day time. Tetalaff in discussing the trip said: "It's alright when you have con fidence in your ear. Thare were some bad places on the road where we wound around the edge of a precipice and thare Vara various spota where yoa wanted to be aura that both brake# sad transmission were depend able. But I had triad out the Dodge Brothers motor ear and I bed every confidence that it would sot bo the fault of the cur if we faked."—Adr. GEM THEATRE Thursday, April 6th The Last Shot Chapter 27, Diamond From The Sky. Friday. April 7th The Uplift (3 Beds) Fredd*ys Narrow Escape (Comedy) Charlie Chaplin in the New Janitor Saturday, April 8th Golden Lies (3 Beds) In Arcadia Monday, April 10th Hazel Dawn in Hearta of - Jennifer Taeaday, April 11th Haia, The Driwr 8elig—Tribune No. IS The Angel of Piety Flat Wedneaday, April 12th John Barrymore in the Incorrigible Dnkane NATIONAL SLOGAN SUB BESTED BY PROMINENT MEMPHIS 0BU66IST WwM RmM tha PubAa to Pravaat etafcnaaa by Ramaylna tha Caaba 1 7 --— T. D. BALLARD a prominent dregglat of Mimphla aapa; "Mach Methane coaid aad weald be prevented If the people woald only rw, MBbor that cwuetipatfaa la —# «f thj •aaa*M the atogan. " 'Ba*aH Otdartlaa, the laxative tab let with the plena an i taste.' ‘*1 aaggawt Basalt Ordartiaa aa j Jcaew thatr forme la aad believe they ate the beat remedy for roller tog oouatlpetten. Tbayoaa be uned by ML women or J. T. HELDS • A Year sad a Day. "On* jr*ar aad a day In the Federal prtaoa at Atlanta,” waa th* iwrtanci impoeed by Jadge Connor agon on* Wfll MaPweea, eolored, Wednesday lart. Jast before the adjoarawt «f Federal Court. MtSneeu had been found guilty of engaging th the Dtelt manufacture «f Mgaor, and beaaae* of bia traaegrea ■lea of th* law, hia way waa etad* hard far at least see whole •'Lamp Tear." Th* crime was eonuhittad hi ttebmeod eaaaty aad ha was agyre haadad M a f aw waaka ago. i • BUSINESS LOCALS ^ Urn James or W. 8. DimbarV roJLJ!£ft-^t.Umf. ***** «* rx>d Will sou at a bargain for eash or oxi hangs for lats model i J? •'*t"“oWta I? *°°* condition. 1. V. Wiggins at Exchange olflev. Good lot at shoata weighing from M to 80 pound, for m'SmT W. ^HeLmurin. CAJfTALOUM CRATES—I want Cantaloupe shipper* to rssaembar that I am manufacturing the best cantaloups erata that has erar beta put an this market, and too. I want to ssy roe can gst them at the 5***11 D**rt place your or darn until you bar* INS H. W. Me Lsurtn or Ererett Covington. 7-tr THREt nice young milk cowa with yoiaw oalree for aal*. A. L. Me 18-14 BAB0AIN8 in Second Hand Antomo bflto. Glbeooi Brothen, Lauita C._ ix-it B ABO AIN 8 hi Baoond Hand Autoeaa bflae. Oibeon Brother*, Lauria b*T|^ M. C. 12-U B ABO AIKS »■ geeoed Hand Aatetoe bll«, Gibeon Brother*, Learie kjWfc N. C. ix-Id T’9* UP 00 «W boot*. Veto *>• tone and abe will go. AOBNC8 WANTBD to eatl Lehe greebe Motor Fen. J. K. Herrieon. Br****»««. Va 14-15-pd .f Gibson Brothers • » 4 buriabux, N. C. NEAREST neighbor? Om pwtairf Vw —T-1I1| oa H» tana is that it nm Jftfip MONSHIP. HP th«s mr frlaatfs to m they awy Itoa. i egg Bros. . . - • ! taO tomiPilli i wm emU to trwylWIaPssatsto aav#t|as ssrvles. WtUfmt Ehctrie ^TjJJPMCNII ARE YOUR Screens UP? It’s hijrh time the screens were up if you would keep the house free from flies end other pests. The sooner you get rendy tor them the I fewer you will hare. If you are w hare new ones, come to The Quality Hardware Shop. • • . V-'5: We have juat received a shipment of windows sad doors. They are ready r £ prices are lew eaeafh to J.D. I “The C SPRINGTIME IS HERE And you should be careful to sesTthat yocr stock la pto perly cared for. To keep them in the beat condition you should use Dr. LeGear’s Remedies. We haw a emnpletejine and risht now you will find our POWDER. Worm Remedy, Poultry Powder sad Lies KilUr almost todJspeeaeble. OTTB FOUNTAIN Do you patronise it T Ws seres the Purest sad Pitt Drinks passible. Oar Ice Crass fa Absolutely Purs. Yeu eun gat in any quantity. Everington’s Drug Store THE 8AN-TOX STORE $7.00 PER ACRE FWlfag to ret any satisfactory offer* for the two tram. 480 acres recently advertised far sale. I now offer both tracts 1700.00 far the 100 acre tract. 12.510.00 for the d£0 ansa tract. Both tracts la w«4 oniniirored rolbnc sandy* win grass land and locatad fas PWWSJf-A £*£ Garocron. I1C RegJSr cd fa Book of Deads 174 paire U» at UtHngtoo, N. CT Tbs 100 acre tract was purchased from N. Hsmannd. of Laarfo Ll'mL.uflJ to BookcrfD««1» 177 paga 18S at tract purchased. *Tbe first notice ofthe deposit foai the Bank rets the land. If you want to buy either or bath . tracts deposit the purchase pries to my credit fa any 1*s»h fgpSSsSESt C. S. HENSLEE CHATTANOOGA, TENN. 14-17 M»n

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