Tol laws ca*M a la thm4i£ *• * *. Bt *® Ida ability m* always the S£ -.t?-U- ^tTaT JUa^hW taay af the title, .o that la fataia H ®*d® be aaafly tncad. I Uriah hi. awd tcaft, and which it _ . * *rafa-lca to tfcaa in Um Mvrrity of i”* 7T M,«tliatolk«NllMa«» talM to rtfNMt tfMK Ibwu. •to «a4 Mb ••■Millar, aad a*t a bur «W aAvtaad frtvotom lhl*a (iM tar Um |H9« «tf a fa*. tiiaeiy takin* away of nr frtaad, yet «• art eoaatrafoad 6* lay «f htm, wttk' Wardaworth: "One adaoaata mmomaxt For the nlawttlw af Ufa BaUata—ona oaly—as aaaaxad bailor That the paoraialoa d oar fata, how Sad or dtetarbed, la ordered by a Of inilnlta beaeroleaee aad power Wkooa eratiaatiac porpoac* embrace AQ aecideata, eori*ertia« than to food.**—Bail Ibfl elil Herald. >UAK KKW8 ITEMS. Odd and Curiam lappaalag Tknagh tfc® CMotry* TV* "Mai marriage” of Margaret Marshall Daoow t* Alfred I. Daoow. " Now Yark. mart T’ tk* “trial* bride of married Hfe W gat la (Nat of a log train oaar Lake Charles, La. th* other day and eaaaad th* daath af hath angtu ear and Arimon Th* man ware crushed to death whan the angina col lided with the eaw and u misread. Twa baths a year, one every six “oaths, war* the limit far Georg* 8. Iskird. according to th* taathaoay Of hit wife, Pansy K. Laird, ia court is Akron, O. 8ha .was granted a di tore*. Mrs. Laird said sh* pleaded with her husband to taka a bath, bat It was aotiaaa. John Daniel Cnlsman, senior mm bar of the Arm of J.- D. Coleman A 8on., af Chariestoa. W. Va, claiaa to be 111 years of ago. Us assert* b* was bon la 1900 aad that ha It tha aMoat man la th* world. H* has smoked tobacco for 100 yaan and still ogjoya him ptpe. May Biggs, as nadartakar in Mil wanka*. WttL, baa placed a piano ia hit stable with which to tooths rim ■ bona* whan tkay retara from a fm» terml ia a highly narrow eowiitiqp. Ho dadaraa tkay haormi complacent . whaa they hear th* strains of a pop ular waits. Wilbert Freemen, of DeeriUe, m., I recently yawned and stretched him •Mf- "Qnt we diaress something ; but ttw tiresome European war?” he !*eked. Then he yawned again. But .something snapped and he eried eat in pain. A physician wae called end 'it wee found that Fionas was auf , faring from a brakes jew. Tiemsn Schopel. of HoUaad, Mich., .baa the psiqee distinction of being tone year older ton bis grandmother. ; ftoepafa grandfather, Thomas Vsad ■nbdaeh, raaeatly took oat a lieaaas *• Miss Oarirada Wjtia, and the Haesn. Vendeeboech Is 72 years of age and fate bride la an* 1«. ■dward Croker, earn a Mew York tacotaack jfnagn. has h*a«ekt suit far divorce against Ida wife, Winifred ft. Croker, alleging that when she ia dlkddag Mr*. Croker wfll purchase 50 pain of shoes. The wife all ages •ha was a teetotaler «t marriage, bet thet her boshend foreed her to drink. An anglassr an toe Wheeling and Lake Kite rallrsed. aaar Bk Claim* elite. 0 ., epassed Ida eseetb to laugh and lest Ms false teeth as the engine wee peering erne a bridge. Ia bia danly, jslting toe ynsaaagma severe IF- The train waited white ha left fate engine to seareh for hie teeth, which Jmd falten Inin a croak. Ha tbTteiVv'atoml vS to, od Kedlende, Cat., after their r*. amt atopanunk Whan they want to tha home of too bride's mother to tad har of their marriage end get her Wearing Mrs. VUto spanked har 17 jmar-ek! daughter ami Mapped her mw aon-fat-law, mirdbig to tha pe Oea, who were saSad to quell the do* u, b I * • / A \' 4 We will Sell These 3 5 Piece Sets of Quefitjr Brand Akma~ i Ware k* FOR ONLY or the COMPLETE SET ^_-.- - - - - . - • Only One Set To Each You Can Not I No Telephone or Mail Orders I Customer pfty Qag|j g|J For These Sets Will Be Filled Tbo only condition under which you can obtain one of these Aluminum Sets at this UNHEARD OF PRICE is to buy it on these terms Pay 99c cash whan the set is delivered and 50c weekly for eight weeks until the amount $4.99 is paid. Why we Make This Sensational Low Price and our Reason for not Accepting Cash During the nest eeveral months we will Uve on sale VALUES in household goods THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU, bargains which will make you s regular patron of tbia store. Wa willingly escribes tbe loss that wa sustain on theae seta of Aluminum Wars: tbe opportunity of havirfg you call at our stare sock weak far eight weeks, (required to make Aluminum Set payments > la wall worth all that wa loan on tbs Aluminum Wars. Tbia advertisement will of course, attract hundreds of people, wbo probably have not traded hers before—if it in duces you to visit our eSore and know ua better, we shall feel well repaid. This to the public, may seem like unusual ad ♦wbaing—to ««£U 35 piece act* of Guaranteed Aluminum Ware at this unprecedented low price—and IT IS UNUSUAL ADVERTISING, but iflt makes new friends for ua. IT PAYS. __ _ Each sat ron«i»tgj^f tbe following pieces of Quality Brand Aluminum Ware, (each piece guaranteed to wear for tweo WV*** Ji*btBn^fcr^f?gcTvit»? WeTtld. two bread pans. fwO pie plates, one jelly cake pan {2 pieces), one three quart covered Berlin aeuqe A (2 pieces), one one quart Hppad sauce pan, one two quart lipped sauce pan. ons castor set. con atating of t ttlt shake*c.pp nr shaker, tooth pick bolder, and castor (four pieces), one coffee or tea strainer, ons cake turner. ob* measuring cup. on*ugar shaker, one combination funnel (six pieces), one ten piece combination outfit, (tbia act you will notice illustrated slave in tbs center picture ) It consists of ten nieces, which combined pormite of its use as a steamer, (eee illustration), a esIAestinc roaster (see illustration), or as e double boiler, cereal cooker, pot roaster, egg poacher, cus tard cups, pudding pen, dairy'pan. round cake pan. bean baker, etc.— this really is a wonderful utensil and is included in this 35 piece eet. I We bnil Sell only One »Set to Each Customer M. A. McDOUGALD LAURINBURG, N. C. Results (not price per gallon) decide your painting cost • Two neigh bon—we’ll call them John «nH Frank—own houses each containing 8,500 square feet of painting surface. Both decided to paint last season. / Mu h*4 Lotto Brothers "High f Standard ” tiqoid Karat, which oort hiu • llltlo muo per gallon than ordinary piift. Reeh gallon ot "High Standard” ear. cud *50 Mfoarw feet, two ooati. Thore H » rogaked only 10 gallon* of '‘High Standard” to paint Mn'i booao. Tho paint hao wot hagaa to draw algaa of wear, and to good far teracal yean yet. Flank ihenght he woo Id aave Money, ao boa&t a cheap paint cheap per paBoo. Bet tbu paint covered only 150 aquan feet per fallen, two coat*. The* It ro q^red 1* fallcne of cheap paint to cover FraakS hoove— 4 galloor more than If be bad »ted 'High Standard.” Fmnlc'i home need* painting again thlr year -hot he will a»a Lowe B rather* High Standard” ISint. . tt\\ I—**** •ont/tmd ta the end. Ask *» to prove It. I he Model Pharmacy THE 8TORE THAT SATISFIES .Telephone N*. 127 ^ r. • * f v*'v & J* prorldv 1W ifHyv