TWCWnDg. — Batter la the Emancipation a—I 'if.»•»!•*»-rf the Ouhto world tha «a» day <& all tha year, next to tba advent that to tba moat glorious aad warthy af dual remembrance. It Mags with It ^ new bapdiatlnu' of foitti la God and of perfect aaaaraaeo fa Hia love far tba cbBdran of men. Every n tiltog bad aad apceutiag loaf ramlada aa that tba Ufa which eeaquero death in aatare’i realm haa 5* Its paraDal la tha Besarreetion—that gnat central fact of Chrietianfty—la which wa have the HWBuea of opr ' apblliml toMtortha. Chriat la us heeomaa the vilallelag force which lllti ae from the darkness at aha sad death Into Ugbt and Uh onrlasting. TMa old world of sera needs mart Barter cheer. It aeada to realise that tba rises Christ aad tbo empty tomb have for tba whale rasa a grander aad higher significance than any otto er avast atom time bags* It aeada to gmap the toaperiahella truth that, whan the Son af Gad bant tba ban af death and tba grave. He revealed the way of Jttfe eternal te all who se eapt Bat aad follow haa footings Hb nanmettoa was tba Ihrlaa pledge af ear awn. aad tbd soul that reati tip aw Bat haa pfnaady risen tram tha daadaaea of ala aad- began the Ufa War ta Bad Jim* 17. * - ,;^V ^M^¥r“ ' i • •' * •' (Vtem Odum md fhon) IW what Ik u worth the Mtewtaw etory turn TV* Financial News at Imdn la printed ten*: U tit* Mter telf at tee* yaar-ac edited ew hie teak manager with to «dPd to certain dtefuiUlim* of hit telanc* preparatory to hit departure for the front. “Tea wont bo away long." told the “How do you know?” mu the re ply Tea will bo boric la quite a ehort Urn* we and lit h> the tend.” When the eOeer actually returned, with o wounded hood, aad in a abort time, ho woe panted. However, hi* weoad healed, aad be waa off again. H« win* T» Md “Good bye" ltdn “Anymore prophecies add hi *Tn will ha away longer thka tea replied the manager. *ajsd then m wUl ba rather badly wounded la tba ta«." Whan tba afiear wma wouadsd hi tba la* and came homo, ha sought tba list chance to Interview his far seeing friend at tba bank. -As you can foretoll my wounds, can’t you give ms the data ad the end ef tha war?" ba asked. Tba war will sod,” said tha auaa ter, -oa June IT next But 1 shan’t lire to wttnaaa K. 1 shall just about sea New Year's Buy, and that’s alL* ■a died oa January 2- Tba idbssr la now looking forward with axtrnor dinary interest to Jane 17—Kx. . SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES. J 8TKW ARTSVILLE TOWNSHIP . Land to ho odd for Ttm, MONDAY, THE lot DAY OP MAY, 1*1*. tha imdereigned, Sheriff of 8eetlaad Coonty, will nun to public mle the I foil owing Lota of lari, WrM upon Cor Tun duo on same: ! Naaae Aeroa Land Town Lota Yanra Tax Daa 1J chr. Doaroa 97 1918 33244 Mra. J. M. Cooper 84 1914-18 9997 • ife Patanaen M 1914-18 1499 I Jaae Belt 1 1914-18 MS* i ' ■Charlotte McBryde .1 X918 * 199 SaaSy Oapel 94 1918 1094 £•' Bah MeEachla 1 1914-16 , IMS ? Dudley McEaehin 96 1014-16 1690 RMMpa ■ '1 1016 . 1.00 Oee. OAeoa 1 1914-16 990 Tam Gtkhrlst 1 1016 496 Ma GUckrlit 1 1916 490 Ja« HaH 1 1916 497 Carolina Johnson 1 1016 697 Jte McKay 1 1916 490 Tom Leach 1 1916 0.79 Phay l9Mk l ui6 199 * Jolly Liulc 1 1914-16 1094 Cary Magtenn 1 1916 996 Rob Monroe 19 1616 997 J. W. McNeill 1-9 1916 L19 Jka Roberson 1 1914-16 891 iNfeh Rop«r 1 1918 699 Raahay Roper 1 1916 997 It R- Ramell Batata 1 1916 6.19 Harriott Simms Batata 12 1-2 1916 299 Artemas Stewart 1 1916 994 Faltoa Sturdivant 1 19X6 497r Kriam Pairly 1 1616 698 B4 White 1 1916 697 A. L. Lane 97 1-9 1914-16 1706 LAUREL HI LLTOWN8H1P B. B. Cahoon 926 1914-16 T7A1 Chan. F. GrURn 62 “ apy Elijah Hart SO " 14.72 Toot. Covington 106 1916 ’ it ns i Jim Fairly 66 1916 690 J. C. Fairisy A Wife S 1014-16 690- - Baaaaa Gillespie 9T lots yi- I eu him. , .. 76 -*mr ' •8J0'^ 9m 1pm* ioo • 101s 997 Andrew Morrison 69 1916 6.76 ' LoIUe MeNefll 6 1916 198 Ahae Newton 4 • < 1816 , 194 Elijah Pankcy 76 \ 1916 640 J. at Slone 38 1918 049 Daa WHUnaon 100 1916 792 M- A L. Allen 609 1616 7194 SPRING HILL TOWNSHIP W. C. Keyaer 1 1290 1016 4990 Spence Olbaoa 139 1916 1994 Dockery Monroe 96 1916 699 J. A. Manley 60 1018 7.14 Wm Patten on 76 1916 996 NepaU Thwna—f 91 1016 996 Murdock Morrison 200 1616 1099 • WILLIAMSON TOWNSHIP. Mra. W. T. Olhaan 1 1916 2697 Pater Cherry Briata 72 ‘ 1916 499 C-1-* lay 99 1916 699 llta. ha—to Tarty 190 1916 1191 J. N. Gibson 8 1916 1LU W. D. McLAURIN, Sheriff Scotland County. ..—. — . _ sriSfUSHM Announcements. L. M. BLUE FOR SENATE. Th* undwuigMd eitlsen* at the County of SootVod will Miinl th* Mm* of Honorable L. M Blue to rew roeeot ttua Senatorial Diitrict in tba next State Senate. He baa served with satisfaction and distinction in the House of Ksermsntativea, is fa miliar with legislative arnranilTin and w* think that h« will make as a useful and valuable Senator. March nth, 191fl. • Goo. T. Pate. Harris Gibson, A. P, Gibson, d. a Wright, W. N. Heiemie, W. P. Father, Henry F. Gibson. L. M'Pealc, R. D. Gibson, H. H. McPherson, J. A. McNeill, J. B. Mason. D. A. Pete, FOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTS TIVES. 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for the House at Representstivee flues Scotland County, subject te th* action ft th* Democratic Primary. T. G EVERETT. FOE HOUSE OF_ REPRESENTS - . k . TTVBS. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the House at Representative* SK.‘s'Sr,DS»ras4u“ 1 believe la * fust Taxation. Tax** tu Re last analysis is Just what th* law ooufiacutas at yoor property and uda* and eheuki b* joatTW« must stay th* withering hand to a judicious paint. A- D. CURRIE. FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN CON GRESS. I hereby auuauue* to tbe Demo cratic voters at Scotland County that I am a candidate for tbe Democratic nomination for the House of Repre sentative* in Cenrres* from this, tbe Seventh CoogrwsMonsl District, sub ject to the action of the Democratic Primary to be held on tbe tod day of LEX D. ROBINSON. FOR HOUSE OP REPRESENTS TTVE8. I hereby announce to tbe Demo cratic voters of the Seventh Congres sional District that I will be a candi date in the Democratic primary for member «f the House of Represent* tlvas in Congress from this district. If nominated sad elected, I will ua* •very end**vor to discharge tbe dut R* of th* oAee with fidelity to th* U. L. SPENCE. FOB BOUSE OF BBPRB8HNTA ' „ nvEs. We, the u»der*l*ned citizens «f Scotland County snd (rind* and Sdfihboru ot A. a Shaw, prsasnt his jam to tha roten of Scotland County pStSSiSOTXSirSS *r»J Assembly of North Carolina, sub ject to tha action of the Democratic Primary. He la well equipped fur tha posi tion. Ha haa filled tha office of Jua ttoa of tha Peace continuoualy’ far tweertr-aiaht yuan, and 1*. therefor*, acquainted with tha aaad of all da seas Of «u p+1«fH+ Ha hatter sa fa Just and fair taxa tion and is ottarty opposed to may law deismstin^ powers To three man fa minidisk? bS7 W*“t °*r *■* WM"' “Bqaal Biarhta to all and Spatial PHr Ussst to Nona." This fith daf of Agri^mA - w. a.%£r*T' C. C. Birmingham. ’ : I.VSSp. ■ USsr W.^UKrfikt, 8. T. Tlmrar, Allan Mof —n. B. K. Csefay, D. 8. Alderman, 1C. Mease*. Dor^Md^uchUn. Resolutions Adopted by Dividsor County Demo cratic Executive Committee Endorsing H. B. Varner For Congress, i WHEREAS, Davidson, the Wdinv county of the Seven.t. CooKteoional District, h»* not furnished a mem ber «• t.otiwre** vince the year 1872, and Whereas, Hon. Henry D. Varner, a faithful D mn cra^ has for year* used his utmost endeavor in promote the interest of his county and state, and is no* a candi date to succeed Hon. R. N. Page, and. Whereas, tha democracy of Davidaon county ia deeply interested in tha soecsse of Mr. Varner’s candidacy, with the view of placing him at Washington so be may better serve his county and district; Now. therefore. Be it Resolved by the Demi eratie County Executive Committee »f Davidson County in meet ing assembled at Lexington. N. C., that this oommfltee heartily endorses the candidacy of Mr. Varner and com mends him to the voters of the district, as one worthy and capable to serve as Congressman and who by his untiring labor and Mai will be a great assent to tha people of the district and State aa a Representative at the National Capitol Thie April 8, 1916. * Chain * Tread One of the Fine United States Tire Show All Next Week All next week we will have a special exhibit of United States 'Balanced* Tires—the tires which give such low cost per mile. This is your opportunity to make a firsthand study of United States 'Balanced' Tires, and to learn the story of United States The economy. •< ^ This is your opportunity to learn why the United States Tire Company makes five tires—'Chain.* 'Nobby,' 'Vaco,* 'Royal Cord,' 'Plain*—a tire for every need of price and use—the only complete Dae offered by any one tire manufacturer. Drop in. We can show you veal tire economy, and the way to better tire service. JOHN F. McNAIR FOR SALE _j The Lend owned by the GREEN POND BRICK CO., will be sold at PUBLIC AUCTION, to the highest Udder, at the door of the Bankof Gibson, at 11 o'clock A. M., April 15th The lot contains 515-10 seres more or less, and mast be sold. For other details, call on or see JAS. L. McNAIR 14-15 Iautrinborg, N. C. Gibson Brothers Luriibni, N. C. w. c CALDWELL , veterinarian boosted In Lurinbonr far tko tnatlM of Mo Prufooolcm. UWL Omy TIN* 1M [NEAREST NEIGHBOR? Oto PHI use of the trtsphstw •a the (ana la that tt pnt COMPANIONSHIP. It brings your frliads to you, takes ys« to theat. aa aiatter haw ter away they aay tors. CHty. *"UJ It Invites ceaiyaa toy, wedding. aad 1 «arh* dear to every Aad back of these .»that other treat 2U3INBSS., Deal hold back aay laager drop * card today to Gregg Bros. a iMMaMrfdBaa'Mttl_mm- y? ® WhI WH •# Wutmw Ehcfrie Tiumphon—

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