if i * % .4 *• **•*!. 41 * • r"l • * ” VOLUME XXXIV—NUMBER -16. • x ' ‘ r ■ I ' - ■— .1 'UI ■ mi ■ _ REPUBLICANS TO NOMINATE TICKET FOR COUNTY OFFICES F*r Um Find Tim* In tfc* History *f Bootlaai C*wtr tfc* RayuMkaa Pmtj Win NohImU ud V*to f*r Cowly Hm-Oritm* Not • For the lot time in the history of Scotland county the Republican party will put oat a ticket for tha county This was determined upon Saturday afternoon at the county convention held here at the court house, and which was attended by live Republi cans and one curious Democrat. Candidate for all the county oOeas except Trial Justice and Proeecutiag Attorney In the Trial Justice’s Court will be nominated. Just who these candidates will be la not yet known, but will bo announced, so we are in formed by sue of the leading Repub licans in the county, in due time Tha Republican party la Scetland county Is noted for its weakness, as concerns their number, and while there will ha a fight on between the two parties, which la as—fifing new and novel in Scotland, there la no doubt or questioning what the ost eoma will be. 80s* of the best men in the county are to be found in the ranks of the Republican party, but their number ie decidedly small and there is not the faintest hope, even in their own camp, of winning anything. If it ia only a question of "hoidnig Scotland and saving tho State**, tha trick is now tamed end the safety of the State is assured Since the above was written a ticket hea been proposed and may be the ticket that will ba put out. It ia at follow*: For the Gene re! Assembly—Wil liam T. Wright. For 8horiff—Andrew K. Jackson. For Register of ■ Deeds—Jamea A. • Woodard, Jr. For Clerk of Superior Court—Lacy McLean. For County Commissioners: Daniel A. Patterson, Archid S. McNeil] and C. C. Snaad. For County Surveyor—Jamea P. McLean. a. u. iv riuiM Mur Police Asked to Look Oat foe Wild AotowohiHcto—Bon Over Man. Early Monday night Chief of Po lice Hubbard received a telephone Massage from Hoffman to bo on tha look oat far throe wild sutomobtiiata traveling in a Ford ear beaded to ward Leoriotrarg without lights or vary much regard for anything and » * anyooay. It appeara that these parties had raakiaaaly rushed through tha little city of Hoffman, and in doing se had run down the express agent, and aa cordiag to the first report received, K waa thought hod about killed him. Officers ware amt out to moat tha reckless riders, but did not sareasd in hading any trace of them. A second communication with tho Hoffman authorities revealed tha fact that tha express agent waa not totally hurt and it was act definitely known whether tho antomobiU came tha La* rtaharg direction or took asms other rants. / A thorough searchV of the roods leading from Hoffman hero revealed no trace of Mm note party. Sunday Fire. Tha in dopaitnent received • call Suadap naming at 11:00 o'clock to go to Un boon of Mr. M L. John oa Sooth Main atraot to axtingaiah a Uaao that had atartad on Mm roof froaa a spark Mr. John, who has a most complato frra fighting equipment, of his owm, had gotten hasp ami had tha flamea pretty trail under control bp tha tiasa tha firs oompany arrived Tha damagu waa bat a alight one and waa faJtp covered by insunuto*. -- t Wby does tha bank have big iron ban acton tha windows, ask ait a Ht tla bap af Ms fother. -Hush.” was the la so tha eathiar will ‘Charity- mU Unolo Ebon. “wU Mnr a andtltado af sins and pit naat of ■■ daaa soon tar bab aiato ato . . I o DEATH OF MR. J. R. BRITT. Another Good CUiiea riam I* HI* Final Reward. In the daath of Mr. J. X. Britt, which occurred at hi* home on Church •tract, Tmertiy afternoon at 4:46 o’clock, another name 1* stricken from : the ever lessening roll af oar old set ! tiara, and there has passed from Ufa to daath on* of tha cleverest, beet and ■oat earnest spirits that has lived in Laurfaburg. Seven weeks to n day haforo the thread of life was brokan, Ho suffered a strain of paralysis, and although fraught with a peculiar ssdasos. hi* passing did not eonso ns a surprise to those who knew of hi* illness He waa 76 yean of ago and was born In Mississippi. At the outbreak of th* war bstween th* states He en listed and was a faithful guardian of th* Southern rights. When the conflict was ended, he located in Robeson county, and about thirty years ago. together with his family, earns to Laurinburg. Ha at first so gaged la the work at a blacksmith, l*tor going late th* business at man ufacturing and repairing harness, which business he followed until sev ens] years ago, when, because at tbs weight at years, he was compelled to give up active participation in any of his affairs. At that tims, Mr. A. R. Walter, who waa related by mar riage, cams here from Robeson coun ty to take charge of kla affairs. He waa not only a Christian, but was an honorable gentleman in th* highest sense that term applies. Hs waa cordial in his friendships and commanded the respect and admira tion of all sects and classes of peo ple, end hie passing touche* th* heart of tbo whole community. In th* absence of his pastor, Rev. J. M. Rose, of the Presbyterian church, th* funeral was conducted by Rev. James Long, pastor of th* First Baptist church, at ths city csm«Ury,| yesterday afternoon at 4:90 o’clock COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES. Cats red School CmbocmoI Begias Tomorrow Night—Contlnaee Om Weak. Tha cmaawart exercises of the Laurinburg Normal and Indnatrin) School, Lauriaburg’s nagzo school, wUI ba oa for tha nazt weak, com mencing tomorrow night. The program band la aa follows: Friday. April 21. 7 JO p. m. Musi cal and Class Kxsrcises. Sunday, April 2trd, 1:00 p. ta. Com mencement Sermon, Rev R. F. Bump U, pastor Laariabnrg Methodist church. Monday, April 24th, 7:10 p. ta. Ex hibition of Industrial Department. Tuesday, April 16th, 7:M p. m. Closing Exercises ef Primary Depart Wodnaeday, April Mth. 7:80 p. m. Putnam Oratorical Contest. Thursday. April ttth. Commence ment Day. l:Po ta 10:10 a. m. Ex. hlfattian of Academic aqd Ioduetrial DepartmmU; 11:00 a. m. Trustsas Meat lag; 1-JO p. m. Graduating Ex •rdaas; Annual Address by lor. H. Thomas Msdford, paster Grace A. M. E. Zion church, Chariotte. ROCK DALI COMMENCEMENT. Dr. Ttarraatlne to Preach Barman Bogina Tamo.raw and Mi Tuesday. An meant of grant intoraat to the paapla of Oifaeun add Williamson townahip, is Lbs commencement axer etoao of the Boekdala eefaaal, which baglne tomorrow eight with the musi cal recital end and* Tuesday night The program to ha rendered is a* followa: night, April fist—Mmienl Recital. Saoday, April find, 1li00 a. nu— Cmimaimnt Barman by Dr. 8 B. Turrantina, ad Orianahric. Monday, April Mth, 8:M p. m~ Aamml Concert. JTWtoy night, April BM>—Ornd laeoaatian—AUe. Mr. Brawa. Can teat far O. T. Ptto Modal faa Oratory UtoniT *ddram_ Prad. M W vSmtmSSr THINGS PERTAINING TO LIFE By Harry M. Nartfc. THE RIBUEJMCTION. > The month at April would be a very thoughtful time for ear people. It h • Msoon filled with holy memoriae which com* crowding In upon us freak these early days. It should alee be an occasion at sacred joy aa we medi tate oa the victory of tbs Lord Jams over death and the grave; (specially so when we knew the triuatph was not for himself alone, but He wea the flgbt for as too. Hk resurrection U a Pledge of oars, for He said. -If I Kve ye than live also." every weu. iou re tell bow certain wean— want to tba tomb at that early morning hear, aad did not Had tba Heater bat aeaee angala Instead, who laid than that Ha waa not there bat bad ariaan. Tbaao woman in tan informed tba dladplas ef their enparleana Two af thaaa naan, John and Simon Peter, ran ta aaa for thamaalvea, aad foond tba empty tomb and the tinea clothes and the angels, but no Christ. Now Mary of Magdaia stood weeping near the sepal char. After talking with tba angala aka waa taming away whan tba gardener addressed bar to knew why aha wept. Sbo told him that aha ■ought her Lord who had bean borne •way. The man than called her aama and aha discerned that Ha waa Jeeaa. and aha waa AUad with joy at finding Him. Again ha appeared to two men and after aralktag to town in their company Ha sat dawn to sap per with them in the avowing. With in the next few day a all the dlafiplm bad seen Him aad believed, even Thomas being eawvfaead whan be saw his hands and kia aide. •a _ .s s . jvn «T«* wiuufm wnii tD in portent part this hope of ths rarer roction plays oven la tka everyday UfeT While wo ar« baay about oar tasks thsrs la a sort of undercurrent of fooling, a restful foaling that all is wall. Thousands of people- would give up tomorrow H they thought this life ended ths Maty for«j*., Man would say, "What to the usaT AM of my toll and sacrifice era In vela. Why should wo suffer for the truth If there is to bo no life af'er this? The gams is not worth the candle." But this hope assures us of a success ful outcome for our labor; it gives us the victory over sin and the grave. Too many of us look no higher than the grave. There is nothing to in spire us there; nothing else quite so dismal; no pleasant memory is as sociated with it. Cover it arith grass and flow era if you will, bat after all It sear* the fair earth, and it robs os of all wa hold dear. But the hope of the raanrreetioQ promises that ths grave is set the. goal «f Ufa, and this hope wa have la the risen Christ. la the resurrection is seen ths dig appointment of ala sad the triumph of truth, from the boor of the erod faloa until the dawn of the fast day of the week aln appear ad te hare the mastery over earth and heaven. May be Satan stood that night an pinnacle of tec temple, and cried sot, “All there things are mine, and victory over the Christ aa wall.” Hew they must hare celebrated their ceaqnset ht boll daring that Jewish Sabbath. But theft- song of triumph did not last long; before sun-up ft was known In hell teat Jesus bad arisen. Our hope lies than in Christ, sad in Him alone, fey If Bo did not arias wa are tea most pitiable of afl eras tares having put our faith la a dead Lard who cannot save us. Wa would stfll bo ia our tins, and weald die there, and pass out Into tea region of loot things into the realm of the forgotten. Bnt the Christian ia sot miserable; on the contrary ha la hap py, foe ha knows whom he has be Uwred, and ia persuaded test Christ is abU to keep that which Is com mitted nnto Him agelmit teat day. We do not fight aa those who beat tea air in maanlnglcae and frantic ef fort, but wo con toad with the eor taioly of faith in ultimate victory. The light of Kaster morning falls upon the cress and makes It flm ban con light of tbs ages; It falls span tea wonts of tea Bible and pots n new meaning in them; It falls on tea path way of the Christian and tells him, "There ia a Uf» Shore, unmeasured by thn Bight of yearn, sad a* that lift is tore.* I A Gmcta. LAUR1NBUBG READY. Bm’M Sap Rlaiag—Propeehtoa to Pam Laegao far Beauner Bm Belt Mr. A. F. Blue, who hoada tha baoe ban apirtt In thaaa dinings, he* bad At nearby town* »ng tha mat tor ot forming a beta ball league for tha ia ready to enter Into to thia end, provided they i reaaonabto, bat dee* net mat to aator into e general progaol »hm with no reatrfctioaw ee to the kind of bnea hen to be played. In other wee^b Laarheberg deaa net want to, nor wB it egret to go Into • Itagm that will bo aompoaad of bigh-pricod, prnftom.ua] playort. The faaa an to go e roaaanabk limit, bat to hiring whole toama i the j League and im big laagna players far certain aad thenby spending n cart load ei money, it ia out of it. If Rerford, Rod Springs, Lomber toe, Fairmont, Merton, Ham tot and Rorirtogham want to join Lauriabwg in the formation of a league aad are wilEog to play on a basis and with iccma that want coat tha prioo of an antmobil* a day, Uurinburg ia now rend? to got ia on the deal. uwiMorf pn— and ia the formation of a longue In no town or team (ball import than thrae players, aad these from the oollaru teams, not Let the salary limit of these players, the balance of the taam to be ; of home boys, and by home ! boya whose homes are ' the towns their teams repre saeh town deposit $100 to. that these sgreeasents will I out. sad If they are not •let t^e town and the team be from the league. • ia not a town la the pre bat that can gat togeth taama, and by going upon *. foe towns will have a bet and more attractive class ball, and it will not coat each fortune. will gladly join in swch wDl not consider tbs •attpl end expensive plan. If these pl«M, or the Ukt are adopted, there wfl] be so nee In talking of beginning the season anti! June, because the Majority, if net all of foe towns, wilt | depend largely upon their boys who am in cel lege to furnish the material for the teams. A arhsdnle of six weeks can first be arranged, and if the plan is a enc ases, another schedule can foy» ha Mad*—t Utnriabaxg, through this paper, in *Hee the differ set towns mentioned to smd Tiprnmtalives hero at soma sarly data, suitable to them, and form snefa a league. Wmym Creea PMi Property. The property of the Oreen Pend Brick Co., mu Ghlo in Wnilamaeu tawMWp, «i» add Saturday at aoe tiHL The aula wae hold by Mr. Jan L. McNair, who haa baao in charm af tha matter of aetttfog up tha affaire Olheea. took P*** ■* Tho property eoaaUta at SI t-U •abaa af land and tha abaadanad brick PMfft Tha property wu bought by Mr. Z. V. Pate, of Laurel EU, the purdmao yHoa beioc f4M0 per aero, which in ebndad all af the property. •Tha Oraaa Food Drlek Oa, at ana Sava fair promlaa af beta* a —rraaa. The company, by a dUftreat brick prorata from the an ual. manufactured brick from the beautiful white mnd that la found iu ahatdam. la Umi (action Thera too buildtnm in Laurfobulff hi •hWr thaaa brick’ were aaad, tha State *Mk building and tha Jama* Sana torium. both of which aio moat at taattro baaauac af tha whiten car at the brick mad *nt aaoaral yea re, and far rear am ■kaiwa to the writer, tha plant hu I > But whoa aha heard Urn price. Shaaaat tha wpltarbaah agate Jttd Malt a bawl af rite. 77V GREAT CROWDS HEAR DR. WILSON DAY AND NIGHT , » <—M XiitlH U Pwif at flnt BaptUt Maaj Cmmm POLICEMAN RESIGNS. (Mow D. R Brawn Quite the law rinburg Patton Fima. Mr D. B. Brown, wh# came hero aerarnl jwn age (raa Hamlet to a cc tot a poafttoa on the polio* lore* of the city, aw Monday of this weak, handed toe teeigaattee to Chief of PoUee, F. M. Hibbard. Mr. Bream ia not quitting lento berg and la rwlgafag la order that ha may hare a much madid rest, la baa mad* a geed odtoer, always dadag what h* fait bis doty and had do favorite*. AH violators of the law laokad silk* to him HU Tssignattoai eaai* aa a eurprleo to the town aaf ia generally rsgrattod. Soon of tor ha eaaaa hate ha wna toot In a at root deol with a rlrlawa ntgro, and at tht earn* time aa of ficer rapraaontjng the Seaboard Air Line received what wen at Amt thought would prove a fatal wound at the hawde of the negro. The two of ficer* finally eucoeedeJ it shooting the negro to death and thereby eavad their own Uvea. Mr. Brown'a resignation become* eg active Kay let. Mrs. Everett Entertain. Inst Thursday afternoon Mrs. T. C. Everett delightfully entertained the Tmr'sdajr Afternoon Book Clab and a number of invited guests. The regular program fixed for the meeting and tha exchange pf books cams first. Following this was u seven-table Progressive .Rook gaase. At the conclusion of the game, K was found that Mix A. M. Fairley and Mrs: T. T. Covington hod art with ar>{ equal suceeaa in the progrssrtan. and tha ent for the price, a beautiful hand made towel, fevered Mrs. Covington. The consolation prise, an embroidered towel, was cut for by Mrs. Jas. A. Jonss, Mrs. Peter John and Mrs. J. T. John, Mrs. Jones proving the fortu nate MM. Mrs. Everett, assisted by Mcodaaes Alex Gregg aad R. C. Everett, served delightful refreshments, consisting of a salad course with iee tea, sand wiches and candy. Appreciates Courtesy. The following letter has beta re ceived by the Exchange front Mr. /sums K. Ktnsloa. executive secretary of tbs Charlotte Chamber of Com merce: “It la a vary pleasant doty tha writer baa to partem In carrying oat the instructions of those members of the Charlotte Cheater of Conns tree Sociability To«r which visited poor city an Mm 4th instant It was vstad, unanimously, to sxpress through year valuable newspaper tha ttmh and appraciatiea of Mm entire party fee the esurUous aad enthusiastic reac tion ret aired at tha hands of tha map. chants and citizens of lnttobgt|.” Product Meeting Held. The County Product meeting for Stoarartooillo towaahlp was hold at |th# court houeo Saturday morning. , In the nboonee of Chairman Eroeutt, the meeting wna proeided oror by Mr. i E. H. Gibson. Mr. Gibson eta ted too purpoeo of toe meeting and toe usual buetnooo wna transacted. The * ret matter of _ {to* naming or tbe Product Ic Exacntire Committee. The _ j mittce named wae compoicd of too fallowing gentlemen: L. W. McKfn {non, E. H. Ciboon, 8am X. filler. An gw fairly and X. M. McCormick Thao anmo the matter of electing delegatee to the county convention, which meeds at the amurt hoaeo Sat urday morning at Id o’clock, at which time delegates wO ha named to the State convention, which meat* hi Hal a%h. The delegatee named ware: W. H. Wietherep.ua. U D. McEMnen. X. Wealey Xanaa, M. 1. MaAbee, a ft. innferd, X. A. Meghan as. 7. C. Me Oormkfc, X. ft. CMhmm, W. A. Xatehm. X. U McNair. HI.ten James and M. M. Riteh. "fallow eMapmea,- said the eeieeed orator, "What am edamttca," "Mdu eatkn am the iwllefh— ad ear Khar . tV-'rv* • ' / *■? £3! WC 1 i ■ ;V--. m ■ ■•♦i-.. h.< 'Ijpa - i '.if.-,', ■:x& U::i •rood. Ja tka afttraiia. Dr. Wileon pmarhed to a large le^iagollcii at the Eaet Laurlnbarg choreh. The power «f ft moat profound hie Boat Lamtelmrc lac the kccneat internet far welfare of Me Map kearera. Borrkae are being held each morn ing and evening, la the marring at 10:00 o'clock and the r ifting at »M o'clock. Xoat of the hariame heueoa miming thetr reepecthra piacca of an interne ini meet m amntfeeted kg the whale teem and roaannwitj in the graetarerk that ia being dime fee the L^Tbe Bandag "* Mr. sad Mrs. J Clyde Hooter, of Monroo, who were — tried last wwh, rislted Mr. Heater's sister. Knu W. H. Malaria. the peat week. Mr. A. R Shaw, candidate far the GsmtsI AsteteMy, sad Mr. Don Ms IntediHn. at Wagraaa, wen Gibson visitors isat wash. Mrs. D. L. MlddWton sad little daughter, Louis*, an Tisltian Man. Middlaton’s mother, Mrs. Christian flinn Cl^rten Wright, who has been Saturday, whan ha wil resume Ms shaUna at Trinity Collage. »««hdsll school will begin with the mnslcal recital Friday night. Dr. Torrent!ee, president of Oreonsbcso College ter Women, will ynaeh the night will ba the concert and on Tasa dny eight, the last right af eoaa msnaat, will ba the graduating fM*T| ||0|