_ RCSOLTVED \ TNATWt LEA1>*T«C J PROCESSION WOUR LINE OF BUSin&ss I Because we've cot i Twe Goods and we i "Sell it right? WE STRIVE To PLEASE OUR JPATRoNS IN TWO GREAT BIG WAYS:—HRST, BY CARRYING THE BRIGHTEST LINE or,DRY GOODS THE MARKETS ArroRD. SECOND. BY SELLING THEM AT PRICES AS LOW AS SUCH HIGH QUALITY MERCHANDISE CAN BE SOLD. COME, SEE OUR BEAUTITUL, NEW DRESS GOODS. HOSIERY, WAISTS AND EVERY THING THAT WOMEN «WEAR. IT WILL PLEASE YOUR EYE, AND THE PRICES WILL PLEASE YOUR PURSE. PLANTERS TRADING CO. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY THE PROGRESSIVE RAILWAY OK THE SOUTH Schedule Effective April 16th. Trains Leaving Laurinborg N©.!19—8:26 A. M. Local for Hamlet. Charlotte and all In termediate points—Through Sleeper Wilmington to Charlotte. Open for passengers at Wilmington at 10 P. It. No. 18—7:27 P. M. Local for Hamlet. Charlotte, and all in termediate puinta.—Connecting at Hamlet for all pointa North, South and South West Pullman Parlor Car Wil mington to Charlotte. No. 20—8:35 P. M. Local for Wilmington and all Intermediate pointa,—Through Sleeper Charlotte to Wilmington. Paaaengere may remain in Sleeper until 7 A. M. No. 14—9.-07 A. M. Leeel for Wilmington and all intermediate points,—Pullman Parlor Car Charlotte to Wilmington. ' Pur additional information, as to ratea. schedule*, or re serrationa. call on local agent or write the undersigned. J. Watson, Agent H. E. Pleasants, T. P. A. Laurinborg, N. C. Wilmington, N. C. John T. Went, D. P. A. Raleigh, N. C. Mogul 8-16 Saves Its Own Price In Fuel Bill Reduction * I 'HAT’S true. A Mogul 8-16 kerosene tractor fives its own price in foci bill savfhg, as com pared with a g.isohne tractor. Unit April 1st the price remains at $675 cash f. ©. h. Chicago. Fortunate early purchases of ma terial :‘HU nlk.w you this low figure. After April 1st , the r-'v'i v. Ill bo $725, same terms. At f'i'ni pri :o the Mogul 8-16 is by far the most oco nomir 1 • r».:l-*r hcc-tu«e it operates on cheap, common kero aono or cv .V oil. ituoliac to run tho gasoline tractor coats Oyer t'tO y-iidiftt more tlinn the kerosene a Mogul 6-16 will us*-. V.'hieh is best for you? You i-.r .* v yhat, -voUnc costs you, and you know what * you i ;-y for b-r.we.w. Figure it out yourself, or see your dealn. 7 i»k i» a. caring you can’t afford to miss. I J. Mopil fcesw. iwSm tatt ty JNO. F. McNAlR, Laurinburg. N. G. Z, V. PATE. Laurel Hill. N. C. and Gibson. N. C. J. T. JOHNS CO., Johns, N. C. “THK SCHOOL, A CENTER „ OF COMMUNITY LIF# ' V • * PRIZE WINNING HIGH SCHOOL ESSAY BY MISS HORTENSE McGREGOR OP ROCK DALE SCHOOL, GIBSON Medal Given By Thuraoay Afternoon Book Club, Of Laurinbarjr If ■ school b« the feeler of com munity life, than It U tho tobreo of that lift. Thie may be illustrated by the sun, tho center of the solar sys tem, and the source that illuminates this system. Tlikewise the dynsme is the center of the electric plant In the city, and the. source of the electric system. The people must hart com mon proparty In the school end must utillss this property right The school should be the eource of the intellectual lift as It la reflected hi the aortal life, the life, end the enlightened citizenship of the community. first, ws will take the school ss the center of the social Ufa To be this there mast be certain activities for amusements. There should he ath letic contests among (In pupils of several schools. There should also be flames in which the children of the community corns together daring'Va caticsi, to play, and meet with other children of the oommunity. This will extend the school spirit fostered by the children to other chiMiwo of tho coeameplty. It will bring out taleate that otherwise may always be dor mant. This will create interest, love and seal for one's school. , i*er« mould b« similar pan la which parents sad older people com* together to enjoy. This will bring them out from their daily monoto nooa tasks, and will be a tie or bond between the old and young. It will enliven lives that heretofore secluded themselves in domestic and business circles. In all these liters must be something to carry home, something to think, langh and talk about of Interest to one and all. There sh~.ld be the wholesome atmosphere of comrade ship. and seeing the other fellow's point of view. There most also bo activities for the intellectual uplift of the com munity. Thoee may consist of good plays of local tales t. The old and young may attend these plays ee all ages are represented by Jhem. There should be plays other Qian local. Good plays create a dean at mosphere and make us dislike cheap immoral play* By obtaining the ssr viom of these plays we have a chance of studying the higher phase of Int pereonatlon. Along with Quae plays we may introduce the camera. Pie. pie would he glad to go and watch for hours t<A pictures on the scram, exhibiting Improved farm conditions, better sanitary conditions, and the ra •alt of paint on neglected bandings end many other ways. Thera should be neighborhood de bates very frequently, and this win enable us to keep in touch with an important subjects and will tend to broaden our vision, and extend our ■cope of useful knowledge. The ladies of the community should form literary societies—or clubs with their meeting place at the school hooso. In those meetings they srll] lean of and study the lives of fam ous writers. This will make them in tereeted in the literary education of *he younger reiteration. There should bo lectures from time to time Instruct-1 Ing.Uw people on all important qaas tiooa. By obtaining the servieos at tha chautauqoa wo gat to hear tome of the boat lecturer! of today. Such ,aa entertainment will do credit to any community. We wfll taka tha school aa the cen ter of tha sconomic Ufa af tha com muaity. Thera shoald ba a eonsid aeabU amount of fane and meefaaoi aal Ufa connected with every achooL ThU will Internet the boys fa seW Uha farming nnd P°w*r* t*“t lmpeoYo farm aad town Ufm Manual training ehoold tern a P«t thair work. ThU will glvo '■hade M Hu of parfaet workman, ahia amd maka Iham cueimt fa thair laadliadi, aad painstaking fa their na daetahtaga. Damaatie aeiauea should ba a part of tha glrli school ltfa. This will pat domaatie datfae aa a higher pfaaa aad maka home lovers of them Oat thia information carried home nod triad out la com eluba, tomato eiaba, cattle eaUing and namerous othar ways. Gat them to apply thair Uafafag by haraeaefag all available power by seeking oat and d* reloptng all raaouress of land aad country. Tha econccmc Ufa should embrace tha adults of tha eoauauaity. Te J raaUaa this. Um school should ho. something of a government expert-1 meat station. Hare soil can be test- • ad, uaalyasd, and proper tree’.moot of tha sail advised. To help hasp up the interest along thfa bne there should be lactarars in ■toweling la bwainaaa of community' and always opening the eye* of the People to the new industrial possi bilities. Thaso lectures should be tha oeanaion of local fair whan the young and eld. shall bring their best and Wawa products and in grand dis finfcpUm. WlU> U>elr r“1«bbor* tor IHsUy. wa will take tha school a* anlightanad dtissaship sity- Thera should be amount of good tiam X' tna duties and ra f Citisane, party and nr. To intrraet them ah this Una, they should form a i go f-wment of'their own, with oAoars h»rty I sad srs, compared with our government. Our governmant should on tr0** ***• P»i**nr grades As to tha result of government is the school, this will causa the adults u ftw^aotly meat in ga«-to-gather meetings. la which politics era dis cussed and policies of administration approved or eaasured. This will de velop tha civic spirit aad bring for ww*d cfvie questions. Let thU be for Uta purpose of obtaining *11 points of viow and recognising tha worth of our fellow's opinion as wall as our own and making the statesman rather than tbs politician. Abovu all, though wa would net taka tha place of tha church, but bo euasa of our various activities aad tha natnre- of things, wa would strive is aO of ow activities, to teach by «x •■tpla nod precept and te prepare for a citisaaahip ia eternity. EROM EVERYWHERE. Happening An Over the World ia Pars graph. (t coats the government approxi mately $14,000 each year for the care aad raaJntanance of tho Washlagtoo monument. Eleven man an employ ed them continually. Can of the groaads coats *7.000 am eaeh year. A. P. Fleokanstein, of Iona, lad., ia tho owner of a Bible that has hose ia the family for 832 years. Most of the time it was la Germany, bat it has been hi the United States sines the Chicago World'* fair ia 1828. The French steamer Roc ham has a cleared from New York recently with 42.AOO pounds of smoking tobacco, $■800,000 cigarettes and 422 grass of corncob pipes few distribution among tho soldiers in Franco and Belgium. Over a aeon of Harvard students have enlisted as "professional flirt*" in the campaign to drive bold women from tho hotels and cafes of Boston. Tho Harvard boys act a* "corns one," attracting the women tat the Watch and Ward society. The New England Southern con ference of the Methodist Episcopal chareh, in anneal ssasinn at Norwich, Conn., west oa record as favoring the licensing of woman to preeah. The vote was taken after nusUirabls de bate, in which opposition to tho pap pesel was voiced. The waosurs was Anally adopted, &t to 25. Tho trial of “Lieut-" Robert Fay, Ua brother-in-law, Walter Behloa, and Pw*l Daaacho, on indictments charg *■* »f*h sagaging in an alleged eooapiraey with Max Bruituag, Dr. Hart ait Kianila and EnglcWt Brook honat, t« blow up ships carrying m« nHiona of war to th» Allies. baa bees sot for April 20 in New York city, - Richard If. Freeh, a railroad angin a*» baatid la Pittsburg, has Mad suit for divers* again it Lottie 51. Fraak oa tbs ground of desertion. He al Ugaa that aba loved hor Avo poodle dogs a*ora than .h* did bar huabaml. Mr. Fresh asserted In court that Mi wife waa la tbs habit of expressing tho ariah that ha would return ground ta mincemeat, whenever bo went oat for » rta. Oaorge Hardy, a negro, who baa •arrad 22 of hi* 39 yean la Atlaata (Ga.) penitentiary, has been released by Prasideat Wilson. When Hardy wga !• yearn old, m 1823, ho held up • waa In tho west and gave khn a baattog from which ha died. Hardy waa sentenced to be banged, but Pwoidsnt Cleveland reduced bis sen •w* *• Ufo imprisonment because of Purdy's ye* th. I WegToes raking through a pile of Jwk in Moefsik, V*., diaooversd a tiny gill baby hidden by hat coals. It. M«U body was blistered sad It died within s few hours. * p a , * THE UNIVERSAL CAR . Ford w kw for Ford owner* <« worth-while. Fifty-one Ford branch***; orer 8.500 ecenti all through tha country, each with a onmolete atockof Ford parte and supnllea on hand. No dalavs, no holdthR up for day* to «t parte, but prompt rr liable *er?| .* at a low. fixed enat. Runabout CR0 TourinR Car $440; Coupelet 1590: Town Car 1440 Sedan $740. AJI prion f. o. b. Detroit. On sale at Mercantile & Machine Company Laurel Hill, N. C. A Bank With The Strength Of Tempered Steel The soundness of thi* bonk is enhanced by the coo aervative policy paraued by fta officer* in the nuking of kuna. It therefore hirnnrn the safest of all places for the ears of yoor earing*, upon which it pnya interact at tbn rata of 4 per cnnt per annua. Thi* bank invitee you to become one of its rapidly growing family of patrons, and offers yon every facility con»i*t*nt with safe, sound and conservative banking. SCOTLAND COUNTY SAVINGS BANK Laurinburg, North Carolina DO YOU PAY YOUR BILLS BY CHECK? And thus have a record of oach and ovary smoon t expended together with a receipt for the amount paid ? If not, you need a chocking account with this bank. It is the safest way, the most convenient and satisfactory method of trans ecting tl! business payments. Wa will be pleased to have yon make this bank your place of deposit. Respectfully, First National Bank Laurinlmrr. N. C. Money Loaned On Farms I make long time loans on Improved Form lands in Hoke and Scotland Counties to respon sible parties. Writs 4nd get my rates snd terms before plsdsg your lean. No application considered for km than $4M0.6t. A. T. McLEAN, Manager LUMBERTON, N. C. | FOR SALE j One vertical or upright 6 horse power Steam En fine. One 2 hone power Gasoline Engine. | We also famish wagon teams for Pahtie Hire. ]•■■ W. P. EVANS 'Phone 12-1 and 54 Wood and Coal Yard Often. *

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