CHAT wrra OUB BBADBK8. The Cross Road’s Philosopher. Let * young man at twenty yean of age put twenty dollars at interest, in stead of expending it for something melon Than, at the beginning of the next year repeal it, and include also the principal and interest of the preceding year, and thus continue to do frogs year to year, until bo shall have reached Use age of seventy; the amount he would real Lie would exeeod thirty thousand dollars. How ssauy of our young men will try itT sees Because the fly la small and does sot roar like a lion or devour its prey at a mouthful, mankind pays lit tle attention to H. Bat the fy is as deadly a foe to civilisation as nny of the peats of mors fearsome aspect, which man makes it his business to Illinois. The fly's attack is la tfHpue and therefore the more to be guarded against. Ht basses into the houses, drops ids deadly disease BPi where they will fertilise and tosses out again to pick up a fresh aurgo. Bwat him, he la your tnemy. sees Every man ie a part of hie town. The town embraces the forUmss, and in some measures at least takes on the character of the man. So loyalty to one's team la no more than loyalty to one's self; and this loyalty is in the Una of all well shaped human na ture. Therefore It is right to say that the mes who does net stand up for hie own ie in tome way dwarfed. There ie something wrong about him. His fellows will pats this judgment upon him, nod the chances are that while ha may add to the discomfort of others he will not escape making Sim, self unhappy. t t • fl That young man who thinks ho la poor baeanao ha haa no bank account ' 'littls understands the veins of God's free 0ft of health aad strength, little appreciates tbe fact that the brightest and bast of the country are self-made, and eons to the notice of the world from Just each beginnings. Not by Ml# moaning that they are poor, bat hy going carefully to work, perfecting themselves in thoir chosen pursuits and becoming so useful to those about them that their services are always in demand whether it be on the platform, la the shop or in tbs kitchen, for all are honorable alike. • • • * Do yon loro your town? Do you hare any concern foe its future? Would you like to see it grow, pros per aad extend its trade aad in fluence? If yen do, then ask your aatf these questions: "Do I help sup per! and maintain its institutions? lag to tbe up-building of the town? Do I speak a good wend for the town and Use people at every opportunity? Do I lend seel stance to its industries? Do I patronise them? Do I fully Un derstand the duties demising upon mo aa a citiaao 7" If you cannot ana* war thane questions in tbe affirmative then yon ere not only a stumbling Mock but a detriment to any com munity. sees We like to sea and hear a man who is proud of his native town. He is an Indispensable dtissn, although ha may be ea poor as a church isiwsss, his name should bo written in largo let ters at tbe entrance gate of hie town us ua honor U his memory. Wa hue* such with ua and they are worth more to the progress of our town than their weight in gold. They know every paint of interest aad of advantage for miles around; and any stranger fait, lag into their hands will noon leans everything that adds to the honor at our town end win be moat favorably ha preened. Such parsons overtook with true patriotism all shortcomings aad magnify with honest dtinenship •very advantage. Ta grumblers, med itate. m m m m Jwt a dollar on n minion Mat, makes a lot of people glad each time tho coin is spent. Yob pay it to the botcher for tho moat to giro, yon strength; ho takes it to tho grocer from whom it goes at length, some prstty lam or doth his better half to bay, or help to got her —mm hat to make her rival sigh The dry goods maa mt sa the min U pay the mark et bill, aad though the coin la often spent It stays a dollar (tin, and every tfcn* "tie spent at heme, soma act af good 1s does; la boemiag local Indus trie* it’s bound to auks thorn rra. But If yon taka A* shining cola aad break tho local ekala, tho chances are •that from afar "twill not rstarn again. H onm tt pa sees ant of town tho batcher and baker, the grocer aad the dry goads maa, tbs furniture men and carpenter, tho wagon maa aad Mack smitb, the tho swan and tbs printer, orsry asm will lorn the chaam to toud. tho cate er* the netting of the san. Just keep the little eote at homo. Jest heap it moving wall, and sverytijns it change* hands soma body's goads "twill soil. That single Httls dollar hae thas a wondrous pow er to amhe somebody happy a dozen tla»m an hoar. It pays the MU and wards off IB aad ne’er tte power to tema, to soothe the dorter, bay the ioal aad pay Is* etothes aad tanas. OUR SCRAP BASKET. This Weak as It ta Not la History. Monday, April 10—T. DeWlU Tal medge inras ta Pine ole, 1807. Tuesday, April 11—Michael Angulo paiats a life aim portrait of Andrew Carnegie, 100*. Wednesday, April It.—Emperor William forbids the Crown Prince playing with a pop gun, 1870. Thursday, April IS—Rametes II poaea for Charles Dana Gibson, 1916. Friday, April U.—Robert Fulton talks across the continent, through tha telephone, about his steamboat inven tion. 1790. Saturday, April 16. -Ivan the Ter rible, of Russia, weeps over the tomb of Napoleon, in Paris, 1800. Sunday, April 16.—8tr Joshua Rey nold assists tho Queen of Italy in the i-cm posing of “Carmen," 1799. Crippled Mother Gseee Rhymes. Little Mias Moffat, Sat on a tuff at. Bating eaansd curds and whey; But ptomaine poison spied her, And ant down boa ids bar, And of course, knowing that she was in great danger, Miea Maffet re fused to eat any more. Haase Grown DafydUk If yoo had been designing a new flag in colon, and found it would look bettor in black and white, weald you use Peoooa Ink? When a book is so bad that it given you pain, why net have revenge by putting it on the nek ? If music were taught in tha ocean, would it taka long for a salmon to iaarn tha fleh scale? Could a pair of black knitted gloves he celled grow shade? If a button was broken through tha middle, could a needle and thread make the button whole? Lmra a Little Every Day. Th« Peruviana and Bolivians make bonti of straw. Tha latest plan of ftre-figtiting du ehinery 1* a trl-cbemiea I engine. A vessel U being built on Lake Michigan, to ply between California and Alaska. Magnesia la being skipped from Skagwsy, Alaska, in large quantities, much of it for European countries. Tha oxygen inhaler has made it possible to make balloon flights above 16,000 feet. New York has 4J<00 hotels end res taurants. Washable Toys are the Safest. Childish ailment* are often difficult to account tar, mod even doctors are pussled at times. Bat in esses like this one medical maa. with children of hla own, always asks: “Where are the children's toys?" Then often the pro Meat is solved, and the csss can anally be diagnosed as on* of mild poisoning. Most toys And their way Into the children’* months, the gaudy paint is sucked off, and trouble naturally fol low*. Soma toys, wooden or tin trum pet*, for example, have tha paint ac tually on tha mouthpiece or within an inc^ *f Ikdln rubber toys nr* fa voritaa, bat they should bn uncolored, ns the paint becomes brittle, breaks **** * P**0* may be swallowed and Washable toy* an always the beat A Dalghtful Desert. I* Well worth tatting acquainted with became it will s^. a £mpeny «< HO people at a coat of .sixty cents. It requires one quart of milk, one pint ®f crease, two cups ef auger, one pound of dates, aad tha Juleee of on* lemon end one, orange. Wash aad chop date# and Mend with tha wiiw then add cream, sugar and lastly the f ndt Juices. Pack in tea and salt and fkaeso. Could anything be simpler! Woman's Ingenious Handbag Seat. With a woman's ingenuity, Kate hine V. Miaehart ef Philadelphia baa patented No. 1,140,997, a hand bag eotupsaad at two similar sectiom hinged together at one aad to form tbe bottom of tho bag and manor! wl at their edges by the flexible aides at the bag of such si sc as to permit the hug to be opened, so that on* of (to similar section* may serve as a seat, and the other as a back rest for a [perucu sluing on the seat, when tha latter is flat on the grouod or other support. Learu a Little Every Dap. Nearly, two bund rod and fifty mil lion dollar* war* spent la this country last year for good roads. In this corns try from tt te 40 per cont of the cases requiring charity are doc \o sickness. Since the American occupation of Hawaii the leper population has do crossed fifty per seat Indications are that work will be begun at once on Immborton’s new up-to-date hotel. Contract was 1st for the ersetioe ef the building last wash. Mr, J, K. *»—nan at Uai-tgh being the eontruetef. Tha prtoo te be i paid for die emotion at tha h-ita-g heating and plumbing not inclod ad, |* IWyttO. I I ^pr iCliwANT IF YOU HAVE HAD TROUBLE WITH YOUR TEET COME AMD .SLIP THEM INTO A PAIR or OUR "CoMroRT" .SHOE.S. THEY WILL TEEL So GOOD AND BE PRICED SO Lo*W THAT YOU WILL BUY THEM AND THANK US TOR TELLING YOU To COME To US TOR YOUR SHOES. ALL .SHOEJ TOR T.HE .SAME PRICE ARE NOT THE •SAME QUALITY. NO POOR SHOES, AT ANY PRICE, IN OUR STORE. YOU JUST OUGHT TO SEE OUR BEAUTIPUL HOSIERY. . PLANTERS TRADING CO. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY THE PROGRESSIVE RAILWAY OP THE SOUTH Trains Leaving Lsurinborg No, 19—8:25 A. If. Local for Hamlet, Charlotte and all in termediate point*—Through Sleeper Wilmiogton to Charlotte. Open for paaaengera at Wilmington at 10 P. M. No. 13—737 P. M. Loeal for Hamlet, Charlotte, and all la* tarmediate point*,—Connecting at Hamlet for all point* North, South and South West Pullman Parlor Oar Wil mington to . _ . ^ No. 2D—8:47 P. If. Local for WiWngton and ailTntermicHaU - point*,—Through Sleeper Charlotte to Wilmlngtoo. Passenger* may remain in Sleeper until 7 AM. No. 14—9.-07 A. M. Loeal for WflmingtQn and all intermediate' points,—Pullman Parlor Car Charlotte to Wilmington. For additional information, aa tormina, schedules, or re servation*. call on local agent or write the undersigned. J. Watson, Agent EL E. Pleasants, T. P. A. Laurldborg, N. C. Wilmington, N. C. John T. West, D. P. A. Raleigh, N. C. Ar<'rice j Engine; kerosene. so far this year, 7 cents per gallon. ml move thap kero y. Kerosene is not. engines, using kero i cents per horse power ? What horae power h o had a Titan kcroacne ' How long would It taka 1 1 . There i* only on* maaon why Ford Mini art de manded by over half lb* car !»»**« In thfc country. Thay are better earn. Tke Ford Km demonstrated ita superiority by all tV irate nf ti«*. la averv kind of uae. The damand la ymat hernia* the value it (treat. Better buy yours NOW! Run. about 1890; Touriny Gar 1440: Coupalet SG90; Tow* Ov 0640; Sedan (74(1. All prices f. o. b. Detroit On sale at Mercantile ft Machine Company Laurel Hill. N. C. ■ A Bank With The Strength Of Tempered Steel The aoundnem of tbb bank is enhanced by the eon* eer^tive policy punned by its officer* in the — of loans. It therefore becomes the safest of all places for the can of your savings, open which it pays interest si the rate of 4 par cent per urnum. This beak invites you to become on of it* rapidly growing family of patrons, sad offers yea every facility consistent with safe, sound and eg— natlie banking. SCOTLAND COUNTY SAVINGS BANK v ' * Laurinburg, North Carolina DO YOU PAY YOUR BILLS BY CHECK? And thoa have a waned of each and every aasoaat expanded together with a weaipt for the amount paid ? If not. you seed a ehacking account with thia bank. It ia the aafaat tray, the moat eon veofcnt and aetiafaetory method of trane aetiag all buainoaa payments. We will be plaaeod to have you make tlda bank yoor plane of dapoalL RaapeetfuUy, First National Bank L—Hnhaty. N. C. Money Loaned On Fume I«—1«» lonsr 1mm on i«ww>»ii Vm lands is Hoke and Scotland Counties to nap mi sible parties. Write and get my rates sad tanas before placing your loan. Ne application considered for Ians *4000. or A. T. McLEAN, Manager LUMBBRTON, N. C. FOR SALE Oae vertical or upright 6 horse power Steam En gtoe- Oae 2 hone power Gasoline Engine. We also famish wagon teams for Public Hire. W. P. EVANS TIm 12-l and 14 Waod and Coal Tard OCca