TAB HEEL TOPICS. *>f< CtoartL Dr. Albert Anderson, superintend, •at of the State Hospital for the In amw, Raleigh, has written the board of directors of ths Institution statin* ihst ha hapsa for a thorough Urraatf gatlaa of the hospital and all Its af. fain. It was announced Saturday. Dr. Andaman niged that the public be la. formed of crery phase of the taveati rstion. Deputy Sheriff Charlie Hefner has tetamed from New Jersey to New. tea with John Pale, colored, who la charred with having stolen four balsa of cotton from the Long island Cot ton Mills, and re-eelling it to the mills. On his person was found 92S of the 2400 he is'sold to bars taken uff with him; a 132 watch, aad throe suit casco of glad rags ha purchased while en tour of tho northern cities. Rufllo Midgette, colored, of New Boa, was git eh a preliminary hear ing before Mayor A. il. Bangert Thursday morning on a charge of having assaulted Clifford Tarls, the young son of Chief of Police C. Lup ton, with a horse whip. Probable cause was found and the defendant bound over to Superior Court fender a bond of (SO*. Mayor 0. B Eaton, of Wlnatoo-Sa lam, lata Thursday afternoon signed an order Hoeing tha charehoo and sehook of Winston-Salem for a period ; of IX days, the order te uIm effect Friday morning. The order was is sued as a matter of precaution as aa epidemic of scarlet favor is threet •ned. several cases having been ro Port*d within the post few days. Tim board of directors of the State Hospital at Raleigh will meet May 11 • formed hearing at tha charges brought against tha management of, fhs institution by Charles B. Latta of Raleigh, lata an inmate of the Hos pital. Latta charges that the in mates arc poorly fed, poorly clothed and are made to work border than ccnvtcta In the State’s prison. Ha alao charges ansanitary conditions at the hospital, all of which is dented by Supt Anderson of tha Hospital. The plant of the Piedmont Baggy Company and the Cotton States We ton Company of Monroe whs sold at a action by the receiver, Mr. F. G. B endorsee. It was bought by Mr. 'Horace Nani for tha sum of 12,176. Davo TonJy ef Sandy Plains, Sath ssfford eoaaty, was accidentally shot “i kflted recently. Ho had bomi tearriad about two weeks and, with bis wife, was in s wagon starting from bis wife’s home to his own home. la arranging the cushion on tha seat of the wagon tha pistol slip ped from his pocket and area die producing ib&oit initmt death. In tha actios te debar James H Johnaon at Cumberland county from practicing law, which was before the Sopcame Court on appeal by the State and the. selidtor from a judgment of tha lower court dismissing tha actio*, the Supreme Court reversed the Lower «ourL Johnson was aentenoed to tha rood* te the illegal sale at wine. Mian Lett tie Johnston, daughter of Gen. and Mm. Robert D. Johnston, (Marietta, sails te Leaden April IX, whom te will many Lieut. Benson Walker, of the English army. Lieu tenant Walker's mother is anrnm ponying Mies Johnston and Ueutan aat Walker is to moat them in Cana da In the recorder’s court at Wlhxiag toa Saturday Mrs. Omxn Leper was fiawl $U and costs tar giving laeor roct information that Aa ago of Min ni* Littleton, of Wilmington, was 18 yean in ordar that Mist Littleton could procure license to he married to Mr. Haary Mahon, a ypung area of that city. Notice of appeal was given by the J. A.- Edwards, an undertaker of ' Snow Hill, has received by panel poet a eodhn seat from Burlington. The ■ coAn was for aa infant and the (Up ping evp—e* was Jaet 80 coats. It ie (aid that express chargee on the package would have been at least three these as Beach. Charlie Penlamd, a young man od Aehevitle, was found guilty Sattwday in Federal esurt at Orweervillo, & C, of vlolattag the Mann White Save act, aad was sentenced to two yean in the Federal prteen at Atlanta. Pen land transported a gW from AehevUle to Orwewvftle and rogfetered at a loeal hotel as man and wife. That the National Dye and Muni tka* Company of New York aad Washington ha* aegstrad several ha*, dred eerae af lead near Saaferd. op en which to me* a aaaMeaa pleat at a seat cf probably (lOjBM^oa, to tbc Inform*** given by R. P. Oib aoa, a repatdllr balUlag eeatracter U Rocky Meaat, who eaya be has • base awarded contracts for west at the boOdtoga. Mtoa Margaerfts Fries, daaghter aad oaly AIM eg Nr. aad Mr*. Henry ft Fries, eg Wtoafcm, died at «tS» Friday eeentag after a few day** ft asaa wNh nerlto lever. Mtoa Film h« n»*| "g. _J m wkiu gtri of tha Happy Valley section, of Catawba eounty, la a At of jmleuay and deepon- ' daney, took a single-barrel shotgun Sunday aftarnooa of last week, ioai ttea between 4 tad 8 o’doek. aad| blow bar braiaa oat. Unraquitod lore is assigned aa tha cause of tha trag edy, which threw tha tranquil, mb batieal Happy Valtay aaetlon late a etage of unprecedented ' excitement. That morning Kama went to walk with a young man, bat it aaama that they quarreled aad in tha afternoon ha paid his rospheta to another yqung lady. Tha young lady waa only IT yean old and wat t daughter of Mr. and Mm. Finley Sanders of Furgeaon, -Wilkes county. Chief of Police J. S. Brarwall of Hamlet had the left aids of his face* from above hia ays to hia chin split oj**n in an encounter with an escaped , convict from South Carolina, named | Bon McNeill Wednesday night of laat ■ weak. McNeill used a raaor. After cutting tha chief McNeil] attempted to escape bat was shot by Draawvll. bat tha bullet struck tha negro in the , head, and the ball glaaeed off. Chief Brsavntll’a wound while very painful, * and which will bo a long time healing, is not serious, but tha chief writ] carry , the scar to hia grave. In municipal court ut Graunaboro' Wednesday at lust week, Gilbert New oil made a full confession to the larc eny of *537.45 froea tha North Cero Uaa Public Service Company, and was senteneed by Judge Brown to be pa tolled in the custody of the probation °®car of tha (hurt for a parted of two years, and to appear before tha court tha first Monday In each month with tha probatioa officer during that pe riod. and show his good conduct. Wal ter Bradley, a co-defendant, did not go on the witness stand bat was ha id for superior court under bond iu tha sum at *1,000. H. F. Carson, charged with eonduct- ' teg a lottery, was found guilty iu Buncombe Superior Court Wednesday morning and sentenced to pay a fine at *1,000 and costs. Carson, it ia stated, claimed to represent a Knox 1 villa, Tcmu, company and distributed goode by forming dube, to pay so' mneh a weak and hold a drawing ev ery week, the winner to he given an article selected. It Is claimed that tha ctnba involved about M0 people ia j Asheville, and that after a certain nnmber had bean winners, the col lectors quit coming for the money and 1 many at tha Investors got nothing bat ! experience for their cash. Denial Wiggins, who lives near Grainger, ftOad a tree on his place recently and discovered that a mother i fax and family had bean deprived of their bora* la the midst at the roots, i Tbs old fax was killed; Wiggins car- I ried the infants to his home and d«- | livered them to a eat who had Just lost her little ones by drowning. Tha i mourning cat accepted tha substitute babtoe with seemingly perfect satte-1 faction. J. C. lfieeuhalmor, tha young nan who «offered the lorn of Us right head inet month while working with some dynamite, died Friday night at aa Asheville hospital, death being due to tetanus, or lockjaw. Mr. —*mh, or, who waa yard conductor for tha Southern at Asheville, was handling some dynamite whan a part of It ex. ploded, tearing off hie right hand. Lockjaw developed and ha died. Dr. George A. Carr. weU-luurwn surgeon-den tilt of Durham, Is plaint.' iff la aa action agaiaat his wife, Mr*. Bettie Hunt Carr, In legal proceed Inga for absolute dirocoa. The sum B«ma waa iasaad laat weak from tha °®ce of the deck of anperior oowt of Dmrhem ooueity. The diverse suit tomes as a sequel to tha «t»,(W0 altox atfam at* instituted by Mra. VUgWa Kendal] of Richmond, agaiaat Mra. Carr. The North Carolina Orphan Asao etation Thursday aftocneon adopted resolution* providing that a ■ pedal committee be appointed for inveattga tiom aa to the operation at tha ‘'Moth era’ Pension" aystea aa operated in a number of statee and the adviMbOtty of urging the North Carolina I.egts latuxe to adopt sue* a system. The committee appointed to investigate «o«etate of Archibald Johnson. J. R. Young end M. L. Shipman. Hbw tong can a chiehen Hvo with out food and water T A hen belong ing to Mr. D. F. Jenkins, of Btateo vUle, disappeerod more than a month ago. It waa supposed that aha had either wandered away or had been stolen. When a boa in the woodbouee was moved she was found eMvn. She had gene into the box hi search of a auat aad trapped herself. She is be lag given special oare and will ap parently soon regain bar strength. °<*mtlag from the day aha w»- t-e' seen la too yard she had ha i i We will Sell These 35 Piece Guaranteed Quality Brand Ahuninu FOR ONLY 4’i2 For the COM Only One Set To Each Customer Ton Can Not Pay Cash H! No Telephoto or Mail Orders For These Sets Will Be Filled The only condition under which you can obtain one of tbwe Aluminum Sets at this UNHEARD OF PRICE in to buy it on these terms Pny 99c cash when the sat ia delivered and SOc weekly for eight week* unfit the $4.99 ia Why we Make This Sensational Low Price and our Reason for not Accepting Cash ,_Durta* the asst several month* ws will keys on ssls VALUES ia household goods THAT WILL AST0M8H YOU. bsrgeins which will aeks you a regular patron of tkia stor*. V. a willingly sacrifice the loea that we sustain on tbasa eats of Aluminum Ware: tk* opportunity of baving yea «sH at ear store a*eb Week far right iraaks. (raquiradto malts Aluminum Sat payment*; la well worth nil that wa loan on tba Aluminum Wars. " mssiumwan. This advertisement will of oourae, attract hundred* of f eopls. wbo probably bava not trarlad bars before—if it *— ducee you to vi*L our store and know ua batter, wa shall feel wall repaid. Tbia to tba public, may seam like »—•irrd ad *' prf~-^rr a unusual •** conaiata of tbe following place* of Quality Brand Aluminum War*, (each place guaranteed to wear far man 222S3 fSJTi*** quert »•••>'■+*# bread pane, two pi* plat**, on* Jelly ceke pan (2 piece*), on* three quart covered Berlin sauce pan (2 piece*), on* on* quart lipped sauce pan, on* two quwt lip pad sauce pan. bon castor ant. eon* stating of a salt shaker, pepper shaker, tooth pick bolder, and castor (four pieces), one coffee dr tea strainer, on* cake turner. ■‘•••wring cup, one auger maker, on* combination funnel (sis pieces), one ten piece combination outfit, (this sat von / n<tUC* *I‘“,t*»**d *bove in tba canter picture.) It consists often nice**, which combined permit* of its use as a steamer. Isa* illustration), a self-basting roaster (saa illustration), or as a double boiler, cereal cooker, pot roaster, egg poacher, an*, this 35 piece eel0* P**' “*iry p*n* roun<l P«n- been baker, etc.— tkia really ia a wonderful utensil and ia included in We Will Sell only One Set to Each Customer M. A. McDOUGALD LAURINBURG, N. C. PILLING YOUR DRUG STORE WANTS Yon know without no tolling yon what kind of good* a first-clon drag steam carries. When you want Perfsmes, . Toilet Articles, Infant’s Requisites, Sick Room Goods, Modldnea, Etc., come to this store an! bo assured of getting the beat. Thelephone IS.. BLUE’S DRUG STORE THE HAMLET HOSPITAL tm *.ikJiVM,M«Maaavn Haskt, N. C. A thonwffcly equipped intffortion for the adeatMc tratant of X-Ray, Medical and Surgi cal Caoeel Trained Him forahlul. Special attention given to the Bargtaal Condition of tho Bor. Note and Ttaoat A POOR BANK W. A- (lcfland, of Maatoa, CaL, after •oiling his place to a.power company, \ placed $320 in $20 gold pteceo in a pda (a Mb for safe keeping. Forgetting about ihe money, he sold some potatoea. Later a aeaioh for the cote proved un successful. Clelland BOW thinks haafal are a safer propositi** than potato Man. A SAFE, CONSERVATIVE BANK IB The State Bank Patronize Oar Job Department* #

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