THE EXCHANGE fil Wilil to MM. •!» P«t Yen. 'f'p: . rainan miui niMHt «r „■> *- » «:MOn. Uar ni Pi»|tWn. MAC CoJUMOW AwntoUtai. >‘-ST tsiwii a* dM Pstn I— m anan d.c.M xwndCto* Mtrtto • - ■ r _ __ _ m* wi|M IMi tor Dm «mm «* C«r» mrndunaa«uy qnarttoa. YTbn tfci chief prints therefore •*d gMtm saw Mas, they uW Ni, SSP.S^.&.StfMfc gtgt as ssJ *• ~ *-* THE HELPLESS PRISON KB. 1 lfadSHjfcl. that broken window 1 Ift ary be replaced and broken to raptecod. With of the above untlia id ■ -> thing* evetythiag la goodcoedkion." fag to sleep fa bad afathiag that la Think of « feMow behind fto ban. do petvvd of Ms Btorty. being haid ia a grim wham Mm sad iaaaeto aboaadl Loafed securely, pertmpa for tto Wholo rammer long, fighting bag* aU the time, sad with not vrwngh of tto «<Wfai> aacaadtiu of Ufa to ana aatfafy aa avacaga grand Jury. Bad clothing to to washed met a month! No wonder Dee and Intacta abound. Nat winagb care to kaop tto vrtmia oai, not enough of tto proper things to eat and drink. Freak moat oace a woekl Coffee with sunataadag owes a day) And tto ttof i|dfatba«e«pCion of tto atom amrythfag la good toftiSr^"* mi ^ TTifr*3 * iTnlTT* raatand ram tf amaWBaatloa^tfbBa HhI to gWa oar own H I __ aUag fa and fa m tto Bea aad fa. ;<ag with. Wa tta fanfaar ttorn ' *** Mr. DmM Pay, ana af Boektog Wtta kMptd tentag tha past weak. Mr day was a gitalin ■■ af tea aW school and a battle-scarred v.tsran af tea civil war, having lank a tag in tea beUle of tba WOdamaen. Ha served dlcfctaonJ connt» as cciosst foe men Jam a quastar af a cent ary, usually being electad without opposition. He oaa wall known and loved and n* pasted by hundreds of Scotland eaon y p.-yjpl*._ Hattie Cry of hsta The Cent Theatre will exhibit the B:ttte Cry of Pears at earns date La Jte near future. To Be Triad Hose. State against John Logan, charged .with receiving a suit af doteae-aad aseso other artiriaa. that wars stolen, and knowing thane to be stolen. The chief witness he tela caas was a freight coodttstor on the Seaboard Air Una raOread, who could'not talk above a whisper. The Judge ordered tea sheriff to aopaat his evidence to the Jury. After gotag an with tea case awhile, It deraleysi that if the defendant received tee geode at all, he did 00 in Scoriawd county, and tea Judge ordered tee ease sent to that canty far trial. W. h. On, of lao tteharg, riprsssntid tea defendants— Piedmont Dispatch. HOUSEWORK IB A BURDEN. Woman's lot la a weary one at beat. Bat with backache and other distressing kataey IQs life indeed be cine a burden. Doaa’s Kidney Pills ban glade life brighter for many suf fering women. Read what Mrs. Bald win says: Mrs. 3. C. Baldwin, Rockingham, N. CL, says: "I was ao miserable with my back that I could hardly do my house work After being ou my fact a lit tle while, my buck began to ache. My kidoeys were sluggish and ao end of annoyance. The kidney secretions wars scanty and tan frequent is yaa saga. Doan's Kidney Fills regulated the set km of my kidneys and strengthened my back." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ank far a kidney ramady—get Doan's Kidney Fills—the same that Mrs. Baldwin had. Foster-Mil bora Cs, Props, Buffalo, K. Y.—Adv. mneornung to am Fate end gktrty PER U&K UAPT18T ASSOCIATION We w* publishing by request of Hr. Cnee Benton, of the following, which Is the program for the Union mooting o* the Poo Doe Baptist Association which meat! at Rockingham April *8th, tgth and 30th. FRIDAY EVENING 8:00—Introductory Sermon, by W. T. Baaeom; site mete, O. W. Kelts DOS. SATURDAY MORNING 9:89—Origin sad Authority for Madera 8endsy schools, by W. R. Geode. 10*0—Methods for EsHstiag the U needs ted Church Members in Sap day school work, K. W. Aehnroft sad D. P. Bridges. 10:80—The Weaksot Point is 8mv dsy school work and hew to strength en it. C. H. Tesgwe and W. H. Rad ii*#—The Supreme heeineeo of the Senday school—Winning the PopS fee Christ. K. P. Pearoe awl W. H. 11:89—Bcneftta Derived frocn the Cradle Roll. O. W. McMaaaa sad A. McNeil. SATURDAY AFTERNOON .. 1:30—Tha growing ot a Missionary Church. T. L Candle and Timer Long. 8:00—Standardising oar Sunday schools. R. 6. Pruett and T. B. Jut ; lea. 3:30—Is oar Sunday school Archi tecture the best? B. A. Lide and T. G. Thomas. SATURDAY EVENING. 8:00—Does Giving Prises and Of* faring Competitive Contents prodeos tha bast Sunday school EArianey? X. A. Harrell and W. T. Baucam. 8:80—The B. Y. P. V. work damoa stxatsd by the Rockingham Union. SUNDAY ltd) A. M.—Sermon, by Jams* Long. 3:00 P. M—Illustrated Sermon to ChUdren, by A. T. Howell. 8.-00 P. U —Sermon, by W. E Goode. Whsansi Van dead a fhaarsd Tsato Taka Chore's Tha Old Standard Grave's Ihhim chill Tonic is aqaa&y vstaaMa as a GcmmI Toafe bscuM li camtoim On =fssr*rxs*ase?g2 i-t Malaria. Ba riche* tha Blood and . .... t-1 n i r Nmy SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES. V 8TEWARTSVILLE TOWNSHIP f Land to be mid ter TSxae, MONDAY/ THE Ut DAY OP MAY. 1»1«, till uaderslyaed, Bhwllf at Scotland County, will axpoac to yuhtie sale tbJc foOawinf Lots of Land, 1 cried upon for Taxes dna on same: Kim Acrw Land Town Lota Years ' Tax Dm John Doer*. VI 1915 *22.M Mm. JT. M. Cooper *4 1914-15 9997 . Et Patterson BO 1914-15 1492 Jam Ball 1 1914-1* • AM Charlotte MaBryda 1 1915 190 . Sandy Capel U 1915 1AB4' Bob McEaebbi 1 1914-15 ISM 1 Dudley McEacbln 65 1914-1* 1590 Jet Brass 1 1915 190 Gao. Gibeon 1 1914-15 . AM Tom Gflehriat 1 1915 ■ 499 Jam HaS 1 1915 497 Omitaa Johnson 1 1915 *97 JTlM McKay 1 . 1915 499 1W Laach 1 1915 A79 Mary Laadb 1 1915 195 Jolly Little 1 1914-1* 1AM Cary Mmdeoa I 1916 AM Bab Monroe 19 1915 597 J. W. MeNeiD 1-1 1911 LIS JIM Bobenon 1 1914-16 AM Isaiah Ropar 1 IMS AM Bw*ay Bo par 1 IMS 597 > K. A Baaeell Batata 1 1915 All Harriett Mama Batata 1* 14 IMS 595 Ait warn Stewart 1 1915 594 Maori Fairly .1 IMS AM Ed White 1 IMS 597 A. L Laa* ST 1-8 1M4-1S ' 1T.U LAUBEL HILL TOWNSHIP -H— “7" B. B. Cabooa MS M14-1S 7T.U CW r. GtUb H “ SJS Elijah Hut SO * ■ 14.78 ' Jta* Patitjr- M 1916 CIO J. C. FalrUy * Wtf* S 1*14-15 CM 1mm* OOlMpte ST 1*16 Ml BH Him* 7* 1*18 AM Si* H1m* MO ISIS ACT Andrew ItenUm SO IMS ATS Laltt* XrH*Ul S MU LAS Aim Newton 4 1916 LN Elijah Pankey 74 IMS ASA I. X. S*M as 191B C19 Dm WilkiMoa 100 ISIS T JS SSL Allan BOO MIS 7144 8PBIN0 HULL TOWNSHIP tf*M*Oifc**» SM IMS 1*44 Dwkory Monro* S> MU SJS J. A. Manky 8S MIS TJ4 * " WA Pmttartoo* 7* MU ..ASS •’ X*p*k Town—M *1 ISM SJS .• Murdoch karri*** MO MM IASS WILLIAMSON TOWNSHIP. Mr*. W. T. <Ub*o* 1 'MM AST P*t*r Ch*rry B*tat* TS MU 441, C. ULmckr « MU US Mr*. M.fgi* T*rry MS MU 1141 I. X. Oft*m a MIS . 1141 W. D. McLAURIN, Nwriff ScoUmsd County. ‘i Announcements. L. X. BLUB FOB SENATE.’ Tha mdtnlntd ettlaeiu of the Coanty of Scotland will pnunt die of HMonih L. II. Bin* to m thie Senatorial DUtnct in the Sonata. Ue her reread _«a »nd di.tjnctioo In Ho~» « ** and w.^Uak^&t he_ oecfaJ and rateable Senator. March 17th. me. Goo. T. Pate, Harrta Gibeon, A. F. Glbaoa, D. O. Wright, W. N. MeReuia. W. F. Parker Henry P. Gibeon, L. M. Fade, R. D. Gibeon, H. H. McPberecn. J. A. McNeill, J. B. Maior, D. A. Pate, FOR HOUSE OP REPRESENT A TITER I hereby announce nyaelf a date for the Houae of T front Hoot lend County, action of tha Denecra T. C. FOB HOU8B OF REPRESENTA TIVES. I teriby tueam raysslf • candi date for the Bouaa of BegceaeitUtivcs float Scotland County, subject to tba action of tba Democratic Primary. I believe laaJut Taxation. Twee to its last anatyait U juat what the tow eor.rtsestse of your property sad mine aad should ba juat. We maat stay tba withariig band to a Judicious r><W^' ' A. D. CURRIE. FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN CON GRESS. . I baiaby announce to tba Demo cratic voters of Scotland County that I am a candidate for the Democratic nomination far the Route of Bepre •estatlvsa in Consrcta from this, tho Sevaath Congress ton a] District, sub ject to the action of the Democratic Primary to ba Mid on the trd day of Jane, Ibis. LBS D. ROBINSON. FOR HOU8B OF REPRESENTA TIVES. I hereby announce to the Demo cratic voters of the Seventh Congret ■icnal District that I will ba a candi date In the Democratic primary for ■umber of the House at Reprcscnta tives in Congress from this district. If noanlnatad aad elected, I will use every endeavor to discharge the dot lei of the office with fidelity to tho V. L. SPENCE. FOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTA TIVES. • We, the undersigned ritisane of Scotland County and friends and arighhom of At. Shew, present his name to tho voter* of Scotland County as s candidate to represent the county in the Lower House of the next Gan tr|lAi*«cUf or North Carolina, sub fact to tba action of the Democratic .He fa well equipped for the posi tion. He ban filled the oSce of Jus tice of the Peace continuously for twenty-eight veers, and is. therefore. acquainted with the need of all Hasses of oar people. He believes in just sad fair taxa tion end la utterly opposed to say law delegating powers to three man in ESmb £* wb*t ^ ’ He steads squarely upon the ttoso honorud Democratic doctrine of “Equal Rights to aH and Specie] Prlv 0ana toRoon.” This 6th day of April, IS it, C. C. Birmingham, J. R- Bundy, R. J. Jones, W. T. Crump, H. D. Byrd. J. w. Junna, W. W^Eel&t, 8. J. Wont bit, 8. T. Thrower, Alton ' k£& H. Mon lea, Dow McLauehlm, Nefll HeXay, EL McNair, J. W. McIntosh. A p m sVtEMj Everybody brightens np for Easter. No house cleaning is complete withoat FOSTORIA National Masda Lamps in all sockets. Fostoria National Masda lamps are the way to Better, Brighter, Whiter Light. We have the sixes yon want. 19, 15, 25 and 49 watt lamps only 27c each. A carton of five $1.35. i.D. Sanford & Son “The Quality Hardware Shop.” IT PAYS TO PAY CASH. ROYSTER’S CANDIES We have a complete line of Royster's Fine Candle*. The/ are fresh and as everybody knows. The Very Beat. You can get a Full Pound for 60c. DON’T NEGLECT YOUR STOCK This is the season when your Stock and Poultry needs the closest attention. They need Medicine same as you da We have a complete line of Dr. LeGear’a Remedies, including Stock Powders, Worm Remedy, Poultry Powders and Lice Killer. You need some of these today. None better in the world. Send oa your Prescriptions. Everington's Drug Store THE SAN-TOX STORE FOR SALE The Land owned by the GREEN POND BRICK CO., will be sold at PUBLIC AUCTION, to tho highest bidder, at tho door of the Bank of Giboen, at 11 o’clock A. M., April 15th The lot contains 513-1# acres more or less, and mast be sold. Bor other dsfalh, call on or JAS. L. McNAIR 14*15 Lanrinbttrg, N. C. •l * ,y. » • -r+ •/ *.« •« ■ rniwp ;• •»•»> ■***■■— ' • — • ■•] Brothers it, N. C. Weakest neighbor? the tdOftlH on tka farm Is that It giro* companionship It brings yonr Irka fa fa you, taka* you fa thorn, no matter kow. .■ar away tkoy may Moo. H summons bofa fa an enter. ro«ey. Ittavttsecompanyfarthe.MrtfcJ !*T. wadding, aad other assnlvof orin door fa every homo. 4 that other great aJ»,1f,l,<*lltM BUSINESS. Dart hold bock any longer dreg a card today fa Gregg Bros. — mnwiltol no CM I. captain hoar very Mttle M ooets fa have this errvkr. W*st*r* Ehdrk TKLEPHONCS Bsw>n yea boat service.,

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