WOMEN OF fttE BIBLE } ' T' ' r r" | MONROE SNQUIBS Today st Abrs 3aM2.tss.3K ■aask of ted. «aa as* a asal nrtUt %2£SZ£iX5£.Zl ■»—«- -k. - • » a. %— mmt mam woim nW M •t H oat hates en aayte HB Wr a har>oo«. Ntedo ted And ttero I* Bath, the laeely Httto , A mao tea got a §0* . . tea heart eaght ta t^SaL1*#d’SrMte^Vte ~r~t ! . 1 Cm* aat ad tte window. She I i^ssrz sssarsl . aid* af had ia a mean woman. Joo eba» out gaaernled aB tte mea af ter day when.it tua to deads ad Mand ated sad eater high crimes end J«* Ad, tte *M pointed bonay.-ttm* to day and is driag ter dlaboHcai work, ■omiar or tote Ad J.»brt fall. and fa trad by horse* and tom by days watll Item to aotbtoyfoaad after bat ter ‘‘kknlt, ter feet aad tte palms of *r*T*?_** ** tkr#j*rt* * Jasebei ad *M warn tend outride tte ’ua. HM». M> u MO ted H«»* Matter, Mo***, had boon toft (a Ma ark ri todruehe* on tte ■MarWte Vefthfal. atort Httto Mir tern.** to with a* atm. Venator Mat ~tt*n ptoktoy tte*. The family dfj^teMtokOmtwmel to ^SjteMttto^W-wt'2 £ £ muVhm£ tte made an tte banka of tte rtaar MB* M Xgypt to too hay ay* was not ■••r* fakbfai in tte diaeterya af ter da* than waa tte Httto Miriam In tte bamhto Vatoa county home. Tte Brito mether, tte Uttto cldoat girl, who, aa.emplalatog, earn* for tte jLJr mm4.‘s^Zd t!^u tka banka *d the Nil* has Mt*m^ torpaat to away a team to tble toad today. wealth, tor Hft for tor pwpli. Esther to with m pit. Kto ■my put OB “gtod rags”. IPany of tham, and put on Jauabj until it took* Uka aha to b walking edvar ttoamant far • aitaing company, aad sto may waar eOk stockings urKk dol lar marks ail ovar to, aad iiik« aad toaaa and all that lingerie that we do aot asa aa mack of ia real Ufa, kto'toe s-ploaty oa tto pages of the fashion books; sto may rid* ia ban wagana aad kit too high gaaetaUy, kto wksn har eld man comes heaaa aaam day aad fella ia a heap, aad teito tor that to to dowa and cot— **baa>ir has Ut the oaOiag toad mmagk to go through the plastering— bands on his shoulders, lotto him' to *ks eyae, aad tolls him to toaaa up aadhaaana. Aad than to* gats out *f those -glad rag*," put. off that ■Ibl Stuff, soils it, gasa lata a tms 11 «r boos* aad baektoa down to week aad beipa tor huohaad to got on kto fast again. Esther Just nasds soma adversity, to be up against it, to meet bard times to stow what grit Sto is aad aka show* it, tarn Tea. many aa Esther ia ia this toad ad ours standing between tor hnsbaad aad rain Mary aad Martha ail* with as still. Mary who wasted to to with tto Mas ter aad Martha who would rather cook a dinner for him than to con verse with him. Mary has her coun terpart today to tto woman who waato to go to hear the preacher rath er than stay at bean* and cook hie din ner, aad Martha has her cauaterpart to the stay at tome old stater who wooid-rather gat «p « dinar for the preacher than to hear him preach any old tkto. WC IVUfQOUJW uunir— Tamar who bdmd that aha had not baas treated right, and her fathar-ta tew, Jadah. waa net giving tar a ' according to the manner i ad that day aad In Oat Now, If Tamar didn’t pat l*. after oil eld'Jadah, then 3k have road the thirty-eighth chapter of Gen esis wrong. If ever a nun had Us Upa completely.—wad ap and waa left ■Hoot la an laagaagaa that man waa Jadah when ha caaae oat. rolled hi* eye* toward hearts and made oat that ho waa ao righteoue that ha would ham a woman la hia household who mapped Slide from virtue's path bum ad tn death, and Tamar pttt ap as “Exhibit A” nbc bracelets, a xignet, ■ad • walking atick and calmly made HOW rtmarks about thmn being the property of the aothor at har trouble. Mr. Man. you any better* that Tn* mar will naffer and hear her <£ (grace ■hm«, you may thiak she wfll net «x ps- you, that aha win held her toagaa, but pan are mistaken, for one day yeu wtn find that wronged Tamar h— pat ap a walking attak. a signet ■lag and seme bracelets for pebtts ta V—tlou, although your same is am* ratal on Him Me, Tamar la net to suffer In alienee ahd you r, far net bearing to Thnethy, vir »yauoughttobe MP***-—Ijtaur gamtmothar. Into, tha^ooiTgrwwfamalhm mUt meC na wMi —. hama ssmmdrwa to tkto to the balance wheats la We*» me* tag Mm fast like the w—em on tbs banks of the Nila did ages ego Ihb day torn* facHeh 1—an is laying Ms hand on fat lap of some DaMak aad Delilah, as af old. is aaip kis walks mi and ia Ms telly. Isdal is eomswhere putting sp kor ms Manly and vtrtaaaa Hys for Jacob, lwr fotun bmbtodi to kbt—but tht Bwbn Jtcob do«i no* lift mp kia veiee aad wasp ilka old father Jacob did In that olden tint*. Lydia, the purple sailer, bney, beat* asm Whs Lydia, at work sailing deth. Asa did not let her exacting aad as satisfactory custom— knock her out ef leading a clean Christian Ufa. la stares fan-arable ia this land of aura the Lydias stand behind the counters selling purple ami other col ored doth. Lydia often has enough to rax her soul to desperation, but aha keeps her tamper, aadlao some times through tear-bringiug perptexi Um aad ia true to the Interacts af bar employer aad keeps faith with her customers. Yes, Lydia is with OS and to take her out cf the commercial life of the world would meea muck. Hagar want out from Ahruh—*■ tent, was driven oat to wander in the desert, aad by the hand aha lad Ish —el, Abash—*s son—aad hers. To day —«y a Qatar walks this old earth, heart-sore end weary, leading her illegitimate Iihmeei by the bead while fas father dwells fa dm teat of opulence and aits in the scat ef the mighty. Herod Us, the unspeakable Here dias, of whom no redeeming trait or virtue is recorded. She was a mur deress at heart. She did not have tha acrre to commit murder with her owa hands, bat aha whispered into the ear of her nimble-rooted, ooreupt hearted and weak.hnadoH daughter, Salome. and Salome got into the good graces of tha old libertine, Herod, and John the Baptist waa beheaded. Ton can read of Heredias in tha newspapers as well as U the Bible, and almost every daily paper yea rand has an account of how loet his life by the evil-hearted Heredias Tha Bible's aamalme ha* read howls oertdhv mission amt in Jerusalem, of the rpd light district was if be Wed and how those old hypocrites, tnttty as the devil himself, played I to tho crowd that their hands were clian and their garments were white dnd demanded that ehe be stoned to dedth. You have read how tha loving Christ, whan tha question as to what should bo deam with bar waa pat to bit, wrote upon the groand and calmly ■aid, “Let him that is without sin among you' east tho drat atone." Aad Too have read how dm oldest he-eto nar on that reform eowadttao gat ap and masked out aad how all tha not of them followed Kin) aad tha name tew woman and tha forgiving Christ were Uft alone, and Ha mid nato bar, "Go aad ate no mors." This day tea reform commission still Mb am. sioao and many aa old i, wanting to stud la r • that the — ho Monad aad ter dm rea ahova stated plays up to tea church folks that tea red light die Wet ha cleaned out. Btegteg down *he ages la tea rates of tho teadar aad compassionate Christ saying to tea naamlam amts, “Go, aad ate aa gtemgmf* ' «U*jr. tha mother af tha Chriat, wee tha Medal mother. «m fled with har little mb by eight, want tote a etranga lead, among people the am «f her race, hi aider ta aara tha Ufa af har ha by. Mary, tha mother af the Cta let; followed har aaa ia eptte of tha howling aad mntdorono mob, ia apfte af guarding aoMUra, throagh the atrwete of /eraaalaa ta that early dar^th^ weight af the me* upon friaada drarrtil end denied aad feil od ta play tha friend. Hi* matter •toad by Him ta all the three keen of death-agony. How the matter hraaad tha mob aad gaarda ta eider ta ha by har eon whom Ufa wee going oat by Haw aad agoaittm rnailw gy .** ■n^wtoad exaept by a MotMaart. The Mint «f Mary, tha amther af the Chriat Utm today la (ha heart af every traa aad derated Matter. Mo oaeritee M ta# great far hm to aMhe ia order to aeon the hfe «fjMreMd.JttM remlted that Mary, •••• d har aaa. Wa wfll write aad nrihbtt of roe that tatty year thatwejwfll hare to tJaarpoadeM draae on tte “Wwaen af tta Mtt* Such tobacco enjoyment as you never thought could be is yoora to ooxnmmnd quick aa you buy some Prince Albert and fire-up a pipe or a home-made cigarette! Prince Albert gives you every tobacco sat isfaction your smoke appetite ever hankered for. That’s because it’s made by a patented process that cute out rare ana parch! Prince Albert has always been sold without coupons or premiums. We prefer to give quality 1 WINCE AlBIRT thm national Joy tmoJtm 5Ei a£TX wS^ttar!' * y°“ "•w ft*d a» uk« anti _ _ Men wl»o think they can’t smoke a pipe or roll a ciga rette can smoke and will smoke If they use Prince Albert. And smokers who have not yet given P. A. a try out certainly have a big surprise and a lot of enjoyment ?mmg A^ir w*y *■ ■oon •* invest in a supply. Prince Albert tobacco wil] tell its own story I R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO, Winston-Salem, NL C [NEAREST NEIGHBOR? Oao groat mm of tho totophsos oa tho form to that It gtvm COMPANIONSHIP. H brings your friends to yon. 'aie» yoo to (has, ao matter how ■+* «way thoy may Hvo. Xoncy. BUSINESS . .. Don't hoM hock'any'loafor drop • cord today to Gregg Bros. UVrrtfjai - > rffj/ff/# Id/fw/Ak - - ■ ■ — -w Bow** This? V* )CwOh Haadrad Dtikn *• ward Car u* eaaa »f Catarrh that taw •at ha aarad tor Hui’v Catarrh Cara. KaU a catarrh car* baa haaa urn hr aatarrh aaCarara Cor Ihr put thirty «tora raara, a ad haa baaam* MHWtoWjM HOT rtHitto raw i tty far Catarrh KJfi Catarru Out aeta thra tha mil aa uw xsoana laiAaw as* ■miay tha >Haon from tha Btead aad MUM tha wimt aarttaaa. Altar yaa har* tahaa K»U * OaOTrrh Cbm Car a ahart uwa you will aa* a USE INSURANCE iitL. aw KHrStnnn. Mlwkw •majllb. 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