Patrick O. SalUran died at kia bam near bm Wia.. «t the age ad 100 yarns. Ha *u ban bi lie land wad cam te tha United sum f. «i yarn ago. Ho waa Ul bit ono •lay to kit life and that «t> tko last. Denial If liar, of Mann Crock, PlH to any a wagon which was built ta MU hy Saaeeal Earner, a taiaoaa '■.< wagon bnlhtor. Tha data af tlw n hiato’a make is stamped aa aa ban pltoo. a custom that wu enum in Thaadaaa Bsawti j, of Balia ad. VL, has applied tor a divorce tom Ms wifs, who. ha riatom, has a habit af gotog ta bed with aa at aider bat pUIaw. liaHtr asserts ha to atoaid to Bra with hto wife and that aha to ta tolar* biy terer* with Wa. W* '•ethtag hi a barbed • wine fence through whisk he had at teaghf to crawl. Henry HUkaeahai : ear. agad 04 years, a proadaaat farae ^ *r af near Myacatown. Pa., wan am Hto body waa found by a fern eaar Wahls of. O.. has offered . ; tha Ualtad States 20 head af haesa* ft tor tha aaa of tha'army ia Mexico. & lb offer baa bean declined, aa the *■ War department to net randy to eall a* toa* ef charge. Oaadbtotc* far padtleaa aa toach W» to tha pMc school* at PottaviHe, Pa^ muto ha eeither -fat- nor “tom r to raltaga of tha School It was said fat tea theta i to citato the steep the taesy teacher* would ach attention to their per kQEl v ^ Dr. Otto Bryalag, of Chicago, hae aaeaaodad ta growing half aa lach of healthy tosh an George MaeraTa right thaaah after its amputation at the lengthened the stamp of thumb My otiwalatiag tko granulations which tom now data in a wound and by making moat of the top of akin that waa toft. ' jy TV* flnt M«!• *old im MitWiMiui vm tar vWton who CUM here to Mt«d court amt an automobile lead of oAoera. Mo previ «W nvrengaiaeaU or atinounvwinrnU had boon made far tha ram. and can taquanvly hat a fow people know of what a pretty race waa being pul led off right bar* oa Main street. It happen art hi thla wise: Tha Grangers who ware in martin am to go la ihatr haanoa la a neighboring county, evidently planned to make their exit front the bast town on tha map in near-western style and ac cordingly pm need ad Tha first pert at the program worked admirably, aad bad not their Machine played them a trick, they would ha all prob ability have voce aad ad in their * Janus at ant. They began thete Journey in front of tha coart boaaa. and driving to tha feot of Mata street at On monument, aatanaiMy ta get a good raaning atari, they want out Made street doing the Wild aad Weely Wart rniaaa Oh •wptay. OOaara Brown aad Prank Smith, •ho •too an tha tearl boaaa lawn, witnessed the pruaadtngt and iatar pnUag tha htiatioa of tha flying four, m*anted Brawn's car aad gave •have. Before ranching the town limits, the car batw driven by the strangers choked down and proved their undoing. They warn as inatail and brought back to tha esurt boose, where they “ranged bead for a rot arm engage ment, which engagement, with proper explanations, permitted them to go free open payment of the coats in tha Their arrest waa not accomplished ia a perfectly easy manner, aa testi fied the south aad of tha treason of *t the fear. 11a attempted to ding to tha shaking car aad tha sf flawa had to separata him from a por tion of said garment before ha was convinced that ha really must coma baak to the city ha ao ruthlessly left a few momenta before. •Hint of Big — " Tb# "Home of Big Values". which “ *<= wry Mr. Joseph Epstein deeig him department atom. is offer lag to tbo buying public a lot of spec ial bargain, in Spring geode, and uw n gag* of advertising in the Exchange to toD jroa about th* big value he ia offering. You win find Ua ad on page two. ‘ Spooking of pike ia ona that ahonld hare boon rtmightaaod and clayed. Became M • «aod road on the Scotland ride of Drowning crook, bnainem from tho Pike eeetkm ia going to Wagiam. —Hoke County Journal. Hairy TtUf, tho moat —j*. Juradaf all the victim, of the footbaP •BMW wreck at tetWmry last No »"•«. arrlrad at Omriotte from WaaMngluu Saturday, ho haring gone there for a teal nperatiaa on his teas and leg by a noted -g Jmial Mr. T«*>J «*• frightfully injured about tha bead, bio ears being cut off, and hie jaw crumbed. Tha aan Were put baak on at SaBabory lanatiniiJi Tha qtetollat fat Washington put tha Jaw. totetbar with eerewa aad wires. Mr. Tally can talk, aad can saw eat. His >1** lag had to be amputated above the knee. Tkto was Ms return trip hoam after leaving Charlotte that Hl W>tod night ia Movaatbar for Blah Ida Wtf% dM MU Tmy*Urm» LINIMENT FXR12 INSUHAM E jam Ik wcnair. aim. T. a ULNTKK. Maiwcw. Ml bn# brflt eompeoln. Tour burl mm Win bm appceriaUd and sar«folly handled. " fj. Insurance LIM. Fire. Health, Acci dent, end In. feet eny- ' thing Mut In* u rente in ■otee. See u*. Lauriibor; Agency Co. W. & DUNBAR, 8ec.-8r«M. 1 PUBLICATION OF SUMM09CB State of North Carolina, . Scotland County/^ la the Superior Court—Before the Clerk. I*w, Vender Ivey, Mae Ivey, Lee Guthrie Armstrong, faugh Feir ly, John W. McArthur: jfMeAiu Aur, Frsah McArthur, James Fair far and Alax Fairly: Tea aad each at yea will taka m ttee that an action entitled as above baa been commeuead la the Superior Cow* of Scotland Coonty, North a’SEfesyrniSti described la deed from Alex McRae *® DavM Fairly, recorded in tho cOea of the Bsibater of Dooda at Richmond Omntytahook $. Q. at page 472; and amid defendant* will further taka no tice .Oat they and each of them are required ta appear before the Clerk of the Sunenor Court of Scotland Coemty at hi* office in laurinburg, N. to the complaint in aeid action, or Ufa plain tiff will apply to the Court for thoreliaf demanded in tho complaint. This 3rd day of April. 1910. c. D. McCormick, Clerk Superior Court. 14-17 °«penor COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF HOUSE AND LOT. s Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Scotland Coun ty, nude in the cause therein in whftsh w, -,T. tea and W. E. ax parte, the Rawer, appolated hy eeid decree for a.cmdS.TBBeiaiis tho let day of May, ncoa. the following parcel or lot of lead, being that aad lot in the town of LauiluUng, on MeLanrin Avenue which was the reel denoe of tho late Mrs. Lola M. Clay wit: Beginning at a point ia the BgSgsggEfflg intersection of Crooly street with Mo-. Laurin Avenue, aad ream thenaa Northwaidly with the Beaten line of JfeLamria Avenue sixty-six feet; thmoe BaatwanUy parallel with CWo ta Streets*!# hundred and forty-three fret to Walnut Alley; theaesSogtB werdly with tho western Hn* of Wal wd Alley sixty-six feet; theses Waet wanHy permit*! with Cronly Street SK *****- *• intact ?* M*y let. ISIS, at IS oeloek, Noon. 14-17 _ ' 11' Prince Albert will show yon the real road to smoke-joy! content where it never existed before I It per mite men to smoke mil they -want without gettky a sore tongue, witlwut opy comeback but real tobacco enjoyment 1 Tlie patented process by which Prkxe Albert is made (and controlled exclusively by us) fixes that—aad cuts out bite and parch I Nonce Albert the national jay smoAc cornea right to your taste £air and square I And it win do for you what it has done for thousands of meo—make pipe or cigarette smoking the cbeerfol eetof your pleasures 1 \ What wo ten you about Prince Albert is a But that win prove out to ycxtr satisfaction just as quickly C3 you lay in a stock and fire-up! /" » nsawuiioMccsco.,ahw4a HUSBAND RESCUED DESPAIRING WIFE FOR SALE Two Story Dwelling on Church street $3,750. One story, I Boost Dwell ing on Middleton Heights $1,675. One Bstldfaig Loft 190 by 909 on Coring ton street $1,100. The shore property most bo sold, sad to going to be sold cheep. 1 If yon ere interested see, LAUBDYBURG AGENCY COMPANY less nines and Reel Estate HDfTOM JAMBS. Pres. W. 8. DUNBAR. See. ATm». *■’ ’' If c ** i, */ > 4 • How to Save Money Buy your high grade flour, the cream of tbe mills, here and ■ save money through our low price for quality. Buy your salt and smoked meats here. They are cured by tbe lateet scientific methods, and therefore are firm and en tirely without waste. No advance in price-and another saving. Boy your beans, perns, rice, etc. hers. They are carefully Gulled and free from imperfections, of tbe most famous va rieties, and retailing at very low prime. Buy tea. coffee, sugar and apices here. They, too, are extra quality articles sold at popular prices, thereby saving you something on every purchase. Buy your eaaned and bottled goods here. They are put up from the choicest of fruits, are absolutely the beat obtain able, go farther than ordinary fruits, and 'hence again you save. Buy your candies and nuts here. They are strictly fresh, delicious and modest in price. Nothing superior on the market, and great for entertaining. Wa are emphasising the merit of but a few of our leaders, but as a matter of fact oar entire stock is on exactly the same basis-the highest grades of good* at the lowest pre vailing prieea. Aad every housewife knows that "quality” goods last longer than Inferior ones. McLaurin & Shaw ’Phone No. 43 Laurinburg, North Carolina DR. N. B. CANNADY PHYSICIAN AKD SVROEON Loon tod in Laurinbarg for tha Praotleo of hia Prof ration. OfVo. Krartogtoo'a Drug Storo QAoo 'Phono 0-J. Boaidonoo 'Phono ISA 11-14 m '' ■

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