Local Notes. Mr. R . E. L Correll has Jolnsd tha motor club—a Bukk. Mlai Eva Covington la spending •mmUim in Baltimora. 1 Mr. A. V. Wallace visited Rocking ham relatives for the week-end. Mr. John A. McKay, of Wugram, a pent Monday morning in the city. Mr. and Mra. L. E. Benton and two children spent Sunday with Wades rnorc ralativaa. Mr. J. Max Gregg attended the Heath-Williams marriage at Bed Springs last wash. Hr. J. A. Patterson and Attorney Johnson, of Raeford, wera viaitora in Laerinburg Monday. Scotland Superior Court, for the trial of criminal actions, will convene here Monday, May 1st. Hon. L. D. Robinson, of Wadeabore, candidate far Congress from this dis trict, spent yesterday in the city. The Birth at a Nation will be ex hibited at Fayetteville Monday, Tues day and Wsdassday ol next week Mr. J. C. Morgan has moved his atoak of goods to the now store room an the comer at Mala and McKay streets. Lumbar is being placed for the handsome new home Mr. Jasper T. Gibson will soon have erected on Church street. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith, of Coagareo, 8. C., are in the city visit ing Mr. Smith's parents, Mr. and Mr*. 8. J. Smith. Mias Mildred McIntyre end Mr. Woodbsrry Lennon, of Lumbertosi, ...war* the guests at Mr. and Mrs. C. t. Jones Mad day. Mias Stella Ethradge, a student at Flora Macdonald Collage, Rod Springs spent Monday In the city the guest of Mias Annie Ferres. Mrs. R. E. L. Correll and Mrs. J. T. Fields had as their guests for the week-end. Miss Sarah Harrell end Miss Jetton, of Charlotte. Mlaa Lena McLaurin, s student at Flora Macdonald College, Rad Springs spent tbs weak-sad hare with her mother, Mrs. John D. McLaurin. Ws regret to note that our good friend and neighbor, Mr. Lonnie Ham mond, is confined to his hums with a genuine case of tbo mumps. Miss Ruth McKinnon, of the Flora Macdonald College, Rod Springs, ■pent the week-and here with her parents, Mr. and Mia. C. McKinnon. Mr. and Mra. R. N. Grubb and Mr . and Mrs. L. A. Pend sc left Tuesday morning by automobile for a cross country trip to Williaton, Elko and other South Carolina points. Mrs. Edwin Morgan, Mrs. A. M. Fairley and Mrs. D. C. McNeill wfll represent the ladies' organisations of tha Presbyterian church at the moat ing at the Presbyterlal which will be hold at Dunn April SSth. The writer la moat thankful to Mr. Brantly Maae, of LaurinbuTg, R. F. D. No. 2, for a generous Jar of fins cane syrup. Mr. Muao grew a large crap of csrne the pact year and mad* it into syrup that ia aa fins as was ever manufactured. Mra. E. Buchanan laft last Week for Teachey to attend tbs closing ex ercises of the Taaeboy school, which is taught by bar daughter, Miss Anna Meta Buchanan. Mrs. Buchanan is spending the week In Wilmington at tending the Chapman-Alexander mooting. J. E. Dorman, Inspector tn charge of the Salt Lake City dairy illvUin of the United States Bureau of Animal Industry, states that mere than 6,000 coyotes, a large number Infected with nbioB, have bean trapped, abet or poisoned la Nevada within the past six months It was learned during the campaign against the oeyoteo that they were directly responsible for stock losses aggregating mors than WOO,000, Stockmen of Nevada have raised a fund of 1100,000 to eombat the anhaala. Ulus Beeeie Reimers has confessed tost, driven by fear that she would be foroed Into white slavery, she set fire to her roans in the Pester apartments in Cleveland, O., causing the death of two persons and injury to Id. Tho girl Is under arreet on charges of am en sad manslaughter. George Han son and George Banman hava been arrested on a charge of trying to foeve the girl fate a life of shame. The state grew nearly nine million buahela of ewuet potatoes last yarn, and ths smith up towards M minions, and Now Jsrsoy and ovary whseo siso ••sm to have prod need a bumper a**»p. That's why the price tbU sea sen is way down. MU* Riley Wo*. With only a few friend* and im mediate relatives in attendance, Mr. 11 ugh Edwin Whittod, eon at Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Whittod, sad MUe Roxie Mae Riley, daughter of Mrs. John Jefferson Riley, two of the city’s most popular young people were married Monday morning at id:M o'clock in' the home of Mrs. T. H. Lawrence, SIS Watt* street, a sister of the bride. The ceremony, performed by Rev. H. M. North, pastor of the Memorial Methodist church, sms simple but im pressive. There were no attendant* plana far the marriage having been kept practically a secret from every oae save intimate fricade and reU tivaa. Miss Riley eras dressed tn a pretty blue traveling suit and wore a cas cade bouquet at bride’s roses and Ullson of the valley. Her champagne shoe* sod blue hat, with gloves to match, formed an unusually attract ive combination. Following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Whittod, amid stormy congratu lations, left for the Union station where they boarded the Seaboard for Norfolk to make their home there dobing the summer. Mrs. Whittod has for many years bean looked upon aa one of Durham’s prettiest and moat attractive young ladies. She ta the daughter of the Into John Jefferson Riley, who for years prior to his death was a lend ing tobeeoo man of the eity. Mrs. Whittod graduated from the Dur ham highaehoeL Mr. Whittod is oae of the etty*s moat popular young man. He was for many year* a leader in Durham high school athletics, and has for ths past thras years played league baseball, being a brother to George Whittod, tha outfielder of the Philadelphia Na tional league team. He is at tha praaant time a member of the Norfolk team at tho Virginia laagae and will play there this summer.—Durham Herald. Search tha Scriptsree. 8ome years age an old man la Now Jersey found 16,0*0 scattered is bills of large denomination through the family Bible. In 1874 this man’s aunt died and a paragraph of bar will rami aa follows: “To my belovsd nephew I will and bequeath my family Bibla and all it contains, with the residue of my aetata after my funeral expanses aad Just and lawful debts are paid.” Tha aetata amounted to only a few hundred dollars, which was soon spent, and her nephew, neglect iag to read tha Bibk, didmot And tha trpasure put there far hi*. He lived in poverty all that Urns, and it waa while packiag up his things to remove to his son’s home for the remainder of his days that he discovered the money. How many people mbs the precious treasures that are placed in the Bible for them by a failure to read Its paces) How many rejoice in having found Christ in tho blessed Book worth mors than all the money of all the banka, the pearl of great price worth mors than all the costly Jewels of the earth! Christ thus bids ua all to secure this wealth: “Search the 8cr1ptor*e; for in theta ye think re here eternal Ufa, and they are they which testify of see.”—The Christian Herald. DON’T LEAVE LAUBINBUBG. No Need to Beak Afar—Urn Eri to at Year Doar. No Mad to leave Laurinburg to hunt op proof, becaaoe yon hero It bore at home. The straightforward statement of a Laurinburg resident like that glean below, bakra an inter ad for every man, woman or child bore fat Laurinburg. J. H. Sanford, broker. Main street, Laurinbugr, rays: "I have found Doan’s Kidney Pills line for kidney disorder and t always say a good word far them. Whan my kidneys cause me any trouble, a few doaea of Dean's Kidney Pills relieve me.” Woe BOe, at all dealer* Don’t simply aak for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Sanford had. Foster-Mllburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y—Adv. North Carolina sew has 22£71 au tomobiles, of which number 1,100 were added to the taxable wealth of the state the last month. The investment '• tmehlnes has grown remarkably and ao month has wan such a spurt as the last. Guilford loads the state sow with shout 1,400. Mr. C. C. MoiUagaworth of Mag nolia was carried to Goldtboro, to the hospital Saturday far treatment and it ia said, he It not expected to lir* Mr. Bollintwworth and kle wtfe have hesa separated several months and his Mends say that ha has worried him. self sick and at times they warn afraid that ha would loaa his mind. Fred D. Hatchteoa. who was injurad whan bo bet control of Mo atotorey eU an tha Capa Fear race track. Fay. attoville, Tuesday, died hi Highamith’a hospital Thursday. His body waa taken to Graham for iatermewt. ABIE TO LAUGH AGAIN AT ANTIC CHABUE CHAPLIN Dyed-in-the-wool Movla Pan ToOa of Hi* Now Gained Poach. B. A. Davli U again able to hutgh at Charlie Chaplin. Mr. Davie la Durham's loading movie fan and la tha popular man ager of that city's loading motion pic ture theater. For many months the comic, Thes pian and diverse offering* of Chariia Chaplin and olhsrs of the Aim head liners failed to move the delight at Mr. Davie though ha saw their work many times daily. TU not ao now for Mr. Davis says: "Tanlac has given me a new punch. "Three bottles of Tanlac have ac complished for me what other medi cine* failed to dn. I am no longer1 ■object to improper digestion, nerv-1 oosneas, poor appetite and sleep I am nee*. Then too, Tanlae has helped mo gala weight. “1 tell about Teniae’s good work for the sew punch it has given me." Bloc's Drag Store sells Tanlac ex clusively in Laortnburg, and the W. Z. Gibson Drag Co. In Gibson.—Adv. EVER SALIVATED BT CALOMEL? HOEBJBLEt Calomel to Quicksilver and Acta Lika DyaamHe aa Yaar Urw. Calomel loaaa you a day! Ton know what eatomal ia. lt’» mercury; quick - silver. Calomel U dangerous. It craihoa into soar bile like dynamite, cramping and iiekentng you. Calomel attacks the bone* and should never be pat into your system. When you feel bilious, sluggish, constipated and all knocked out and believe you need a done of danger ous eatomal Just remember that your druggist sells for 60 cants a largo bot tle «d Dodson’s Liver Tone, which to entirely vegetable and pleasant to take and ia a perfect substitute for calomol. It is guaranteed to start your llvsr without stirring yon up In side, sad can not salivate. Don’t take calomel! It makes you sick the next day; ta loaas you a day's work. Dodson’s Liver Tone straight ens you right op and you fad gnat. Give it to the children because it to Perfectly harmless and doesn’t grips. —Adv. BUSINESS LOCALS DE3UUBLE HOUSE ud lot m Church street for sale toan-to*. ton Jsmee or W. S. Dumber. S-tf 808 SALE—Bottling plant in goad condition. Will sell at a bargain for cash or exchange for late modal Pord automobile !n goa l condition. J. P. Wiggins at Exchange oBfce. . Good lot of shoots weighing from 60 to SO pound* for sale. Sea H. W. Mel*»nria. 7-tf CANTALOUPE CRATES—I weak cantaloupe shippers to rammbar that I am manufacturing tha best enntaleupa crate that has aver been put as this market, and too, I want to say that you can got tham at tha right price. Don’t place your or ders until you have seen H. W. Mo La urin or Everett Covington. 7-tf THREE nice young milk oow* wtth for aula. A. Ljh. BARGAINS In 8eeond Hud Automo bile*. Oibaon Brothers, Laarbw •boiT, N. C._ 18-15 BARGAINS In Second Hud Attini btla*. Gibson Broth arm, Laurin n. c.it-ig BARGAINS In Sseond Hud Attuaa Mss. Gibson Brothers, Laurin bunt, N. C.•im Tom another Up on old bouse. Veto Isr A. D. Cams and aba win go. AGENTS WANTED to sell Laka Breaae Motor Fan. J. E Harrison. Brudrrflla. Va._ lt-lbyd Sweat potato plants. Nancy Hall and Porto Kiea Yam*. (I SO Thonaand ready for ahlpmamt about April 15tK.CS. Durling, gtarica, Fla. "i " «■' ■ Sareul idea ahoate for sale. Bee or call J.'T. Lytch. 16-1* WANTED—First class barber, (Und reference to D. 11. Lost, Laurel I am arranging to meat at aaah pro cinet in the county and expiate my WMkaring Hud” and anew yoa tern to “Turn The Tap on OM Boasa." I Invite my oppoaaata ta meet ms and a jahilee will be on. Vote for A. D. Ourria. Tbs Soprano Court baa gmatod a now trial to Jdolvin Roma, convicted in New Hanover Superior Court of A*»t degree murder In tba killing of D. L. T. Capps and sentenced to death. Horae's attorney* based tbshr appeal sa an exception to the ralNng In of an export on insanity bp Mgs Rouatma, of Us own motion; sad the fact that ha too warmly iismailsd ta the Jary the testimony of the as V./i v t ; 1 •..‘V SHOES • 1 . * * ■ ,t - * »; • V'* - * . • * FOR MEN THE EDWIN CLAPP Are now on Exhibition at Evan's White Front \; • up ■ . ] j;.'?-: . ..' I ~ Also the Famous JULIA MARLOWE , FOR LADIES Call at once before the sizes are all gone. GEM THEATRE Thursday, April 13. Number 28 Diautad from the Om Bad Dnuu^Hia MotWa One Uni Comedy—"Bungles Enforces the Law.” Friday, April 14. Three Beet Drama—ToDtcneas One Boel CoJuS^L"Hufhey Urn Process 8tmr? Ons Red Charlie Chaplin— •Tnnghfsf Gas.” Saturday, April 13. April 17. 5j£"«5Ba OmiRtd Rallread Picture— . <lm Switchman's Story." the Widow.” Ons Bod Nows Picture—SeUg— Number 17/ St April 19. Paramount—Lanky _*W of PsrkaasS" riisi lotU Walker. OUbert Newell, 17 yean old. em ployed aa clerk by the North Caro lina Public Service Corporation, own are of the street ear eyetem et Greens boro, wee attacked by a burglar Sun day aaeenlng shortly after I o'clock, forced Int* the company'* vault, look ed in, end HU tak cash ateloa. New eX, when dlaeovered Monday morning et S o’clock wet In a "«ml-rooectou» condition from suffocation while hie face was braised. Governor Craig Saturday pardoned John T. Doreett, blocked, at Dnr bam eounty. who has served three meaths of a sentence of six. The reeeose are that the prisoner did net appear to have gone late the beetneas of making whiskey bat wan Induced b aorce friends to make it. He had •how* a good the Tartar otherwise, fudge Oliver H. Allen Timtamaudal the pardon. Stove Safety Th« Florence Oil Cook Stows sis safe, ro UsUs, simple, convenient, economical, fesat fa easily regulated by a little lever. No wicks fa trim; no valves to leak. A rises “ball's eye** always shows yoo amount of oil in tank. No other stoves approach Florae OH Stows in reliability and economy'—in the intensity of boat, in work done fay a given quantity of ofl—in their low coot of 1-2 cent an hour per burner. AD Florence Stows and Ovens are Mfa guaranteed. J. D.Sanford&Son “The Quality Hardware Shop.” TRADE AT HOME. A bale of cotton covered with pine otnw hoggin* waa amikcted at Kea i«e a faw dajra ago and Uie Frwioirer raoalla that it waa the firot pine atraw bagging taa* mi Utat market aiaea 1IB-IO, when Uta ii|M waa oti agaiaat the joca begging truat Along •boot that time a pine atraw bogging factory waa cetaMWwd at WUmtag ton. bat (U proteat waa not a ted after tba^aanteat with the ja* bagging a • y

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