■MWALLOW NMWB. Mm Ftutis Belcher haa ordered a pair at white stocking*, on account at tha war ia Europe. Xas Bartow ia thinking at Joining Mat away. Ha would make a good skis •sytffeMo to rt pto^U. Ih Smith who got mad aad left home forever a few days ago, bought a ■iriditng of moat yeetnrdey aad will start married life all over again. Tha dark la tho dry goods store at Ttckville has taken his spring and rammer stand ia the front door, whoro ha wfll bo pleased to meet his many friends aad customers, while ha play* with tha awning rope and stops tho girl# Hint pass by there for no other reason. Sidney Hocks, who swore off from all hia meanness tha first of tha year,' haa got so far behind with his *aaok» lng and cussing that K will take him several months to catch up. Our blacksmith, who ia non* other than Dock Hocks, says it’s easy for a preacher to keep his religion, having nothing else to do, but that if be had to shoo moles in fly time, he would have to swap places with the congre gation every week. Cricket Hicks says it looks tike everything is arranged about right. For Instance the on tor-eating season comas at tha earn* time of year that tha people begin to raise their win dow*. j CUb Hancock, who has bean rais ing n com crop on Muskrat Ridge every year, will plant it this n-»a in tho Gimlet croak bottoms, where he won’t be bothered with so many sug gestions from people who have been reading farm papers. The Blind Man reports business improving in his Mne. sad is figuring ea getting another tune for Ms hmd organ, and enlarging his tin cup. Miss Hostetler Hocks, who has done nearly everythin* else in the gategoey to attract attention, has now cot off the bottom of her skirt. 8im Flinders is having his chair bottomed, as he gets tired sitting on tha fence all tha time Allas Addresses School. Atlas Peek, who ranks next to the Wild Onion school teacher In tha way of brains, mads a talk before the scholars at the Wiki Onioa school hawse Friday evening, and dwelt at length on the possibilities of the im agination, which when analysed, means that when a person lots Us imagination run away with him bs leaves the straight and narrow road of truth and jumps tha fence into the field of doubt. During the coarse * be stated that his great-grandfather used to tell of a man who was several hundred times larger than anybody else, and was just as strong os he was Urge. There wss no house Mg enough for him, so he slept in a large ears—and then kia fast stuck out and got cold He said this man had a vary bad temper at times and whan he ate four or five steers for supper and they didn't agree with him during the. night, he would get up next morning out at aorta, and wohld go out and pull up several big trees by the roots, or upset a pond or two, and grab mulae by tha tail and alam than against tbs ground. But, on the other hand, whan be waa feel ing good be was in fine humor and aometfmea would laugh so tend ail tha neighbors thought it waa ap earth tpmke. Now, according to Atlas, this man was a great hand to do anything in his power for his friends, and it so happened one day that there wse an c*ea air meeting of the citizens to take up the project of straightening * r*r7 crooked creek, and after hear ing tha discussion of tha difficult problem, this large man got up and advised an of them to go home and go to hod, that when they got up the next morning the creak would be straight. And they all did as tha big man suggested, and tha Mg men went down to the mouth of tha creek aad caught hold ef that end of H sad gave it a Mg pull and the creek stretched out as straight as a string, tha talk of Atlas area enjoyed by all and was not doubted, ae ha is oae of the trustees. A CM4T WIT! OOt tfANH. m a Port momk. U»n that to fnp and stagnant paela. A faw awaken the ugh are ihmnijf in every eeas ■unity to ■sasurs tha rate at pro free* at which Una man are advanc ing. Libarality never killed a town. It «T public antaipciae ought to receive oubatantial encouragement. Whan jroa give a dollar towards Inproviag the town, you do not throw away you money, bat simply malts a good In vestment. Many people will not drink city water for fear of disease garaw, but the same people will clean their teeth in the water and think nothing of it. If there are germs in the water it ia Just as bad to usa It for cleaning your loath so it is to take It into your stomach. If a promoter tries to sell you stocks that will double in a year and promise to pay 10 par cent annual dividend, be assured that somebody is trying to make an easy living on your herd earned cash. Dost he a foot Lead that stock promoter to the front door and gently kick him over into tb# next county. Render, when you are preparing to come to town to do sosds trading Just pick up your horns paper, glance at the advertising rolamns and see who wants the trade. We guarantee they will save you money. The man who advertises certainly has inducements to offer you1 or be wouldn't ask you to call and aaa kirn before buying. When you went my article of taar. chendlse, buy it of a reputable home dealer, that the profit may remain to enrich the ooauannfty. Send your money abroad only for what yen can not purchase at home. Home talent, homa labor, horns industry, boms cap ital, and borne pleasure* are thing* to bo fostasud, encouraged and patron isad. A neighboring prcecber whose con gregation ware in the habit of twist ing round to see the late earner* broke the bed practice by announcing the lata arrivals by name: "Here comae Mr. Smith and daagktar; be 1* wear ing the eame cent he wore laet win ter, and the hat on* of those new •tmuner gauss hate with a flaming rod rose on top," and then goes on with his glowing account of heaven. Work la a great blessing. Yea can not eee how bat some day you will toy that you ware fortunate in yoar boyhood days because you were compelled to work. Because you can not get power to do thing* save by doing them. Look over the successful mon you know. Get their history. Nearly everyone was compelled to work in boyhood. They toughened their muecles by hard work and sharpened their brains by looking oat for themaelvas. Talk about the advantages of yoar town Instead of trying to figure up the disadvantages Speak of the bright side of year business in piece of the Imaginary dull side There U nothing goes without being propelled. You Injure yourself, your business •nd your town by getting into the damps. Whan your liver is oat of order go to the woods or seme other hiding place until you are better. The world looks blue to a man with a bad digestion. Oar* yourself first end then everything else will appear all right. The man who can see no good in his fellow-man ought to fall off this earth sad go to his place. Thera Is ■o gueea about where he ought to be and wham ha will 'go whoa ha leaves here. The milk of human kindness has soured in him, bis better nature has become perverted, his syea iavart ad and his whole moral bsing tuned awry. He has lest eoef1der.ee in men, ha* no real respect for women, looks an Ood as a tyrant and death as an eeeapa from thraUdom. He Is tee eowardly to destroy himself, too ab ject to be honorable, tee small intel lectually to bother about the weight ier problems of life, too contemptaMe to be noticed end too apt to Itvc o*t all hi* days. Such men may be —I the "gad flies of life," calculated to annoy their batten, foment strife, run discord, and briag misery on ■--- ’ .....r-.-.( Next Week Is Styleplus Week , : From Maine To California . • • . • ‘ - '\»z ,*.** #./. / We are the exclusive distributor* here. * ► Come to see our big display and personally find out what one of the great makers has accomplished by specializing on a suit that al ways sells at one nationally known price—the only one-prioed suit in America. Fine all wool fabrics, plus liberal band tdlorir^g, plus the drill of one of the great fashion artists. $17—no more, no less. Come to see Styleplus. You will be welcome without being asked to buy. Lonnie Hammond Everything In Men’s Furnishings. MUSTANL I For Sprains, Lameness, |1 Sores, Cuts. Rheumatism j| P*nttrate» and HoaU. j Stops Pain At Once For Man and Beast [j 2Se.90fc.pl. At AU DaWx [j LINIMENT Philip Bilrerate la. roetaurant keep* ar in New Brunswick, N. J., dropped doad while laachinc at a joke told by a customer. Death was due to heart failure. k POSITIVE STATEMENT BY A BIG BUSINESS MAI "Naaleet af Apparently Unlmpartant Caadltiawa Wreak* Many a Haaltliy Orewkip Saalnaae*’ W. •. ELKIN, JR. a prominent aruggt* or Atlanta. Qa~ M authority for tha above poettira orna ment. la azplalnlnic thla atamaaat bo aakad two qoaaUoua aad offarad aao If a arowtaj baaJtby baatuaaa tarna aad bavin* to ran down hoi, what la tha caadtttoa of tha awaoro baalthl Afoot alviirt, auoaually baa. What waa iita.Ont reuaa of kta poor haaUhf Counuvatten. Tf rooatlpatlon eauid hava baaa avatdad by taklaa Ramil OtdarUae oo «*teoaalIy. Tha? are a plaaaaat «aadr taMat laxative wUcb caa ba oaad by aaa, warn to or cMIdran wwh tha boat J. T. HELPS Women cooka an bainy atnployad In aaany kitchen* aad dapota la tha rear of tha /reeeh army. Thla la tha ftmt time woman hava boon admlttad to a aarvlea an intimately aaaociatad with ealdUrtny. 7 Bow** Thtaf PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS. State of North Care lino, Scotl&Bd County. In the Superior Court—Before the Clerk. To Buck trey. Vender Ivey, Mae leey, Lae Outline Armstrong, Hugh Fair ly] John W. McArthur, Jim MeAr> ugzr, Frank McArthur, James Fair end Ales Fairly: and each ef you will take no * an action entitled aa above i commenced in the Superior Scotland County, North for the purpose ef selling kion among the heirs at law i Fairly a certain tract of M -acres, mors or lees fully in deed from Alex McRae to DJU Fairly, recorded in the offio* of thlf Register of Deeds of Richmond County la book Q. Q. at page 4711; and mid rdefendants win further take no tice [that they and each of them are rsgidrsd to appear before the Clerk ef the Superior Coart of Scotland , Coahty at Ms office in Laurinburg, N. C., ftd Saturday. April 29th. 1916, at 10 d’clock a. m., and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the pUtxtig wtn apply to the Court tor the relief demanded is the complaint. This 3rd day ef April, 1916. C. D. licOORMlCK, (Seek Superior Court. 14-lT il——— Insurance Life; Fire. Health. Acci dent, and in feet any thing that ineuranoe in Buna. See ue. Lurinburf Agency Co. W. 8. DUNBAR, Sec.-SrcaB. FIRK INSURANCE JAB. U McNair, Anne T. H. HUNTER, Mtn*(«r. fell iW beet AomptnU*. Yaav b*4 MM wfU be ippitcbtid nd tirtfall] MOOCH OF DISSOLUTION. i 5:&88Se ( ta-u , Worn Oul? TAEX Cardui Tto Vaunt Tail an *- « - ■- —a-■ - mrV. oyiVSBUl WOOuft, sfcmoa kuna, Ky., MJ« "Before taking Cardui, I waa, at tiaee. ao weak 1 laN hardly walk. Md the lain ia my hack m* Known ; Llnotyp* Co, Jkw YoA/H. MAC CAMEBOM, AmoeUU Editor. vc, ;v FOR SALE Two Story Dwelling on Church street $3,750. One story, 6 Room Dwell* la* on Middleton Heigh to $1,575. Obo Building Lot 100 by 300 on Covington street $1,100. The shore property mast b» sold, and b goto* to bo sold cheep. If Toners interested see, LAURINBURG AGENCY COMPANY lasnrnnee nad Reel Estate HINTON JAMBS, Pm W. a DUNBAR, Set. ATme.

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