W Mb by tj|jL> iog than OMUaMlttmautaw the prince nH^Tfakir. had th* pap pie fooled good aid proper about that dor* htlllaaaa He had a pet pigeon that ha kept aad ha unit let it gat Tory hungry aad then eld Mahomot weald crack some peas, put th* brok en pieces of peas into Me awn aar mad thaa the pat pig*** would alight *a bis shoulder and ptah out th* broken pieces ad peas. Th* people war* kept t&«i good safe distance while this was ffriag oa aad thaa eld Xskomt would coma eat aad give them a let ad chin marie about what the pigeon had tsM him It waa a groat stunt on the part of Mahomet, that was. Hid ya« ever hear some ignoraat aaa who had broken his halter aad rumbled Into th* pulpit tailing about how God Almighty had mad* ravels Gone to Mm that He had kept Gram Other people T Swai-occasionally yaw hoar Jnat. such stag aa that from a pulpit by seme fakir with all the gad af a Mahsmat, hat with Mas sense than Um old Arab fakir had Of all tha top-laftieal n—iiy Um moat tap tofMcal te for aoaaa fallow to f«t ■P ^claim^that Cod Almighty haa haa eonffded te him snore than fat oth er creatures, haa rsvsalsd things to hlaa te iodm occult way—by a dream or a tUm that lie haa not pot bc f0N the tnaaaaa of isaakind You will observe, however, that the mao who moka* such aetekn la a rascal aa wall *• • fool, for he knows he te lying about ft. It (a hardly believable that tho Almighty would go all arsuwd Maw of real good aanae, level-headed, borae asnaa folks, and make Hla »pe etel rovslatten to fools. Why. a man of real good aanae would not stop to oonMe an Important matter to ena of thoaa fallows who Mows about how God has revealed things specially to him It brings a srom of .waartoaaa to haar some little gourd haadsd fol low piping away about special ma te* that Gad baa left with him or things that He haa shown him at that he haa any mart Influence with God or stands in with Htes any better «a—» dors Just tbs average every-day mor. taL We do not believe owe bloomin' word of it. Re Is Just an old Ha homot, with hte ear* staffed with erweked peas—that’s what the guy who claims that ho stands ia with God nay better, than we every-day common herd ditw and tha old fakir known It,»too Mawwjs Enquirer. New Version ar'~"B*nyht anil F.M FW." B«C*Hlea of Um fact that but a few warn pcnint ami tb* boom tb* iWflrie hr from tha mad daotep crowd—Um attorney! for In. WaR«o in* feted on makinp Um bafld fa« nap with their shriek* of oto «mm* aad their yells of denuneia Uoa. Putin, it was tha aohreak •Ua habit of Joy addioeataff that waa to evidence. In the beet sf tb* arpo ■Mat tha Boa. Cameron Morrises, whe declared ha appeared in behalf of Mxa. yma atUhmt of her crip. “I make an appeal ban to yan, at tlm bar of civilisation, rnnmntroiid in Fto t* show Morey to this •ad let the wolves and hyenas dome bowl lin harl* It is not told that Um orchestra ytoyad a IHtla fortissimo -p-l- fra ■Mdfc Mask just at this stapa, nor that aorno lackey harried in to en shroad Um fans of Brother Cam to too folds of Um Aaerieoa flap, while the villains the hyeaaa and other ■mathero of tha animal UnpUam— whined la baffled rap* throaph their msneo^elmwtop™' *oek the Governor, sad it is srdU not to aU leer each ability te escape nnaoftred. *“■ ninoa offpbt as* K to ad van tape to om of Us seal othitap. tig-mori inp pfeys. Incidentally, it aripbt be mid to ea •av te Mr. Mmrtom'b tirade .pafaivt them wha did sot briars aa he did, tbM they at least am am beiap paid ■ravteriAio TbMr - / *2- M not hum to bmr **• dbib of tho seta nor the rosUo et blOa before they waafff enlist,—Wtl* Mtopioa PWpeUb. to J ake x cicjjic"2 Calls "Uki—«1 M n4Mr ii'knli '"?.**"* MU W«MU.te»u.u 1MIIII #Ut MH wUUm vukriiu M-‘| | f— ' 'IkUUlk iKMOHlIIMUtlkkl-. fin tutu! k»w»« M.Mkmi km i nm klllkU ——kUU,ktk«<«kkMMr»k.,‘ -fimiu AJuuUuv. I 1 — I IT la beyond the bounds of posoibility to answer ’ promptly the mass of cw~ ’_ | . rtotky telephone calls that threaten to swamp onr ex • f changes every time there Is a | large fire. \ Calls for physicians, the am bulance or the police, held up . at such time* might result in the loea of human life. ®.v For your protection, as, well ps for the protection of your _ heighbors, we ask you not to SOUTHERN DELL call the telephone operator TELEPHONE AND ®«*«ly out of curiosity. After TELEGRAPH CO «b® has no more informa tion than you have. , _ ? SOX 1M. RALBIOJI, N. C. j : Me gel 8-16 Price Announcement Tb Real Kerosene Tractor (Vf *r-d after AW3 f sttfip °n« of the Mogul •-!« w:J"be 4»JsJ cWW»'L/f HTUcagri. AU sales made ?.nd bona fide c den taken up to April ist will be fill d - t tho present p ice of $67j cash U.lx Chicago, wi* want to post you Ahi ad of time on the coming change. %, hfogw*. 8-16, a* you in »w. is tho famoos tractor that has cat fuel costs xiuamlyla half—operates on cheap, common kerosene or coal oil —dc esn't bava to be the highest grade either. It pays for itse]| in the saving over gasoline. That la why the riso in price— necs—rv became coat of raw ■Uter u* has risen so high—is of minor importance. Moju. b-16 is saving And making profit on thousands of arms of all srrea It wig do much more for yon thaw yoer horses can. Cel in yoni order aew—be ready for spring work. See tfcj dealer who sells the Mogul 6-16. kiernfitiomilHAmfiterfitigjrgfAmfiriai t Ti-K-nJ MtwfcssUtp JNO. 7. MON AIR. burg, N. C. Z. V. PATEL La are! N. C. sod Gibson. N. C. J.T. JOHNS 00.. N. a re s BaaaoaaMa eat town, Palma, Faraei ' Floral errant—neiforaay ootaatoa. Prompt attention tooat-of-town ordara. SCHOLTZ, The Florist, Inc. Pbooa 441*442 • N/Tryoo Bt Charlotte, K. O. _ BLUE’S DRUG STORE, Afoats COUPON FOB CHARLOTTE OBSERVER BARGAIN SUBSCRIPTION D*m.,..*....iw.. CHARLOTTE OBSERVER ChajujOttk, N. C Find aadoaad t__;-J-‘__ for which and THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER. Daily and Sunday, by mail to the no • dentaMd* lor.-------month* Bargain Bata Naaia —-_- Mat mu« mu Umtt BtorR. F.D.___i_'_ »■— tut mm »«wi. tm am ... i raw tm am Remit by Cbook or Footal Order. Honor gota loot la tbo meik. Ordora aoeoptad andor tbia apaaial rata only darfaa Spacial Bar gala Porlod, '/ - ft? f / SO* PtOPU qOWHfRI THEY GET _ , ftFCU \ RE^OUVCD I WE WTLL NOT *322^ |>6li WHEN >&U BEAL 5 WITH US. BUT WILL JdIVE YOU PLUMP 1 value For, your. H MONEY WE HAVE 3