Every Ceni Y *u Spend Foolishly Is Banked By Some One V '■■■ 1 ■■■' ■ ■■■■■—■■ ■ ■ ■ —... WHY NOT BANK IT YOURSELF? IT IS YOUR MONEY SAVE IT! - ■•■■■!-' - * Start An Account With Us— We Witt Help You Save The State Bank 4 Chain * Tread » One of the Five United States Tire Show All Next Week AB next week we win have a .pedal of United State. * Balanced * Tbwe—the the. which fh. each lew coat par ada. Thia is your opportunity to make a first-hand •tody of United State. * Balanced * Urea, and to •fleam the atery of Uaftod Statea Tire itiawy. Thia U jrour opportunity to learn why the United Stetee The Company make, fire then —‘Chain,’ 'Nobby/ ‘Ueco,’ ‘Royal Cord,’ ‘Plain’-. *7tor ♦aary^nood of price aiduae-the only complete __ JDtep In. We can ahowjoe rani the eoauoaay, JOHN F. McNAIR ^IDEALS F0$ THE COUNTRY HOME” . PRIZE WINNING GRAMMAR SCHOOL ESSAY I BY MISS KKRTHA SANFORD OF ] LAU KIN BURG SCHOOL Medal Given By The Lanrinbnrg Exchange Than ia a very serious reipoala bility renting upon the mo there aad fatbera of ear to on try hornet It imm ao hard to keep the boya aad girls aatiafied on the farm; they oftea ge to the dtioa seeking opportanftUa. One of the vital questions of today ia, “liow can wt maka our mostly bom as ao attractive that tha young paopla will bo only too glad to remain." It ia certain that these ia something ia oeoatry Ufa that dev elope strong char acter* aad maka* liadirs of men. Therefore our national welfare da pasda apoa tha saastity and happineaa of country hawse. Ik la Mt ao math our duty to prepare ta fight for our country u It h to nwko theee rural district* a fit place to grow tha boat A heme ahould be thehoeae of tha heart end a lad aa tMl aa the body. There sraat he comfect, ttght, ohesr aad baaoty otaalderod in the ptawdag. Bat moet of all Christ ahould reign therein; fox Christianity ia tha crown ing blearing of tha home. artistic furnishings. Bam floors with a fnr rags are more bygeintc and re quire work than Boots with carp eta, for tho rugs stay bo easily clean ed and the wood-work kept free from dost. A fow good ptetursa, goad hooka, vs*aq of artist* design for flowen and plain, simple curtains an decorations eooagh for a living non. Bat ths furnisher should remember that colon mast harmteals* ao that the effect may be Mattel. . These ki flueneee may aeem unimportant but the wort of months and years prove that they help to aaoold womanhood and manhood; for beauty ha* mart to do with tho happiness of Ufa. That health, too, has mart to do with Ufo ha* been known ever since the Bret green apple waa so ten. Td stake a healthy animal requires a knowledge of the preparing and serving of wfcole somo, appetising food. As this fan* upon the mother tho should study this and carefully watch her child ten's diet. With all work there is noce^hrily some drudgery. But Um mother should bo saved from ell this possible so that she nay ham time to derate to proper training of Her children. Careful thought should bo given to ears bar steps. Fuel should bo kept convenient and water near at hand. The farmer should a*ail himself of all toe modem conveniences; too kitchen cabinet, for Instance, will save many unnecessary steps. ' The farmer should not bo ooatonted with joat successful crops but shirnM keep too ground around bis home free from rubbish. There Should bo gram planted on the lawn with shrubbery In the back-ground. A few flower* should be selected and well arranged. Rural Ufa >e mors .than eating, ■leaping and working for, “awn does not live by broad alone." It is my opinion that w«n planned recreation la aa vitally important to too srai far* of the country U it scientific farming. It la that terrible law mum anew «f the country that drive* eo many to the dtles. Therefore to every country conuaunity arrangements should be made to bring the country people to gether so that they may enjoy theas oehrua. la this day of telephones and automobiles it would be easy for tha young people to organise dramatic or literary clubs for their own mental improvement and pleasure of toe whole community. Domestic Science ! Club* for the girl*, corn duba for the boys and nature study claba for both should be greatly encouraged and would certainly give happiness to There is no reason why toe farmer should not have a good library and H certainly would be Instructive. Cir culating libraries and mags sine clubs would bring toe farmer into touch with toe outer world. All this would amice the country people, happier. Oh, if toe members of a country hams or district would only do their part, what a happy life it would be! For Hfe in the country should be and can be the moot complete Ufa possible to a human being. GENERAL NEWS A Brief Summary at Everywhere far Baay A Canaan submarine, said to ba bigger and speedier than any subma rine previously saaa and carying a crew at N man, is reported to bars appeared near Utaira, off tbo sopth waat coast of Norway. t V Howard Vena see, af CaotarrOla, fa-, baa a little rad ban, Clarica, by narai, which ha thinks is tha world's champion in tha aiHar of laying agga Ow each of 14 conaeoativa days, aaya Vannoas, Clarica laid two agga. Got. George W. P. Host, af Ari sons. has aakad tha War department for 1,000 turbines add SO >000 rounds of ammunition to arm tha "home guard" in border aatW—hi and town which have aakad protection. Gov. Hunt guarantees the safe return of tbo equipment. Whoa the young wife at a resident of Chicopee, Kan.,- had bad hack with a cake raeantly rim threw it to the chickens. The chickens died. A state food inspector waa called, apd be found that the wsmen had aMd Hit instead of eager. The inop after said the chicken* etc the cake end •Bad from thirst. John H. Betts purchased a team of mules in Long Beach, Cal, and, being nabh to hm Warn dsBvsrod to Ms farm, hftchodthe animate to front at the ear. At first ha nm at low gear, hot fearing ha might antagonize tha animals Into klakiag, he shot off tha power and made the mules poM the car beam. * BW*WI bo eanad am Ma iwootbodrt at I a. m., which Jadga WoUh immm ad • moat unacaaonaMa hour, Oaborn ltiddUo*. at Kaaaaa CKy, Mo., wao Bnod $i0. Riddling want ta eafl on Miaa NalHa Brown, 14 yaara aid. Mr*. Brown taatttod that bridling, wha to 4«, had broa paying attention ta bar (UughUT dnapOa tha roatharto appo int ant ctnrio«ity (mm mh cwzztng tha dratb at Carl P. Klaaimo, Jr. Uwaa-yaar old aoa of Mr. aari Mm. Carl P. K Ioanna, <rf Taaoma, Waah., whoa tha llttla fallow pm Ms month aaar tha aad of a ataamtag hattta. Tha Mris of tha «Mir« awath aari throat «ras aaakad by tha rtaaaa aari hattag watsr aad he tmmm aaar AahMg ta rind ... PmH Baird, of OanMharaaBa, Ma. am* aontaoaad ta aoraa yaara ta tha paaMaattary far ahaatf* lata a fta * e*nl cortege and wounding several persons last August As a wagon containing tha body of a child, with tha funeral attendants, was attempt ing to pasa through the young man’s oomfleld, ha remonstrated against what he celled a trespass and ba tike argument fixed into the vehicle. Ishi, last of the Yahi, stone-age tribe of Indiana which once flourished in California, east ef Sacramento, whose ‘‘discovery’* in 19U near Or ville, Cel., resulted in his adoption by the seven ta ef the Uuiresalty at Cali fornia as a valuable anthropologist acquisition, died a few days ego at tuberculosis, possibly brought on by the interruption of his wild, outdoor life. He was about 40 years eld. It east Grant Noll, e farmer ef Centerville, Pa., f« to shoot oae chicken belonging to a neighbor, Jacob P. Hconey. For some time Nell had been annoyed by Heaney's chickens roaming over his premises and protests being of no avail be re seated to the gun. Henitey brought a civil suit to recover the mine of the fowl. Te the actual worth at the chicken, tt cents, was sdded the coots of prosecution, which Noil paid. The West Virginia Equal Suffrage ossortatton. ht ha campaign for the suffrage amendment to bo voted on fa that state this fall, plans to eon vert the entire eoasmonwcalth into a huge yellow flower goatee. Seed hexes are being sent from state head quarters at Morgantown to til na she sead packets. Local sttflugs or gatdaaHana will off or prissa for the '-» a ««e a ._a i a dinner coating IIU a plate, eras given fa the HUtmore, New York city, a few eights ago fa hooor of Louts Wall irk by John Me*. Bowman and other hotelmea, to mark the etoea ef a aoeeeeafa! winter season. Bear faun refused to give out a menu or a Met ef the guests. It le said that when a dinner costs |IH a plate only e smell past at that amount fa spent on eats hi oe, desssutkms, ssuste, serv ice fand Honors being the principal 1 I tit READ THIS | WHEN HUNGRY Do you want tn «?rj-*T life tn the fulhat ? Eat Our Groceries. Do vrxi want to keep in the heat of health ? Eat Our Groceries. Do you want to keep expenses down ? Eat Our Groceries. - Bat our groceries oh general principles. Always a little better, a little out of the ordinary, a little cheaper, some* thing that pleases and satisfies hungry people. ! We hare a vast number of customers ail over this territory. They are steady customers because they like our goods. But we want YOU for a customer, toa Try our groceries next whan hungry. Our groceries produce healthy appetites. Healthy appetites indicate good health. Good health is essential to you. • Try our groceries next. You will like them. r You will come here again. They all da McLaurin & Shaw ’Phone No. 43 Laurinburg, North Carolina QUICK SERVICE Quick Service and Special Delivery enables you to get your Preeeription* end other Drug State Emergency Needs as well as regular goods In all departments with the least possible delay and many valuable minute* usually lost are here put to service in accomplishing results for both physician and pa tient. Whan required Prescriptions will be sent for, filled and de livered immediately. All orders for Emergency Needs, Sick and Sick Room Supplies have prompt and personal at tention. BLUE’S DRUG STORE Special Low Round Trip Rates VIA Seaboard Air Line Railway Co. *Tb« Progressive Railway of the Sooth." To Birmingham, Ala. Account Reunion United Confederate Veterans May 16—18th, 1916 Round Trip Rates As Follows Charlotte $ 8 06 Rockingham 9 9.76 Maxtor 910.86 Sanford 1118 Durham 11.90 Louisburg 1Z76 Monro* 8 96 Hamlet 10.06 laurinburg 10.40 Pitta boro 11.66 Oxford 12.55 NorUna 13.16 Wadeahoro 9.60 Lumherton 10.96 Aberdeen 10.60 Raleigh 12 00 Hendereoo 12 85 Warren Plain* 18 20 Tickets oe sale May 18th to 17th Inclusive and for train* •chadded to arrive in Birmingham before noon of May 18. . Final return limit May 88. Tickets can be extended until /one 14 by payment of 60e additional and depositing same with Special Agent, Joseph Riehardaon, oa or before May 25 For Pullman reservation# and further information as to rated etc., tall on your local Agent or add race, H. E. PLEASANTS, T. P. A. JOHN T. WEST. D. P. A, Wilmington, N. C. Raleigh. N. a JAMES KKR, JR.. T. P. A. Charlotte, N. C. Patronize Our Job Department.

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