atthc. ~J HONE5T Dealing did it. WE ARE PROUD OF OUR. SUCCESS IJe&soi-vcD TfccToPoFTHc Ladder MEANS5UDCESS. SOAT PEOPLE ARETOOLISH ENOUGH T6THINK that Success is an ACCIDENT VECtoT OURS BLOWING GOOD WE ARE CONDUCTING A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS AND WE KNOW WHY. WE ARE ON THE JOB. WHEN WE BUY, WE BUY THE GOODS OUR CUSTO MERS WANT. WHEN WE SELL, WE CHARGE THE PRICE OUR CUSTOMERS WANT. WE TRY OUR BEST TO BE PREPARED FOR ANY NEED oF OUR PATRONS. THAT'S WHY WE ARE SUCCESSFUL. WE ARE RUNNING OUR BUSINESS, IT IS NOT RUNNING ITSELF. WE ARE PROUD or OUR BUSI NESS AND OUR PATRONS. > PLANTERS TRADING CO. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY THE PROGRESSIVE RAILWAY OK THE SOUTH Schedule Effective April 16th. Train* Leaving Laurinburg No/19—8:25 A. M. Local for Hamlet, Charlotte and all in termediate pointa-Through Sleeper Wilmington to Charlotte. Open for paaeengen at Wilmington at 10 P. M. No. 18—7:27 P. M. Local for Hamlet, Charlotte, and all In termediate pointa,—Connecting at Hamlet for all points North. South and South West Pullma® Parlor Car WQ mington to Charlotte. No. 20—8:35 P. M. Local for Wilmington and all intermediate points.—Through Sleeper Charlotte to Wilmington. Passengers may remain in Sleeper until 7 A. M. No. 14—9:07 A. H. Local for Wilmington and ail intermediate points,-Pullman Parlor Car Charlotte to Wilmington. For additional Information, as to rates, schedules, or re servations, call on local agent or write the undersigned: J. Watson, Agent H. E. Pleasants, T. P. A. Laurinburg, N. C. Wilmington, N. C. John T. West, D. P. A. Raleigh, N. C. Mogul 8-16 Price Announcement The Real Kerosene Tractor i made and bona fide orders taken tip to April xnt will be filkJ at the present price of $67$ cash f. o. b. Chicago. *» Pp« y°« »hcad of time on the coming change. jyj?1 G-13. wrou know i* the famous tractor that has cut fee! costs s^uarciyln half—operates on cheap, common *enjM<..« or c«*l ofl—doesn’t bavo to be the highest grade mtber. U r«ev-o Jor itself in the saving over gasolines That | is why the rir-o in price —necessary because cost of nnr aaatcr^fc nrerhen So high —is of minor importance. . ■sor'd *1 o fa caving eod malting profit on thousands of fam* oi a!1 my.'A. It will do much more for yon than your borne- can, Ciot H ;-oor order bow—be ready for spring 1 work, boe the Ufcu«r who sells the Mogad bis. fctera-^c^ JarvyUrCampaby of bwki a <l**"**" TSsSC.rul S-1S harasses trssSsr Is ssli tg. JNO. F. McNAtR. Lnurinburg, N. C. Z. V. PATS, Laurel Hill. N. C. end Ol son, N. G. J. T. JOHNS CO.. Johns. N. C. TUB WIDE WORLD. Happening* Throughout tbs World Teld ta Brief. Garaan military experts aatiaata that there ar* 800,000 milrs of barbed wire entanglements on 1,800 milos of battle front in Europe. The revenue from the famous hobo hotel In Palo Alto, Cal., this winter excoadwl $500. 11m guests in the hut el raised potatoes and chopped wood for their daily bread and lodging. Louis C. Walltek gave a dinner In the presidential suite of the BeW mors hotel in New York city in honor of John H. E. Bowman and Jid other hotel men at which each plats cost *150. Mrs. Msry Hsberaan, of Portland, Ora., stormed ths courts with a bat tery of nino lawyers to recover an old ben and II chickens from John Hart of fores him U pay *10. lisrt was defended by two lawyer* and loat. Georgs W. Peek, author, editor and formerly governor of Wisconsin, is dead in Milwaukee. Mr. Peek mads himself famous with “Peck’s Bad Boy.” He was 76 yean of aga and' was prominent as a sportsman. The Turkish government has an nounced that one of her submarines torpedoed the Russian hospital ship Portugal In tha Black aaa last month. The Turkish commander, it is stated, mistook ths Portugal for aa army transport. Yoddl* Schwartz, aged M years, and lira. Sarah GanDont, agad 58, wara united in starring* three weak* aftar the death ot his first wife. Schwarts is s Jew and declare* that his religion would not allow him to spend th* Passover without a wife. Pedometers worn by the senior girts in tbs domestic seisoee department of the Kan**. State Agricultural col lage is the latest plan of tb* depart ment to determine bow many -twitis aery steps th* girls Uk* in th* kitch en while preparing meals. Th* girl* who serve in th* dining room alto will woar pedometers In Munich, Germany, the police have been authoriaad to act as censors of women’s dress, and have been or dered to arrest all women who are dressed loo conspicuously. The first victim of those instructions was a young girl who eras on her way to meet an officer. She was taken to a police station snd compelled, accord ing to reports, to wipe the powder and rouge from her face. While Chariee Brown, a boy of Weflahoro, Pa., was fishing near town, he found something on the and of his book that looked like a Ussard.' H# pulled in Ms line for further exami nation and found a tightly rolled gen uine $1 bill. Since that time th* bank below the Iron bridge where this specimen of piscatorial long grew waa fished out has been lined with boys daily, trying their luck. John Melin, the Swedish Innkeeper st Sleepy Hollow, N. Y.. who owned s plot across from the entrance to John D. Rockefeller's estate and reftmed to sell to the oil magnate, died fat tb* almshouse at Tnrrytown. Hia prop erty and business dwindled sway after he opened his fight. Rockefeller 1*. suing an order forbidding his tenant* to frequent Helm’s tavern. Compell ed to sell hi* place, H waa purchased by a* agent who subsequently dis posed of it to Rockefeller John D. Rockefeller Is a God-fsar Ing man, according to the Rev. BUly Sunday, who, in an address at Balti ■*°**» MtL, characterised Job as the Vanderbilt, Rockefeller *nd Carnegie of hie day. “I have aever asst John D. Rockefeller,” he said, -but I have always admired the way ha stood •qunrUy by Jesus and that’s a lot mors than other rich ducks can say for themselves. John D. has never wanted anything from me, and I don’t want anything from him, but my hat is off to him because, rich aa he is, he has always done the right thing by God.” Tea Um Of tooeet TaU. Here arc ten Um which are often heard, ^wording to the amiable Mr. Annanlax, of the Universe: Vee, we’re out, but we’re foot order ed a lot. I didn’t care anythin* about the "oney—It wae the principle of the thin* I’d Juet liked to hare been Hi hie place. I’d have xhowa ’em. If I had that woman for a little while I’d toaeh her a fow thing*. • If I’d catch a kid of mine at a thine like that I’d blietor him. if I Juet bad a little money I know where 1 could go out and make a pile. I never would care to be rich; Juet comfortably Axed. My wife and I have ooror exchang ed a crone word. If you deal think it’s a Rood thin* for you, I don't want yen to do It rre never earn such weather be fore.—Exchange. FRKAK NEWS. OU mad Curl mm Happmdag Thrac*h •ut the Couatry. Ufa and death cam* hand hi hand the other day me the home at John Gsbrfih, at Shamokia, Pa., when John • three-year-old ami, died at the same momeat a baby girt wr. born William Coaler declared that bia wife wan too affectionate following hi* arroat in New Brunswick. N. J„ un a charge at deserting hit wife and fkpiug with Mn. Alice Monroe, of M*w Karen, Conn. I*at Plnming, of Wcbbaboroi^h, Gt-, taya ho has the BMt aceorap ■ Irhad mole In the country. Ha de clares hie mule ean unlock the corn crib door, taka the lock clasp oat of tbs staple, open the door «nd fhttfk I die corn for dinner. A 40-mile gala that recently swept ocar Baltimore, Md., and Chesapeake bey, blew Sophia Dover, tea years old, i and bar younger titter, Lillies, who »»ro roller skating, Into an autoeao Ml* Sophia’s neck was broken and her slater was badly hurt. O. P. Millard, manager of the lew* Railway and Ught company, at Mea. taur, la., fall (men a pale wbaa he re ceived a shock at 88,000 volts of elec tricity and will live. His wife, who waa standing nearby watching him work, dropped dead when aha saw bar husband fall, believing that ho had baa* killed. Owning a drink, Richard Noah, a maehhuat at tfaa Baltin ora »nd Ohio «hopa la Cotmallivllle, Pm, recently clinbad into an angina aad ran It half a mile, aklr-.wiping a freight ear cn »«•, to a point near a saloon. Than ha ordered Ida drink. Shortly after ward ha waa placed under arrest for "malieieas injury to u railroad.” Twenty-four hat. a year was the record aetahliihrd by Mrs. Pauline Pfingateo, of Milwaukee, during the j let* years of bar hueband'a prosperity, according to Uetiaooy given by John. H. POngeten, in hia Jivorce action. Whan ho objected to paying $06 for f*« h**. h* #«id, «he retorted by til ing Mm that it coat no more than one motor ear tire. Raymond Pearl, biologist at the Maine Agricultural Expert station, baa completed a scries at experiments which Indicate that "stewed” hens produce more eggs then thorn who do not rowel in the delights of alcohol. Pearl further claims that the eggs I from nUbbolic hene yielded better chicks when hatched than did those of chair more seriate coop —e»« jUP hiring 992,000 alimony to hie U years, William 8 Lhrteg. •ton, 80 years old, of New York city, isa asked the Supreme court to light* wi the annual burden of $4300. Liv ingston has re-married sad has sev »rr children. "Last year," he mid “my income wsa $6300, and after pay’ my farmer writ $4300 1 hod bat left with which to support my. •elf and my second family." Two-year-old Samoa! Wsndoaff re cently fall four stories to the yard of Us Naw York city home, breaking •rrsral clotheslines on his way sod landing on the turf as lightly sa a dress acrobat. His mother, who mw Um tumble from the window, fainted. Upon being revived, Mrs. Wandou9 beard a physician remark that he MuUnt find anything the matter with Barnaul bat a few scratches, sad ttom wure several days old. Pmnds Short and Elsie Reineskin, » pair of midget* with a Mg eircue, wure united in marriage in New Yerk city. A giant six dmm the sise of the bridegroom Was bait man and tha btidacnm* only to tha knee of tha brMsaomM, a gientam Tha witaaas was the douhlo-hodied man who walks on on* pair of legs. Clam eaten, •word swallowers, long-whiskered naan, bearded ladies, Circassian girts, ways and a few undistinguished by unusual physical characteristics oongratulated tbs newlywed*. Tha ftoem ia a 72 pounder and the bride weighs 09. **»*eond Watkins and a friend w*f* Wh| on a comer fat Honnilh, Pa . whan Watkins bat 91 that ha woald kiaa tha first girt that paaaad •dm. A few minutes later K» trfla Etanten, 19 and a nsgress, tarn >d tha forner. using sideways iota *• *daaat. Watkins made good his hot bp seising tha girl and planting a kies on her cheek. HiJt Estolla did not propose to 1st tha matter rest. Bbe called a oop, canted tha ament of Wattoa and healed him before Alder man Hahn. The facta were explained •• th* judge, who saw tha humor of iho lacideak and lot Watkins off far M M so that he was Just W.60 behind s/tor estloeting the bet. Mora than 100 rats aro bring used ha Use Agricultural college of the ITnivsrattp of Wisconsla bp Prof. E. V. McCollum to discover the Meal food that will make paeplo live tha meat •AoMat Uvea and grow at the beat paactleal rata. Da hat bean at wark * the experiment for seven pears acM has discovered tha pesfeet food, with the axe apt lan of two unknown tew poxnda ( Re»v * *n {mrortant fart: nor .half ©r all the mm on American M<rhw*v« are Ford* Because Ford E^'f^” t*. berfnnlo* Ercry F, rd owner fa. . F.*d hooker. for the car ^necfa'fon. CnnaMer the record of the Ford first and rou won't look further when Too hoy Runs boot *890; Toorlne Car 8440 Coupelet *6J*0; Town Cer 4640; Sedan 1740. All pncca 1. o. b. Detroit. Oa aaic at Mercantile A Machine Company - Uurel Hill. N. C. • ■" *• »•••* v - *.*'£$ A Bank With The Strength Of Tempered Steel The soundness of thin tank it enhanced by the eon servtdve policy porauad by ita officers la the —frfrtg of loans. It therefore becomes the safest of ad plaees for the care of your ssrings, upoo which U pays interest at the rats of 4 per cent per «■»««■» This beak invites yon to become one of its rapidly growing family of patrons, and offers you every facility consistent with safe, sound and conservative banking. SCOTLAND COUNTY SAVINGS BANK Laurinburg, North Carolina DO YOU PAY YOUR BILLS BY CHECK? And thus have a record of each and every amooat expended together with a receipt for the amount paid ? If not, yoo need a cheeking account with this bank. It is the safest way. the mo* convenient and aatfafietory method of trans acting an business payments. Ws will be pleased to have you make this beak your place of deposit. Respectfully, First National Bank Iduirinbui; N. C. Money Loaned On Farms I make long time loans oa Improved Farm lands la Hoke and Scotland Counties to respon sible parties. Write and get nqr rates and tanas bates placing your loan. , No application rn—Irtered for lass than Mooo. oe. A. T. McLEAN, Manager _LUMBERTON, N. C. I FOR SALE 8 One vertical or upright 6 horse pom Steam En gine. One 2 hone pom Gasoline Engine. We also furnish wagon teams for Pubtk Hire. W. P. EVANS TImm 12-J and M Wood .nd God Y.rd Ofllce.

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