Local Notes. Let it do that job printing for yoa. Mumps, mumps, who's got ths wasps T Mr. P. C. McCormick mads a busi ness trip to Fairmont Friday. Mr. W. X. Peden, of Hoke codkity, •pent Friday la the city. Miss Do real Martin, of Salem, Vs. is the guest of bar sister, Mrs. Cecil ^Anford. Dr. J. W. WUcox. of Laurel Hill, arse a business visitor in Lanrinburg Monday. Mr. John Watson, of Riverton, was • business visitor to Lanrinburg Sat urday. Mr. C. L. Stubbs, of Laural Hill, was a pleasant visitor to this office Monday. Messrs. II. D. Gibson and J. J. Me * Hugh, of Gibson, wore Lanrinburg f visitors Saturday. Suppose are had waited another week to bold our County CemnMoco * mentT We regret to chronicle tbc illness of Mn. Fannie Neal, mother of Judge Walter H. Naal. Mias Fan Louisa Naal returned from a vtait to Now Berne ralatlrea Wedneodaj night. Mr. R K. L. Corral! spent several days the latter pert of the creek in Atlanta oo business. Dr W. T. Hsmdoo and Mr. E. T. McCall left Tuesday night on a busi ness trip to New York City. Mias Olivo Hogan will give a piano recital at ths Laurel Hill school house tomorrow, Friday night. Mr. 8. C. Lawrence, a prominent attorney of Lumbcrton, spent Friday ban oa legal business. Mrs.* J. Fred Oliver, of Hamer, 8. C.. visited her mother, Mrs. N. McN. Smith, here daring the past creek. Quite a number of Laurinburg citi sena hava visited Fayetteville this weak to sea the Birth of a Nation. Mr. W. D. B. McEachin is now mak ing heavy shipments of asparagus from his asparagus farm near town. Tbc Scotland Crate Co., is running full blast now making crates for the cantaloupe shipments that will come along later. Dr. Peter John left Tuesday morn ing for Durham where ho wont to at tend a meeting of tbc North Carolina Medical Society. Miaa Anna Meta Buchanan, who has been teaching at Teacbey, has re s turned to her home hare for the sum 's*”’ *Mr. J. 8. Mono, Superintendent of the State prison, who is a candidate . to ante sad Hon. B. R. Lacy as State Treasurer, was a Laurinburg visitor Sunday and Monday. Ws are requested to announce that Rev. E. A. Osborne, of Charlotte, will conduct services at the St. David's ■Episcopal church tomorrow, Friday, st 10:00 a. m. and at S:00 p. m. Mr. N. Hammond returned Friday uight from Atlanta, Gn., where ha Meat earlier in the week to carry taro .prisoners who had bean sentenced ia the Federal Coart to serve terms in the Federal prison la Atlanta. MV*. H. E. Gasgua and daughters, Misuse Sadia and Mabel Casque, and Mr. Henry Barry, of Marion, 8. CL, wara the Sunday guasta of Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Covington. Miss Badie Gaaque remained over for the week. Dr. W. G. Shaw, of Wag ram, and Mr. Arabia Watson, of Hake county, ws»e Laurinburg visitors Friday. Mr. Wafcaou cams to Laurinbvg to call his old time friend and neighbor, Mr. T. B. Bussell, wha has beau ea the sick liat far several months. Mr. 8. D. Fry, aged 58, of the Dick son Cotton Mill, died at hU home Moc lap morning at 8 o'clock and au buried at the city cemetery Monday afternoon at 4 o’clock. Tha funeral was conducted by Bar. Jamas Long, pastor of tha First Baptist church. Tha Lauriaboig friends of Mr. Hal Adams, of Monroe, sad they are legion, win be gratified to know that t ha la rapidly responding to treatment ha is receiving in a Richmond, Vi., hospital, and that bis health i* greatly t Improved- Mr. Adams • uttered a nervous breakdown soma weeks ago and foaid It nianaary to seek tha advice ami traahasnt ad specialists. Dr. /. L Qibesa journey sd up to ■Charlotte Thursday to wttnma a pro daction of tho Bottle Cry of Pane* Dr. Olboou was already a complete eonrert to a full preparednasa pro gram, but had ha not bean, ha aaya that ths picture to aa convincing of m attar aapreperedness, that ha woald have seam haaaa cured. Ha thinks ha would bare bought himself « rlBo, a award, a rapid fire gea, aa atrahlp, t battleship and four tarpada beats and tha weald have fata that ha wee net ready to son gat mad at UMif the apspieiee at the St Co eslia Music Club, Mias Gladys Beulah Powers, assisted by Miss Mary Wood berry Clarke, will render a ooetimed novelets* at the opera boose Friday sight. Mr. J. P. Troutman, of Concord, district manager and his staff of (laid men, ars in this territory recuperat ing the order at the Woodmen of ths World. They have op to this time, secured about seventy-live applica tions as a part of a clast for initia tion, which will bo held here at some near fator* data. At thin lima the entire class will be introduced to Um mysteries at tbs order by the prise winning crack team at both North and Booth Carolina. On this occa sion, the regimental band of tho 12th District will be hars. Mrs. Everett Entertains. Mrs. R. C. Everett vti boaters to the Elisabeth Browning Book Club and a number at invited guests Tues day afternoon. First came the program of the club, which consisted of reeding the min utes of the lest meeting, end this area followed by '‘Current Topics", which waa handled by Mite LSU Mc Lean. Then cem* the exchange at books. The club members and guests were then Introduced.to aa Raster game entitled, Easter Fashions, ar Whet WUI His Wife Wear. In this sacb contestant was required te guess the Fester costumes wore by tho wives of men of the different profession*. Ia this contest a number guessed ell answer* correctly end cut for the prise, a beautiful hand-made gift, which want to Him Lila MeLeau. Tbs guest prise, a dainty hand-mada towel, was won by Mrs. i. T. John. Aaelstad by 'Meedame* J. T. John. Alex Gragg and T. C. Everett, the Hostess served delightful refresh ments consisting of cream in the shape of Eaater llIHas, cake, crystal - ited fruits, followed by coffee aad wafer*. Csddsll-fitowart The Cedds 11-Stewart wedding was duly solemnised on tho afternoon at tho «th, Rev. Mr. Tbocspaon, pastor uf tho bride, officiating. I was not present on the happy occasion, but have the report from other members of tho family. Quite a large assem blage ware present la the purl or. which was beautifully decorated in forns aad white carnations. Under neath an arch composed uf similar material, tbs handsome young couple, attended by a brother of tha groom and sister of tha bride, Mr. Dougald Stewart and Miaa Kate Caddetl, stood while the words were being spoken which made them one. The wadding ■uareh was sweetly rendered under the efficient touch of Mice Mabel Cur rie. The bride, who la one of our bonniest lassies, waa costumed in a handaoroa traveling suit of blue cargo, with hat and accessories to match and carried a lovely bouquet of sweet pcea, while her sister. Miss Kate, was akgaatiy gowned In white sUk and lace end carried a bouquet of whit* carnations. Immediately after the ceremony, the young couple, seessa panied by several of their young rela tives, were driven In automobiles to Uuriaburg, where they took the train for a bridal trip. They arc now spend ing a few day* at tha hem* of Mr. D. M. Stewart, where last night, aa I un derstand, they ware t* recipients of a long and lively serenade given'them *y the young folks of the community. I must not neglect to state that assay handsome and useful presents war* received by thee* popular young peo pie, end the beet wishes of their many; Mends go with them to their new boss*.—“Aunt Becky" in Scottish Chief. LALOMKI. SALrVATRB AND MAKK8 YOU SICK. Acta Like Dynamite ea a glaggtafc User and Yaa Lana a Day’s Work. Tkare’i no reason why a parson should taka siekaaing, saliva ting cal oawi when M cants boys a large bot tle of Dodson’s Liver Tone- a perfect substitute for calomel. It Is a pleasant, vegetable liquid which win start your Avar Just as earely as calomel, but It doesn't make you tick and caa not salivate. Children and grown folks can taka Dodson’s Liver Teas, because it Is por fectly harmless. Calomel is a dangerous drug. It la mercury qnd attach? your bones. TUta a dose of nasty calomel today ■ad you will feel weak, sick and nans anted tomorrow. Don't loss a day's wsrk. Taka a spoonful of Dodson's IJvsr Tons Instead and you will wake np reeling great. No mors bilious ness, const!patio*, alaggiahness, heed aehe, coated tongas or sour stomach. Your druggist says If you don’t And Dodson's Liver Tows sets batter than horrible calomel your mousy is wait ing for you—Adv. BUSINESS LOCALS DESIRABLE HOUSE and lot on Church itroot for sale cheap* Hin ton Jamaa or W. 8. Dunbar. 6-tf FOR SALE—Bottling plant in good condition. Will Mil It a bargain for each ar exchange for late model Ford automobile ***» £« 82 | $52 $S$S 2:52:2 $25:2 $522 » 8-J52 ; » 1«* ! hum n,ex*aa* *4*3 ( 4t.4n 07 k^Sm | S.oSS J It! —•1-Li .... '■1 ■■”1 — ■ . •The "Average Coat par 11,000” Include* atom insurance. But for tbia fact the average would be very much lower. Tba memberahlp fee it not included In «eti mating the average coat for tba ytara 1908 aad 1908, which la one reaeon for ita being no low during thooe yeara. Medwatlea most W the watchword In off appreprlatlone. It does eeetn if w^ have readied oar lealth on Una lino. Wf Met be too etinjry In them, trot we, met ted. a happy mediant, white la alwaye between two oa by retina for ;■ A. D. Cunt*. Adv. A Ketch Higher. While the rcyreMxtativw of the Learie barf whom did oot win the de bate lest week at Chapel Rill, they ■raved Laartaburg one notch higher than It haa been before. The efllrw atlve fide, which area roprwcntwl by Mlaeee Kerr John ead Mary Fields, won not in the drat preUralwury end entered into the waoad wnteet In which the fowl debaters were teUet ed. 1w Utoii Harr. Or. TWntcn WWllnf, pratidont at CahaabU Tkcoloyleal Samhmry, Co lumbia, 8. C.. will lactam bar* at At txadad aekool awUtortaai Moaday nlCkt, Mb aabjact kafay •'TJncIa la MaaCaradtad tal4 Daya BfiSfciiSaai&SBt mstsui- uursnsrns